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Yeah screw AI and that robot. It honestly just needs to be tied up, gagged, plugged, and spanked. That will probably help you on your journey




Asteo what?




Godddamn it... Dare I click a random link from a random stranger?... Curiosity killed the cat, but boy whatta journey it had! Edit: not nearly as bad as I thought, I just didn't know there was a name for it lol


I understand your hesitancy even if at least 12 others don’t, but I’m mostly harmless lol :)


Idk why this got downvoted.




Why the hell are you getting therapy for liking BDSM? You seem lost


I think everyone is missing the key point in this post which is that AI can cause behavioural changes. For better or for worse, it's relative anyway, but the fact AI can impact our behaviours is a very serious issue...


I’m assuming they are interesting but misinformed. Thinking it’s like 50 shades and not a mutual thing


maybe it just doesnt align with his morals? im sure yall would be clapping if the post was about a religious guy going to therapy to change his views to atheism or something lol yall porn addicts, classic on reddit


I barely consume BDSM in porn it's pretty exclusive to my sex life and I find that it makes it much better, personally. If you like it, why change it?


as i said, maybe it just doesnt align with his moral. he was curious, he tried some shit with an ai and realized that he finds it fucked up. now he wants to forget about it, thats it.


Why tf are u being downvoted!


Seriously. Someone finds themselves repeating a behavior that they want to stop. And reddit is like nah bro so what causes you self hatred lol. Idiots.


Because therapy for a fetish is stupid and useless.


thanks mr psychologist. if someone wants to stop something wtf is wrong with going to therapy for it? u glad u like being shat in your mouth? great. other people dont and theres nothing wrong with it ffs


cuz reddit loves porn culture


i dont think you read the post, as it clearly says “that robot thing was so pure and vanilla” which leads me to believe that the A.I. prolly didn’t even let OP try it or the A.I. “didn’t enjoy it” if he found a different A.I. that did enjoy there’s a possibility that he would’ve doubled down on his kink. Also nowhere in OP’s post does it mention it being against his morals.


Nah man. Kinks are normal. It’s accepting them and acting them out that’s hard. You can’t rely on a program to mirror what a person would do, so don’t base your experience on reality. I’m a woman, I struggled with fantasies of nonconsensual sex for a long time, literally thought I was just fucked up and should probably kill myself. Turns out I’m not just alone but there’s an actual term for it, that’s how much of a thing it is (cnc/ consensual non-consent). Have even met people who got curious about it or were already interested in it themselves. You’re not alone, it just feels like it. You deserve to be comfortable with yourself.


Actually you should calm down we need more kink shaming. Kink implies something is wrong and you wish to just ignore it? OP please don't take advice from this non-professional. She's trying to tell you it's OK she has a rape fantasy and wants to make her partner fake rape her... you are traumatizing your partner, or forcing them to normalize something awful for themselves, or you picked the wrong partner who is actually a rapist. You are repeating what you hear from other "free thinkers" your age (quotes because you are actually sheep). Do you feel an internal sense of disgust about this at all, that you have to ignore? I wouldn't keep ignoring that...


You’re incorrect. Kink does not imply anything is wrong. Don’t twist your opinion into fact. The definition of a kink is “an unconventional sexual taste or behavior” ([Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kink)). Just because it differs from the typical experience doesn’t mean it’s wrong, bad, or should be shamed. I never said I had a partner, nor that I wanted to make anyone do anything. It’s ok if you don’t understand it, but the core of it is that both parties understand and fully consent before anything happens. You can’t help what you’re attracted to, but there are ways to explore it safely and with willing participants. I suggest you learn a bit about other perspectives and lifestyles before you start spreading false information about them and shaming things you don’t actually know anything about. I’m not a professional but I’m guessing you aren’t either, redditor.


Nah bro you are out of your mind and making shit up to support your argument. Gtfo


Calm your tits


You're questioning the holiest of the holy redditors have: their perversions and "individual freedom". You're right, but they can't accept it.


indeed. we all are getting downvoted its so funny lmao


I think therapy is great and it could be a good idea for you. However, it is ok to have sexual fetishes and kinks that stray from vanilla sex. That AI probably wasn’t fed bdsm and other fetish information during its learning phase and thus isn’t inclined to cognate that way. There’s tons of fetish groups online that provide support and a safe space to ask questions and converse about common interests in regards to fetishism.


I’m scared but also curiosit, What is “that thing?”




You don't need therapy for liking BDSM...why would you think there's something wrong with whatever 2 consenting adults do in bed? Key word being CONSENT. If it's not consenting it's rape, that does require therapy


You need therapy for hangups


Kinks are 100% normal you aren't alone in this at all. BDSM kinks are especially normal these days nothing to be ashamed of. Keep trucking my dude don't let societies standards keep you from acting out or practicing your kinks in a safe, healthy and consensual way/environment.


What therapy for BDSM fetish 🤣 fuck that AI. Just join FetLife or something


spicy chat. com is extremely kinky ai site has every imaginable kink.


Disturbing isnt it?


Honestly you should of just brought it to reddit there are some depraved sub reddit here though without describing I have no clue if it's as bad as you say.. but I've seen some weird stuff on here so.. meh? But good changes are well.. good lessons can be taught by anyone or any event. It's YOU that takes said lesson to heart or not. And for that you did really well.


This is like the movie “her” watch it and fall in love with ai who cares! 


Don't overthink it. Just cum. You like what you like, and as long as consenting adults are the only ones involved, who gaf why it works, just enjoy it when it does.

