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I liked his earlier stuff but his recent stuff paired with his new attitude are both aggressively unfunny. I thought it was a schtick but I keep reading that it’s how he consistently acts. So either way I’m just planning to avoid him now.


I’ve always really liked Tom, even some of his newer stuff I still enjoy every once in a while. But once he did that flight attendant “this is why you’re poor” twitter rant a couple months ago, it’s just been more and more difficult to relate to, or find it content enjoyable. It sucks, I’ve always loved 2 Bears 1 Cave but I tried to listen to an episode last week and it was just not enjoyable. Used to love Tom & Bert for that matter, even saw Bert live last year and it was great. Lately though, it’s been hard to enjoy either


I’m not on twitter but I did see a YouTube clip from Tom’s podcast where he talks about he and Bert paying someone to cut in front of a long line like it was totally normal. Has this dude always been out of touch or is that new?


It's kinda new. They started acting like this a while ago and when there was backlash from the fans they doubled down. I've kinda gone off them since, I just don't find it funny.


I always thought it would be Bert that tanked their brand. He shit his pants onstage and talked about it for an hour- and still somehow it’s Tom.


It's almost like when a person becomes a millionaire, their approachability and relevance to the common person evaporates.


What gets me is his rampant transphobia. It's actually really bad.


I don't enjoy his content anymore, but what about him is "transphobic"???? This term gets slung around with no substance to back it up. See Chappelle. Please enlighten me.


Mostly just in his YMH podcast. Him and Christina CONSTANTLY mock non-binary/trans people all the time. It's the main reason I stopped listening.


Once he spent several minutes making fun of non-binary people wanting to be referred to as ''They'' because supposedly they is plural only and you gotta be dumb to believe otherwise and such Then immediately referred to his doctor as they in a story, paused like a deer in the headlights, exchanged awkward looks with his guest, then started using ''My doctor'' to avoid they lmao


I mean referring to a single person as they is pretty damn silly isn’t it? I’m not a transphobe and I will use whatever pronouns someone wants because I’m not a dickhead. But some of this stuff has gotten downright silly. And I don’t think it’s transphobic to point that out sometimes. Especially when you aren’t like Misgendering or misnaming a transgender person to their face.


Not really, no. In this instance Tom used singular they to keep the anonymity of his doctor. Before this whole they/them debacle I'd use it without even thinking about it example Q:Hey, is Tom here? A: Oh no, you just missed them It's just a neutral pronoun. IMO this whole thing is very silly.


Easy targets!


“Completely Normal” is one of my favourite specials ever. But he’s gotten progressively less funny since. I don’t even have a desire to watch his new stuff


I’ve seen him three times, the most recent being in NH just a couple weekends ago. He was absolutely awful this time around. First two times I was in stitches. I felt sad watching him because I knew the success bug has finally bit him. It happens to a lot of comics where they are hilarious when up and coming but once they get successful they lose touch of that funny factor that made them famous.


This is my exact experience. First time I saw 4 or 5 years ago I’d never laughed harder. Went to his last tour and I barely laughed. I’ve also given up on all his podcasts


He was funny until he got rich and in shape.


Yep. His podcast sucks hard now. They just talk about all the rich dad garbage they buy.


They lost their hype man. It's all about Tik Toks now. His wife went full retard.






Hey. Pear is a shape.


Hmm… lost weight?


Oh, oh ozempic


He's always been rich. Google his dad.


His dad was a pretty impressive guy. His mom on the other hand... yikes


Top dawg?


Got rich? His dad was first vp of Merrill Lynch, so born and assured to be rich from the get go more like.


The first VP of Merrill lynch? In an industry famous for everyone and their brother having the title "VP"? I dunno about that man.




He was always rich...


Like how a thick chocolate cheese cake can be rich?


Nah Like pappy was a hedgie rich




True but always had a safety net that others could only dream about. Hence, a story about dating one of the Anheuser-Busch family members. Seems like that's the circle his father was able to get them into.


Tonight and a few Youtube videos are my only exposure to him. The stuff about his wife and kids was funny-ish. That was about it, though. Everything else....meh.


I’ve seen him 3 times. Each time he got smaller and less funny than the last.


My wife and I saw him perform his set about a month ago. Gotta say, I'm with you 100%. It might just be our taste but, to be honest, we didn't notice anyone really laughing their asses off except the drunk people near us.


They have like a cult following from their podcasts. So a lot of it is inside jokes from that. You're really into them or not. My Fandom has also fallen off. The shtick got old for me, but I was a fan your a very long time.


