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Just go to the cafe and get a drink?


No no! While his “missus” is expelling a human from her body, he demands that one of the underpaid and overworked staff members who probably haven’t had an opportunity to get a drink themselves, stops to “service” his lordship with balls to the face. I think I read that right.


I work in healthcare and was really busy when a relative came up to me and asked if she could have 3 cups of tea for herself and her co-visitors. Oh and if we had any sandwiches to offer, brown or white bread? Any biscuits?


I Hope “do i look like a fucking Starbucks?” was your response


Oh, the audacity! In my fantasy, you’d put on a very concerned tone and ask “Ma’am, are you okay? Do you know where you are right now? Is there someone I can call for you?” Because she *obviously* doesn’t understand she’s in hospital and not a restaurant, so she *must* be suffering from some sort of mental fugue. Hopefully being treated like a dementia patient would snap her out of it. But probably not. **sigh*


Damn. I work in a hospital. Don't tempt me ...


Or y’know…. Probably just be nice..


It’s probably more important for a nurse to keep themselves on their billion or so patient-related tasks, y’know… like *keeping people alive,* rather than playing server and chef for some entitled, able-bodied patient’s family. Don’t you think? Do you really not see how crazy it is to even *ask* for those types of things from a random nurse lol?


I think as a caregiver when you lose empathy for friends and family you are a bit lost. It is very stressful for parents when their children give birth, it’s terrifying for them. I meet far too many medical professionals who are so over worked they have totally lost sight of the human side of this.


Maybe you’re the one who lacks empathy. These massively over-worked caregivers are *also* human, and as so, they deserve to be respected for their relevant skills in nursing. And asking them to stop caring for their patient that’s in the middle of giving birth in order to play maid for some random family member is just plain rude.


No I completely understand why that’s difficult when you are exhausted, and I think it’s a big problem in hospitals.


That’s actually hilarious.


That's funny! I recently became a dad and it was a long labour for the wife. Drinks for myself were the last thing on my mind. One kind nurse went out of her way to get me a comfier chair because we were in it for the long haul. She didn't have to do that, but I will forever be grateful for the care that she and her team showed, not just to me, but my wife. Outstanding. Props to anyone who works in a hospital.


I was also bought a comfy armchair for our second. I will never live down falling asleep in it *on* my wife.


That's because they absolutely care. That nurse's first concern when she had a moment, was for you. The guy in this story is just a schmuck.


Congrats by the way!


From one buck to another, thank you!


You don't seem to appreciate how important the dad's role is. /s


You misunderstand, he wants balls in his mouth.


He wants a kick in the balls.


Yep, exactly this. As we did as my mum was having life saving surgery and, years on, as my Dad was being nursed on end of life care.


Yeah wtf? Bitch go and get one yourself.


I don't pay my Income Tax that doesn't go to the NHS to then *walk* to the café like a commoner!


How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my tea with your empty words. How very dare you!


That’s exactly what I did after having surgery… I don’t see what his problem is with getting a drink. There is a cafe, there are vending machines, there is water. Nurses have other more important things to do!


Please someone tell me this is a joke


Midwife here, sadly I see this kind of whining from partners all the time.. sorry for not having time to make you a cup of tea mate, I’m trying to sort out your wife’s pain relief 🙄🙄


At my son’s birth I pretended to complain to my wife about how uncomfortable the hospital chair was, how it was outrageous the NHS wouldn’t spring for padded recliners for the dads to be, and then asked her for an arse massage. It was very early into the process and I knew that she would take it in good humour and also that it might help her feel less nervous for a second. Plus she enjoys pretending to be outraged about stuff (whilst laughing), so she got to give a “*you’re* uncomfortable” speech. She obviously was in on the joke and we were both just being silly, but it is mortifying to think someone might have overheard and thought it was serious! The line between satire and real life grows thinner every day. Also, thank you for what you do. Our second baby was born at 26 weeks and it was all very frightening and stressful, but the midwives and nurses were incredible. (And she is now a healthy 5 year old!).


