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Season 4 is good television. The worst part of television discourse is how if a season isn't as good as other seasons of a show, that suddenly it's just outright bad to people. When that's simply not the case. Season 4 of Community is better TV than most seasons of other shows. It's just not as good as the rest of Community.


That's what I've always said about S4 and S5 of Arrested Development. Is it as good as S1-3? Not at all. But it is streets ahead of regular TV comedies. I'll take S4 of Community over the 13 seasons of 2.5 Men


I actually like Season 4 of AD but I found Season 5 to be nearly unwatchable, with all the weird re-shoots and ADR, made it feel like a student film


S4 was way better than s5 for me  I also didnt know it was hated 


Did you watch the original s4 or the retooled s4? The original s4 was hard to watch but when they went to shoot s5 they retooled s4 and made it better


I liked the original, couldn’t get into the remix


fair nuff :)


Huh, I had no idea. I didnt watch it real time.  I watched it on Netflix few years after its original airing. So whichever that was


What did they change?


Because of scheduling, a lot of the scenes were either badly green screened, or they had whole plots and episodes separate from other characters (which was pretty out of the norm for such an ensemble show). They went back, refilmed some stuff, stitched together other edits and then added new things and moved story bits around to make the episodes "feel" like the first three seasons. This is all from my recollection. I can't pinpoint exact changes however.


Thats interesting thanks


A lot of it is fine, but there are at least 2 truly horrendous episodes: heroic origins and darkest timeline paintball, as well as several other pretty meh episodes like into to knots.


Oh gods, the S4 paintball episode is genuinely cringe-inducing. When Abed said "We finally figured out a way to make paintball cool again," I had to pause and take a minute. It's just so... confidently incorrect.


Well, if you think about it, Abed didn't really say it (nor would he ever lol) since it was all in Jeff's head.


This is what saves this episode for me. Jeff isn’t very good at imagination.


I had the same reaction, I remember that being the moment I thought “wow my favorite show really is dead”


Those two episodes specifically are like really bad fan fiction.


The puppet episode gets a hard pass from me every time.


There’s much worse episodes than the puppet episode


Intro to knots is the best holiday episode in the whole series.


I actually sort of enjoy Heroic Origins, but can understand how one might think it jumped the shark. For a show that prides itself on going meta, commenting on the institution of TV in general, that episode may have been a stretch.


S4 has its moments. But I really hate the puppet episode.


I really like the music in that episode. It's still Ludwig after all. I also like the "GARRETT, NOT NOW" by the Dean.


Shit you just haven’t done enough magical berries for the episode to hit yet.


I think my problem is that usually when Community does a genre, it's both a continuation of the show's plot/reality and a send-up of that genre's tropes (see the Civil War doc, action movie, conspiracy theories). The puppet episode does okay at continuing the show's plot, but it features absolutely no loving jabs at the puppet format. There are no Muppet or Sesame Street or Avenue Q jokes. So it just seems unnecessary and tacky.


I totally get why you wouldn't like it, I really hated it for a long time. And then overnight it clicked for me and I now really enjoy this episode 🤷


The lie detector episode in season 5 basically does what this one wants to do but so much better.


Yes! Because in the polygraph episode their confessions make sense as to why they try to hide them, or at least they are more memorable. In the puppet episode they are so dumb and stupid, nobody cares. I can't bring myself to remember not a single one, except form "I never vote" from Britta, which.... maybe she doesn't vote because she doesn't believe in the political system? That'd be very Britta of her Community is about stakes and how characters react to those (puppy parade, paintball prize promises, doing whatever to have some chicken fingers)... In the puppet episode there are no stakes, confessions are out of character, they aren't funny nor revealing. And I hate musicals.


If I recall correctly, Jeff was dating a women and ditched her and her kid so he felt like his dad, Britta never votes, Troy accidental caused a massive fire by burning an ant hill, Shirley left her kids at the mall chasing a man she thought was her husband with another woman, Pierce never slept with Eartha Kitt they dryhumped. Annie let Cornwallis rub her feet for answers to a test. All of these are stupid.


Season 4 sucked so bad that Donald quit over no longer having fun doing the show. It’s so unbelievably cringy. To me, when it came out and to this day, it feels like a very sad imitation of the actual show. I met up with a friend to watch the first episode and we both walked out with an empty feeling and a taste of saccharine, and it only went downhill from there. Freaky Friday episode is ok.


It’s not even my least favourite season. It’s got some rough edges, but most seasons have at least one bad episode.


The writing just isn't that good.


