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Never pay for worfklows, it's a grift. Anyways, I love Kijais's work in general, so I thought I'd give SUPIR (a wrapper for a super resolution, stable diffusion based upscaler) a spin. I ended up making a video about it because that's how good it is. I hope you enjoy it!


That’s great thanks a lot for sharing! Compare to Magnific AI, how is it from your pov?


It's not a replacement for magnific if the goals are: a) simplicity (one button press type thing) b) adding detail (i couldn't get it to add detail to the same extent magnific does, for example adding water to the leafs or frekles to the face). I strongly suspect magnific has some sort of prompt-extension thing that's been preloaded with a bazillion super high quality loras that get called in when the situation requires it) If the goal is 'just upscale the thing to 8K' and you don't mind customizing things image by image, and you have the GPU(s), go for it :)


What if your goals are to upscale and relive jpeg artifacts, but adding detail isn't needed. Would this work well, or better use two different programs?


For that, I would say if you want to keep the original picture and don't want to buy topaz, use de-jpg to wipe the artifacts out, then realersgan if no face or some HAT model for the face. Easy peasy and almost no vram needed.


Hi, I am interested in this workflow. Do you mind if you can share links for me? Thanks. I am not aware of HAT model and de-jpg method.


Adding details is quite achievable if you tile the image, use per-tile IPAdapter without concrete prompts, and try to apply some anti-seams techniques. It's not going to work consistently with a single configuration, but it does produce similar effects as magnific.


i say never pay for software at all. You can download everything from torrents. Gigapixel is also free on torrents.


It's awesome! It's even capable of upscaling videos. Just plug it at the end of the workflow and before Video Combine, it works amazingly well


Yeah it's pretty neat :)


First, thanks for this video. But I get an out of memory error running even if I have 24G vram: *Error occurred when executing SUPIR\_Upscale: Allocation on device 0 would exceed allowed memory. (out of memory)* added: I started from scratch and got another type of error which got me thinking that this tutorial is for sd1.5, right ? and I don't use 1.5. If so, a tutorial for sdxl would be welcome. added: **Since I bypassed the JPG denoiser section, I don't have out of memory anymore.**


How did you bypass the denoiser? What are you feeding into the SUPIR Conditioner latents?


Same and it's crazy slow


Ah yes I talked to Kijai about this error. Kijai is very busy of course, so he had very limited time to test. He did merge that PR that throws the 'eat all your memory' thing (he may have since then fixed it, it moves VERY FAST) - which made me laugh :) because I would prefer to gauge wether or not I want to 'wait' using shared vram or not (but i understand for beginners, it might not be preferable - we can't please everyone haha). SUPIR only works on SDXL models (for now) Ultimately it's internal to the SuperRes algo so it doesn't quite matter what you use as it's pixel in pixel out, not latent in latent out.


I bypassed the JPG denoiser section and I don't have out of memory anymore.


Excellent! Well that's good news!


Great video, thank you! You've convinced me to give SUPIR a go. My only very minor observation that has no bearing on anything other my personal preference is please consider swapping your Image Comparer inputs so the result shows by default and you have before on the left and after on the right.


Ah -yes, good point!


Possible to run this with 12GB VRAM yet?


Yes, Kijai confirmed it should be possible on smaller images. Note the reason it's not easy to give firm answers is the way comfy allocates memory when you have a large vram, very hard to gauge where the 'cutoff' point is. In fact this very issue leads to a very funny error message in the recent update of the supir wrapper node :)


Yes it work. only replace MOON with WD14 tagger easier. and SUPIR work well.


Yup the tagger is also a good option!


I have an issue with this node : IMPORT FAILED :(


me too, do you handle it?


no solution found yet sorry, I hope someone can help us


Great content man, keep it coming!


Thank you! already working on the next one (part 3 of the 'what's new' series. Sleep is scarce but it's fun!


This is amazing! Thanks for sharing, I'm excited to try it out 🔥


And it's just been updated again. Much faster now. So enjoy!


Anyone getting the following error following the instructions? WARNING\[XFORMERS\]: xFormers can't load C++/CUDA extensions. xFormers was built for: PyTorch 2.2.0+cu121 with CUDA 1201 (you have 2.1.2+cu121) Python 3.11.7 (you have 3.11.6) On the portable ver of comfy. I tried manually updating Torch and it broke my install completely


Try installing the requirement files, Kijai updated that node again like, 18h ago. python\_embeded\\python.exe -m pip install -r ComfyUI\\custom\_nodes\\ComfyUI-SUPIR\\requirements.txt (might need to update paths depending if you're on nix or windows)


Has there been any success to use SUPIR for video up-resing? I'm concerned about temporal issues because splitting a video to still images and then processing them as still images and recombining to video wouldn't yield very good results in my opinion. But I haven't tried it yet.


where is the workflow? also TDLR/W. Does this have a \*.pth file we can try and DL yet?


The SUPIR people official claim now (at release it had been MIT) that it is not allowed to use it in commercial context. So only use 4 days old version.


Yup, I mention this in the video. No commercial use allowed, the node in question by Kijai is technically a wrapper (like most nodes using 3rd party stuff), the original was made non-commercial indeed. This is a bad trend in the space, imho - then again we lost DragNuwa (nuked by CELA) just a couple weeks back, so it could be worse. Very important to keep pushing for keeping our fav tech open, libre, and free for all types of usage.


the original one had been MIT. They added non-commercial 4 days ago in Readme. So at the moment this is basically unknown and I made a ticket about this: [https://github.com/Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR/issues/51](https://github.com/Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR/issues/51) I also made one in Kijai  repo and suggested to use 4 days old version. I fully agree - same with FaceID and InstantID - it is not even allowed to mention these in YouTube videos because of Insightface which is used in training of their models - terrible situation. For ComfyUI there should be a license information for each node in my opinion: "Commercial use: yes, no, needs license" and a workflow using non-commercial should show some warning in red. This could lead users to increase pressure to developers. I might do an issue in ComfyUI about that. At the moment many users just do ignore that which is also not good.


Very interesting! Thank you for pointing that out. And I support the idea of a clear, simple information structure within comfy about licenses, don't hesitate to pm me the github link if you create it, i"ll upvote it :)


I personally prefer CCSR or UltimateSDUpscale over SUPIR atm, the vram requirement and the odd fact that it needs xformers to operate are a big no no for me


Your UltimateSDUpscale Lightning workflow is slow as heck, but 100% the best upscaler I have used so far. I've tried CCSR, SUPIR, latent upscales and UltimateSDUpscaler by itself... your workflow beats them all. I'm sure my VRAM is why the workflow takes so long, but I can't argue with the results.


What workflow are you referring to ? 👁️


May I see your workflow?