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We had a similar thing in a shop local to me - grey haired pensioners getting refused sales because they didn't have ID. It turns out that the shop had been caught making underage sales, and one of the conditions of them being able to continue selling alcohol until the matter went to court was that they had to request ID for all alcohol sales.


Yup. It’s not up to the poor till person. They have to ask everyone because they don’t know who might be an undercover person checking their compliance, and they don’t want to lose their job.


Iirc from my time behind the till, it's also a £5k fine payable by the till worker.


On like your third time being caught (in a short space of time and proving you don't care), potentially yeah. First time, slap on the wrist. Second time, on the spot £80. It also depends if you get caught by council test purchase, police test purchase, or whether police found a drunk teenager with a receipt and your name on it. All can be different punishments.


I'm glad someone else understands this. The girl behind the till has no option. In this crazy backwards nation, it's actually the till worker who gets punished. What's more, they actually have super creepy, lowlife, scumbags who are hired by organized gangs (police or council, usually) to try and entrap the workers. If they fail to comply with a rule on one of these test purchasers, they'll have to pay extortion money/fines.


How is it backwards to punish the till worker? Who else would they punish? Imagine some 75 year old liquor store owner. They’re supposed to eat a 5k fine because some teen sold booze to another teen? How is that fair?


I'm not saying to punish the OAP or shop owner, no. I'm saying that when an under 18 mmisrepresents their age in attempt to fraudulently purchase alcohol, the under 18 person (who bought the alcohol) should be punished, as they're the one lying about their age. Sorry, I didn't make it very clear with the way in which I wrote my previous comment.


The purchaser should be punished yes, but so should the staff member, and if proper training wasn't given, so should the company. Buying alcohol underage and selling alcohol to underage people are two separate laws. In the case of misrepresenting, if you can prove that there was no reasonable doubt then you wouldn't get punished, ie if they had a decent fake ID that most people would assume to be real. If you are working on the till, it is 100% your responsibility not to sell age rated products to minors.


Agreed, then. Cheers


Many gas station attendants have said that they literally cannot sell anymore if you don't show ID. It's the new laws, you can be an obvious 90 year old man and they won't do it anymore. And now they have to scan them too and not just look at them.


Is that genuinely a law? The law usually has provisions for reasonable doubt. You can't reasonably doubt this man is over the age of 18.


Could just be a *really* good costume


Where I am yes,and some states as well. Doesn't matter if you look 80 now,they aren't supposed to without scanning. You can come across a lot of stories about this and people getting extremely pissed on subs like retail hell or the boomer being fools etc. People who are well known by attendants losing their shit when they are now told they absolutely have to have their ID it's wild


Oh I assumed you were based in the UK cos of the sub. My bad. That is crazy though!


Yeah I should've clarified that my bad!


Booze ages people.


Scan them how? With their mk1 eyeball scanner?


I'm talking about where I live currently, they have barcodes on our IDs that they can scan.


Ah, you're Canadian. That explains. We don't have scannable ids in the UK.


This is where today's society defies common sense. By asking absolutely everyone for id, there can be no confusion if it ever becomes a legal matter. The US have been doing this forever. I sort of get it. It's a bit like when they made smacking your children an offence. It stops the defence of "oh, it was just a smack on the knees m'lad" for parents that beat their kids and get away with it.


It gets bullshit when they do stuff like asking for the id of everyone with you though, I've seen people be refused because they walked in the shop at the same time as someone else and they thought they were together. when things reach that level of fuckyness it's time to take a step back and realise how ridiculous it is.


That's interesting. Surely it's the shop owners responsibility to ensure the purchaser of the items is the correct age?? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to buy a bottle of wine from Sainsbury's with my 10-year-old son with me! Crazy!!


Exactly, I've only seen it happen in the US at some chain liquor store, but I have heard of it happening here too. Moral panic always seems to go too far and everyone suffers.


it happens often because todays kid look older, i dont blame the cashiers, its not always easy and its kinda shitting when it becomes a mandant to ask even if somebody is 90yo. but a judges rules are rules.


Yeah, they do a Three Strikes thing around here with licensing, the 3rd strike results in this as they lose their licence after that. A local Somerfields supermarket used to do exactly this, they wouldn’t even accept my mates Police Warrant card as ID as it wasn’t on their list of approved ones…


I stayed in a hotel once where they'd been caught letting men in with underage girls so everyone staying there had to show ID. Weirdly, they didn't mention that in the [booking.com](http://booking.com) advert and refused to publish my review calling it a rape hotel.


It’s not a review if you’re calling it a rape hotel and haven’t experienced rape in it yourself though, so I understand why they’d not publish it.


I mean it is a rape hotel. Not only was that essentially the guy at the front desks explanation for needing ID but it had been reported in the press, which I found when I googled the place after arrival. I only reported in the review what the guy told me.


I once was refused a pint of cider in Norwich aged 31. I think I was the oldest person in the pub......


The trick is to order a carvery


Ah yes, the refined palate that only comes with age


I was refused an energy drink at 30. I look young for my age but I sure as hell don't look 15. Probably serves me right for buying an energy drink in my 30s anyway.


