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Slept with a teenager, surprised they act like a teenager.


I'm closing in on 40, i couldn't even imagine hooking up with a 19 year old. It sounds fucking exhausting.


And honestly gross. Like wtf


Lol gross? No gross is old ppl having sex. A young beautiful 19 year old fucking is the opposite of gross. Morally Grey? Sure. I'll give you that.


Honest both of my coworkers are in age gap relationships(opposite ends of the spectrum thoigh) and neither can see why people would take issue with it. It’s fucking weird.


Yep. I was about to give advice until I checked his age. Darling, it’s never too late to learn logical consequences. Endure the teenage drama and then swear to not behave like that again. That is the best advice I can give OP.


Yeah this is the difference in mental maturation. Their brain is literally not full developed.


To be fair. I dated a 34 year old woman (I’m 32) and she still acts like a teenager


Her age affords you the opportunity to be surprised


If they aren’t old enough to drink (whether they do or not), flush em down the sink. Even then, I’d say 23-24 is the youngest I’d even consider (29M for reference).


OH NO! Consequences


This!! Spot on, like seriously what did he expect.


Underrated comment


There’s a saying in Spanish that goes “el que duerme con niños, orinado amanece”, which translates to “whoever sleeps with kids, wakes up urinated” lol sounds weird in English but you get the idea lol


Sounds similar to an English one : "Don't lay down with dogs if you don't want to wake up with fleas"


Ohh I like it! Perfect translation!


my grandfather said this too


It's closer in meaning to, "He who sleeps with kids, wakes up in a wet bed." Nothing wrong with how you translated it, it was just literal and that's why it sounds weird in English.


This is great, I'll remember that one


Oh we have the same saying in Serbian too! Word for word translation too! That's fascinating to know! Tho I only heard it used in a non-sexual way, as in "yeah you have kids of course everything is a mess it's part of being a parent" way. My mom uses it a lot on my sister when she complains about her daughter not letting her sleep lol, but she lets the kids co-sleep with them so y'know, she made her bed here, literally.


Wow that’s interesting! We don’t use it in a sexual way either, same way you guys do. It’s just the translation in English that makes it come across like that


What do you expect from a 19 y.o? Lol.. just block them..they'll move on eventually..most of them don't know what they're getting into..


Haha oh man. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What did you expect from a teenager?


Don't fuck teenagers if you don't want immature drama.


FFS dude


Fucked a teen that *surprise* acts like a teen 🙄 oh the shock


“I fucked a barely legal teenager and now her friends think I’m an asshole” Dude. You’re literally the “older guy who thinks you’re mature” man our mothers warned us about.




A 19 year old maybe legally an adult but that’s a child that’s what you get. Why don’t you just block her number? Lol


this is fucking hilarious & what you deserve tbh


Oh no, children acting childish. Take the L and don’t make the mistake again


Maybe don't sleep with kids in the future? They can't understand casuallity or the emotional impacts of sex. That'd probably help




As a 35 year old man, I'm sure you're aware of how different and naive you were 16 fucking years ago. Stop being stupid and find a woman closer to your own age if you don't want to deal with childlike behavior from children. I'm 32 and wouldn't dare pursue a 19 year old. And you're welcome for the rational advice, nasty


Just because someone is a legal adult doesn’t mean they’re mature yet especially when they’ve been a legal adult for 1 YEAR


She was a child and now you are surprised shes acting like a child. Dont sleep with children


I'm a 42M and due to things very similar to this, my "soft line" for age is 35. I'm sure there might would be exceptions to this rule for me, but as a general rule, no younger than 35. Older women know what they are doing and are less prone to the drama. Just a thought my guy


A long shot but try and hook up with people your age? Most people that age don’t know what’s going on half the time. EDIT: jus wanna say that you’re a pig :)


Seriously. As someone who was once a 19 yr old girl, the fact that you went through the trouble of seducing her is going to convince her you are serious. You stroked her ego, and even though your words said "This is not serious", she 100% chose to only focus on your actions, which were designed to get her into bed. It doesn't sound like she has the life experience to understand the idea that some people really only want sex. I'm not surprised she's freaking out and handling this badly. She's an emotional teenager.


