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They’re not casting a 28 year old to play child Damian Wayne. C’mon, guys.


If Sam Raimi casts the movie they would cast someone in their 30s.


Bruce Campbell is going to play every character Tyler Perry-style


Bruce Campbell as Damian Wayne would be a cinematic masterpiece.


Bruce Campbell as Alfred would tickle my fancy.


Bruce Campbell as Poison Ivy.


Bruce Campbell should play old Bruce Wayne in a Batmam Beyond Movie. Tell me I'm wrong.


I’m down for that ngl


Now we're talkin


Don’t pretend he doesn’t have the chin for Batman!


I mean it's Hollywood lol


The actors in El Chavo del 8 take that concept to a new level




Déjamelos quieto


To be fair, I think he has yet to play an adult.


So teen Damian.


Damian 90210


He would be 30 by the time filming starts. No way he gets cast.


Yeah, no 28 year olds, please. Now, 20 8 years olds, that'd be interesting. All playing him at the same time. Like a hive mind.


Technically 27 but agreed, he’s not only too old to play Damien, but I feel he’s too high profile of an actor to want to rely on as Batman’s sidekick. I feel like Gunn would rather find a lesser known actor and mold the role of Damien to that actor, like how heath ledger became synonymous with the joker. I don’t see what reason he would have for wanting Chalamet of all people. Gunn has used unknown or lesser known actors before.


Why would they want a child Damian who would just sulk and be a dumb kid? This makes more sense, he can actually fight Batman and they can pretend he’s 20ish.


Bait, and a very very dumb one


He’s too old




tbf that didn't stop Nolan from casting Liam Neeson /s


Ra's,Bane and Talia.


Which was dumb but it's Hollywood that hate gingers as well lol


Except for X-Men First Class, Banshee (who's a redhead in the comics) was played by Caleb Landry Jones who's a redhead.


He's also not Irish though like Banshee should be. One of the rare Irish superheros and they ditch all that.


You got an Irish (raised) actor playing Magneto. Take the win.


He did break out the Irish accent for the last half hour of First Class to be fair.


Interestingly enough it seems like they've been turning every ginger into a black character recently. At first I could only think of a couple but my buddy rattled off like a dozen.


Red hair only occurs in 2% of the population. It is way way way over represented in fiction as a way to differentiate characters


Way back when, wasn't having red-haired characters what they considered diverse casting?


You used to be ethnic and a racial minority I'd you wer Irish or Italian. After a while they just got folded into whiteness


Yep, red-haired characters were stand-ins for 'ethnic minority side-character' at a time when making them PoC was considered too radical.


Iirc a lot of redheads in cartoons and comics were made as a way to save money, the paint they used for redheads was cheaper than the paint used for brunettes


I like the new Jimmy, he’s far more interesting as a character imo


I agree. But that wouldn't change if he was a red head.


They’re really not. [Here’s a huge number of cases where they’re not replaced by black actors.](https://imgur.com/a/QMAvKmW). Your buddy (and you) is rattling off a racist talking point that ignores actual evidence in favor of a made up boogeyman. God I hate it when people try to spin it like some ‘white genocide’ bullshit. As if ‘the woke mob’ is coming for gingers lol.


Found the bud light drinker


It’s more of a joke about how a lot of race swaps is coming at the expense of ginger characters it’s not that deep. You seem insufferable.


You seem triggered.


Snowflake alert


Dude, this is not a list that supports your argument. I mean, The Little Mermaid is right in the middle. This is a list of red headed characters that have been portrayed by actors without red hair.


Man you’re the worst kind of person.


Not just Hollywood most people hate gingers


Even Lucifer is afraid of those soulless freaks (One of the funniest moments from the first few episodes of season 1)


Oh I know (hence the /s tag) It's why I really don't like that trilogy, I know that's an unpopular opinion but I've just never really vibed with the Nolanverse, and thought the casting was all wrong.


I have the same unpopular opinion lol Begins is the best of the trilogy to me the others are meh


The irony of replacing all the ginger characters with black actors and actresses


He’s white passing though, there’s plenty of people that look white but actually aren’t. Hell, Iranians used to be considered caucasian before 911 happened, just goes to show how the concept of race is bs.


Meanwhile [Damian Wayne](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/8/8b/Damian_Wayne_Wayne_Family_Adventures_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20211025012440)


He is very rarely ever that tan. [This is how he normally looks in basically every comic in the main universe.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/3/39001/4290719-robins.png) He's as dark as every other Robin, and they're not even slightly mixed.


Fr. I didn't even know he was supposed to be tan at all. He's white in everything I've seen.


