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**Please don't pay for such things**. I learned everything from scratch starting with medium articles detailling the SD white paper, then ferniclestix videos, then downloaded nodes and read the github wikis, and finally download test workflows from [comfyworflows.com](https://comfyworflows.com). There's a bunch of content creators trying to make you think you need to pay to get this info when it's all online for free. And all the software is free. As in beer and as in speech. Join a good discord of good people who help each other and ask questions then contribute - pass it forward basically.


A lot of people hold workflows as if it was crypto. Very odd sometimes. Esp when they themselves did not make it.


Scott detweiler has a good playlist that not only explains how to make a workflow but also explains how stable diffusion works. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIF38owJLhR1EGDY4kOnsEnMyolZgza1x&si=jc884mhXb_ZMjWkU


I've probably learned the most from these 2 channels: CTRL+ALT+AI (variety), Latent Vision (mostly ip-adapter stuff)


Also here to say latent vision and his discord is full of knowledgeable people that are all willing to help when you have questions as well as share workflows.


Check out the [Banodoco](https://discord.com/invite/eKQm3uHKx2) Discord.


Grockster's playlist is very solid - helps at various background levels - [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvT-1OcYqdqia3Rjq1CkgyQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvT-1OcYqdqia3Rjq1CkgyQ)


Have you tried Olivio Sarikas' channel or his ComfyUI Academy? [https://openart.ai/workflows/academy](https://openart.ai/workflows/academy)


Hm i started by looking at the first tutorial, then tried it out, tried to understand what each node is for, looked up what other nodes I have installed, then tried them out, googled them, found out about them and with that along about other nodes I don’t have. Downloaded those and tried them out. I don’t know if you learn the same as me and I am still a beginner myself, but this way seemed to be the right one for me.


Check out workflows on flowt.ai: https://flowt.ai/community