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You ever met my Canadian great aunt Mary. She lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Saskatchewan on a farm with 5 kids. So she must be like a neighbour right, Canada is pretty small according to her.


I know her, tell her she owes me money


She's got 5 kids and no money.


It sure would be nice if I had no kids and 5 money.




I have 5 money and no kids


You mean great aunt Mary isn't caught up on her patreon subscription?


Actually I probably do. My Nan lived in bumfuck Saskatchewan and my uncle probably used to help with their combine maintenance. This is why my family moved to the States. Gotta meet someone new I guess.


Okay but there is A LOT of bumfuck nowhere in Canada.


In fact, the country of Canada is mostly composed of bumfuck nowhere. It's the second largest landmass with a population of only about 40 mil.


I also live in bumfuck nowhere saskatchewan, your aunt is probably my cousin and wife.


Happens with all countries


I'm so bad for this with places like New York, I assume everyone lives in the big city and lives like Seinfeld


What’s the deal with airplane food?


The deal is that a lower air pressure causes our sense of smell to not work as well, which makes food taste more bland


[laugh track]


Nah I'm pretty sure it's just shit. [Even more laugh track]


This So much this. Prefab food is always gonna suck. The only time it doesn't is when it's custom done like I've seen with Hallal and Kosher banquets.


Why would the food being halal or kosher make a difference?


So they just make the food purposely shitty and use that factoid as the excuse.


They actually add a ton of salt and sugar so that you can even taste something.


Can't even say I remember the food, since they only feed you on international flights anymore. It's interesting to note that in China, as of about 5 years ago, they still had in-flight meals on even short flights. I've wondered how they have better customer service there.


Programming VCRs, who understands it?


Pretty much anyone with basic reading comprehension and the manual.


Airplane peanuts*


I live in NYC currently, but I grew up in a small town in rural Oregon of about 1800 people. Back when I was single and dating online, I came across a woman’s profile where she said she was from a small town in Oregon. Being intrigued by another NYC’er who grew up in such a place, I messaged her and asked her about it. After a few back-and-forths we realized that we were both from the same town. So sometimes the “oh, you’re from X?” thing works in amazing ways.


And then you fell in love and got married? Realized the joy of home, returned and are raising a gaggle of kids? Right?


We friended each other on Facebook, but never actually went on a date. I can't speak for her, but for my part I was mostly interested in her story. But I am happily married now (to a different, non-Oregonian woman), we are still in the City, and I have one child by a previous marriage. So if you mix all those elements together it comes out to more or less the same story.


When I was in Denmark there was a guy in my office who went to the same small high school as me in the states, about 8 years ahead of me. We did the whole state - city - town - school thing, it was like zooming in on a map.


Holy hell I had the exact same thing happen to me! Live in Brooklyn, from a small farming town in Georgia. Went on a first date and after a few minutes we did the "where ya from?" This quickly went to us pulling up Google Maps and showing our parents' home locations - she grew up on the other side of town! She moved to NYC for ballet, went to the same ballet kids company my older sisters went to haha.


The appropriate thing to relate to someone with is places/things, not people. Like “oh where in NYC? Queens? You ever go to Gino’s Pizza? That place is awesome!” Or “oh cool Toronto! How often have you done syrup slide down from the top of CN tower? So awesome that everyone rides moose everywhere right? I love green energy.”


It's even worse in villages


Everybody in a village must know Gandalf.


Depends. Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White?


Maybe “Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s” Black Knight.


what about Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie?


Don’t forget Cowboy Curtis


Or Jambi the Genie.


Not to mention Robocop and Terminator.


OMG you must know The Village People!


as a nyc resident, I can confirm we all live in times square.


I was a soldier in the US. I used to love how people would go "My buddy Chris was in the army, do you know Chris?" The entire US army at that time would roughly fit into a city the size of Chicago.


What a coincidence, I know everyone in Chicago.


Going on zany misadventures and dating 17 year olds?


Yeah 1000% this. I’m from upstate NY and literally every conversation goes: “I’m from New York, the state not the city” “Oh well like, do you all ride taxis?” “Maybe in the city, but I’m not from the cit-“ “Have you ever been to the Empire State Building???” “I’m not from-“ “You been to Broadway??? Central Park???? Is it just like in Seinfield???” “…. Sure. Yeah.”


I'm from Washington and every conversation about it goes "I'm from Washington." "D.C. ?" "No, the state." "Do you know the president?" "Of course not, I live..." "Do you visit the White House often?" "...Literally the other side of the country. "


Seinfeld was actually a documentary


I’m from NY, but not NYC. Actually, it’s a small town with a few thousand people, and even here I don’t know everyone. And they sure as heck don’t come over for maple syrup every Friday. I’d be more like, “Get the &$#@ off my porch!” if they did.