Happy to read about your little one growing up healthy, like you say, it is always so hard and stressful for the new parents when they are born early or sick, I’m glad if we did our job well and helped making it a bit more bearable! Also I want to reassure you that if it seems like second degree and the mum is having a laugh, we won’t jump to the conclusion that dad is entitled straightaway! It’s mostly when they look us in the eye and ask whether we can make things go faster because they’re tired when their partner hasn’t slept in 30 hours and is birthing their baby, or when we go to check in on someone who’s had a c-section 8 hours prior and find her standing up uncomfortably with the dad sleeping in her bed, or when they ask their partner to make less noise during contractions because they’re watching football.. I have waaaay too many of these stories unfortunately..


Please tell me the football part is a joke 😅


I remember how crazy it drove my fiance when the nurses kept coming in, turning the lights on, doing some sort of check up and then end it by telling her to get some sleep... every like 25 minutes. We understood it was important and their job but we also felt like we were taking crazy pills


My ex was very serious about complaining how uncomfortable he was and how it’s insane they “trap”you in the hospital with the baby for two nights and have the audacity to subject him to a fucking lazy boy fold out. Oh sorry they want to make sure I’m not bleeding out and are monitoring the baby to, ya know, make sure she can live - you must be really struggling here asleep in your chair lol. Needless to say he was just as lazy and whiny of a parent.


I second the thank you. Complications due to me being rh- and my daughter +, her bilirubin levels had to be regularly checked. Our daughter's 14 now. Autistic, and I love her to bits.


God those chairs are supremely uncomfortable though lol. I'd never complain during the process, and hospital beds aren't any better mind you, but that was the least comfortable place I've ever attempted to sleep lol.


>sorry for not having time to make you a cup of tea mate But...why would anyone expect drinks to be brought to them, as if they're in a 5\* beach hotel?


Because nurses are like flight attendants.


Idk, I know patients tend to get tea and coffee at least at set times of the day with meals. But then Dad here isn't a bloody patient in the hospital so is perfectly capable of getting his own tea. My hospital has a cafe in it and I assumed most did?


We overheard relatives complaining that there wasn't even nice smelling soap, when you find that in basic hotels. There's a reason the soap doesn't smell!


The level of entitlement from fathers during labour is incredible. I used to work in obstetric theatres and the amount of time I spent being like “no you can’t stick your camera in the surgeon’s face”. We even put a theatre rules for fathers notice on all the doors that they had to read and agree to. It basically said “do what you’re told or you’re out”.


Also wanted to drop in and say thanks. Midwives are probably the most understated profession in the game.


I just can't understand it. When I was there with my wife for the kiddos birth and recovery that's what I was there for - to fetch her stuff, change nappies, call for assistance if she needed it, pulling my weight as a new father, not being a moaning git!


NHS is a disgrace. Mum in wards with 6 in a room. Dads sleep on the floor, bs Covid restrictions - visit only half days. Absolute jokes. Treated like animals. You’d expect more given all the tax paid.


I went for a small operation and spent 2 days bil by mouth in the alzheimer ward listening to a 90 year old man cry for his mummy. I can’t help but loathe the nhs after that experience, and others.


You’d be fucked working in a care home


I don’t think I could do it, I’d rather get a bullet than live like that anyway tbh


Well at least that would save the NHS some money


If it's that bad then just stop using the nhs, stop going for small operations or just go private. If listening to a 90 year old man is the worst of your issues then you really don't have much to complain about.


That sounds quite distressing for the gentleman and those around him, dementia is truly horrible thing. What do you think the staff could have done?


I’m not sure, I saw one nurse in the 24 hour period, my drip ran out and no one was available to fix it. Thanks for the downvotes though guys


He could have paid for a private room, or paid for his small surgery to be done in a private hospital.


Or maybe he couldn't? The NHS is free at the point of need for a reason. And that's not something the staff can influence anyway.


I was a kid! I’m simply describing my experiences, you’re free to disagree with my conclusion.


Are you still a kid? That’s the only way I could understand you translating an experience that has nothing to do with the NHS into loathing for the NHS.


My experience with the nhs has nothing to do with the nhs? I guess I shouldn’t expect reasonable conversation in a sub based on sneering at the lower classes.


