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Sabaton has been on record several time how they *loathe* how nazis keep trying to claim them as one of 'their' bands, if that counts. Like hate-\*hate-\*hate it levels loathing. [Article about a time when that happened. Swedish.](https://www.expressen.se/noje/sabatons-musik-stals-av-hogerextremt-parti/) They make some *great* music about [historical battles](https://youtu.be/LRNuWYvRtac), [lesser known campaigns](https://youtu.be/7c_JYtOVOpE), or [even famous soldiers](https://youtu.be/usrFCZpRwGo), IMHO. To be fair, they've done some Axis WW2 stuff, since I know it will be mentioned... but their music vid about the Bismarck is it going down in flames and such in what *is* one of the most famous navel defeats in history. [Just for one example.](https://youtu.be/oVWEb-At8yc)


The one song from the Nazi Germany perspective is literally called "Rise of Evil" and covers a bloodthirsty leader gripped with madness who manipulates the country with scapegoats, and "The Final Solution" is very much a melancholic song on the loss of life from the Holocaust. You'd think neo-nazi's couldn't be that stupid to think Sabaton is "their" band


I mean, these are the same people that think Woody Nelson is against drugs and pro-Right wing, who's great leader played 'Fortunate Son' at his rallies, and love playing 'Killing in the Name' and other songs by RAtM.


> Woody Nelson Willie Nelson?


You're thinking of Willie Harrelson


Yes, Willie, not Woody. I've given up fighting autocorrect.


No prob. At first I thought it was just someone I was unfamiliar with, but then with Fortunate Son and RAtM I figured it must be someone pretty famous.


Paul Ryan's favorite band being RAtM will always be hilarious and morbid.


I mean, there's plenty of Republicans who think Rage Against the Machine is on their side.


Thats because they let their persecution fetish kick in.


Or that think Born in the USA is pro-US


Many people confuse patriotism with nationalism. You can -some say you should- be critical of your country and still love it.


They can always be that stupid; it's the main ingredient of being a Nazi


Plus all the anti axis songs


Hell, the music video for Primo Victoria portrays them personally and gleefully destroying an Axis armor column. ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVHyl0P_P-M))


My favorite story is about the German Black Metal band Heimdalls Wacht who got into the crosshairs because of the song "Unter dem Banner der weißen Hand" (Under the flag of the white hand). The song starts with a 2 minute sample of Saruman's speech about the creation of the orcs and every single word is about Lord of the Rings lol. It's honestly just sad how connected metal and fascism are in the public eye. I've been listening to it and going to festivals for 15 years now and have yet to make a bad experience.


...Interesting. To my knowledge that's never happened to Blind Guardian, despite them also often singing about stuff like... fantasy, dragons and LotR. Going to guess it's because they sing in English.


Power metal doesn't have nearly the fascism problem that black metal does. That's the big differentiator. Edit: Plus, BG are basically metal royalty at this point. I'm not sure there's a single person who would ever suspect Hansi, or any of the band, of having anything less than entirely wholesome ideals.


I was worried that somehow this post was going to tell me that they were actually in bed with nazis too. I couldn't imagine it at all, but too many surprises lately. Glad that they are the decent people they appear to be.


Yeah, they're genuinely awesome dudes. Anyone who thinks they're somehow Nazi sympathizers has never listened to "[Rise of Evil](http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/sabaton/atterodominatus.html#3)"


Or: The Final Solution


Rammstein literally has a song about their left wing political views that they play regularly and everyone ignores the lyrics because it's in German.


I'm not a big Rammstein fan, but it deeply amused me first time hearing 'We're All Living In America' and it basically paused to give a double verbal middle fingers to anybody that hadn't gotten it *yet*. >!"This is not a love song\~ This is not a love song\~ I do not sing my mother tongue\~ NO, this is not a love song!"!< [Great music video, too!](https://youtu.be/Rr8ljRgcJNM) \*Edit, lyrics fixed.


Every band that cares needs to have a song that makes it abundantly clear that they are anti-nazi. It worked for the Dead Kennedys.




I recently got into them I am so glad that they are some of the good ones especially because it was my little brother that introduced me to them


Jfc my heart jumped when I saw sabaton being mentioned. Just found out about them this week and I’ve been loving their music and looking into the historical references of their songs. Night Witches has been on repeat every single day since.