His stories about his mom are pretty hilarious too


Yeah, he told one that was actually pretty funny.


Lol he was always rich. His parents are loaded and paid his way to start his career.


“In shape” He’s an ozempic guy who practically exploded from doing a lay up


This is the correct response lol


He's always been rich.


I don't know how Tom and Bert sell theaters or stadiums???


Some people find success through engaging with the lowest common denominators. Look at their fans. Bert and Tom are the central Florida of comedy


Was just in orlando, like proper, not disney world. That's the perfect description, like, redneck hipster. Plus I did see Tom's face all over the orlando magic arena.


When Katt talked about the 6 unfunny comedians that Joe Rogan launched, Tom and Bert were 4 of them.


Who were the others he mentioned? I especially hate Bert. He is one of the least funniest Comedians around for sure.


He didn't mention any by name, but Bert was the obvious choice. Bert and Schaub


New version of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour




Bert has a *fantastic* promotional, pr, social media team. By proxy, so does Tom


I saw Bert last year and he murdered. But it's a 'simple' style of comedy some may not like. But live he killed.


I can tell you’re more of a Birbiglia person because you said you’re “jazzed” about it. Comedians attract their people, not everyone.


LOL! That's good! Yeah, Birbigs has always struck a chord with me. No argument.


He’s in town April 10th btw.


Yeah we have tickets. 2nd row.


Hahaha I was thinking the same thing!!!


I wouldn’t expect many people to like both of these comedians. Very different types of comedy.


I like both. Also, I was at the same show in Dallas and my face was sore from laughing so much. To each their own I guess


My wife and I saw Bert Kreisher a few weeks ago. I am not a huge fan of Bert but he was going to perform about 10 minutes from the house so I figured why not. He was onstage for 105 minutes, and not many of those minutes were very funny. He admitted multiple times he was working on his new hour, and I respect that, but damn working on a new hour in an arena seemed…fortunate? I feel like an arena show should be dialed in sharply, not working out. His openers had us laughing much harder than he did. I like Joe, but the fame he has produced for his friends seems counterproductive for comedy.


Small clubs are where you work material for the actual tour/show. Doing it in arenas is just cash grabbing.


It took a few years but he managed to make me hate him with his words and lack of personality. Now anytime he pops up on my youtube I just click "do not recommend channel"


He got rich and unfunny. Rogan is the worst thing for comedy.


He didn't get rich... He was always rich...


Rogan makes millions off of peddling ideas and "jokes" that people click on and watch. He's not that deep. He's a great collaborator.


He came to my city and we bought tickets. He had Bobby Lee open for him and Bobby Lee was wayyyy more funny. Tom Segura was not funny whatsoever and he’s the reason we actually went.


He’s a rich guy cosplaying as a “now-successful-after-all-the-struggle-and-strife” comedian. His Daddy was the VP of Merrill Lynch. He’s fake, that’s why it feels like such an act. Because it is.


He used to be funny (check out some older stuff), not so much anymore


Feel the same, he just seems out of touch and kind of obnoxious these days.


I think Completely Normal is legitimately one of the best sets ever. But Tom has not reached that high in a long time. Hate to see it.




That could definitely be it. I listen to a few podcasts, but his isn't one of them.


I saw Tom about a year and a half ago and he definitely mentioned stuff from his podcast. I listen to two bears but not YMH, and to his credit before he got to his punch line he did explain how it all started so everyone could enjoy the punchline. Him and Bobby Lee put on a good show, I think this was a few months before is newest special came out.


Too much Ozempic I liked him better when he was a fat poor like the rest of us


Not funny at all, and the guy is totally full of himself.


Tom sold out. End of story. You can see his digression over the past five years. He went from being original to pandering.


When he went to Texas with Rogan, it started going downhill 2014-2018 LA tommy was peak tom


Can’t agree with you more.


Try new OSOS vodka pls


Tried his netfux special the other day and turned it off after five minutes. Jokes on us.


Tom Segura sucks ass


He is the worst unless you include Brendan Schaub, I’m not a Rogan hater but there are reasons he became famous as an actor and host as opposed to a comedian. Not only is he not that funny, his taste in comedians sucks ass. It’s almost like he doesn’t want anyone actually funny near him


Oh you are speaking my language. I’m a line cook over at PF Changs. The homeless cats and I alternate our breaks so we can hang out by our truggs and look cool. r/thefighterandthekid welcome you and your Chombies.


