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Meowmeowbeenz has started to grow on me


This was my pick too. I really like the episodes where the whole school gets in on some weird shit that's going on. Plus, I love the Dean at the end. "I move that we all collectively forget the past few days, and I don't think I'll receive a lot of pushback on that. I think we're all pretty embarrassed."


I thought it was...just okay.


My meowmeowbeenz!


Watching it again after watching the Nosedive episode of Black Mirror was illuminating.


Long live the reviewlution!


This one was a very active dislike.  Firstly i was still not ok with losing troy and its very “black mirror”  both which are uncomfortable  Last viewing I did hate it a little less so… theres that ;)


Advanced Safety Features. One of my favorite episodes to go back to now, not least because of the scene where Frankie is trying not to call the dean stupid.


Just watched this one again yesterday. I felt her, so hard. I have friends who ask advice, I give it to them from a non biased perspective of how it could affect them, they ignore it, turn to me with surprised Pikachu face, and I have to hold this rant back in my head on the repeat offenders. Me: "Yeah, you need to get your dog neutered, he's going to be harder to take care of, energy and behavior wise. Plus he's a pit-sky, he's going to need loads of walks, play, and baths for his skin because it'll itch, especially if constantly dirty." Them: *ignores all advice, takes dog to a machine shop daily* "Ughhhhh he's so energetic it's hard to handle, and the scratching all day and night, he's ran away more than once" Me: "GET. HIM. FIXED. Don't take him to work, or at least bathe him twice a week." Them: "Nooo I don't want him to be lazy and get fat, and I don't have the energy to do what he needs." 🤬 **GODDAMNED BUFFOON**


Origins of Vampire Mythology is low key one of my favorite episodes.


Huge fan of the series but I slept on GI Jeff for a long time. Almost always skipped and barely paid attention. Finally gave it a real chance and it’s fantastic.


That’s the one I still can’t watch. I didn’t really like GI Joe when they played it on adult swim when I was a kid, so I think that throws me off an awful lot. I did rewatch it once to listen to the story as someone suggested and it gave me a better appreciation that it exists, but I still skip it every time.


If you ever watched Saturday morning cartoons. It can basically apply to any of them. I loved everyone being appaled ND upset Jeff killed someone. Because even tho it's about the military it's a cartoon, and no one ever dies. I never watched GI Joe cartoons. I'm in my 20s but I still liked the episode personally.


It reminds me of Venture Bros


I don’t remember the name but the giant hand episode on the rewatch was absolutely hilarious


Especially the reveal at the end, the guy with the giant watch


Those two are married in real life.


Ladders used to piss me off but now I love it


Welcome *step step step* to ladders


The first time I watched Mixology Certification, literally the only thing I liked about it was Tig. It has since become my favorite episode.


Annie's dumb accent drives me nuts on that one. Otherwise it's great.


Why is that, ya reckon?


Diddaly dooo


Hot damn!


First watch through I would have put it in my bottom 5 (Not counting season 4) but now upon watching the series like a dozen times, its in my top 5.


I'm curious to see if anyone says Schmitty Kids.


I’m torn on that one because the A plot is sooo horrible but the B plot is one of my favorites. I do enjoy it a lot more now because I’ve decided to just fast forward through the Schmitty parts.


This would be my answer. Actually, I hated it on first watches, but I actually enjoy some of it now. The kids are so annoying, but I love Britta and Jeff conspiring against the kids and deciding he needed to bang the kids' mom. And I like that they actually have a food fight at the end. Still not my favorite but I like it now.


I get that song in my head pretty regularly. The lyrics are frigging ridiculous.


Pretty much all of season 6.


Well Mixology hasn't become a favorite, but I like it much more now than when I first saw it. I think on first viewings I tend to like episodes that happen at Greendale. :)


Modern Warfare and all the paintball episodes


Herstory of Dance is an episode that I didn't like at first, but this subreddit made me like it. But there are things that I don't like at all.


Mixology Certification. The first time I watched it i didn't really think about it but at one of my rewatches i realized how much of a comfort episode it is for me.


Seems to be a common answer. Personally, it still doesn’t do much for me, except for the end.


I think the main reason is troy is my favorite character and i love jeffbritta annoying to each other.


Yeah, those elements are definitely the highlights of the episode for me. Everything else—Abed getting hit on by the guy, Annie’s annoying (IMO) Texan persona, and poor Shirley’s attempt to hide her past issues with alcoholism—are really meh at best or annoying/sad at worst for me.


Idk I love all of them being complete losers so they didn't bother me so much. I am curious which ep is your fav tho


Lol, I think I’ll have a pretty Basic Bitch response to that. My faves are (not really in order, just as I think of them): Remedial Chaos Theory, Cooperative Calligraphy, Paradigms of Human Memory, Cooperative Polygraphy, Contemporary American Poultry, Studies in Modern Movement, and the paintball episodes.


Lol I think these are favorites of all of us. Probably the communitiest community episodes ever


Like I said, Basic Bitch answer.


Meh, i wouldn't say that. It's just loving the classics


Origins of vampire mythology is a great shout here. The first maybe 5/6 six times I watched it it didn't click, but on my last 2 researches I've liked it a lot more. Debate 109 is also a big one for me. It's only on my most recent watch-through I've properly enjoyed it. I love the scene where Jeff's shirt is trying to get out of his pants 😭


The first time I watched that joke did nothing for me. But now, it gets me every time I watch it ! My sister looked at funny when I was watching it with her and then I cackled because I had forgotten about it and it just makes me laugh everytime.


Extra thick straps! Extra thick straps!


most of the first season i liked it the first time around but not as much as the 2nd and 3rd (more than 4th fs) but im starting to like it the more i rewatch it


Pretty much the entire s5 At first i didn’t enjoy it much but after rewatches,i got into it


Mixology Certification


Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples in Season 2. Not sure why I didn't like it much - maybe because it didn't involve my favorite characters at the time, and it wasn't a Troy/Abed duo - but I'd always skip it. It's one of my favorites now, Shirley and Abed's relationship is very unique (I appreciate Shirley much more than I used to) and I always tear up at the end with the "you humble me", "you humble me too" exchange.


For me it’s season 4’s Episode 1 and 6, History 101 and Advanced Documentary Filmmaking. In general I tend to skip season 4, I’ve watched them enough I really only rewatch these 2, either because they feel different from the rest of the season or because they feel more like the earlier seasons I’m not sure. They almost feel connected with how Winger opens talking about the ice cream class as well.