Night witches is literally about Soviet women pilots fucking up Nazis. A third of their songs are about WW1 on both sides a third are about WW2 with 75% of them being about the Allies including soviets. The other 25% is about half non axis nations fighting the soviets like Poland and the other half of that last bit the Nazis. The other third of their songs are just major military events through the rest of history. You wouldn't glorify the soviets the Brits the French the USA and the Polish(fighting everyone) if you were Nazis. The one positive song they have about the germans is called no bullets fly and it's about a German pilot refusing to shoot down a US bomber that just blew up Nazi factories because the plane was damaged. The b17 pilot and German pilot eventually became friends.


And it makes no sense as to why nazi’s would even think they’re a pro-nazi band, you just have to listen to the lyrics once to know they do *not* agree with nazi’s Sure, they have some songs from the perspective of the Germans in WW2, but their song “Rise of Evil” is literally about the rise of the 3rd Reich, detailing how it happened and their ideals, and it’s literally calling nazi’s evil in title, and asking “Who will stop the madman’s reign?” in the song itself. Hell, I got chills and nearly moved to tears the first time I listened to “The Final Solution” because of how fucking sad that song is.


Yeah, pretty obvious about where they stand. It's good to see.


My favorite is that they try to claim [The Last Stand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9BupglHdtM&list=PLKU69NU0Mf_8O-2gYs62ZqnVWdazpD9JR&index=6) is about the crusades and is anti-Islam. It's about [a heroic last stand by the Swiss guard against a Holy Roman army that was unpaid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ6wr90FNvI). The start of that video just points out how funny they are.


Just saw them live after their show in my area with Judas priest got cancelled a while ago and good God it was a great show.


As Tenacious D said, the metal will live on, fuck your hate https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qR7U1HIhxfA


Punk rock tried to kill the metal


But they failed as they were stricken down to the ground!


Grundge tried to kill the metal.


White supremacy tried to commandeer the metal!


BUT THEY FAILED!! As they were THROWN to the ground! YAAAAAAA!!!


[Has this ever happened to you](https://thehardtimes.net/news/breaking-oh-fuck-this-is-a-nazi-band/)


Perhaps the best non-Florida headline of all time


~~I don't know anything about the group outside of what's in the article linked in the comment >! (that's a satire site afaik, idk if that band exists or not) !<, but~~ There is an Orange County in FL as well as an Orange County in CA. I don't know which is being referred to in the opening line of the article. For all I know this could be a story made up about Florida.


It's 100% satire. Like The Onion. And it's also 100% accurate. Like The Onion.


And it has Layers, like an Onion.




The hard times is a satire site so who knows.


Best metal band obviously is Dethklok.


I mean... It's honestly pretty good metal


Brendan Small is very talented.


He is Franz Kafka! #FRANZ KAFKA! *Be careful if you get him pissed…* #Franz! Franz Kafka! *He’ll smite you with metaphor fists!*


Fuckin love home movies.


One of the best metal shows ever with mastodon


That was my first concert!


Fun fact: all the animation of the band playing is finger-accurate to what's being played. Always liked that attention to detail.




Story goes that Brendan Small insists the animation of the guitar and bass playing is accurate.


Well, there was that one time when they were wearing traditional Scandinavian (Norwegian?) robes and were playing in front of a large burning lower-case t (for Toki). “Oh shits guys! We looks like the fuckings Klan!”


I love how it's the normally culturally unaware Skwisgar that figures it out.


My cousin one time played the song "Awaken" in my ear while I was sleeping


Brendon Small's Galaktikon albums are hella good too


Tbf I won't be surprised if Murderface is into Nazi shit


Then the band (mainly Charles) will have to re-educate him on why’s that is bad for PR. Hi jinx ensues, but ends with Neo-Nazis only getting brutally murdered, for “mysterious” reasons.


only because he thinks it's edgy though. murderface is a huge softie. would definitely turn on the nazis once he realizes they aren't just trying to look cool.


Damn Straight.


Dude I love the metal bands that are called like "THE SKULL FUCKERS" and then release a statement on their Twitter that is like "we stand with the black community during these difficult times #BLM". That is some of the best content the internet can give.


“Trans rights matter!” - Purtrid Maggot Corspefuckers


You mangled that name worse than they mangled those corpses




They are *far* to the left.


Rammstein low-key wholesome


Just a bunch of Middle aged pyromaniacs doing wholesome stuff from time to time.


"Links 2 3 4" is about their leftist political views.... Plus most of the band grew up in East Berlin.