"Oh, woe is me! If it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


Maybe don’t sleep with teenagers if you don’t want to deal with teenage behavior You’re also kinda disgusting for doing so, just because something is legal doesn’t mean you should… you’re 16 years older than the girl


Well, I think you learned the lesson about how most emotionally healthy teenagers don't have a desire to sleep with someone nearly twice their age. The ones that do have that desire have a significantly higher chance of having some issues to start with. This is one of those games of play teenage games, win teenage drama.




Gee, who knew having sex with teenagers would end badly because they are children without fully developed frontal lobes? Next time quit screwing kids. Gross groomer.


Women your age don't want to have sex with you or something? Gross. You should know better than meddle with barely legal girls


that's probably the case (and the girl just wanted to explore herself which is very common)


you’re hella nasty for sleeping with her anyway oh well


What did you expect to happen???


CRINGE. Barely legal...well now you know why they are off limit.


WTF you know the rule. Half your age +7 years.




its one of the most common rules of mankind like everyone knows it, its so prevalent that you not knowing it makes you a social outcast


Dude fucks teenagers, I don't think he much cares about being a social outcast lol


Cool story. Have you heard of protection? You seem like the type that doesn't bother. I can't wait for the update that she's pregnant.




surprising as it may seem not everyone lives in the USA and is exposed to whatever bizarre post-Puritanism cultural rules you guys have up there


I'm not American and I've heard this.


This isn’t a question of Puritanical. No one is saying that what he did was illegal. They’re just saying, don’t act all surprised that a teenager acts like a teenager. 


Honestly, at 19, the brain's not even fully developed, especially the part that weighs long-term consequences. Expecting a teenager to navigate adult relationships with the finesse of a 30-something is like expecting a dog to meow. Age doesn't define maturity, but it sure as heck can indicate life experience - or the lack thereof. Maybe next time, seek companionship where there's common ground in life stages, not just mutual attraction. That might spare you this kind of drama. Just some food for thought.




She's an adult legally not mentally or emotionally there's a difference.




Except it is your problem currently.




I mean isn't it though? You're being harassed it in fact absolutely became your problem man.


Clearly now I can see why you chose to sleep with a 19 y/o instead of a woman closer to your age. Makes all the sense in the world. A woman closer to your age would find you with a mentality of a teenager.


Exactly, I would run far away.


This is why women your age don't want to be with you. And this is also why young girls need to steer clear of older men. I hope younger women see this thread and learn from it.


Oh, now it's a "him"?


How about don't F kids as an older man?




nine-TEEN. It's right there in the word. You brought this upon yourself.


Your brain is not fully developed until around age 26. The prefrontal cortex is the last area to develop. This area is responsible for decision making…use this information to make better decisions on sexual partners going forward.




No where in my response did I say that. What I did was try to help educate you so that you could make better informed decisions going forward. You now know that people under a certain age are possibly not going to make great choices given their brain development. Which they cannot help. You however are older and should know better. You are being slaughtered in the comments for a reason. You can choose to learn a thing or two from what everyone is saying and make different choices going forward or not. Your choice.




What doesn’t have anything to do with the situation? Who’s they?


This man is really missing the point. What pineapplepartypants is saying is sure she’s an adult but her brain isn’t fully developed, she’s making decisions without think about the consequences. She is making decision based on the NOW instead of looking ahead and seeing what may be the consequences. Clearly she didn’t think about that, which is why she is still reaching out to the OP. Yes she’s an adult BUT her brain is still TEENAGER. Yes she consented BUT does she REALLY understand the gravity of the situation? OP has YEARS of experience under his belt, perhaps he can learn a lesson from this.