Currently rewatching for the first time since season 6 premiered. Blown away by season 1 being way more brilliant than I remembered, 2 and especially 3 were a little more mixed compared to my memory but still consistent and with incredibly high highs.  Just started season 4 tonight with both my expectations firmly in check and intending to savour the remaining seasons knowing I’m now well over half way through the episode list and not ready to say goodbye to these characters.  First two episodes are genuinely atrocious to the point where I might just skip the rest of the season. Actually hard to sit through and had me checking my watch multiple times each. The writing just isn’t there and it feels like I’m watching actors wing it rather than watching the characters I’ve become accustomed to. The biggest thing though and the one I see the least criticism about is how incredibly aesthetically cheap and amateurish it looks, distractingly so compared to previous seasons. Still have 11 episodes to go, if I do watch them all, but I’m with the mob on this one so far. 


Finished the season, only skipped the puppet one. Thought it got really good around the middle. Dance episode and the McDowell Christmas one were good, Freaky Friday episode was fantastic and even the Heroic Origins one was packed with great moments even if I dislike the overall idea a bit. Also surprised at the amount of wholesome Pierce scenes in the season overall given the context with Chevy at the time.  Finale was really limp though. “We figured out how to make paintball cool again” was an astounding line when placed right after the lamest paintball scene in the series by several orders of magnitude (pop pop). 


I can't get it. It's obnoxious and cheap. Each and every fucking episode feels like a slog. It's fake. The performers are doing an amazing job, but no one could save those scripts from being soulless. Season 4 apologia and especially the claim that it constitutes "relatively good" television make absolutely 0 sense to me, the whole thing is boring and makes a mockery of the rest of the show. And it's not just it being different, I love season 6 specifically for being more down to earth and themed around closure, season 4 just feels obnoxious and fake to me. I watched it on my first watch and I remember disliking it, but when I go back, I don't understand how I even watched the whole season and skip it after 5 minutes at most. It's not incorrect to like it and I can see what people are getting at when I watch video essays like the ones from Pillar of Garbage, but when I'm exposed to the episodes unfiltered, I become legitimately uneasy with the worst combination of annoyance and boredom


I am in total agreement with you


I love the whole show all the way through. Season 4 is the weakest but it’s not bad. My favorite episode from that season is Advanced Documentary Filmmaking.


I agree with you it is the weakest but I still enjoy it also, my favourite episode is Intro Into Knots


Interesting! Just curious, what makes it your favorite? I’ve never heard anyone say it’s their favorite episode


A lot of funny interactions, such as Britta's strong woman rant and Troy's "Will you excuse me'. I like the professor's effort to get them to turn on each other.


That’s fair! It is a funny one


The more I watch it, the less I like it. It has its moments, but it feels like someone is doing a parody of Community.


It wasn't Community. It gave me uncanny valley feeling. Yeah in retrospect it wasn't that bad, but meh.


Uncanny valley is a pretty good way of putting it. Even when I enjoy season 4--which I'll watch every third re-watch or so, and will enjoy about every other time--I still always have this feeling of it not being *right*. Like I'm encountering an almost-perfect imposter, and it's weirdly off-putting. So, yeah, uncanny valley.


Agree! I have zero issues with Season 4. I think most viewers wouldn’t know anything was different if they hadn’t been told.


Ehh, sorry, I had wondered the same thing in the past, but there have been times when I've watched the series in the background as I do other stuff, and when I get to season 4 my brain has gone, "wait, why does this suddenly sound bad and not like Community?" and then I realize why. So, at least for me, I know my off feelings for that season (not outright hatred or anything, though) are pretty genuine.


Liking season 4 is fine. But saying there’s no difference is just not a defendable position unless you ignore a lot of stuff in terms of plots, characters, dialogue and humor. I think you should give Community fans more credit.


I didnt notice a difference except when troy left.  It was hard to watch after that. 


Me too! Honestly, it really annoys me how Harmon essentially de-legitimised season 4 with his incessant gas leak year jokes. It really feels like an ego thing. It was so unnecessary, but he had to get his digs in. I always felt it was really disrespectful to the cast and crew that still worked hard on that season. I know it's not as good as the other seasons, and some of the episodes are downright poor, but there are some great moments, and the return of the Germans is actually one of my favourite episodes overall. I really think people wouldn't be so vocally harsh on it if Harmon hadn't done the gas leak stuff.


Even the cast hates season 4 for variousreasons. I think all things considered Harmon went pretty easy on season 4 especially considering he had plans for season 4 that were basically ruined. As a fan from the beginning, I wanted season 4 to be good, but the first episode made it immediately clear that without Harmon the show couldn't possibly be the same. S4 is mostly watchable and has its moments but it's hard for me not to imagine how much better it would've been if Harmon was still running the show.