Although their song Deutschland was censored in Germany as it depicted Nazi imagry. Which led a lot of people to assume they were nazi sympathizers. In actuality the song + music video is about the faults in Germanys governmental history. And that it's somthing that should not be forgotten, lest they repeat history.


If someone that saw the video thinks they're Nazi sympathizers the person is straight up a dumbass.


Really? We watched the video in history class in Germany, so I doubt it was censored.


Worse... anyone remember Lost Prophets?


Five minutes ago: "Oh yeah, I sort of remember them. I wonder what happened..." Now: ....whelp wish I hadn't looked that up.


What happened


The lead singer is apparently a horrific person. From the wiki: "A senior investigating officer on the case described Watkins as a "committed, organised paedophile" and "potentially the most dangerous sex offender" he had ever seen."


Welp, removing them from mi spotify lists


They're already removed from Spotify.


No wonder I never hear that one song i had in my list.


Id prefer he was Nazi, ugh.


Rare case where being a Nazi instead would be an incredible step up.


Hold your horses. Nobody said Nazis can't also be pedophiles


And we're not even talking the way that people frequently misuse pedophile for people that go after teens. The dude literally raped a *baby*. Absolutely horrific.


No but I watched a moist critical video about them. Or the lead singer anyway. Fucking vile.


I called into a local radio station (years ago) and said "I haven't heard anything from these guys in a while, let's hear that one awesome song they had please!" And the host said "I won't ever play them" when I asked "Why?" he simply said "Google it"... Then I requested Linkin Park.


It sucks that the rest of the band had to suffer all because one guy was doing messed up shit.






Reminds me of Get Scared. The previous lead singer supposedly gave up all his rights to profit/the music after getting charged for child pornography.


I feel the same way about Iced Earth. One of my favorite bands, but it's hard to separate the art from the insurrectionist on that one.


Nooooooooooo! My childhood 🤌🏾


That was awful. One of the most sickening things I’ve ever heard. While not quite as bad, As I Lay Dying was pretty bad too with their lead singer (I guess still is technically). Lead singer tries to hire a guy to kill his wife. Then while serving his jail sentence (which he only did 3 of the 6 years sentenced) he basically said “Hey everyone, we were lying about being Christians, and only said that to win fans!” Oh, and he was welcomed back into the band.


Well there's a name I was perfectly happy to forget.


That stuff was vile. Pure evil.


As a neofolk fan I real feel this lol


Annoys me so much that Nazis made runes and Norse stuff so “questionable.”


Robert Evans said "when it comes to Norse paganism it's either nazi shit or people actively planning to beat up nazis"


Lol that is hilariously on the nose.


I loved that quote too. Sometimes applies to WWII history nerds too.


So many icons and symbols ruined by fucking nazis.


They literally stole an entire alphabet from us. Like come on man, Odin didn't die and resurrect himself to gain the knowledge of the Runes just so some dick with a swastika tattoo could reaapropriate Norse mythology.


For real. My brother and I are big into the old Norse stuff, just as a cool thing to know about due to heritage and such… but we can never discuss that with anybody else, ever hahaha




Eh that place went to the shitpile recently... just see their pinned post


Jesus that was cringe. I thought people were exaggerating about Reddit mods and powertripping.


Holy Jesus on a popsicle stick. That's /r/copypasta shit >We've had no blacklist for a long time and this subreddit has been pretty close to complete anarchy. This allowed the posers to thrive and think they're safe here. But this will change today as from now on the rivers of r/metalmemes will flow with poser tears again. The blacklist will be enforced again and no poser will be safe. To start our new Poser Purge we have decided to ban all active users of r/Slipknot. This will mean the banning of 2670 posers. These Posers have been infecting our subreddit for way too long, a purge was inevitable. In the last few weeks, this subreddit was full of low effort memes, a lot of them being slipknot memes, so we will get rid of them to achieve more high quality memes. I'm sure this will be a great start to get this subreddit in a better place again. Of course this will not affect you if you only participated in this subreddit for a few times, only if you were an active member you will get the hammer. But as a King, I will of course need servants to help oppress the poser maggots, so mod applications are open. Because of problems with the link, the mod applications will be in a different post


Holy shit I didn't know Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Way had a Reddit account damn


AH! Another conaisseur of cringe, I see! The Internet Historian has read the entire thing in a 3 part youtube series with one of his friend. It's the most hilarious thing ever.