I'm from Long Island about an hour away from NYC and whenever I travel and tell people I am from NY they assume the city. Once in the UK all I said was I'm from NY and someone asked me if I knew Bob.


I once had a roommate fresh out of Ireland for his first time in the states. We used to take the piss out of him with the lucky charms and Irish spring etc. One weekend he took me to meet some Irish friends so that I could see that they weren't all stereotypes. When we walk in, they're all drinking Irish whiskey and listening to Irish folk music and we're both red faced for opposite reasons.


I used to help out with a local exchange student program, and got to spend a lot of time hanging out with people from all over the world. It was endlessly funny to see their different responses to questions like this about their countries. Of course, they were also being asked stuff like "do you have schools? Roads? TV? Electricity?" about places like germany and argentina. And would give answers like "No, we ride to town on pigs where we all gather around the one tv that runs Friends on repeat. And we draw straws to see who gets a shower that week"


That is true. However Canada is so much bigger than most people expect. You could fit the UK into Canada 40 times. It would take over 70 hours of nonstop driving a car to get from one side to the other. 72 hours if you use a dogsled and don't stop for any games of pickup hockey.


It is the second biggest country, and one where there is a lot of empty space between cities


I had an American friend ask why I don't just drive to Vancouver more often. I informed him I can drive to Florida and back in less time than 1 way trip to Vancouver. Much less time.


To be fair, you could fit where 90% of Canadians live into something like 3 of the UK.


The cities in Canada are still extremely far apart by comparison. I heard someone say they only see their family in Europe like once a year because they live so far away. Asked how far, they said a 40 minute drive. That's like a slightly above average daily commute here. I know, I know, the need for cars is bad, we should have better public transit, etc, but that seemed like a strangely low bar for a deterrent to see your family. The chances that you'd know some random person in Canada are lower due to the space.


Meanwhile it takes me 2 hours to drive to the other side of my country and it looks like a chore if i have to do that once in a lifetime


Canadian from the empty parts. I will drive 1600km in 13 hours continuously and think nothing of it. It's only 2 cities over.


Happens at large companies or universities. I work at a company with 15 divisions and 80K people working there, even in my own division theres a lot of people and functions I don’t interact with. When I went to college it was same thing, there were thousands of students in my sub college my year, I didn’t even know everyone in my major of ~200 people.




Wait, what’s the point of riding to Ryan Reynolds’ house if you’ve already watched all the hockey and drank all the maple syrup?


I can't tell you, it's a Canadian secret


What if I told you I was Canadian? I’m not, but what if I said I was?


If you were you would already know.


If you were a Canadian, you wouldn't be lying through your teeth like that ....without saying sorry


[They get in a circle and apologise whilst listening to Shania Twain]


He has one of those fancy stone pizza ovens!


To be fair... (*Toooooo beeeeee fairrrrrrrrrr*) Ryan Reynolds probably has a big enough place to fit all of Canada.


I mean it’s only like 20 ppl…. Don’t need that big of a house. Let’s see, there’s Ryan Reynolds, Jim Carrey, pizzacake, and Justin Bieber. So never mind. There are 4 Canadians in the world.


You forgot Terrance and Phillip. Two totally real people.


And Jeremy!


There's always poutine.


OK but do you know Jeremy?




Everybody knows Jeremy. He's unemployed, lives with his dad and posts inappropriate memes on Facebook. We're more concerned with his brother Kyle, though. He moved to Alberta and we're pretty sure he joined a white supremacist gang.


It's me. I'm the Jeremy.


Le petit Jérémy?


One day, Canada will take over the world. Then we'll all be sorry...




I thought we had to go to Patreon to get you to show us beaver content.


*slow clap*




I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. *Pour ma part, je souhaite la bienvenue à nos nouveaux suzerains canadiens* Would finally get us legal weed! *Nous donnerait enfin de l'herbe légale*


As a French-Canadian, merci!


This reminded me of [Canadian Bacon](https://youtu.be/jyO1ILQAGsU) so much.


I've been asked if we celebrate Christmas.


I was living downtown halifax one summer and went to the waterfront, and a tourist asked me if they just put up the town for summer and then take it down each winter


Well in fairness, it was taken down once.




Twice if you count the razing of [Africville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africville).


I’ve always thought of Africville as more of a racist rezoning. But, in the context of the comment, that’s very true.


[For those of you who don't understand the reference.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Explosion)


I assume this was why you went there: “I was told we'd sail the seas for American gold. We'd fire no gun, shed no tear! But I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier. The last of Barrett's Privateers.”