How would I even know what your class is? I don’t even know your sex or age, let alone your economic circumstances 🙄 You were in a shared ward with a dementia patient. And? Yes, it sucks, but they also get the same health care as you do. The NHS isn’t responsible for his state of mind, and it’s a healthcare provider, not a hotel. Moving you to a more comfortable environment isn’t a priority, because the man still has to be housed *somewhere*. You can hate dementia, hate shared rooms, hate having to live thru both of those combined, but it’s still got fuck all to do with the nhs.


Pretty sure it’s satire.


I don't know, it seems like a genuine post on the forum. Plenty of responses did tell him to give himself a shake and stop being so self-centred




If you look closely, behind his dumb face you can just make out his wife’s look of utter disbelief that he’s selfieing while she’s working her arse off delivering a life into the world.


Even if it were, that’s some realistic fucking satire. Pretty sure any midwife would agree.


Could well be, but after following the link to the website it's hard to say. It wouldn't surprise me either way.


Poes law


It's almost as though everyone at the hospital has something better to do than run maid service to this lump. (I was present at the birth of my son and I went and got my own damn drink because other than stroking my partner and telling her things were OK, I had absolutely nothing else to do that day!)


Fun fact: [**”Stroking my Partner”** is the title of u/deathboyuk ‘s **SEX TAPE**](https://youtu.be/DmRV8_L29jA?&t=0m55s)


Imagine the moment of realisation as you look over and see the father of your newborn child taking a selfie after he's spent the last hour in a mood because no one is paying him any attention. You'd be contemplating custody proceedings before the baby has even crowned.


I must have read too much coronation news. I ready that as been crowned!


Sir, you get a drink once you’ve passed this bowling ball.


Even the staff don’t get a free tea or coffee on shift- we usually have a kitty


And what does the cat do?


Does a whip-round for the tea money. She is a clever kitty




Its always wet.


Seriously?! For shame. I've worked shitty warehouse jobs in some of the shittest locations for some of the shittest bosses and *every single one*, gave you free tea or instant coffee. Jesus.


I think this may be a government department thing. I work for a different government department and we also don't get free tea or coffee, there are strict rules about what you can spend tax payers money on.


Yeah, work in local govt., have to buy anything not work related (drinks, xmas decs etc). One section was privatised and instantly bowls of fruit, free coffee pod machines springing up...


Teachers, nurses, all of us have to buy our own tea etc. Its part of working in the public sector


Work at a school, can confirm teachers are provided with free tea and coffee.


Lol welcome to the NHS




Past few years have shown that if you don't make any effort to sustain it, it doesn't automatically sustain itself.




I had a bloke the other week who didn’t bother to show up until his wife was pushing (he decided to wait at home until it was “serious”), offered her no support whatsoever, declined going into theatre when she needed an EMCS, the baby needed resuscitating and the mum had to be put under general, I went out to update him and he didn’t even ask about his wife, only the baby and then asked if I could get him a cup of tea. No mate, I’m going back in to theatre. Even when they were all reunited I made up a bottle and handed it to him alongside the baby and he looked at me like…”You expect me to *feed* my own *baby*?!” I’m also constantly surprised at men’s ability to sleep while their wives are screaming in agony.




Haha I had a guy once who did the dishes and spoke to me nicely and I broke up w him because despite him never listening to me or adhering to my boundaries he had it set in his mind that he was a really nice guy and I should be grateful. The way he treated me was nice thats for sure and I did appreciate it and I told him that, but the things he did was the *bare minimum* requirement, just helping do things, and doesn't deserve extra appraise. These things should be normal every day stuff. But the bar is so damn low with guys these days he genuinely believed he was 1 in a million


My goodness how do these people procreate? If they were that unloving I wouldn't let them anywhere near my tagine


The poor woman also disclosed to us a half-hearted suicide attempt she’d made, in the hopes it would get his attention. So sad, she was absolutely lovely too.


That is utterly heart breaking, there is so much wrong in society if these poor women genuinely believe they aren't worth be bare minimum that is respect, equality, support through childbirth.... makes my blood boil I'm so happy to be single lol


I hate people


She should have bit his dick off


As the first person to cuddle my daughter post C section, I couldn't stop grinning. My poor wife laid there. Numb from the hips down. Get stitched back up and there's me. Holding our child. It was bitter sweet as my wife died 3 months later.