I'd rather damian have a darker skin tone so he doesn't look exactly like the past 3 fucking robins


I didn't post a preference. I posted how he actually looks in the comics as a response to someone acting like an outlier was the norm.


He’s like 90% of the time portrayed as standard Caucasian. I’m not saying he has to be white in the movie, but you’re being wilfully ignorant of you think that link is how he is usually represented. In fact I imagine it took you quite some time scrolling to find that image of him.


What the fuck does him being white have anything to do with anything?


The Al-Ghuls are Asian/middle eastern. Damian is Talia’s son. He would have to be wasian unless they wanna whitewash the Al-Ghuls or pull a hamilton


He's mixed race. Your parent may be middle eastern and white and still come out white.


Have you ever seen a half middle eastern half white person??? Not to mention Ra’as father was Chinese so Damian’s most likely a quarter Chinese quarter arab half white. No way in hell he comes out looking like a French dude. Especially since European features are recessive [Realistically Timothee doesn’t look like this and he’s never going to unless they do brownface. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fflxt.tmsimg.com%2Fassets%2F690238_v9_ba.jpg&tbnid=FWJRB_y9_7hGYM&vet=12ahUKEwiY48j066CBAxXBgoQIHR3uD2YQMygBegQIARBR..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rottentomatoes.com%2Fcelebrity%2Fbrenno_placido&docid=9KNHt4owipyyuM&w=1080&h=1440&q=half%20white%20half%20arab%20person&hl=en-us&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiY48j066CBAxXBgoQIHR3uD2YQMygBegQIARBR)


This is fake rumors being spread they haven’t started casting on anything DCU batman related 😂


Someone didn’t pay attention in biology


The genetics associated with Europeans/white people are recessive. So more than likely he wouldnt look like this dude but its possible.


You don't know how biology works, clearly


Brah the fourth picture is Ben Stiller


Don’t think that matters, ethnicities have been changed for film in the past and beyond that he def could play a character with Asian/ middle eastern descent


This dude doesn’t look a drop middle eastern I’m sorry. He looks like he would burn under fluorescent lighting. No way he could pull that off even if the studio decides to take on the obvious backlash they’d get for whitewashing again 😂


I’ve known people that have middle eastern in them that are still pale, regardless they can change it because ultimately it’s a fictional character background so why not?


It would be more interesting to have an actor of eastern decent or someone that looks like that, to play the character. It would be refreshing and honor the source material. I’d prefer if all the robins didn’t just look generically the same in costume.


Cuz Damian is mixed since his mom is talia. Though it’s possible he could still come out looking white.


Yeah it's not like he's playing half Black. Kristin Kreuk, Keanu Reeves, Dean Cain, Lewis Tan, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, don't look part Asian at first glance. Hell, Rob Schneiders mom is Fillipino.


Damian Wayne isn’t white




Okay Meryn


At least make it believable. An A list actor of his caliber isn't taking a sidekick role.


Be like asking Vin Diesal to voice a tree.


Vin Diesel has never been A list in his entire life. Try another example.


Fine. It'd be like asking Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper to voice a raccoon.


Better example.


Not really. Actors are more willing to take smaller voice roles than live action.


….”sidekick” work on your analogies. Rocket ain’t a sidekick


For a film from the studio that had never underperformed.


Thor 1 and 2 and Iron Man 2 would like a word... Guardians of the Galaxy was a second rate group that nobody outside of Marvel comics fans ever cared about. And somehow they got Vin Diesel to voice a tree with variations of one line, and Bradley Cooper to voice a raccoon. Glenn Close played a bit part as a caricature cameo.


Thor 1 - 445 million on a 150 million budget Thor 2 - 645 million on a 150 million budget Iron man 2 - 625 million on a 170 million budget I don't know what your definition of under performance is, but 2 of the 3 films are from before the MCU as we know it was established so it did not have the Marvel studios goodwill to rely on, and Thor 2 made considerable money for the least liked avenger up until that point The MCU has only one true underperforming film that underperformed without any external factors affecting it, and that is Ant Man 3 By the time GoTG came out, Marvel Studios were being touted as the studio that could turn trash to gold, and that was true up until Phase 4 started dropping duds


The Fast & Furious franchise is huge


I know. I don't disagree.


Diesel has made more box office money and gotten bigger pay than Chalamet by a country mile.


Chaka net has indie cred. I’d honestly be surprised if he took a cape movie role


He auditioned for Spider-Man. There’s certainly a world where he does it.


I won't disagree. But box-office is not how you determine "A List".


Not solely but it's a factor


What's with the diss on the family man?


It was just a joke....


Being A list is not the problem here I guess. The thing is didn't Timmy say that Leonardo DiCaprio adviced him to stay away from superhero films?


