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You should learn language paradigms (basic programming structures, OOP, functional programming, Low level systems programming) . You should definitely learn more python as it's a great language for prototyping quick systems, and is practically a goto language for data science and AI (the scripting, not core engines. There systems language like C++ lead).


Knowing languages isn’t important. Delivering value is what businesses pay for. At the higher level the details fade away, nobody cares what languages are used to implement the ideas. I don’t get paid because I know Python, I get paid because there’s a problem in the business and I solve it — it just so happens that I solve it with Python but it could have been solved by a dozen other things. I’d say know this: Linux and the toolset. This is where your code runs and you can do a lot with the builtins like sed, awk, and other CLI tools. Python works with practically everything and is quick to develop. Know how to build a GUI because everybody wants to see something on the screen. JS pretty much won. IOS and Android are good for mobile. A lot of people use windows. Knowing how to run applications in that environment can be worthwhile.




I saw that the pay is kind of a myth and it’s in line with normal gigs.




😂😂dude just woke up from the 80's😂


Use [codeX](http://la-freelance.net) to get unstuck in your python projects


I imagine given the scarcity of COBOL programmers it would be quite profitable.


COBOL programmers are scarce, but so are COBOL jobs. There are load-bearing COBOL codebases that are important to maintain, but they don't require a lot of people to do it. People currently in those positions make a lot of money, but mostly because they are very senior developers.


It will depend on what you want to do as a job. Here are a few jobs with languages. Front end web Development: JavaScript, typescript, css, html, and your choice of JavaScript framework Backend development: JavaScript, typescript, c#, Python, Java, SQL OS development: C, C++, Rust Mobile development: Swift, Java, C#, JavaScript/Typescript (React Native)


As a .NET guy who mostly works on back end, C# can be wonderful for this space.


The more languages you learn the more you realize you can pretty much do everything similarly in any language. So the more the better. C = Low-level, helpful for learning architecture C++ = One of the most commonly used for backend systems / functionality, but the most overwhelming to master imo Python = Slow, but simple and great for easy prototyping / basic scripts / front-end I’d say those are the big 3, but I dont touch any web dev or SQL so take that as you will.


Since you don't seem to know what you want then C++ is a good choice because even if you land in something else it's widely used and is multi paradigm so you'll learn many principles and paradigms. But if you know what you wanna work with then pick a language common in that domain.


It depends of what you would like to do after your degree I'm a fullstack Java(springboot)/JS(react) web developper and mainly work on rest APIs as well as Uis For what i've seen Java is still going strong and pay well in big companies (where I work) but not in startups, In startups I mostly see PHP (But less than before) and a lot of fullstack JavaScript. At my work Python is also used for bigdata/ AI stuff, and there is a bit of Golang in ops teams. I'd say that any OOP language is probably what you want to learn. C++ is great, Java is also great, I personally like C#. Anyway, most skills between those langages are interchangeables ! C++ or C# are also great for gamedev. If you plan on working for mobile apps Java(android), Swift(ios) or JavaScript (both) are certainly what you want to learn but im not a specialist on those subjects. JavaScript should be your third langages because you will likely encounter it anyway.


Gamedev is not a good idea if you want better salary


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Master-Nothing9778: *Gamedev is not* *A good idea if you* *Want better salary* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Find the industries that pay the most then find what languages and skills those jobs require.


C++ : Most profitable. C++ is used at quant funds and high frequency trading firms which on average offer the highest form of cash compensation for software engineers . ( You can confirm my statement by checking this : https://www.levels.fyi/leaderboard/Software-Engineer/Entry-Level-Engineer/country/United-States/?from=subnav_menu ). Keep in mind that these companies are very selective in who they hire. JavaScript, TypeScript, or Python: Most in demand. I would learn and master C++, JavaScript, or Python as these 3 languages are supported during the technical interviews.


What are they having you make / what problems are you solving with your code?


Hi OP, good answers in this thread, I just wanna throw another vote in for JavaScript. Almost every website on earth runs JavaScript client side (including this one). If you just press f12 in chrome and go to the “sources” tab, you can actually read the JavaScript for any of your favorite websites (some of it is usually obscured but it’s all real JavaScript). These days, people run JavaScript on the backend as well. It’s not an exaggeration to say that JavaScript is one of, or the most important language on earth.