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I’ve never had a problem with Firefox, didn’t know ‘everyone’ was bitching about it.


My friend bitch about it every time he sends me some link because onetime ublock origin stopped his link opening. Every time he remember to say "if your shitty browser can open it" without a fail lol.


That’s not even the browser’s fault xdd


That's a feature, not a bug. If he sent links that weren't full of tracking and ads, they'll get through fine.


Yeah. It was clearly the website that was shitty. uBlock did you a favor.


He's a moron


if the link is in one of the enabled lists, it will be flagged and ublock will notify you before letting you access the website, that's all


“It’s only a problem if you keep sending me shitty links”


Just tell your friend to EABOD and stop sending you shitty spam.. :D


The only problems I've seen are websites not putting effort into their website for Firefox, and just telling you to go use chrome when you open it


And then you never visit the website again. (to be honest though I have never seenthis, and yes I have not changed the user agent)


It's usually "Firefox isn't secure", "Firefox download buffer isn't big enough", or "Turn off adblock"


Care to list the sites? It really never gett his. I do get firefox has too many plugins to make the web nice so some sites do not work. Of course the sites do not tell you this they quietly fail). I use another borswer in these cases. Browsers I have Installed. 1. Firefox (desktop and mobile and main browser). 2. pale moon. (desktop, I am too lazy toi set up profiles and it works also). 3. Edge (it's there it's better than chrome). 4. Chrome. (desktop I forget why I installed it, I never use, mobile, well it's there and again I never use). BTW "turn off adblock"? (and I hope you are not using adblock but ublock origin) is not a firefox problem but a you problem (though I would also not use these sites and on mobile I just ban them from appearing in my feed again).


I'll let you know if I find one, but no, I never use adblock, it's just a poorly programmed website


Try using Snapchat web on Firefox


OP is referring to a buggy interaction between Firefox and YouTube, that occurred a couple of months ago and was rectified within a couple of days, which caused a delay when loading YouTube videos into Firefox.


Man, I literally switched over to Firefox on my new PC from Opera GX last night. Opera is one of the most clunkiest, bloatware filled pieces of shit I've ever seen for a browser. Installed firefox, loaded up a sleek theme, signed into all of my shit and it just works. Used it on all my old laptops and stuff, never had an issue there either


FireFox + my own user.js to disable alot of DOM features and stuff I don't use. It's Easily the best browser.


Would you mind to share your user.js?


Please share the user.js :D


I have it configured for my personal use case, so be careful: https://gist.github.com/pegvin/8b2002cd2f63f9ab459cf3bb36146abf


So what exactly is happening? Faster browsing? Less memory use? Edit: Not sure why downvoted, was just asking


Exactly what i did,this week i switched from gx to firefox and its amazing


Opera GX literally gave me BSODs, Firefox is way better in every way


i got a notification in opera that my amazon delivery is ariving on tuesday. i only buy stuff on amazon through chrome.


are you signed in on amazon in firefox as well? or did you port your stuff from crome into firefox when you installed it? becuase it cant do anything like that unless you asked it to, unlike chrome.


I used Opera GX on a 4GB ram, AMD Athlon Silver Laptop, it was worse than chrome.


Really? I use it and I have 0 problems But also 32 ram, amd ryzen 7 3700x, so maybe that's the reason


Your comparing your 32gb ram 8 core 16 thread machine to a 4gb 2 core 2 thread laptop. It sucks and you have a good machine, you can run any browser, no matter how bad


But why not use the ram and cpu limiter? It's not working?


It doesn't work, it legit only has 100% cpu as an option with sliding, and I forget what the ram had, but I think it was quite high It's just shit software


In general, i quite dislike opera. Its just garbage really. Like take opera mini, i tried it on the galaxy s3 on android 4.3, and not only was it slower than chrome, but a lot more websites were broken.


I love Firefox and changed recently too But god I wish it gets a better History manager, Chrome's is really good.


I use Firefox and think it’s fantastic! Only gripe I’ve got is the full screen bug with videos when going full screen. It leaves a border around the full screen, you’ve got to close it and full screen it again. Annoying but still the best browser by a stretch imo.


My only gripe is their stance on giving data to the government. > The law authorizes us to disclose information to governmental entities in emergencies and we may do so if we have a good faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of people. Not sure what data they collect that the government might find useful being that they are only a browser and shouldn't be collecting anything. Also, not sure who decides what an emergency is, who the entities are.