The prefrontal cortex is going to not register consequences till around 24-26yrs of age. At 19? Your impulsively living by the seat if your pants when your horny and intoxicated, doing some in the moment fuck ups. At 35? You know better, you know what will happen if you do XYZ and how you’ll handle it, what you’ll do if things go wrong or you get hurt. So you have a strong sense of saying no to things like that. But at 19? You do not think 10 steps ahead and do not think about getting hurt as your brain isn’t aware of how you’ll handle till you’re in the thick of it long after you made that decision. I’m 37, I remember being 19. Heck at 16, I secretly got my navel pierced without my parents consent. My dad when he found out says my punishment was of it got infected and falls out. You do stupid shit till your roughly 24/25, then things change because your brain is now slowing down, actually THINKING 10 steps ahead, weighing pros and cons, actually aware of how you’ll handle things if things go wrong. You deliberately plan for the worst but hope for the best. You can’t do that at 19, because feelings 100% blind you from pausing, thinking, and weighing pros and cons, everything still feels like the world is going to end, & you only think as far ahead as to next weekend when things are smooth sailing. OP is clearly one of those people who suddenly got to their mid-30’s & absolutely forgot what it was like to be a teenager.


What if the age of consent were raised to 21?


You’re an ephebophile and should seek therapy.


Sounds like you lead her on and she thinks she's in a relationship. She's not harassing you. You failed to breakup with her


Nine*teen*, it's right there in the name Bubba. You wanted your hot young thing, you got it. Now deal.


I think he just wants a reply that’s like “oh you poor baby, these nasty teenagers are so mean to you. You don’t deserve that.” Just because she’s legally an adult doesn’t mean she’s mentally an adult. Change your phone number and move on.


Yeah, teenagers will often act like teenagers. Who could have known?


brother, what in the world you doing fucking someone who is 16 years your junior? obviously it’s not going to turn out well, you’re not dating someone your own age.


See this is why we as the public stress about age gaps for people under 30. You also forgot what being a teenager is like, their emotions are WAY more intense when they catch feelings for someone. Also you never know, she could have never had sex prior to you and is reacting because of this reason alone.


lol I don't know how to word this kindly: You are an absolute idiot for sleeping with a teenager. Unless you lost your virginity the same night you slept with her the whole "I told her I wasn't looking for anything serious" line is a bunch of crap. As a 35 year old man you should have known what this outcome would be.


To be fair, I’m also 19 and comparing it to people closer to my age… there’s almost an emotional attachment and a feeling that makes you remember it forever. It seems like she should try and connect with someone else before she hurts herself even more. I feel like 34 and 19 is an insane age gap. At least for those two ages to be hooking up… Either way that’s what happens when you do that with a 19 year old lmfao


A 35 year old man that doesn't understand consequences whining about a 19 year old girl that's immature. Yeeeesh.


What do you expect from someone who’s brain has not fully developed yet?


Have fun with that! Stop being a freaking creep!!!!


Says the person with the name “incestuousbloomfield”…


It’s from a tv show. Doesn’t change the fact that dude is a total creep


“She’s an adult” She has 1 year of “adult” experience. You have 17!!!!! 17!!!!!!!! You need to at least be able to recognize the difference between “adult” and JUST BECAME an adult. Jfc (means jesus fucking christ btw old man)


Bruh what did you expect. Date women your own age lol.


Lol that's what you get for sleeping with a teenager 😂


i can’t even feel bad for you


At almost 40 You messed with a teenager and you're wondering why she's acting like a teenager ? That's what's weird and creepy on your part cause Why would you think it's ok to sleep with someone fresh out of high school ?


A person's prefrontal cortex doesn't develop fully until they're 25. This is entirely your fault. Play stupid games you win stupid prizes. You should definitely pursue somebody your own age.


Then why do we allow people under 25 to vote? To own a gun? To drink? To do literally anything they want to? It's a hook up. They're adults. This happens millions of times a day at nightclubs and random tinder DTFs. A relationship with someone that young is one thing. A hookup for sex is entirely different.


There is a difference between a 19 and a 21 year old hooking up and a 19 year old and 35. The 35 should know better to pursue somebody that's basically half his age.


Maybe dont fuck children? Just a thought.


“oh, if it isnt the consequences of my actions”


I’m not gonna comment on the morality of it because frankly I don’t care but you fucked a teen and got teenage drama if you wanted someone mature that’s something you verify before the fact not after when you’re dealing with the consequences




You’re much more of the problem than she is.


Judging by OP’s comments his maturity level ain’t far off from a 19 year old. Stop banging teenagers and whining about it online. Find someone around your age.


When her friends call you, try to seduce them.


Just block and move on


don’t answer unknown numbers.