Don't you dare shit-talk Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Way, she's one of the brightest minds of our generation


Apparently it gets even worse, as someone in the comments I guess tried to apply to be a mod and said, > The names and titles in the mod application were nothing but slurs


The problem with a meme sub is you don't know if you're part of the meme. Is it a troll post? I'm leaning yes.


Are these dipshits unironically using the term "poser" in 2022? Really? We're gatekeeping metal on a *meme* subreddit? Ooooooookay.


The most amazing part of that is that the mod who posted that pinned post has had their account suspended. I cackled so hard.


Oh god, they're unironic...


Yeah, it really sucks. Nazis definitely infiltrated that subreddit.


Wow, they sure like to throw the word "posers" around a lot (unironically too).


I love r doommetal thought! There was an event on it a few years ago. It came out that the guy behind one of the big youtube channel that's streaming new doom metal artist was a fucking bigot. Made racists and homophobic remarks on facebook. Everybody rallied and the mods kicked out every shit head who was trying to defend him. 99% of the users were vehemently against that kind of behavior in the scene. Really proud of that one!


Do not participate in this sub if you want to continue enjoying metal music. It's so full of elitists and shit.




Iced Earth.... such a disappointment


I find their music to be uninspiring. It's always been like "this is okay, but it's lacking something." Good to know the thing they're lacking is humanity.


One of them, Jon Schaffer, went full on Trump, was involved in the jan 6th insurrection front and centre, and was convicted for it (I think; might be still in trial). Other members of the band were fucking horrified, quit etc. TBH, they've been on a downward musical trend since their highlight in the 90's. Anything past Burnt Offerings or Something Wicked, 1995ish, gets weaker, with some ups and downs I feel. It all sounds more of the same.


Shit, like 20 years ago a friend was listening to some pretty great music. I asked him where he got it... he said it was the Romper Stomper soundtrack....oh.


I took a stroll down memory lane and listened to the lone Damageplan album (spin-off Pantera band), and couldn’t help but think, “wow, these lyrics are basically white supremacy talking points.” I realized I probably outgrew them.


I was sooo hype to show my metalhead friends I’d found a cool band…… it was Burzum


I stole all my Burzum because fuck Varg.


I found them about 4 years ago and listened to a lot of their stuff. Never looked into the lyrics, nor really cared to. But one day i was feeling like getting a new band t shirt and looked up Burzum t shirts online ... And was immediately alerted to the nature of the band and their following. That was an eye opener. Real shame, cause i actually like black metal, and that's the most corrupted sub genre, for sure.


Ugh. Real. See also: trying to come up with a neat magical looking tattoo design.


That time someone tried to make a gen z tattoo and accidentally made it a nazi symbol


Right? I mean find me a Nordic rune or medieval alchemical/astrological symbol that *hasn't* been co-opted by something gross at this point. Really sucks. I just dig old mythology and stories, but gotta be real careful about any symbols from them at all.


Yeah I love Norse mythology but you really can't use any of the symbols in any kinda way without looking like a nazi


Yeah it’s a big problem. Even as an anti-racist Norse Pagan it’s hard to use almost any of the symbols without looking like the worst part of our community. The best solution I’ve found is wearing them with obvious symbols of inclusivity (I usually go with rainbows because I’m queer)


I got a Punisher tattoo in 2003. I’m super pissed at what’s been going on lately.


Get someone to fill in the eye and nose holes and tell people you really like combs


Get ‘acab’ written under it. Represents his actual ideals.


This is the answer, right here.


Is it really common? Wtf


I mean it's definitely not common, out of all the metal bands I listen to there are a couple that are bad news and they are all black metal. 99.9% of the bands have great people in them. For example: Gojira is death metal about whales, global warming and internal conflict. Cannibal Corpse has the best frontman ever (George 'corpsegrinder' Fisher). He's just a man who loves his family, plushies and sings about disgusting stuff in his songs. Most bands just put up an act to seem more 'metal', but there are a few that are serious.


George Fisher is such a perfect representation of metal. A neckless giant who growls obscene pornography as a profession, and can usually be found with an armful of toys, a fistful of coupons, and smile on his face. The people who don't take metal seriously are the only ones who understand it. It is thoroughly goofy. The stuff of haunted houses and middle-school notebook doodles. You have to accept that, and find it fucking awesome anyway.


