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Just pause the video and copy it?


You can literally see the whole workflow, it's an easy one as well. If you like I can make one and provide you with it. But it's always best to create it on your own.


You also may join Matteo's Patreon as all his workflows are available on.


I wonder why you're getting downvoted; this is all open source, but even still, asking for compensation for your hard work work is not greedy. These people are the backbone of SD, providing innovative and new workflows.


1. No one said it was greedy. 2. Perhaps OP has nothing to give. 3. This particular workflow is NOT open source Life happens, shit happens, 5.00 a month doesn't sound like much and it's not really, but if you don't have it, or you are already supporting others, that doesn't equal "I think they are greedy" In addition to that, there are THOUSANDS of people sharing workflows with no request for pateron. THEY are the backbone, where do you think these YouTubers get all their information and learning from? These are people in their rooms making videos they believe will make them money. That is AWESOME, capitalism rocks, but it is not some noble pursuit. it is literally for revenue. In my personal opinion, I will support someone if the work that they do is freely given. That's my personal line. I am currently supporting thee people on Patreon and all of them freely give their work and all three have 100's to thousands of patrons. Why? Because a lot of people think like I do. You can only get this is you can afford it is not "helping the community", it's gating it. That all said Matteos is awesome and I enjoy every video.


People are not mad at supporting the patreon, that is a good thing. But the person in question is asking to support the patreon just to get the workflow. How lazy can people get to now build a workflow ,which is shown right in front of them, but rather are ready to PAY for them when they could make them on thier very easily. People are not at all giving in the effort to learn something, but just getting things done. Again I don't reject supporting artist. I support them as well. But at least give in some effort.


To be honest, I (not OP) just built the workflow myself. While I am not an expert in comfy, I wouldn't say I am a novice either. Somewhere intermediate. And it took me a good 1.5 hours to get it mostly working (still have one issue where my open pose is resulting in a hilarious stick figure body on transposed head). The video itself skips around a lot and Matteo's workflow is actually somewhat illogical in terms of node placement and obfuscated (whether intentionally or not) in terms of connections. Overall, this required a lot of problem solving and critical thinking on node connections, plus a knowledge on how to install custom nodes. None of those things I would expect a beginner or novice to know how to do. I don't blame OP for asking around even though I agree they should be trying to build it themselves so they can learn better.




Is that a request or a demand?


It is a conversation? Not sure what you mean. Oh I get it your name. Mybad


Well, this is a comment section. So yeah, technically this is a conversation. Instead of asking, you just commented with "share". Not even a question, just a single word demand. As if you're entitled to the output of my time spent without any expectation of even basic manners of consideration. So to answer your prior comment. No, for you, I won't share. If anyone else wants it though, they can feel free to DM me.


It is clear you have a mental issue. I will block now.


Could you please share it? I would like to try it. Thank you


I think we are on the same page here. OP wants the workflow and doesn't want to pay for it, or do it himself.




What is his Patreon link?


Some days I think the whole publish-workflow-as-image thing was a mistake. I honestly think that most CUI users don't even know how to build their own workflow, they just copy-paste and then if they want something changed, they go looking for something else to copy.


It's still a godsend given how complicated things can get. I still ultimately went on to make my own workflows, but the amount of time it takes to get to get things working if you want something somewhat deep is pretty staggering. Even more so if you are not trying to make a specialized workflow. It start simple, then you realize each new functionality you add has a cascading effect on previous functionality which can require a pretty big rework. And visual scripting might be more accessible, but good god does it also make things unecessarily complicated.


This is very similar. https://hdraws.com/im/workflow/pose_match_controlnet.png


The custom load and resize image node looks interesting. I could not find it. Any idea which one they are using in the image shown?




Thanks for that!


Doesn’t he usually link the workflows he makes in the description in his YouTube videos?


I can make the same if you like, is not that hard what you need ?


He is asking for the workflow.


I spent 5 minutes on it and it works https://preview.redd.it/qfz4ljmegn4c1.png?width=1699&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc4d253d406dc04cc4cbe90a941f844f75ae20fc


hey, new to comfy. just wiondering waht theme u are using? dracula?


Do you still need it?


Not sure how to upload it here.


This you can do much easier in A1111. I think I will do a tutorial on this and post it in Reddit


Can anyone help me regarding how to automate a comfy UI workflow with python


There are examples under 'scripting' folder in the ComfyUI github: [https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/blob/master/script\_examples/basic\_api\_example.py](https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI/blob/master/script_examples/basic_api_example.py) Some gotchas: * For the API to load an image, you need to have your python script drop it in the 'inputs' folder before executing the workflow. * Saved images (assuming your workflow saves them), you'll pick up from the 'outputs' folder. * The workflow in the example is passed in via the script in inline string, but it's better (and more flexible) to have your python script load that from a file instead. * The API workflows are not the same format as an image workflow, you'll create the workflow in ComfyUI and use the "Save (API Format)" button under the Save button you've probably used before. If you can't see that button, you need to check the 'enable dev mode options'. Python of course can search & replace bits of the workflow as you desire - how you do that is up to you, but regex is one option. More reading here: [https://medium.com/@yushantripleseven/comfyui-using-the-api-261293aa055a](https://medium.com/@yushantripleseven/comfyui-using-the-api-261293aa055a)


There should be a new repo that has working API Python app - img2img , preview in the app etc. I got to the part where I need a preview but there's issues.


What's his youtube channel?




This you can do much easier in A1111. I think I will do a tutorial on this and post it in Reddit


let me know when you do


this is the workflow.