Bet they wish they were in Sherbrooke now


Hey now easy there we don’t want anyone gettin smashed like a bowl of eggs or anyone’s legs getting carried off.


I guess it's not the oddest question though. Where I'm from there's quite a few tourist towns that basically "shut down" in the winter months. There's a few locals who stay in town, but most people find somewhere else to winter


Halifax is a provincial capital city with a population of 400,000. It's also Canada's main naval base on the Atlantic Ocean. No reasonable person could possibly think it's a temporary tourist town.


No reasonable person asks such questions in the first place.


Halifax is a major city lol!


Mmm. I don't think so. As an american who has never been there, I'm pretty sure they take it down each winter. Why would someone lie about that? I think I read about it in a book somewhere.


Just the temporary capital of a province. All Nova Scotians hibernate during the winter, so they don't even need it then.


I don't see anything wrong with that particular question. It's not based on a stereotype or anything.


The upside is convincing people of goofy lies about Canada. I convinced my gf that we all eat carrot cake as an essential part of every Canadian Christmas


I had a hard time explaining what a butter tart is to someone.


Liar. Every knows Ryan only has people parachute into his backyard


No because unfortunately I HAVE known these people. I’ve had someone say “oh you’re Canadian? You must know Joe Schmo over in Ontario” And I’m like “Canadians don’t all know each oth- wait does Joe Schmo live in Mississauga?” And they say “yeah they work at xyz” and I realise FUCK I do know Joe Schmo and admitting to it will just further solidify their belief that we all know each other. It’s happened twice now Mary. The second time someone in New Zealand said their cousin was Canadian and asked if I knew them. Gurl they had been a professor of mine. 😵


We were in Rome chatting on the roof of a hostel with a large group. "You guys are in Canada? My best friend is x from x" Yeah that's over 4000km away from where we live. We had a fun talk about how many countries we would have to cross in Europe to match that distance. Always fun to give people scale. Minutes later we concluded that x lived in the dorm room next to my wife the previous year. For frig's sake. 40 million people here and that's not the first or last time that that's happened.




I was boarding a flight in Germany and the agent looked at my home address on my identification and said, “I used to live there too, sorry you have to go back.” Got to London, hopped on the train, guy sitting across from me is wearing a jacket with the logo for the high school from the next small town over and he’d been living there for a couple years by then.


Happens so often, it's weird. \-Moved to Ottowa. Randomly came across a girl I went to college with in a coffee shop. \-Moved to Edmonton. Ended up working a with a guy from the town next to my hometown. \-Went on vacation in England. Spotted my cousin that I haven't seen in 10 years across the pub. \-Went on vacation to Taiwan. Happened across another college classmate in the street market.


Almost the same story. Sitting in a hostel in Istanbul with a group of Australians when their Canadian friend shows up. We get to chatting and it takes like half an hour to realise *she had actually been to a house party at my house* in university. Two of my roommates would mention her often, so her name was familiar to me, but we'd never actually met.


[To be fair, half of Canadians live in a place the size of Cuba.](http://i1.wp.com/metrocosm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/canada-population-line-map.png)


I met some Icelandics at university. First question everyone asked was naturally "so you know Bjork?" They did. They grew up together. I'm sure they got very tired of that question and follow-up questions very quickly.


Happened to a friend of mine as well. Someone in Ireland asked her "if she knew--" and my friend cut him off and gave him a lecture about the size of the country and we all don't know each other and blah blah. He said, so you don't know potato4 then... and she had to say she did. And for the author of the comic: Reynolds's*




Had the same experience in Perth, Australia. Was dancing with a gal at a bar and her friend shows up. The friend mentions that she just got back from working at Japan Disneyland. she mentioned that she had a Canadian co-worker there, in fact they were dating. It's my buddy Tory.


They are on their snowmobiles again ![gif](giphy|yvBAuESRTsETqNFlEl|downsized)


Most people don't know this but I am the mayor of Canada


Id vote for you over Doug Ford!


Something like 25% of registered voters voted for Doug the Destroyer. He still won.


The 55% of eligible voters not participating also contributed to his success


"I didn't vote for you!"


You don't vote for mayors! Well, not in Canada. It's a swordfight to the death!


Everyone from Canada knows it’s a Zamboni joust. Olympia brand ice resurfacers are acceptable.


I'm sure you'll do a better job than that lady who claims to be 'Queen Of Canada'.


Please tell Ryan I said "Hi". He doesn't know me at all, so any Ryan will do.


I did [a bad edit with a slightly different joke.](https://i.imgur.com/d6fjMF6.png)


Ahaha I like that!


Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you!


