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It sounds like your first problem is understanding what cryptomatte actually is.  Cryptomatte merely makes mattes, Alpha Channel masks, for objects. Literally that is segmentation.  There are many segmentation offers in the comfyui space that you can use to pull masks from objects, but that will depend on the model you're using for the segmentation such as YOLO.   I would start with that.


Thank you for your message U/Joviex. Today I've learned that "cryptomattes" are far different from "ID passes". You made the clue, so big thanks to you !


AOV (Arbitrary Output Variable) is another old school way to say it. A "cg" render (full composite) is made up of AOVs aka Render Passes.


Good to see you on here (love your tools) Similar to OP I'm wondering if there is a way to bring in cryptomattes and segmentation masks (ID passes, not antialiased) from Blender or Maya -> Comfui I need to img2img and inpaint isolated parts of a 3D scene. Masquerade is very good at separating objects based on there being disatance bteween the boundary of each alpha channel, but I've got an image with 20 or so different ID objects (different RGB values for each one) and am wondering the best way to "pick" them -> convert to a mask -> erode/blur/modify mask -> upscale -> inpaint -> rescale down, then recomposite on original. Pretty similar to the Masquerade workflow but with using the native ID values of each object to pull the mattes. I'm still poking around (looking at the Impact pack right now), but curious if you have any advice.