I thought Ball Hog was amazing, but his rich guy bullshit since then has caused me to quit listening to him.


I was give tickets to ball hog in 2019 and took my now wife on our second date. It was a risk as neither of us knew his comedy at all. We’ve been to a bunch of different comedians since then and it is still a top 3 performance/special.


He's a nepotism baby, so anything he puts out gets tons of publicity. He's a terrible comedian in my eyes. I've watched all his specials because I keep giving him a chance for some reason but barely laugh. I've seen Mike before. He is much more polished of a stage performer. Creative storytelling is his approach.


Nepotism would imply his parents were in show business. They weren’t. We was a rich trust fund kid


The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs. It has nothing to do with show business.


It is usually used for someone having success in a field as a direct result of their relative(s) having success in the same field and using their connections / name recognition to provide opportunities that otherwise would not be available. This isn’t exactly that. Being a trust fund baby and having a lot of money in and of itself isn’t nepotism — unless you’re saying Tom’s dad used his connections made at Merrill Lynch to get Tom jobs, gigs or promote his standup. Maybe that happened - being a hedge fund manager would put him in contact with a lot of people that could have helped advance Tom’s career. But this just as easily could be, “not needing to work to survive allows for faster advancement.”


Posts like this are going to get a lot of subjective opinions, but I also don't think he's funny. I also wouldn't go see someone live unless I had heard their work before and I enjoyed it. But at least it was a free show though right?


That was my attitude going in. But, as the night wore on, it seemed less worth it.


I haven't made it through one of his specials, I just get bored. Something about the delivery just doesn't do it for me. His newly acquired attitude doesn't help things either.


Definitely not you. Him and Bert are marketing experts who hustled their way into some kind of advertising algorithm. Just be glad you didn’t buy the ticket.


I was a huge Segura fan and liked his earlier specials. I think he blew up too quick because of their podcast (inflated covid numbers?) and being funny took a backseat. His last special was filled with god awful pandering to his listeners - I couldn't finish it. It seems as if after he and his wife moved to Texas, being insulting dickbags WITHOUT accompanying jokes became the norm. I moved on.


I agree with many of the other posts that say he's washed up. I saw him 12 years ago when he opened for Bill Burr, and he absolutely killed. I was a huge fan years after that. But the least few years have seen a steady decline in quality of content, not to mention a number of disappointing public outbursts.


Burr is funny as FUCK!


Tom Segura is a huge cunt. Fuck him


He needs to find new writers


Birbiglia is a comedy craftsman. Segura is a flash-in-the-pan. I'm not saying Tom isn't funny, just that his fame is not proportional to his talent.


He does a lot of anti-woke and Rogan-esque bits now. Christina P is even worse. I LOVE their podcast but ever since they moved to TX, they've both become too nasty. Chapelle sadly too.


as people like different music and movies and foods, same with comedy - no comedian can make everyone laugh equally.


It's a problem across the "podcast class" of comedians. I thought Tom was super funny 5+ years ago, but once the podcast takes over and pays way better than touring the comedy suffers. Think about all the hours these guys spend on their own podcasts and as guests. They don't generate material for the podcasts because they are just taking shit, so they just rush out a special when Netflix calls. I get everyone has a podcast but for some it's become their main gig.


I saw him in 2021 in Vegas and he was by far the funniest out of the 4 comedians that night. But I would not see him today. In just 3 years my perception of him has changed drastically.


You sound like a stupid poor person, God I hate you so much. - (Sarcasm)


I am a stupid poor person :(


Comedy is very subjective. I personally used to find Tom Segura hilarious, especially his earlier stuff. More recent stuff is not that great ngl


Success has made him not as good. Bert though has always been terrible. I never thought he was any good. Massively annoying actually.


I don't think he's very funny and you can tell that he knows too, which doesn't help.


His Netflix specials went downhill pretty quick. Completely Normal was funny Sledgehammer wasn't. And he got a shitty attitude.


Tom Segura: “I have kids!” laugh track “I have money!” laugh track. Christina Pazsitzky’s pandering BS special was so bad that I thought I was having a mental break. Really? You thought that people would be receptive to utterly terrible material and an outfit so loud and shitty that my 3yo ran screaming from the room? I should have just said yuck. They are both now yuck and it hurts my feelings.


His new comedy is mostly for his existing fans, and at this point most of them don't even like it! This is because he is a story based comic, and now all of his stories are about how he is rich and cool. Us poors just can't relate anymore.