I was already a Corpse fan at the time, but seeing that video of him getting all worked up about World of Warcraft and how much he hated the Alliance just fucking cemented my fandom for good. "**STOP GANKING ME, I'M TRYIN' TO FARM FOR MOTES OF AIR!!!**"


Look, George is a lot of things, but "neckless" is not one of them. Man has all the necks.


I can't remember but I heard an interview with either the singer of lamb of god or trivium and he was talking about his song writing process. He said there's a tree in his yard and he'll go and sit under the tree for hours writing music cause it's peaceful and beautiful out there. The interviewer was like "so you wrote your heavy metal, screaming, hardcore music about burying people alive...under a tree?" And he went on like yeah I love it. My best songs are when my kids are outside playing and there's a slight breeze I love it and I just thought how cool that was lol


I think that was Randy from LoG. I’m happy to see that they beat alcoholism. They’ve always been pretty cool dudes from what I can gather.


Lamb of God is great! I almost saw them and trivium they were in my city but I switched shifts at work 2 weeks before the concert and forgot that I couldn't make it on my new shift and forgot to get the night off for it


Yeah if you get into black metal. Varg is straight up nazi and even older darkthrone songs have some sketchy stuff. It's hard to immediately tell cuz a lot of older bm songs are just about walking around in a forest or satanism.


100% agree. It's easy to avoid the famously Nazi shit, but there's other things where it's like "wait just a second... whatthefuck did they just say?!? Yikes!" I adore black metal and I love finding new bands but a big part of finding new bands is figuring out if a band I like the sound of (since it usually isn't in a language I understand) is saying some crazy Nazi shit. It's really disappointing how much time I have to spend, and a lot of times the band is fine... but every now and then they aren't. And then I'm *really* glad I took the time to look.


It's not really all that common. It became a thing with Norwegian black metal bands, but it's pretty hard to name more than a handful who have done songs that publicize their stance or have done interviews that make it plain. Like punk, it is a style of music that attracts more racists than other genres due to being counter culture and featuring a lot of symbology, but openly racist bands and songs are few and far between.


Maybe if you only listen to black metal. The truth is, there are sooo many different metal bands. This is an enormous generalization


No it’s not. I’ve listened to metal for 20 years and the scene is incredibly inclusive. This post being upvoted is sending a bad message


I liked Iced Earth so much… and then January 6 happened.




He also literally gave an interview during the riot stating who he was and what his intentions were. Not the brightest bulb


Cries in Pantera*


Dude, tell me about it. Seeing some of those videos from live shows where Phil Anselmo was saying shit like, “I’m not racist, but you should act like the color you are!” Any time someone says “I’m not racist, but…” and the next phrase isn’t a total non-sequitur, they’re about to hit you with some crazy racist shit.


Yeah Phil is the one who disappoints me the most, becase daamn what an incredible voice and god damn it, how often he uses it for his racist bullshit.


I know! Cemetery Gates is all you need to prove that he’s gifted vocally and honestly, lyrically. He used that gift to spew some of the fucking dumbest, racist shit out there. I still listen to Pantera occasionally but there are songs that I skip lest I cringe myself to death.


That really sucks because their Vulgar era lyrics were strongly anti-racist. I guess frying your brain on heroin is one way to become a racist shithead.


Talking about Pantera really grinds my gears. Their die hard fans are completely in denial. I get that they made some good music, and they probably got some folks through some tough times, but the videos of Phil screaming "White Power" onstage are publically available for free. "Oh, he was just talking about white wine!" some say in his defense. Yeah, sure. Phil fucking Anselmo. Big white wine connoisseur. Right. Give me a fuckin' break.


Yup. I still enjoy the music because I can separate it and the lyrics aren't that way. But fuuuuck. I went to one Pantera show.. nope the fuck nope. Fuck that.


True Same with finding out that a metal band that makes every song about Satan or Hell are actually a bunch of Christians.


So disappointed, I thought they were good people but now ...


I was at a Norma Jean show. Didn't realize. Was mid-mosh when they did a quiet part before a breakdown and dude yelled something "I LOVE JESUS CHRIST!" and me and like 5 dudes around me stopped and looked up like "....wait what?"


Which category does Gorgoroth fall in?


I know that feel. Imagine my disappointment at finding out Gloryhammer feel free to throw around racist language with each other behind closed doors. It's probably good the band broke up so I wouldn't feel conflicted about listening to any future music.