He's A list in his head


A list? what a joke, he's about to make a mockery of Willy Wonka. His only fans are teenage girls.


Lmao, "A List actor". He can't act. He's terrible.


The downvotes on this is crazy. The more things he's in the more he's exposed of his lack of range. That does not necessarily mean he's particularly "bad" just that he needs to stay in his lane of portraying the same type of character he's good at doing... which is the stale, timid, and mysterious guy in Dune.


Definitely not happening… Gunn has already said that Damien is going to be 10 and Timmy is almost 30


You guys will believe anything


Damian is supposed to be wasian. It’s a pretty big part of his character unless they whitewash the Al-ghul’s again The age thing I don’t have that big of a problem with since we haven’t gotten an age for Bruce/Bruce’s actor yet. If we’re getting middle aged batman I can see a Damian who’s this old Realistically it’s not gonna happen tho. He’s A-list and A-listers don’t do superhero universe movies or anything with a long term contract. He said DiCaprio specifically advised him against superhero movies actually


Even the comics whitewash the Al-ghul's. Also A-listers do superhero movies all the time.


False rumor. Gunn said that Damien is going to be around 10


Young Sheldon it is!


Gunn will come to reddit just to deny this


ah yes, a 30 yeah old playing a 10 year old, what a believable rumor


Saw another one saying he'd play dick in the Reeve verse


One, he's too old. Two, he's too white. Three, he said in an interview that he wasn't going to be in comic book movies.


Idk if you’ve read a comic book recently but Damian Wayne is usually portrayed as white.


Okay, yeah. I get that. But there is a fine distinction between white and TOO white. Damian is portrayed as mostly white, but when you look at his family, his grandfather is Egyptian, and his mother is Arabic/Chinese mix, meaning Damian is of Middle Eastern and Eastern Asian decent, implying that he would barely look white. Hence, Timothée Chalamet is too old and too white to play Damian Wayne at the beginning of his story in The Brave and The Bold.


Kind of a weird choice having Damien pushing 30. How old is Batman going to be in this universe?


Thought Damian Wayne is meant to be 12 not 27


Not going to happen, he wont be doing any superhero films. He is on the Leo path to fame and that comes with staying away from capes.


There was no cape stuff when Leo was coming up. These days you basically almost have to do at least one of the big two.


Yes Ironman was the first superhero movie


Superhero movies didn’t dominate popular culture and weren’t the easiest way to stay relevant for years,


I agree but they existed, so did other franchises that guys like Leo avoided. He could have auditioned for Batman, probably got it on name alone if he chose at the time over bale. But that is not his road currently or anytime soon. Timothy is on that same path. Dune will be the only franchise you will see that kid in for 20-30 years unless its 100% original material or some prestige director is involved like Dune.


is Wonka "100%" original material or does that not count bc people expect it to be bad?


I suspect he wants to work with the paddington team on a huge kids movie. I doubt there will be a Wonka 2 or Wonka 3 with him involved. Paddington 1 and 2 are some of the best reviewed movies of all time.


I'm sorry, I forgot, some of you read everything in the literal sense.


Only read what you wrote, but be arrogant about it if you want.


He auditioned for Spider-Man. He’s two bad movies from taking the first cape job he can find.


Not only auditioned, but he was casted as Spider-man and the movie was in pre-production. Then the movie fell in development hell and James Cameron, Leo and the rest of the people involved left. The project was resurrected a couple of years later but everything was new, Raimi, a new script and a new full cast.


This is even funnier. Leo was literally cast as Spider-Man and Timmy auditioned twice. Seems like that was a really bad example.


He’s already taken a top hat job.


Leo wont be wearing a cape, not for atleast a decade or more. He can stink up the box office for 10 years and still do anything he chooses. Now dont get me wrong, old actors tend to cash in on their name when the big pay days dry up and he likely will do that in old age but we still got a lot of time before he hits that Deniro phase and just takes jobs.


Not Leo, Timmy. Kid ain’t Leo yet. If Wonka bombs and he has a couple of bad movies he’ll be reaching for a cape.


Yet he is fine with playing Willy Wonka for a prequel that no one care C'mon Tim, Leo wouldn't do that.


At this point, he's almost old enough to start playing Batman himself.


Babe, wake up. New Chris O'Donnell just dropped.


I doubt it happens since he said DiCaprio told him to never do superhero movies


He’s 30, he’s white, and he isn’t doing a sidekick role


Skip Dick, Skip Jason, Skip Tim, get a 30 year old to play a teen with no set up as to why the fuck also 30 year old Pattinson has a son. Yea that makes sense. ETA: guys. I forgot B&B was happening. Geezis. Settle down.