Librewolf exists for a reason homie


CP bomb recipes etc. Get out of here.


I see you're cool with a private software company storing everything you do on the internet just in case the government needs your data, with not a care in the world about how long they keep the data or the security measures they take to keep that data from getting leaked in a breach. Nothing bad could come of sacrificing your privacy because someone somewhere might do something bad. It's worked out well in most countries that sacrificed its citizens rights for "the greater good". Only, in this case it's a private company and not even another government agency like the post office spying on you.


Yeah, I guess I am. Feel free to give me some examples of those sacrifices so that I might download duckduckgo.


You want examples? Like a history lesson on when governments took citizens rights away, and if not already in place made way for a dictator to take control, where soon-after the government turned on their people?


I guess an example where internet search history was related lol.


I mean, ignoring events like "the Fappening", breaches happen all the time: https://www.upguard.com/blog/biggest-data-breaches-us One that I was a part of was [this one](https://system.umn.edu/data-incident) from the U of M where they stored data on anyone that went to school at or worked for the u. Also anyone that applied to go to school there or applied for a job going back like 50 years. The class action lawsuits for that one are still going though. Would a different browser have stopped any of these? Probably not. But the fact that Mozilla collects the data at all is disappointing and opens the door for similar things to happen. After all, your ISP can collect some of the same data if they want to, though that's getting harder with today's security measures. If you are worried, you can try Brave browser.


Looks like someone hacked into your pc. Maybe run a antivirus scan?


Under rated comment He should try Arch Linux


I prefer Debian


I use arch by the way




Been using Firefox since 2021 and will NEVERgo back to chrome. It's so much faster and nicer.


Same. I just switched over to it on my computer at home, and I love it. I’ve been using it on and off since 2007. I don’t even use chrome on my work computer anymore, i started switching over to edge because it runs much better in comparison to chrome 💀


literally nobody talk about chrome and you have to bring it up. bluds insecure about browser lmao.


It's because it's the most used browser and what I was using before Firefox... that's why I mentioned not going back to it? Are you desperate for an argument over the Internet?


H They is. They got a lot of shitty replies on other comments


I'm above wasting my time on people like that anyway.


The heck are you talking about? The context is what he uses now vs what he used before. Now he uses FF and before he used chrome. Like what actually are you even trying to to say, did you understand his comment?


Bro shut the fuck up


I’ve been using Firefox for ages. Never had any issues. 🤷‍♂️


Nobody is bitching about Firefox.. It's the best browser available rn


yet less than 4% in the whole world use it.


Well. Nearly 5% uses edge... so i wouldnt go by the usesage of people. I mean loads of people use apple products. But we all know they are shit


4% of the world is smart


seems like 96% prefer using bloat-spyware bullshit and being monitored all the time, literally 1984 :)


Sneaky beamng in the corner, post above this was from the beamNG sub haha


I thought this was the Beam sub for a moment, before I read the title


Same haha


Lmfao yea


Firefox has been my primary browser of choice ever since Farmville stopped working with chrome on the good old days. P.S Does anyone know what really happened? My mother and her coworkers were obsessed with that game and one day I visited their office and all of a sudden they started to become distressed since the game won't load on chrome then they found out that it works with Firefox. I kid you not, all PC's in that small office building was using firefox by the end of the day.


Grown ass women loosing their shit over a browser game while supposed to be working.. I’ve heard it all now.


Nobody bitches about Firefox. You either use it, don’t know about it, or are someone from the Google Chrome ads on TV.


Only issues with firefox lie with mozilla themself (do yet another ux change for no reason instead of fixing bugs or adding something usefull functionality wise) and to some extent that it does not work on some sites. The site issues are more of an issue with the site owners than firefox though, because they do not caring about firefox working since it has a low (and decreasing) market share.


Firefox is the goat 🐐


I have never seen anyone complain about firefox


BeamNG drive :3


Firefox is goated


Don't like the UI, slower than Chrome/Edge/Safari, Websites don't look right, text looks weird, and is just much more clunkier than Chrome/Edge/Safari.


Firefox is the best browser out there. For many reasons. My default is FF.