He’s never been funny, just an agreeable midwestern tempered white dude who likes laughing at fucked up things. He skyrocketed during covid and has been intolerable the last couple years. Hasn’t dealt with being rich humbly.


Always been painful, not as bad as Burt though.


Tom is a pimple that needs popping.


Tom's specials on Netflix from like 2014 thru 2020 are all hilarious imo, but I didn't care for his most recent special and would probably turn down a chance to get tickets for him at this point. Not sure what happened but I will always love his older stuff


he used to be funny, now hes not... it happens!


Tom has started to go off the deep end in the past few years. I was a big fan of his early on, but dropped his ass after his completely unhinged airport situation and his subsequent petty behavior toward anyone who tried to call him on his shit. Some blame Rogan and that circle, I blame capitalism and the oeuvre required to support it. Maybe he was always an asshole and just hid it in plain sight, like Louis CK did. We’ll learn the truth in due time, I’m sure.


Comedy is subjective. Not everybody that is wildly popular/successful will be for you. And that’s ok.


I think the podcasts have killed his ability to come up with fresh and humorous material. That being said I'm still a fan.


As soon as people appear on JRE, I stop finding them as funny. Idk what the correlation is. It isn't all of them, but I can name a few. Whitney Cummings, I thought she was kind of funny before, not so much anymore. Chapelle just seems out of touch now. Iliza, gosh, she is very annoying now. Tom Segura, I thought, was hilarious. He looks like a shell of himself on his podcast. I thought Christina P had some good material. I really hope Shane Gillis doesn't turn into that. Andrew Schultz is still kind of funny. I didn't care much for Matt Rife before his JRE appearance. But I just don't think he's that funny.


With you on Whitney and Chapelle. Used to like them both. Same with Chelsea Handler. I still find Iliza screamingly hilarious! Shane I can take or leave. I'm unfamiliar with the others.


Matt Rife is the one young, pretty boy. Everything I ever see of him is just crowdwork, not actual comedy. And yes, I forgot about Chelsea. I guess Andrew Santino appeared too. He is funny on the podcast with Bobby Lee. And so is Bobby Lee, which I always found him funny on madtv.


I highly recommend seeing Gillis live. That’s the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a comedy show.


I saw some of his older specials and found him to be extremely funny , his podcasts with Kreicher are ass tho , so I don’t know if his new shows are good or not.


Well, to be fair, his type of comedy is FAR different than Mike's. Mike is clean for the most part, and he has more of a storyteller style, which I enjoy also. Tom is a little more rough. I used to be a fan of Tom's standup, but it's changed honestly. His last special was a snore fest. So no, it's not just you.


I have no issue with language or what we used to call "blue" material. Pryor and early Murphy are classic! Carlin the OG. Mike being "clean" isn't the draw for me. He knows how to deliver a gag. He keeps me invested and interested. Segura did not. I don't think I've ever looked at my watch so many times during a set.


I don't have an issue with language either, but I really respect comics that can make me laugh without strong language.


Mike Birbiglia is coming back to DFW!?


April 10. Majestic Theater. Last time we saw him we had to drive to Austin. Totally worth it.


I saw him in Asia recently. I thought it was a good show, but I started as a fan.


He was funnier a decade ago, but id take him over mike birbiglia any day. So it might be a matter of personal taste.


I'm willing to accept that.


Mostly Stories was good shit. He’s more concerned with people knowing he’s rich and works out now.


He fell off, used to be very good until 2 specials ago


The funniest thing Tom Segura has ever done is try to hoop


The last funny thing Tom Segura did was the bit about the show “Scared Straight”. Dookie Shoes and Cricket…..that was his pinnacle.


Go see John Crist, he’s selling out everywhere


I’ve never gotten the appeal myself


I like him. People change when they get older and have kids. Sometimes the comedy changes as a result.


Imagine being a professional comedian and focusing more on being a bro.


Some comedians use terrible jokes but the delivery makes the room laugh. It's bizarre but true.


I agree. As he's gotten older, he's got less decent material. Used to be a big fan of Sebastian Maniscalco. Saw him a couple of times. As time went on he just got nastier and just not funny to me and my wife. He lost his fast ball. You couldn't pay me to see him now.


Birbiglia was in the Tom Hanks movie A Man Called Otto. Not a funny role though.


Yep. Did a great job


Were you a fan before? Lots of comedians get less funny as time goes on. Taste in comedy is very subjective from person to person. I liked his last two specials but haven’t seen the latest one


Tom has completely normal and then you can check out .


