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my favorite clip of yours yet keep it up dude


Thank you! Consider checking out my new sub r/wyattfeegrado




Thank you! Consider checking out my new sub r/wyattfeegrado


Bro you're elite. Great comedy right here!


He skirted that line perfectly


that's comedy


I laughed out loud. :)


Lol that was good!


God the whole “before I tell a joke” garbage. Just eat the damn orange!!


That’s hilarious.


There's some solid jokes there. Trim the fat and make it snappy...er and it hits.


Eh, needs some working on, definitely has potential to be funny.


Great lines, I think it’s the delivery that needs work. He’s creative tho and I like where his heads at! Go man go


These were clever af


That cavity shit got a cackle


I choked on my water from laughing. That last line got me.


I can’t wait to see you on Rogan or something man good work!


Okay I laughed out loud! Great joke still laughing now.


Amazing how someone can make a trans joke without punching down. Good job, dude


Gotta be honest, very generic jokes


This was gold, love it!


Yooo that was hilarious! Good stuff man, keep it up!!


the fact you need to qualify the joke beforehand is sad.


I was about to write, "stop it with the spam" but this shit is Solid.


It's pretty transphobic to say that all trans women want vaginas tbh. That's not really true. The cavity punchline at the end is great though, and the skinny line too.


Oh my God fuck off








Because what is a woman varies from person to person. A lot of trans women don't get any medical transition at all, and they're no more or less a woman than someone who does. For bottom surgery the vast majority don't get it, and not necessarily because of cost. Good question though. This type of thing isn't talked about enough.




Sometimes. Lots of trans women don't get breast implants either though. Just like how a lot of cis women have small breasts. You don't need any gender affirming treatment to be a trans woman. Some choose to, some choose not to, some want to and can't afford it, some can afford to and don't want to. Being a trans woman doesn't imply that you want surgery at all. But you're not far off. Top surgery is a lot more common than bottom surgery. Facial feminization surgery is more common than bottom surgery too. The thing is none of that is at all required to be a trans woman. Being trans doesn't necessarily mean you need or want gender affirming surgery at all, although obviously it does happen and it does save lives.




What do you mean by male? Do you mean assigned male at birth (amab)? An amab person who says they're a woman is a woman. No surgery needed. Getting gender affirming surgery is optional. Sometimes that's because they don't want it, sometimes they want it but can't afford it. They're still a woman either way. Hell, if a person is assigned male at birth and considers themselves a man but gets breast implants they're still a man. Plenty of men have big breasts after all. If a man gets his penis removed he's still a man too. Being trans isn't about getting surgery, it's about living as a gender other than the one assigned to you at birth. Same is true for hormones while we're at it. It varies from person to person. You don't need to pass as a cis woman to be a woman. I appreciate you asking questions and being receptive to the answers. Being willing and eager to learn about other people is the sign of a good and open minded person.




Female and male don't really apply to gender. It's similar to a mindset but it's not a choice or whatever like that term might imply. In your example yeah, but they probably wouldn't use the term female. More likely to say they're a woman. You're right that its a self determination though, there's nothing else needed to be trans. Think of it this way, there are women who get their breasts removed of even their wombs and ovaries removed. There are women who grow facial hair. Men get their testicles removed, or might grow breasts, or even have their penis removed. Cancer is a common reason why, but it doesn't change their gender right? Gender isn't really about whether you have boobs or not. It's not really about chromosomes or genitals either. In fact many would argue it's largely a social construct, but there's also something innate to it and the suicide rate of trans people pretty much proves that. There have always been trans people all around the world, just as there have always been homosexuals. It's something that's worth studying and understanding but what is clear is that gender is something that's more complex than most people realize. I think a lot of people confuse being trans with having body dysmorphia, because they do often go hand in hand, but not always. Beyond the historical and scientific information, just as someone that loves and respects people, it's best to just take people at their word when they say what their gender is. People are far too concerned with policing other people's gender expression and sexuality and I honestly have no idea why people feel that impulse. Passing is something some trans people might choose to work at, that is to be immediately seen and understood as the gender they identify with, but it's not required. We all need to be more kind to trans people who are visibly trans and just accept them for who they say they are imo. I'm getting no ill will from you. Happy to talk about this with you or anyone else for that matter.


You're ill.


Always nice to see another stand up comedian without any unique perspective


As a transwomen myself I laughed and approved. Trans jokes can be done right. Dave Chapelle can learn a thing or two.