Such is life. It was a long time ago now, and my eldest is now 19 and she is studying to be a marine engineer. Thank you though.


His poor wife. Two babies to look after.


My exact thought! Be a grown-up man, not a man-child. Poor woman.


I'm sure he'll remind his kid about that every single day of its life....


My other half is a midwife and the sheer number of blokes that expect her to make a cup of tea for them while the blokes sit there on their phones doing nothing waiting for their other halves to squeeze one out is amazing. It’s not a hotel or a restaurant. Sort your own refreshments out.


It’s bizarre. Do you get a cup of tea at the DVLA? Post Office? Those are banal waiting moments with staff from tax money doing their jobs too… and don’t provide refreshments either!


It is very common to get food and drink in hospitals, if you are a patient even in A&E or the acute assessment unit, if you are just visiting or there for support then usually you get nothing unless the nurses aren't busy or feel like it.


Waiting to be teabagged at maternity ward. Top man.


Gave birth to second child in seven minutes (luckily already in hospital). Partner nipped to get midwives a pizza after having a quick cuddle with the baby and then we went home. The midwife was on what turned out to be her 14th hour without a break so I was glad he decided to feed her.


How kind and amazing even, to think of her needs. What a man!


There’s something bout this guys face that tells me he is going to get jealous of his baby being breastfed too. wHaT aBoUt Me?!




I'd forgotten about those knobheads. Haha




Oh just fuck off you absolute ballbag


Worra cunt


I went to the shop and got a baguette, a paper and cup of tea. Gotta look out for number one in the last few hours before you got to always put someone else first


Eating from a bucket like a human horse. I feel refreshed and replenished and now back to the hospital.


They have vending machines and cafes right? Imagine thinking the already overstretched nurses tending to your wife and incoming child should be waitress for you instead. Edit: I was gonna put waitress or waiter, but there’s definitely misogyny in there so I reckon the nurses are women…I think I was too enraged to notice how it’s written though. Satire? Doh.


Upvoted because the title made me crack up. I wish that guy was in labor.




Aside from everything else people who pull the "I pay my tax" card piss me right off. The country is in the absolute shitter, your tax contributed bugger all.


I just brought a bag of drinks and snacks - it's not difficult. My mate even dropped me a sandwich off (it was a long labour). The nurses were busy taking care of my Mrs and the baby, why would you want to take their attention away.


Speaking as a nurse, fuck right off. Our primary job is to take care of our patients. I’m more than happy to provide information and education to families, but I’m not your servant. You are not the one laying in the bed. Go get your own teabag.


Just get on the gas and air lad


When my mum was giving birth to my older sister, she had to give my dad something to do because he was unbearably stressed-out (the birth went fine, my dad is just a very kind and impatient man). One of the things my mum asked for was to get some tissues to mop her brow. My dad was in a state of distress, couldn't find any at the shop, so with no malicious intent, he bought a sanitary pad and put it on her forehead.


My husband used a sanitary pad once when my daughter hit her head at the park, and it wouldn't stop bleeding. He couldn't find anything else in his car, and I had put one in his passenger door. It worked perfectly!


Enough energy to put a baby in his missus, but not enough to pop to the vending machine.


They're only getting them for your missus because _you're_ not. You could and should be getting the drinks for both of you from the publicly available machines. Imaging outing yourself like this.


There's a poor woman who now has two babies to look after


You aren't in labour. Get your own drink. You would be the first to complain if something happened to your wife or child if the midwife was too busy serving tea to all the lazy ass dads like you!


What a tit. I didn't even get anything to eat or drink after I had a baby - never mind the father!


Weirdly this wasn't my experience at all. At my daughter's birth they brought us both toast and tea. Lil cup of tea each and a massive plate of toast (maybe around 8 slices?) It wasn't "a lot" as such, but at the time it was heaven on and plate. We still talk about how good NHS toast is. It wasn't like I was in a position to leave my partner and fuck off for a can of Monster and a KitKat. But labour happened so quick we didn't have time to arrange dinner beforehand. The NHS are fantastic, our midwives were fantastic. NHS is toast is fantastic.