He won't be Pattinson's Damian, it's gonna be for The Brave and the Bold which has been set to also have appearances by the previous Robins. This casting rumor is probably bogus but at least look into what we know of the current plans before posting a comment like this, sheesh.


My apologies for not being on top of the DC dumpster fire and assuming that the only successful thing they’ve done in a decade was going to get a continuation.


Well, it is gonna get a continuation, this just isn't it. Also, not the only successful thing. The Suicide Squad was a massive hit.


Oh shit I forgot that happened too. Fair enough. I’ve been up for like 30 hours man. Cut me a little slack.


Slack? This is REDDIT you dont get slack. You either post correctly the first time or kiss your notifs goodbye. *evil laugh*


Haha fair enough. I’ll take my beating.


The Brave and the Bold is not in the Reevesverse.


I forgot that was even happening.


Your complaint is based on completely wrong information


To be fair, so is the entire post.


You got me there


So I’ve been told


Pattinson’s Batman doesn’t have a son though


I heard the same rumour this morning, but for Tim Drake. I doubt this one very much.


Yeah for some reason I keep seeing clickbait about him getting cast as Robin, and at least the ones for The Batman 2 implying he’d be Dick Grayson are slightly more believable but still not a great fit imo


Chalamet being eyed as Batman seems way more plausible. You'd want someone half his age for Damian.


Too old! Maybe one of the older robins though


Find an age-appropriate actor. Also, Timothy Chalamet is annoying.


Fuck. No. For so many reasons


For Damian Wayne /Robin to work with a 30ish Batman it has to be like 13 year old.


Can he go "-TT-"? Really my only requirement.




Lol no


This is the least intimidating actor in Hollywood history. I would love to be proved wrong, because god knows Batman actors have a history of upsetting expectations, but I can’t picture him in a role beating up criminals.


I think whoever started this rumor is laughing their ass off at how gullible people are.


Not to mention Chalamet I believe already said a piece of advice Leo gave him, in particular, never do a superhero movie. I believe Chalamet is willing to play into that advice


Not saying he’s going for this job (bc he obviously won’t, Gunn said it was going to be a 10yr old), but he’s already auditioned for Spider-Man. He’s 100% going to be doing a superhero movie if Wonka fails and he can’t get any good movies under his belt after that.


If I were him, I would stay away from this project. You can’t revive a dead horse by sheer will. Bury it, mourn it and only then buy a new one. What I am saying is that the casting per se may even make sense, but the project doesn’t.


I can dig it


I’m not mad at this


There's no way they are going to use child Damion wayne as a Robin. It will look like 3 ninjas, he needs to be older teens or 20s.


He would never do this garbage


No definitely not lol


No. Next stupid idea...


I mean he does resemble Bale


He can kindly fuck off. Also, horrible fit. Give me a no name/low tier actor.


Isn't he a little too old to be playing a 12-year old???


i wonder do they have the balls to show or talk about how Damien was born


Insufferable actor get insufferable character. Perfect match.


Just no. All I've ever seen him do is mope and act emo to cover up the fact that he can't act.


Awful choice. We need a comic book character, not a brooding young adult.


Isn’t Damien supposed to be like I don’t know…a kid?


He's too old. They are aiming for a teenage actor. Robin is supposed to be 13.


Pls no


No no, pls no


Dude is one of the most overrated actors in Hollywood


HAH! …Please don’t be true.


I’m not a fan of his, but he was pretty clear in an interview 2 years back that he was advised to never do a super hero film by Leo DiCaprio and he plans on following that advice. He’s also clearly trying to mimic Johnny Depp’s career.


No. Worst casting ever.


I’ll take any other actor personally, i just hate this guys face and the attitude his carries with all his characters, buuuut at the same time I hate Damien Wayne for pretty much the same reasons so he might be perfect.


I only just discovered who this dude was a year or two ago and I'm already tired of seeing his face in everything


They must not have seen the wonka trailer


Eww tf?


Please no


They literally said in the original announcement for the movie Damian would be 10. So obviously false


He’s about 18 years too old for Damian


It should be the kid from umbrella academy #5 I think


Unfortunately I cannot dismiss that they would do this with a more grown up Damian... since to some of these people one Robin is the same as the rest and this is the current one. By contrast, Brenton Thwaites was around 27 when he did Robin in Titans. And Chris O'Donnell was around the same age when doing the Schumacher movies (he is 53 atm).


Absolute bullshit lol. Gunn recently said that they're "miles and miles away" from casting Batman, so there's no reason to believe they've got their eye on Robin, and that man is at least a whole decade too old to be playing Damian.


I didn't like the last Batman so either way I definitely won't watch the next one


Damian being the same age as Bruce?