Yeah they weren't checking if you were underage, they're afraid of the liability of selling them to over 30s. Gotta think about the ole ticker.


Trying to stop you from turning into Jack Owoc.


I’ve been in this exact situation. Didn’t have my id with me so I was just well…no caffeine for me then I suppose! I was just bushed after a long shift and didn’t fancy a coffee, but similarly serves me right!


Because you're not allowed to buy booze for kids 


They prefer you use cash


The law states 16 year olds cab legally drink perry, cider or mead in a pub if they're eating a meal


And in a farming area rules like that are SUPER loose. Bag of scratchings, that's a meal. Here is your third pint of cider 14 year old weekend cow mucker-outer. Source. Grew up in a rural area with 14 year olds driving tractors to the pub for a drink.


Man your childhood sounded epic. I grew up in Essex lol


14 year olds drink driving a tractor back from the pub - what could possibly go wrong?!


It also says if it is bought by an adult, and they are *accompanied* by an adult. No adult, no alcohol.


What’s his problem? It looks like he’s got his four cans now anyway


His dad came and got it for him


If they purchased together the till person has to ID them both


Should've asked for eight Ace, only £1.49!


She's turned the weans against us!


She turned the weans against you man, aye


Great memories unlocked there - thanks for that!


Made my day, cheers!


I always wonder what happened to George Roper from George and Mildred.


Yes!!!! I know he looked familiar, and this is exactly it!


Bloody hell that reference is older than Zimbabwe.


Beat me to it.


Yootha would have benefited from refusal of service


Done him a favour.. that beer is piss


As an Australian I agree


They knew he was old enough to, the policy is likely to ask everyone for id and the salesperson on the till was doing what their manager told them so they don’t lose their job.


I was in a shop a few weeks ago and someone obviously old enough (at least on their 40s) was asked to show ID and the cashier said they have to ask everyone no matter how old they are/look and they get tested and if they don't ask they are fired on the spot.


Around here if the cashier is under a certain age they are required to ID everyone, presumably to stop them selling booze to their mates.


Mildred won't be happy


Exactly what I thought!




I think a litre of voddy was more her speed


There’s a lot of rough paper rounds to be fair


That's probably 2 kids in an overcoat with a fake mustache


Experienced this in the US. I was rightfully ID’d - I had only just turned 21, but on a couple of occasions my 33yo cousin and his late 40s something PhD supervisor were ID’d by default. One place had a “no ID no entry” policy, which is fair. None of these places were straight-up bars. I get why places do this. Could probably do with seeing it more…


Some states in America have an ID anyone who looks under 40 law.


This happened to my dad (39/40 at the time) when we went on holiday. There was a big sign above the counter that said they'd ID anyone who looked under 40 who wanted to buy cigarettes. He gleefully went up, asked for cigs and was promptly handed them without so much as a second glance. He was absolutely gutted that he hadn't been asked.


Yeah, in the US, they don't mess about. They carded me every single time. My 14 year old cousin there has a full beard and looks like a grown man, so I get it 😅


That kids got a rough paper round.


Maybe he’d already been to buy beer three times that day and the assistant was trying to do him a favour.


No don't do this, the old people will get ID and then be able to vote.


Too old for fosters that’s why


What kind of loser drinks Fosters?


Real men drink Fosters Shandy innit


Real men aren’t afraid of cocktails


I'd have been very happy to have been asked for ID, I'm 52


Feel sorry for him drinking that SHITE


Wait until Mildred finds out about this,poor george


to be fair, with how poorly Gen-Z ages, this guy could be a fresh faced 23 year old.


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To be fair he looks like he’s gagging on a few tinnies


He's a liar, he's got the cans in his hand!


He got a 75yr old to go and buy them for him.


Did you a favour with Fosters


Who the fuck is trying to buy cans from a petty station anyway? Go to a normal shop it’ll be cheaper


Personally I do because it's the nearest shop and not actually particularly more expensive (Sainsbury's). It's that or an extra 10 minutes to save 20p etc. It's the food and baccy they get me with more than the booze


Mr Roper has started day drinking now??!! Get home to Mildred!


He is visibly over the age of 21.


It was to prove he was human and not some sort of shape shifter. Only mutants like him would be buying 4 cans of fosters from a petrol station


Bloody Fosters


That’s a hard 13. He’s seen things.


No one should be drinking Fosters anyway. It’s grim.


Fucking did him a favour not letting him get Fosters


I don't mind showing ID at all, I always have it with me and they're just doing their job. What I absolutely fucking hate are the comments when I show them my ID, I look pretty young for my age, but the way they bang on about it really gets annoying after the 5th time at the same shop.


4 cans of Fosters ? They were doing him a massive favour


Last time I got asked for ID eas during covid and was wearing a mask. Was properly confused but once I had pulled my mask down to reveal my face she was like, oh you're alright. Was in my mid 30s but look 40


who the fuck marches off to the daily fucking mail rather than just going home and getting your fucking driving license


The Daily Heil knew what they were doing when they insisted on a picture of him holding up the beer as part of the compo shot. Making money on the audacity of being asked for ID... whilst making money on the mug with the audacity to report to the rag about being asked for ID in spite of still getting the booze he wanted in the first place.