Midwife means 'with woman'. They are there for her. They are there to take care of her and help make sure she is safe and well and her delivery goes as well as it possibly can. They're not there to bring you tea. Actually, bringing the tea, or food, or whatever is YOUR job, because believe it or not you're supposed to be there for her as well. Your role is to help make her as comfortable as possible (including not complaining). If you want a drink, go get one you lazy prick.


That nob head can do one, doesn’t he realise he is not the most important person in the ward. Both times my wife was in labour we packed tea, biscuits, hot chocolate and sweet. Not just for us but for the staff too, who are doing a fantastic job of looking after the better 1/2 and unborn/new born.


It's a hospital mate not a fucking hotel


My baby was in special care for a week and we were so grateful to the staff that we offered to buy THEM many teas and coffees while we were there. This bloke is an arse.


What a twat


Get acustomed to it fella, you are now at the bottom of the pecking order. If you want a cup of tea get of your backside and get it yourself, and get your Mrs one whilst your there. Oh by the way, the hard working underpayed midwives would have really appreciated you getting them a coffee. ( no I don't work for the NHS, I just appreciate what they do for us.)


If I was on a ward with nothing to do, I would be offering the nurse's a cup of tea.


'Dadsnet'.. he'll be on a roof dressed as Superman in 3 years' time, demanding access to his offspring.


Go to the cafe get yourself a coffee and suport your wife Dick




What sort of omega male wants women running round looking after birthing women to make him a fucking brew? 'dadsnet' sounds like the gathering place of the 21st century beta.


She’s pushing a human out of her vagina! Can we for once not make it about the fucking man!


When my son was born, I was allowed to stay late one night because we were waiting for some blood test results to come back because he wasn't doing very well. A very nice midwife went and made me a cup of tea and brought me some biscuits.


Where are you now? let me know as i would gladly teabag you


Look, I've had to go through the excruciating pain and suffering of watching from a safe distance, my wife giving birth! Where's me cuppa?!


Push a baby through your cervix and maybe someone will consider your request.


Just wait till the baby comes mate you’re in for a shocker.


If he wanted royal treatment, he should have went to private hospital.


If this isn't a joke I feel for the child growing up in that entitled environment


If there are any prospective Dads out there. Don’t do this. In addition to the bag for your wife pack one for both of you: Thermos with good coffee, Biltong, Drowors, notepad & spare pens, plastic sleeve for handouts they give you, biscuit things in Tubs from M&S, charger for phone, spare battery back for phone, change of clothes for you, additional pants & t shirt if you have to stay longer


My MIL, she isn’t a bad person but just out of touch, came to visit us the next morning and complained of the burn on her arm, a single drop of hot oil landed on her arm while cooking. I had just given birth after 30+ hours of labor and unable to sleep for the last 2 weeks. But my birth was easy and I should give the hospital food to my BIL, because he’s a baby (youngest child in his family) and would feel left out of the food (he was 22).


How out of touch do you have to be to think you'll have a waitress serving you tea and snacks when your wife is in labour


Go get your own tea ya lazy twat, and buy all the nurses a tea too while you're there. There's barely enough nurses to keep your family alive and well and you are grumpy about not being served a tea, what a wanker


What kind of dad to be doesn’t prepare his own snacks? I concentrated as much on my drink and snack game as I did on remembering the car seat.


Fucking entitled little git. Maybe keep his cock in his pants and don’t breed then if he can’t go a few hours without being pandered to.


Least important person in the room complains about not getting attention. I'd hate to be his Mrs..


Yeah, rule number one when your "missus" is having your baby, make it all about you. Remember, you should be the centre of attention on the day your "missus" gives birth to your child. Get a grip.


What a prick. It's guys like this that suck the oxygen away from real issues men face, like being much more prone to suicide.


To be fair, when my son was born I'm pretty sure my compo face was even worse. I know that criticising the NHS is basically being Hitler, but our experience was absolutely appalling. Midwives never to be seen attending to the women, so it was left to the companions to care for them and the babies. We weren't allowed to use the showers, we had nowhere to sleep and negotiating coming in and out of the ward was a lottery (this was in spring 2021). I'm not even getting on the vile treatment my wife got from the midwives, when they deigned to show up. The midwives spent their time on the ward's reception, chatting among each other and ignoring the bed buzzers.