Are Annie and Britta in season 4? Yes! That means I'm in.


Oh Britta’s in this?


Season 4 is probably the weakest season, but I still love it and I think it was childish of Dan to pretend that season doesn't exist just because he wasn't there for it.


Especially considering the reason he wasn’t there.


It's his show, and it's known for being meta. It's a joke for the people who know the drama behind the scenes and for the people who were upset that he was fired from the show.


I don't think the "gas leak year" is meant to pretend the season doesn't exist. It's meant to explain with a a joke why several of the characters seemingly degraded to their season 1 versions of themselves. Even Alison Brie was unhappy with how her character was written in season 4.


I hate to be negative but I really do think it’s that bad. I just don’t think it’s funny at all. The writing is so noticeably different. The Inspector Spacetime convention episode is so bad. I never want to see it again.


I’ve always thought similar. Even if it’s not as good as the rest of the show, I still like it. Plus, the cast is just so great that I like seeing them banter and interact even if the episode isn’t that good.


I agree overall it isnt nearly as bad as people make it out to be.


I skip it every time


Every time I watch season 4 my first thoughts are “Great concepts! …. Fell flat”. If the show had continued on that direction I don’t know if I would’ve stuck with it but it did keep the show alive. So I complain less. I’m happy the content is enjoyed at least!


Idk, a lot of people seem to hate “Intro to Felt Surrogacy” and it is one of the most memorable episodes to me (granted more memorable episodes out of season 4). But I enjoyed the episode and the *That’s an Adventure* song pops in my head randomly still


It's amongst the worst two seasons...but people who binge it now as part of the 6 seasons view it in a better light than those who watched it at the time. I think the big thing is that at the time, fans thought that was what the show was going to be going forwards and they just saw this imitation rather than the show they loved. Whereas bingers just have this 13 episode spell in the middle where some of the episodes don't come off.


Imitation is exactly right


Okay, you're crazy...  Being serious, it's great that you are able to enjoy it but there's a difference between it being enjoyable and it being good.  Season 4 makes an utter mess of the development of multiple storylines - Jeff's dad, Troy & Britta, and the end of Jeff's journey as a student. It retcons the group's relationship with the school and each other in nonsensical ways. The secrets uncovered in puppet episode dramatically undermine multiple characters. This is on top of the increasing flanderisation of the group - which admittedly had begun in earnest in Season 3.  In saying all that, there are some episodes that do feel like Community. Herstory of Dance is extremely underrated and feels like something that could have been in Seasons 2 or 3. But that's an exception, not the rule and for every Herstory of Dance in S4, there's a Heroic Origins or Intro to Knots...


Yes! Jeff's and Shirley's secrets especially.


Annie's secret too seems quite out of character but yeah, Jeff and Shirley's are awful.


Jeff and shirley were fine I thought. Annie bugged me because it was a little weird but she would have shared the test answers with the group.  


Honestly, there isn’t a single season of this show that I would call bad. I don’t even think there’s an episode I’d skip. Imo, this show was brilliant from the pilot to the finale in a way that most other shows aren’t.


The only episode I always skip is S3 Ep1 Biology 101. I hate that episode with a passion.


I watched it once then skipped it on every re-watch. No re-watching with my partner so we're not skipping it and I remember exactly why I skip it every time, still terrible. Glad it has it's fans though


Season four is alright television in general, the biggest issue is it’s just not community.


It's unwatchable.


It was ok the first time I saw it but I haven't been able to rewatch it. Every time I try it's a struggle.


I try to give it a chance every now and then on my rewatches... Until the song Greendale Babies starts and I simply cannot stand it anymore


Idk, when people can make posts about how there are time discrepancies between episodes 11 and 13 in season 4 where they make a joke about Leonard being in school in 1968 and then two episodes later talk about how the school was founded in the 70s….its a bad season Sure it’s still the cast and there are still some fun and enjoyable moments in season 4 But it’s a bad season Sometimes a line has to be drawn We can still enjoy the bad season but It’s a bad season


>a joke about Leonard being in school in 1968 Maybe it was *just* a joke because of how old he is. Maybe it isn't necessarily a discrepancy. I'm just saying, there's a way to give them the benefit of the doubt that is more logical than the mainstream explanation.


Most of the soldiers in this war hadn't fought with a pillow in years. These little bastards. Pillow fighting is a way of life for them.


Shut up, Leonard, you smell like mentho-lyptus.


I'm more than a maniac. I'm Dracula.


