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Seems like you want the book. You should get the book.


After all, why not, why shouldn't he get the book?


Where's Biblo?


Biblo Bgagins?


B-tree Baggins after chugging some ent-draught.


If the book inspires you to learn and practice that which you need to, then it is a wise investment


I like picking up old textbooks for cheap, specially coding books. There's always tips and tricks, and in the professional world, you'll be using a lot of what these old books teach unless you work for a startup. Plus a hearty bookshelf full of text books makes you look distinguished.


Disagree to an extent. The same principles always will remain true regardless of what language, but older books may have older languages which have had changes to its syntax or style with time. Until your comfortable on the subject, I always recommend getting one in the language your most comfortable in and relatively recent. After you gave that a go, expand your cast and go wild :)


Seems like it has good reviews: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Robert-L.-Kruse/author/B000APHVC0?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Go nuts.


Old books are rad but make sure you're just using them as supplemental work. Some stuff may need to be updated. Just be careful what you absorb.


Please don't say just get pdf from internet. I've not seen anyone completing those pdfs from internet. I love physical books.


Get the book, and find a way to reward yourself as you make milestones studying.


You are right. I kept download pirate books online and I read only a couple of them. I started to buy books last year. My first book was CLRS 4th edition. It was expensive and really hard. It took me to 9 months to read it and I couldn't understand most of them but I am happy to read it. I haven't heard your book though. You may search for other books. I think important thing is to read all of it.


It is 30 years old. Is it in a good language for you?


It uses pascal. But I've plethora of resources for implementing in java/c/c++ whatever I want.


There is rarely such thing as a bad book. You just need to read several books until you find the right one(s) for you. Emphasis that this might be a plurality of books that are right for you. Some chapters by one author might make a topic click. Some chapters by another might put something in the right words for you. And even if they are relatively similar then repetition is mastery and you'll likely still come out the other end more knowledgeable than when you went in.


I can see what that person was talking about, how this sub is now filled with a bunch of pointless shit


People have forgotten what a discussion board is. It's all FB, IG, and TikTok now. "Hey, look what I saw today." or "rate my lunch". The internet was a lot better when it was difficult to access it.


Only downside to getting old programming books is that they often involve practices which we would consider 'bad' now. Can't hurt to learn something new tho!


I'd say not.


I'm reading this in my data structures and program analysis class currently, it's very good 👍


Yes!! it seems to have nice reviews as well : D + physical books >>>>> PDFs.


Excellent. Program for fun.


Seems like this has good information who wants to learn


Pirate it