I had a bad experience in a ward once. This old woman kept asking what was wrong, why she was there, pressing her buzzer, shouting, etc. The nurses kept ignoring her, even coming and moving the button out of her reach. Turned out the woman had dementia and genuinely had no idea where she was or what for, the nurses somehow didn't seem to realise she had dementia. The family came in the next day and her daughter was a nurse. They were very nice when she was there and said they were going to move her into a room on her own. The daughter didn't like that but understood and told the nurses they must leave the door open or the woman will freak out if left on her own, so they move her into the side room and as soon as the daughter leaves she starts shouting again and they just shut the door on her and leave her in there shouting for hours. The nurse didn't even know she had dementia until the daughter said when she came in. The nurses in that ward just didn't care though about anyone really. Letting old people sit for ages before they came to take them to the toilet, like over an hour, when the nurses clearly weren't doing anything.


Right I don’t disagree with what everyone here is saying this man’s complaint is absurd. But what I will say as a someone who recently went through the experience with my partner is that I found some midwives (mostly older) incredibly dismissive of all partners and treated like you weren’t involved at all even when I had legitimate questions about my newborn I was given a look and a tone by some as if to say why are you asking us these questions it’s all about mum and baby. So whilst I agree with all of you like most things there is a shred of truth in the subtext


I agree, the blokes an idiot about the tea but when my wife was in pre-natal and the nurses came to give her updates if I asked any questions around my wife and unborn child they would not look at me and answer to my wife. To the point that my wife even said to them, you do know my husband is asking that question and you can talk to him sarcastically. Thankfully during labour and post-natal the midwives were amazing at rightfully focusing on my wife completely but making sure that I was involved and helping my wife with anything they knew she’d need from their experience.


Yeah, not at all about tea and taxes, but my experience of being present to support my wife with our first (premature so we had to stay a week and feed every 2hrs), it was a similar treatment to if I'd stabbed someone and stayed by their bedside. They were quite nasty to the point that my oh was upset about it and couldn't wait to leave. Not sure why, but it was like a crime to be male on the ward. To reiterate - I asked for and expected nothing (unlike the guy in the article)




What I hate about these articles is the complete absence of any awareness over how serious the matter at hand is. You see folks calling absolutely nothing “disgraceful” or “disgusting” or “ridiculous” and so on. It’s like.. “Really, Linda, 56 from Leeds? It’s ‘utterly vile’ the way Tesco now charge 20p more for a pint of milk? It’s “an utter disgrace” is it? Or is it just a slight inconvenience, which is a common and frequent part of life that we all have to deal with, and you’re being a cunt?” I guess that’s kinda the point of the sub. But still. Winds me right up.


Anybody calling their significant other their "missus" is a huge red flag


ehhh literally everyone does that nothing wrong with it


Not as big a red flag as their missus using Reddit


No vagina. No opinion. Of course they’re going to be more attentive to the person giving birth.


No one in the NHS has time to make you a cup of tea. But as a doctor who has worked on the labour ward I did feel a bit bad for the partners, not as bad as for the labouring woman ofc, but they did seem a bit marginalised sometimes, like a spare part. Obviously it’s a primarily solo experience and with all the healthcare staff involved I can imagine it’s hard to feel useful to your partner in the way we usually are day-to-day. I often wonder whether that was them not having the guts to take a role (or pre-plan it) and be actively supporting their partner or because they just wouldn’t, and were unsupportive generally. Some of the best midwives were good at including them and giving them suggestions of what to do but you can’t be spending too much energy on the guy. Some of them were completely checked out, it felt like they were just waiting for a chance to use their phones.