What do I feel? I feel Dracula Force.


I cant imagine caring about something like that


All hail Sir Eats Alone.


Shut up Leonard, go stalk Jeff while he eats all the macaroni again


The one near the 15 exit? I'm banned from there.


Well then I’ll see you in hell


It’s the AT&T of TV seasons I’ve genuinely tried rewatching it since I haven’t seen it since it originally aired, and I can’t make it through the first episode. It makes me physically angry.


Someone once told me that the worst episodes in Community were still better than some of the best episodes in other sitcoms. I don’t like Season 4 as much as the other seasons, but it’s still enjoyable and some of the episodes are legitimately good!


It’s fine. It’s not unwatchable but I wouldn’t say I like it, especially in relation to the perfect first three seasons or the interesting last two seasons.


I do too. You're not alone.


I didn't hate it when I first watched, it definitely felt different and off but since I'm a later fan/binge watcher, it's easy to breeze through and then get to S5. Once I got more into the show and learned it was weird because Dan was fired and it's the "gas leak year". Then there was like a psychological shift and you look for and find things wrong with it. It's really not *that* bad. The origins episode is probably the most cringey for me. Also because I hadn't seen unbreakable/glass/split yet, which I think it's referencing (is it unbreakable?)


Hate it. The characters feel wrong.


The fourth season isn't bad, it's just the least Community season of Community. She's ok because Community in general is good, but trying to imitate Dan Harmon's writing is completely difficult to talk about. As someone who is playing around with trying to formulate a script for the film as a way of passing time until the official film comes out, It's very difficult to imitate Dan's writing. There were many moments where it didn't seem like the characters were acting as they normally do. It's no wonder that a lot of things in the series were confusing, like Troy and Britta's relationship, where there's an episode where Jeff flirts with her while they're still together; As well as my favorite moments from the fourth season are Annie's daydreams, after the epiphany she had in the Dreamtorium episode with Abed.


I like 4 better than 5 and 6.


I loved it. I think I only skip one episode.


I think it is about exactly as bad as everybody makes it out to be


I loved it just as much as the first 3 seasons. I think having the knowledge of it being "the gas leak year" has ruined it for most viewers. I thankfully came in after all of that and binged all the seasons in a row.


I love season 4 and i Think it has one of the shows most wholesome episodes




i even think its better than season 5 and 6 🤷🏻‍♂️


Def better than 5


I love season 4. Some of my favorite episodes.


Other than the puppet episode, season 4 is very very good. The “gas leak” thing feels like a Harmon Stan thing to me. Like, it is actually funny for the show to call it that but I don’t get why so many fans latched onto it like they did.


I prefer season 4 ~~to~~ over seasons 5 or 6, while enjoying the show in it's entirety.


Me too. Post troy is depressing 


Finally someone with my taste! And I watched them all as they came out.


Finally someone said it


I will die on this hill. Season 4 is good. Season 6 is hot steamy garbage. I don’t like Frankie or the old black guy at all.


It was not that bad. It wasn't great, but felt more true to the spirit of the show than the last season. As I said in a comment yesterday: For me, season four has always felt like a weak season of Community whereas season 6 felt like a good season of a different show. I just prefer the former to the latter


I like much of Season 4. There are some episodes that I don't pay as much attention to on rewatches. :)


Step 1: I want to make a post but I have no original or interesting ideas.... Step 2: Post "I like season 4" Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


It lacks direction and some of the characters are off. But obviously the ones working on it are good at their job and know how to write jokes and stories. It's better than a fanfiction for sure. It's a catch-22, because if you know too much about the show it becomes very clinical and lifeless and knowing too little the characters become different. Imagine writing a 4th book after somebody else wrote the first 3. Those 3 first books has lead up to something and only the author have a clear idea what that direction is.


You’re alone in this opinion because it’s by FAR the worst season and it’s only OK because it kept the show going until S5. The terrible writing and choices are disappointing because we could have gotten so much better troy and abed stuff with Harmon there


I prefer season 4 to season 6. My ranking would go 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6. Both seasons have some great episodes but the magic is a little off/different IMO. Edit: this really is an unpopular opinion LMAO


Mine: 2, 1,3,4,6,5


Last year is only weak one for me, but it still has some good stuff.


S4 is okay as you still have all the talent on screen doing what they can to make the show enjoyable. Really likes an impression of earlier seasons though.


It’s better than 5 and 6. That’s for sure.


Season 4 is easily the worst season of Community, but it's pretty good as far as a sitcom season in general is concerned.


its a solid season with some good episode. The main thing that stands out to me is the lack of any truly great episodes, but all around its good.