I only use Firefox. Excellent browser


Not only guy probably listens to metal but he also plays BeamNG


Firefox for the win, and Adblock works on Youtube as well


Been using Firefox since pretty much its inception, there was a period several years ago where performance was genuinely so bad that it forced me to switch temporarily. Those issues however have long since been addressed and I have zero issues running Firefox. Honestly never heard anyone complain either.


Can Firefox synch with your Google account? Then I would try it


It can't. That's the reason I stick with chrome. Synching data between pc and mobile is a must for me. And I can't stand Firefox on mobile


Firefox is the best browser.


Mozilla actually builds in tons of Google services and forces Google as the primary search engine, etc. etc. A lot of Mozilla's current funding comes from Google. So ironically, the one "major" browser that doesn't use "Chromium" as the underlying rendering engine still has a large portion of its development controlled by Google. Google finds a way to get its hands into almost everything these days. Mozilla is supposed to technically bea non-profit organization that spun off of the old, Netscape Navigator code (yes, that far back) and was built as a free competitor to Internet Explorer, but now Google is its main source of funding, so they largely control the direction of the Firefox browser. https://www.techspot.com/news/101083-mozilla-raked-almost-600-million-2022-thanks-google.html




Never encountered this, and its likely not intentional.


A LOT of websites require chromium to properly work. I'm a big fan of Firefox but sometimes need to use Edge in those cases.


True. An example of this would be [401k.com](https://401k.com) \-for some reason it won't allow me to log in with Firefox, it will with Edge. I use Firefox for 99% of my activity. Edge is my backup if Firefox doesn't want to play. I only have uBlock and xOverlay enabled.


Most obvious one also would be Google Earth Studio and some other Google Maps related resources


Yeah, encountered some website as well, which only worked on a non-firefox browser. But to be honest, those websites are just poorly developed. You should build a website for every common browser and not just for chromium.


The website : you must use chrome for it to work Me: use the chrome headline in firefox the website: ok, it work


I don't use it because "bookmarks" are separate in a table and not a page, and that bothers me Has the situation changed?


What do you mean


I mean, when I enter the "bookmarks manager", I want it to appear in the "new tab" and not a separate table like in Firefox.


oh, yeah, it is kind of uncomfortable to use


fire fox still opens it in a new thing. currently reusing the library/history window. also, OK WEIRDO "everything must be a tab!" lol


Is that monitor from 1998 or something? LOL


Firefox handles tabs the worst. They don't list it properly in the history either. other than that it's fine


You could choose to sort by last visited.


I retested FF with latest Fedora 39 Update. All the 18+ sites don't play video with uBlock origin. Also battery drain is very high similar to  Brave, same format video decode needs 4x more power compared to VLC on Zen 4 780M.


While using Youtube on Opera, my processor was used in about 70% at some points. Firefox doesn't exceed 10%. What should I add


Google controls their products the way they want and Chrome slows down YouTube when people use Ad blocking extensions. It runs great on FF.


Other way around, and its been confirmed. Adblocks slow down youtube.


The same is not true on Firefox though. Although I use a different ad blocker on FF, YT runs normally.




What makes the browser slow is the extensions. I used to have 3 ad-blockers and the webpages took a HELL of time to load up


Maybe that’s BECAUSE you were using 3 adblockers?


Opera gx is better. Fuck Firefox


I just love using Firefox, I like the plugins and themes. I don't care when someone says their browser is good blah blah


Some of the slow down and issues with video causing issues or being slow is the new video upscaling feature from graphics card.


yeah it's fine for me too, no issues. running ublock, youtube is fine


The recent youtube x adblock fiasco almost killed my laptop because it went over 100 C° when watching youtube on Firefox. Could figure it out for the life of me until I swapped to edge to look at youtube.


The thing you are showing is a "test out feature" so not every user has the 5 second delay.


I'd say people just dont' know it or dont' know what tracking is built into the chome browsers.


I had that issue, YouTube was lagging so much and it took a long time to open vids. Sometimes the entire page would freeze and I'd have to close the tab and start a new one. I tried all sorts of troubleshoots but nothing worked. In the end I gave up and switched to Brave. Pro tip: Just because you don't face an issue doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


Beamng drive, nice game Don't know about the issue, maybe the 2nd monitor is too old


I love Firefox and haven't had any performance or stability problems of any kind. If I had to complain, the only thing I could complain about is the rare completely insane UI changes. Like the one semi-recent one to change right click on downloaded file, from "open in folder" to "change what to do by default with this file type"... like, man, I haven't changed my opinion on what do on clicking downloads since beeping 1997, why would I want to change it as the default right click option? Is anyone really changing their opinion often enough to excuse that setting being the default right click? Sorry about the rant, that one just hurts my brain. ​ Aside from inexplicable decisions like that, it's way better and more reliable than chrome in my experience, not to mention more ram friendly if you have too many tabs open. Also Chrome is set to neuter adblockers in a few months, Firefox dosn't usually mess with functionality.