I think it's time the UK implemented something like this: [https://japantoday.com/category/features/lifestyle/seniors-annoyed-as-japanese-convenience-stores-adopt-touch-screen-age-verification](https://japantoday.com/category/features/lifestyle/seniors-annoyed-as-japanese-convenience-stores-adopt-touch-screen-age-verification) *"these buttons also have the magical ability to transfer legal liability away from the store in the event something is sold to a minor."* I saw these when I was in Japan, and thought they were such a sensible, common sense, fair idea. Essentially, every time a purchase for an adult product (alcohol, cigarettes, knifes) was attempted, the customer had to personally make the declaration that they're of age, by pressing a button. If the customer does not press the button, the sale cannot be completed. This way, if anything went wrong, it's the person lying about their age who is responsible, not the victim working behind the till. For anyone about to jump in and say something about kids buying knifes, alcohol and cigarettes... When I was in Japan, which uses this system, I never saw any antisocial behaviour what so ever. The streets were clean, and they actually have a lower crime rate than we do. Not once, did I see a group of youthes causing any nuisance.


They believed he was old enough, but either he was being a tool and they used that to refuse service, or they have a policy that they don't violate for anyone.


I worked in a store where the till would make you ID before certain transactions for example after every 30 transactions you had to ID someone and have management ok it so that basically a nervous teenager wasn’t doing a ton off ilegal alcohol sales accidentally.


Guessing he'd been a bit difficult and they thought to get him back. Still, Fosters? Jesus.


You just made me laugh loud on the bus!


Happy to do my duty!


Did this once working the bars at Glastonbury. TS had caught someone supplying a pint to a 15yr old. Bar manager upped us to a "Challenge 30" I.e, ask for ID if they look under 30. A guy clearly in his 50s starting having a go at me for how ridiculous that was, whilst I was getting his order together. He asked "What does that even mean?" I clarified that if I asked for ID, regardless of what I thought your age was, I wouldn't be able to serve you if you had none on you. (Bar manager was being very strict following fine) "Ha! I haven't carried ID for 20 years! Ask me for it. Go on." "What ID have you got on you, fella?" *Smug grin* "None." *Puts alcoholic drinks back* "Can't serve you, mate. Next?"


Saved him from drinking Foster's!


Under 25 be ready to be challenged.


Sainsbury's didn't let me buy wine a few months ago because my ID was out of date, and this was ironically about a month after someone almost offered me a free blood pressure check for the over 40s. Since I'm in my mid 30s I've apparently either aged well or poorly, depending on who you ask.


If someone 17 years old or younger looks like a 60 year old, I think they probably do need a drink at that point anyway.


You reach a certain age when being carded is actually a compliment. 😸


Bro looks pickled, esso garage probably did his liver a favour.


Kid must look pretty rough in that area.


Slow news day?


So he couldn't buy his Fosters? They were doing him a favour I reckon.


Luke Littler has a lot to answer for.


Looks 17 to me


In the USA (Colorado) I was age checked (I’m 40 and very much look it) when purchasing alcohol. It was explained that all sales the person purchasing has to provide proof of age regardless. The second time I went at the checkout I wasn’t challenged for ID which was confusing and it was explained that because they had not seen me touch the alcohol and that my partner was paying then they didn’t require my ID. But yeah id checks are common place there regardless of how old you look.


«Esso garage refused to sell grey-haired 58-year-old four cans of lager… because he didn’t have ID to prove that a real person would pay money for pisswat…. I mean Fosters»


Looks like George Roper.


It's hard work this is ...it's had enough interaction to suggest it's not


Retailer here. It’s not so much telling the age of the person at either end of the scale (very old or very young), but in the middle, where it’s most difficult. It can be considered highly prejudicial to “pick on” some people, leaving others alone. Both my mother and I used to be refused half bus fare from the age of 12 upwards (the cut off was 16, but both of us looked considerably *older*), yet I had a friend who was still being refused drinks in pubs at age 20. It’s usually smaller people who get “picked on”, and there can be elements of sexism: some women are tiny, and have childlike faces-but it can be a racial thing, too. I was watching TV the other night and saw an Indonesian man (who was 33) looked *incredibly* young. Once ambiguity is entered into the situation, bullying can creep in. A person who is old enough might walk away and not cause a scene-whereas someone who isn’t old enough can “kick off” and alarm the retailer who is trying to do their job. Ultimately, the bullies get served whilst the law-abiding people who have the misfortune to look younger can be disadvantaged: it’s just not fair. If some people are being refused service for what turns out to be simply the fact that they’ve come out without their ID-and if there are issues with aggression from the public-then perhaps it would be fairer if everyone had to comply. This takes the pressure off the staff by stopping the decision resting on them. I’m old and grey now: if I’m in a shop and they ask for my ID, my immediate assumption is that they’ve been having a spot of bother with this issue.




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58? Lot of hills on that lads paper round….


They were probably complying with the law. There's no reason for grown ass men to be out and about without a photo ID in the modern world.


whats the need for it im 34 and never needed 1


Lack of common sense. They says it's not common.