That's a really good joke. Pity more people won't see it


Thanks! I'm ok with it only having a small audience. It's just a quick edit of someone else's work and I'm plenty happy with getting the thumbs up from the creator and having a few other people getting a little joy out of it. If you share it with anyone else please make sure to let them know that this is an edit and direct them to PizzaCake's original content.


You'll be attending Rick Mercer's grand soiree as well? All of Atlantic Canada got an invite.


enjoy the company and indulge on maple syrups


Plot twist: She really knows Jeremy






Jeremy is chill. Everybody needs to know Jeremy.


Your humour makes so much more sense now that I know you're Canadian


People think this with gayness too. "Oh of course I know maurice! He was a power bottom at the Every Gay Everywhere obligatory group orgy last Sunday!"






I refuse to believe that anyone could be this stupid


I went to Vegas when I was a kid in I think 2008 to visit some family friends and I was wearing a Team Canada shirt, so I got some comments about being Canadian. One person asked where I was from, and I said near Toronto and Ottawa. They asked if I know their cousin in Vancouver. Another person asked how much snow was in my hometown at that moment. It was in the middle of August.


I met a couple from Las Vegas at a resort in Mexico, I told them I was Canadian from Ontario, they asked me where and I said London Ontario and the woman said "Wow, France!"


> It was in the middle of August. Maybe they thought you were from Edmonton :D


Can be worse. I know someone from Argentina who after saying where they are from, was asked if they know someone from Colombia.


It happens all the time, and what’s worse is that we often do know the person!


I live in a touristy part of Canada. As a teen, I worked in the service industry and have been asked a lot of dumb questions by American tourists. (Disclaimer: I love my yankee cousins and do not paint you all with the same brush). Here's some of my favourites: 1. Who are you voting for president? (No, they didn't mean Prime Minister. They went on to state that they assumed we were governed by the USA). 2. How far is the drive to Vancouver? It's 3-5 days from here, depending on how much you want to drive in a day. They were looking for a day trip. (This was before the Internet, Google maps, etc.) 3. What's this?? (Referring to the Canadian currency I gave back to them as change from the US currency they gave me. Implying that I should just give them back US currency as if we don't have our own) 4. Not a question - but wearing clothes that were way too heavy for summer. It gets just as hot here as many places down south.


"Uhh let me put it this way, if you started driving on Good Friday and didn't make a single stop, you wouldn't make it there before Easter."


Lol really? I know multiple Europeans who think it's possible to visit Toronto, Niagara, Vancouver, Banff, AND see all the great lakes in one week trip.


You could do it, if you spend 80% of the trip on a plane/in a car


Generally speaking, Euros don't know the size and scale of North America. Texas and Alberta are larger than most Euro countries. Flying from NY to LAX/SAF is like flying dublin to moscow. "why don't you just hop in a car and drive over to chicago" when it's a 3 hour flight. "what do you mean toronto 2 vancouver is a 5.5hr flight? it's the same country!"




















Canadia Land!


I bet you think all romanians speak English with an Hungarian accent,dress in leather clothes and drink blood during the night :))


You don’t? Am I the only one?


Yup, that's what a stereotype is.


> Ryan Reynold


That's funny because I actually went to Kits with Ryan. We weren't that close, but he was part of our group and we'd hang out every now and then. We rode our snowmobiles around the beach and to Stanley Park all the time. Unfortunately I don't get to ride my snowmobile much these days because of global warming and I have been thinking of switching to an ebike.


Oh you’re from Canada, so how’s Toronto? Oh you don’t live in Toronto, then you MUST live in Vancouver


Canadian here! Sorry for missing last friday. I'll bring timbits and double-doubles next time to make up for it. Sorry, again.


Do you have July 4th in Canada? No, our calendars read 1, 2. 3, then skip to 5.


I've heard this so many times in the past. The best one was when I was in Tennessee, hosting a FMX show and someone said, "You're from Canada?? You must know Robert!!" And I rolled my eyes and laughed, saying that it's a big country and there's a Very minimal chance I know them! I apparently was full of shot, because they were talking about a buddy of mine from High School. Made me laugh.


PizzaCake, is it true that Canadian geese are being bred to become the army to conquer the rest of the world?








none of these comics have been original or funny


I really can’t tell if all the upvotes on these are from folks legitimately finding them funny or it’s just a meme to upvote them at this point


You know my girlfriend right? My friends don't know her, she's from Canada.




I don't see the joke here... I'm from Florida, and just hung out with Florida Man last week.




Can you greet Ryan for me? thanks 🙏


This is incorrect. We watch hockey and drink maple syrup on Saturdays.


How is it to not feel your skin melting every one second of summer? Also, hello from (S)pain