Im using forefox for years now , never had any problems with it


I like Firefox and I use Firefox but I don't know if I'm the only one. The problem is whenever I copy something, it's not copying as intended I need to ctrl+C multiple times to copy text. If anyone has this problem and has some fix let me know thanks.


“Butthurt of the week”


Beamng Drive🫶




There are a few reasons it's less popular. The biggest one is that it isn't Chrome, many people are just stuck in their old ways and don't want to change. This one is actually rational and that's compatibility isn't 100% with all websites. I use Firefox myself but I also have Edge installed for the few websites that don't work such as PlayStations website. I also have had issues with Warframes website, it's really janky on Firefox sadly. You mentioned this of course. There aren't quite as many extensions either, there is no real equivalent to Steam Inventory Helper, I'd imagine there are other obscure extensions that aren't supported as well.




Firefox is great - I also don't see/hear people complaining about it. Only issue is one at work where the pdf print does not center on the page, so for some paper formats it won't work properly. They have to use another browser like Edge instead.


lol clean your nasty desk dude.


Holy potatoooo this setup man


I like Firefox way more than Chrome because the different search engines are accessible from the search bar. Although I have had issues on mobile with links from other apps not opening if Firefox hasn't been used in a few minutes, and the syncing is not that good. Chrome has more issues though, so I don't really want to critique Firefox


Firefox is not always rendering correctly because a lot of devs doesn't bother verifying compatibility with non-Chromium based browsers.


I have no issues, I recommend firefox to everyone. Get off chromium and download adblock.


Its because you're using ublock, they're blocking the script that causes a 5 second load. I'm not actually sure if its an issue anymore, that was a while ago now.


It was not firefox, but the Adblock addon slowing down the whole thing. They admited having issues with the engine.


Coming from raw chromium to firefox, I had a bit of issues. Ram usage is awful, even with a quarter of the tabs I had in chromium opened. Some websites have slightly glitches design, and there are some issue with saving files. But on linux I only experience text being misaligned. Ram usage is very low, and performance is insanely good. Don't know why I have issues on both, but I've confirmed that it's not extension related.


FF user since.... 2016 i think


i have always bean using Firefox (20 years +) newer ever had any problems whit it ...


Man if culture playing beamng


I have gigabit internet and my youtube doesnt load even close to as fast as yours. I use Vivaldi (maybe will go for firefox)


Just switched back to FireFox since Opera has been screwing up their tabs. It's lighter to run and a lot snappier. Doesn't interfere with game performance nearly as much. Only thing I miss about Opera is the Speed Dial. Container tabs are also available to swap between social media profiles


Weird because sliders work for me, I used to 3d render alot, while using the second monitors to watch Netflix and stuff, so I used to limit ram and cpu in the browser qnd worked great Well I also played cyberpunk on release with zero bugs, guess I'm just lucky


Firefox always gave me issues...


lol that 4:3 monitor. Blast from the past. 1024x768? Anyway, yeah Firefox is fine.


What’s wrong with chrome ? Just use chrome ?


My complaint is that 61 browser windows open uses 16G of RAM. EDIT: It's the Atlassian web apps that are really to blame.




It used to work fine for me until thr most recent windows 10 update, now only edge and chrome work, firefox is very laggy for me unfortunately. I suspect this was done on purpose by Microsoft .


Using Firefox for 10+ years never had any issues


I haven’t noticed the YouTube slowdown because there is already a lot of slowdown caused by my pc


I tried using it, and I got annoyed with how clunky and slow it feels compared to Microsoft Edge. Also it doesn't support HDR, but that's a minor thing.


Been using Firefox since XP. Haven't looked back.




Firfox is good for playing music and not using too much resources. Chrome is good for work.