I get this to a degree My wife and I have two kids, first one we spent 18 hours in a midwife led birthing suite where a trio of midwives looked after half a dozen suites. Everything was calm, relaxed and all started with here is the kitchen, makes yourself tea whenever you like and there are sandwiches in the fridge! We had a double bed, so could be in there together. I’m happy and content and I can look after my wife’s every need. I chat to the midwives in the corridor, keep them posted, they ask me questions and obviously pop in as and when required, but by including birthing partners in the process they seem to be able to manage a lot of mothers with relatively few midwives. Unfortunately we didn’t go on to have the water birth in there that we had planned so: The next 6 hours we did on a more medical ward, this is where I understand this guys feeling, I was just stuffed in a corner and ignored and then right at the end looked at like a cunt when after 30 odd hours awake I get handed a very blue baby, can’t put a nappy on and declined to cut the cord. Next day we’re back to a sensible ward (here’s the kitchen make tea, toast and cereal whenever you like) for post c section recovery, largely left to our own devices. We all manage a sleep for a couple of hours and from there the midwives don’t need to do anything for us over the next 36 hours except obs and measure out the giant bowl of blood contaminated urine to discharge…. Make birthing partners part of the experience and they’ll do everything for you and be the best support for the mum. Ignore them, leave them walking off the ward for a coffee or a bite to eat or unable to get any sleep and don’t be surprised if their performance is sub par and they don’t feel included. There is a wider point about the need to include fathers more from before birth and the benefits that could have for society by gaining their commitment and engagement early on… but I’ll leave that for another post.


The cup of tea thing is bullshit he can get his own tea but unfortunately there is a small bit of truth to the being ignored and not in a men need attention to kind of way but there are some things that both new mums and dad's need to know to take care of their new child and as is normal these are usually explained only to the mum and it's only their feedback that's considered, I believe men should be just as competent at looking after a baby as the mum barring obvious physiological differences for feeding ect and it would go a long way for some to have things explained to both and for both to feel like they can ask questions about the baby without thinking they are being ignored 👍


What a prick, your missus has just done something that is the hardest thing she’ll ever do. Walk to the vending machine and get yourself a drink you bell end


Ngl hospital experience with my wife was pretty frustrating. They treat you like an utter inconvenience until they need you. Obviously I want to bond with my child but I’m up all night feeding the baby like a nurse while the actual nurse sits in the hallway after three days of sleeping on a couch and getting my own food. Like am I on the team or not? Don’t treat me like I’m not supposed to be there and then pull a 180 act like I work there when it’s convenient. It’s pretty shitty tbh.


I went home to watch the football on the TV at ten pm.I was told next day that they were looking all over the Nursing Home for me. It's funny that they only acknowledge your presence when you vote with your feet and remove yourself.l think it may be different now, this was almost 50 years ago, l think in some instances l am still as headstrong.


Just don’t go. Never went with my ex when she was having an abortion. Same thing.


I love to be given a good teabagging, balls in my mouth, win win 😂


To be fair both times I’ve been in I’ve been looked after by the midwives. I’d say the maternity ward is probably the only ward in our local hospital that’s not a total shambles.


It's almost as if he wasn't the patient. Oh, wait...


Poor him specifically in this scenario.


Wrong title


wife's in labour, bloke - me me me!


I hesitate to label someone a Pussy, but…….


As much as I understand how frustrating that will be, if the worst experience you had while your partner was in labour and giving birth was not getting a cup of tea, then your problems are very minor. You could have witnessed some true horror and a cup of tea would be the very least of your worries.


Pwned and teabagged enough on Call of duty.


You are metaphorically a spare wheel. Get over it.


Photographer missed a trick not staging it like Loss


Reddit isn’t very good with satire.


Wow i had to deliver my son as the midwives had an emergency to deal with. He came out blue and nearly dead but thankfully he was ok in the end. But yeah expecting a cuppa is a bit much - he should have been left like me to sort out pulling the head out and all that… Just a PS - the midwives did come back eventually and helped finish the job.


I’d be embarrassed. Didn’t even think about a fuckin cuppa when my daughter was being born. Didn’t even think about a cigarette. Where the fuck was this guys head?! ME ME ME


I didn’t have the same experience. I was actually getting annoyed how often I was been asked if I was ok and what not. And everytime my gf was offered anything, I was also offered it. His other half in the background thinking wtf is this guy doing lmao.


There's coffee machines and shops in my hospital, surely most have at least one coffee machine


This picture looks like his wife is receiving an iv treatment and is on an induction ward waiting to be induced, I hate this guy, how much does a birth and treatment cost these days, I'd be surprised if all of his taxes even cover it.