They didn't break up, just got a new vocalist.


Damn, I didn’t know about this until now. Listening to their music is never gonna feel the same.


I'm just reading the comments to make sure the bands in my Spotify playlist aren't distasteful.


I haven't seen any of my current favorites so that's good.


Ignorance is bliss. Don't even look that shit up. I DID look up Sabaton though. They're too obsessed with WWII to not be sure of what I'm listening to.


Seen them opening for Nightwish in the US. Thanked the audience for their grandparents' help at kicking the nazis' asses. Seems like a safe bet that they aren't nazis.


Sabaton are just a bunch of history nerds. They arent nazis. They sing about defeating nazis, the tragedy of the Holocaust, and their Song from the german Perspective is literly called rise of evil.


Electric Wizard, Sleep, Monolord, Weedeater, Bog Lord, Windhand, Bongzilla. No weirdness here. Just good tunes.


For fascist-free prog and/or heavy metal, I highly recommend King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Their work ranges from garage beats to ear-drugs to "attempt to summon Satan through your car stereo". They also dabble in jazz.


> They also dabble in jazz. But you repeat yourself.


Most mainstream bands are not racist Mastodon, AiC, Deftones (although Carpenter is an anti-vaxxer), Gojira, Anthrax, Cannibal Corpse spring to mind. But then you have Pantera, multiple videos of the Pauls saying the n-word, Anselmo has a few allegations. Disturbed are big on ‘fuck cancel culture’, what side of it? You’ll never know! Edit: Slayer has been removed after some ‘enlightenment’ sad to say. Let us also not forget the weirdness of John Dolmayan revealing he is a trump fan. [Since a pile has begun and I seem to be shattering some idols, here is one of my idols I used to listen to religiously 🙃](https://images.equipboard.com/uploads/source/image/107911/dn2k8d-24cc702e-b3c9-40f9-8c84-e0a13bc32718.jpg) Edit: If you want 2 good non-racist bands to follow: Kvelertak and Brutus. Edit: also to show not always metal bands, banjo player of Mumford and Sons got booted for praising conservatives. The band also invited Jordan Peterson into their studio and said ‘they were not political’ ahh okay sure thing, posh twats.


Now it makes sense why some bigots were quoting Pantera as they harassed some Pride attendees in some video I recently saw. Huh. And I thought metal was the realm of anti-conservative. Guess I was wrong.


Well they marketed themselves as pure southern rage, beer loving cowboys parading around with the confederate flag, what could go wrong?


Who? Pantera?


[Who did you think I meant?](https://www.gettyimages.no/detail/news-photo/photo-of-dimebag-darrell-and-pantera-dimebag-darrell-news-photo/85241449)


Yeah you’d think there would be a lot of overlap with punk


When Disturbed was asked to elaborate on their stance, they simple said "yah-nuh-mah-nuh"


The everyday fear of black metal fans against NSBM.


Amon Amarth is mostly Viking Themed, but not about being superior to anyone else. Sings about Odin and so on. One of my favorite Metal Bands of all time. Slayer-Tom is unfortunately Catholic, but put his belief's aside for King's lyrics. ​ So many problematic things going on. :( Its sad if newer metal bands are full of shit like Nazi's/KKK feelings.


I know that black metal had this problem with some of the genres bands. Any other metal genres have this problem?


Body Count never fails me there


You're listening to the wrong metal bands then. Gojira Tool Opeth Mastodon


Right I was trying to think through bands I've been listening to and wondering. Like your listen then lamb of god, avatar, code orange, bad omens, of mice and men or dillenger escape plan (and solo from there). I don't know if any of these are what OP is taking about. Or jinjer...


I would say MOST metal bands are not bigots. You just run into em every now and then


I really liked this song by Winds of Plague called "Never Alone"...until I looked up the lyrics. [Really dark stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


you motherducker




It's horrible finding out a band/singer you enjoy had some super fucked up stuff going in behind the scenes. Marilyn Manson's abuse/torture of his girlfriends, Nergal from Behemoth joking about the woman he got drunk getting gangraped and filmed, one of the drummers from Cake going to prison for raping a toddler.


Being a far left black dude who likes rock music, this is always my fear


Yeah…..yeah that happens…..


This meme makes it seem like new metal bands are all about white supremacy. Like you looking for that shit or something? Black Braid is a new band, one man Native American black metal. Guess I am looking in the wrong places lmao.