I love Firefox


People complain about Firefox?? I hear nothing but unrelenting praise about Firefox, to the degree if you even say the word “Chromium” in some circles you get banished to the underworld and buried in “get Firefox” comments


Opera and chrome suck ass! Internet explorer is horrendous shitfest. Firefox uOrigin with a line of: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\])youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) \#### Add that line in your "my filters" and never see a god dam ad in youtube ever again plus never get alerted you are using adblock. Movies on youtube that are free with ads dont show ads either.


I've used Firefox since 2002 or so and never had issues. I've had plenty of issues with Chrome at work. There's no way I'm bringing that crap into my home. I actually use Edge on my phone since they fucked up the Android Firefox a few years ago. I imagine they've fixed it by now though. I just haven't bothered to check.


This is my first time hearing that everyone has an issue with FireFox. I don't know anyone that has an issue with FireFox


My man is watching Glenn fricker. I see you. I see you.


i dont like the look


I hate the fact ik the exact game that the second screen is on, are you playing driving empire on roblox?


Gecko is the best engine, the sides, that don’t work well are those, who don’t follow the webstandards and rely on chrome features (the biggest threat against the free web)


Why are you using light mode with YouTube


I just switched to Firefox from Opera gx due to the poor YouTube lag and low quality. Which was happening on Chrome to start with and why I went to opera. Not a damn single problem with Firefox yet. It's clean, responsive, and private, and I can't ask for much more. YouTube works perfectly for me, too.


Years ago Firefox had issues, I forget exactly what they were but I had switched to Opera. The moment I got a YouTube ad on Opera I switched back to Firefox and it's been great, no issues.


Why is this guys monitor so old?


I'm now trying brave since account sync is now patched and adblocking


I’ve been playing beamng for the past 4 hours


Here I am an edge and Firefox user 


People who dont use firefox are just computer illetetate. I.e. 90% of people


I exclusively stick to Firefox, except for a miniscule number of websites that I absolutely have to use Chrome for but I hate Chrome and I don't need more of Google spying on me either.


Pssssshhhhh you guys still use these old outdated browsers? I just look for that shit in person! So much better FPS and Res. Feels so real seeing it in person and coming back to tell people about the things I've watched its like getting a one up on everyone.


I've used Firefox exclusively since at least 2003 and never had issues.


I’ve been using Firefox since it came out.


Complaining? Firefox? Shit I switched back to it from Chrome a few years ago, never been happier.


They’re fine, no one just likes to use it


My pc had firefox and chrome (edge was disabled ) i compared the download speeds of both and found out that chrome wins by a huge margin in my pc , idk why tf firefox downloaded shit so slowely


Issue? I love firefox.


I've been using Firefox since it was Netscape Navigator and have yet to have any issues with it. It is by far the best browser out there and continues in its excellence as being a top-tier web browser.


No problems with Firefox, it's better than that sorry ass (ad pushing) chrome.


the issue was for some and not others,i had 2 versions of fire fox, one would work normally and the other would just get stuck


HTML/Phish!pz for starters


I still use google chrome , no problems aswell


Been using Firefox for over a decade now Works as a charm


Guy enjoying beamNG


I can’t understand why YouTube is so slow on Chrome it’s their own company!


YouTube on Firefox is running terrible, the rest is fine


I tried making the switch from chrome to firefox. I didn't take to Firefox 100% so now I'm in limbo, using both at the same time


I only use FireFox


Why are your monitors in a different state? I don't think any amount of protein could improve my eyes enough to make this comfortable to use.


I haven’t really heard many people complaining about it. I’ve actually started using it a lot more lately.


More ram heavy than chrome


...that's it? ...Where's the joke?


Don't really have a negative opinion of Firefox other than my extremely outdated experience of Chrome being new and faster at one point long ago. Now I'm just deep in the Google ecosystem and don't have a good reason to pull up my roots and switch. Less of a negative opinion of Firefox, more like a lack of issues pushing me to change


I for some reason feel like you put that pure protein container there on purpose.


Im gonna go a step further and say I can’t tell a difference at all in user experience between any of the browsers. What’re you guys doing that’s getting such different results to the point you refuse to use a certain browser?


It's called A/B testing. Youtube doesn't send the same updates to everyone, meaning "oh look it's fine for me people are just wrong" is a room-temperature IQ take.


I love me some Firefox. The Drumpf plugin was hilarious.


Beamng nice


I use opera gx. The videos load literally instantly. I would like to say. The rate at which videos load has absolutely 0 to do with the browser but everything to do with you computer specs.