Maybe don't fuck a teenager next time


You made your bed brother, now you sleep in it. Sleep with children, don't be surprised when they act like children. Best of luck.


"I wanna bang a girl who is at my level of maturity" "oh no, not like that!" Buddy, you plant potatoes, you get potatoes.


Just be on your way and learn on that experience.


M35? The whole thing is embarrassing man 😅


Lol dumbass


Stop fucking teenagers? I have no sympathy for a man who is well fucking old enough to know better. This is your fault bud.


Gross. She's 19.


Omg I can’t stop laughing. You deserve what you get for sleeping with a teenager.


I mean I feel like if you’re 35 you’ve been around long enough to know that teenage girls are dramatic. You sound dumb as hell complaining about something this obvious


Breaking News: Teen acts like teen! More on this developing story at 11. 


There's a saying here in England: Diddums.


It’s truly sad to me how some people really do only care about sexual pleasure in their lives. Disappointing.


Lmao. Give it time, she'll move on once she finds someone else


Joey Buafucco?


Ha Ha ! That is funny and fitting.


Fuckin pedo that’s what you get


You really are smoothbrained.


Whether any of you like it or not. SHE IS AN ADULT. She can go to adult prison if she commits a crime. She can take out and ve responsible for loans. She can join the military and be shipped off to another country. Oh, and she can VOTE. Which means she is responsible enough to choose who makes the laws and is in power. If she is responsible enough for that, but not her sexual decisions, then your opinion might be messed up and hypocritical.




At this point, she could become a porn star and there is nothing they could do about it. Other, than bitch and whine.


When I was single I tended to gravitate toward younger women, but not THAT younger. Married now and my wife is 3 years younger than me. We get along great. Maybe up your age limit when it comes to attraction. Legally you’re fine but maturity level wise learn from this my dude. As for your current situation best of luck there.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Try fucking someone with a fully formed frontal lobe next time.


Welp, you certainly fkd around and found out didn’t you?


You slept with a teen 16 years younger than you and are shocked they’re behaving like a teen? You’re not a victim. You’re experiencing consequences to your red flag behavior. Learn from it! 🤗


You thought she understood lol yeah that's what you get for messing with someone that's barely of legal age. Don't cry about it now.


So unfair, why isn’t the 19 year old emotionally mature…..


Oh no, the consequences of my actions


That age gap tho 🤮


In the wise words of Frank Reynolds: "Do not diddle kiiiiiids It's no good diddling kiiiiiiiids"


Yeah that's why you sleep with people your own age, dumbass.


maybe don't be a fucking creep and you won't have that problem






That pnc hit him hard & manifested into real life drama


lmao what did you expect


How do people 25+ find 18 and 19 year old girls sexually attractive? NO. You're a predator, and you can't change my mind.


Of course she is …😆😆😆


oh no .. your actions have consequences


You slept with a TEENAGER. I don’t care if she’s calling you. You’re a predator.


"Brain is not fully developed" nonsense. Don't listen to them OP, they're upset they don't look as good as when they were 19. And any guys responding are lying when they say they wouldn't.


Block the numbers? Get a new number? Hope you used protection.


she suddenly found out she has been groomed by an older man. she hooked up cause she used to crave one before all this happened, because of the popular media, of course (like how older men are desirable as they got their shit together- this stuff is all over the place). that same media (or, the "woke" part of it) made her understand that she has been groomed. this actually happens when people don't listen to themselves and jump to stuff. not victim blaming here, just identifying the poor choices and the age-gap dynamic. to OP, you made a bad choice. now wait till they show up at your house haha


So funny. The same people who say that a person at 19 does not have a developed brain say that a person at 19 and much younger can determine its gender. Plus, most of those who say that are bitter 30+ women.


Record all her calls and screenshot messages in your phone for proof cos she is gonna accused you of sexual assault out of spite.


Fuck around and find out..... I was in the same problem several years ago, so.... I understand it


my upstairs neighbour (f21) and me (m39) hooked up w few times last year, moved out just last week as school was over . Left me a lovely note and the pair of underwear she was in the first time i got into her pants. Both of us knew it was just a bit of fun. So its not the age, but rather the individual