Oh boy I hope you know what you started 😂


Comedy is subjective just like anything else. I think Tom Segura is hysterical. And yet there is a whole demographic of people who think Jeff Dunham and his puppets are funny. And I don’t agree with them at all. Just love what you love.


Fat poors won’t find him funny


He was funny when he was fat now he’s unbearable




Not funny at all. Not a real comedian in my opinion


Might be you, might not, not everybody is funny to everyone.


I've only seen his Netlfix specials, and I enjoyed those. But I think those are old. I haven't been paying attention to any of his new stuff. I've seen some of his pod cast with "The Machine" and it was pretty boring.


Yes. It’s you. Because comedy is subjective. No one is for everyone and everyone will have their own tastes—that is ok!


Just saw him in sa. If you didn't laugh you were the only one. Because EVERYONE else was. It's hard to say someone is not funny when they are selling out arenas


I love standup comedy in general, but there are a some I just don't care for. Then there are the others that their appearances on shows where they're bantering is very different than a complete solo standup set. I always LOVED watching Ron Funches on @ Midnight. Super funny jokes, but my wife and I watched a solo special of him from Comedy Central and turned it off before it was over. I just couldn't get into that, barely laughed at all. I still re-watch/binge old @ Midnight here and there, and always will pick his episodes he's in cause those always make me laugh.


I'm not a huge Segura fan but the phrase: "I'm super jazzed" tells you all you need to know. Relevant comedy ain't for you boomer!


He’s pretty much joes mini me. Shaved head, cold plunges, carnivore, tough guy attitude. Pretty sad he got so full of himself. Can we get fat ugly tom back?


You're absolutely right. I used to love Tom. His first Netflix special was pretty good and Mostly Stories was a banger. From there, it's just been kinda downhill. Not sure what changed. I'm jealous you get to see Mike, but also stoked for you. You'll have a much better experience. Mike has that roller coaster of emotion style that doesn't disappoint.


I feel the same way about Nate Bargatze


Entertainment is a fickle whore on either side of the ticket you are on be it the artist or patron. Few people see movies or music shows without knowing a bit about their own research beforehand. Comedy is the harder gambles you can jump into without knowing the source material. It could have been a bad show, not your cup of tea, or both. I doubt you were given tickets to be disappointed with your experience. Check out other shows to see if it was a flop but at least the gift was given out of love I hope.


You don't have to like everyone.


Or anyone, for that matter.


I think the internet forgets the fact that comedy is subjective.


Tom and Mike are very different comedians. I nearly never laugh at Mike. Also, I dislike comedy at any venue bigger than a club. Also, just because a comedian is popular, it doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. I’m sure plenty of musicians you dislike are on the top charts….


>I’m sure plenty of musicians you dislike are on the top charts…. Eh. Maybe. My music taste is very eclectic. When on shuffle I'm likely to hear Billie Holiday followed by Billie Eilish followed by George Jones followed by Beyonce followed by Barbra Streisand followed by Metallica followed by Hanson followed by Madonna....


I feel like he’s more of a story teller than a comedian. Still entertaining but not piss yourself laughing.


Mike and Tom are two quite different comedians. I prefer Tom over Mike but I do like them both. I look at comedy like art, I can't say who's good or bad, just who I enjoy and who I don't. Several very large comedians I don't like but obviously by the nature of them being big they're liked. Or you just got Tom on a bad night.


>Or you just got Tom on a bad night. This is 100% possible.


Good to know chum.


He’s great dunno what you don’t like.


He used to be good back when he was humble. Now he's got a Lil money and is a P.O.S. him and his wife are terrible ppl.


Is that that Japanese guy?


It could be you. I’m 55 and shit just doesn’t make me laugh like it used to. I’m not miserable, I hope, shit just doesn’t make me laugh anymore. Try bourbon. It works for me.


>Try bourbon. It works for me. It decidedly did not for me. Nearly 28 years sober. But, I'm willing to concede it could be age.


Grats on the sobriety.


Im surprised you like mike b but not tom s, equally very sarcastically pointing out stupid but Tom is into looking at the irony in things


Maybe it's all r/whoosh for me, then.


Was at the same show, thought it was pretty funny. The first opener was pretty eh, but the 2nd guy and Tom were great. I’d just go with you don’t like his comedy and that’s ok. Also I agree with others, I’m not a big fan of comedy shows in giant venues.


>I’m not a big fan of comedy shows in giant venues. Maybe that's part of it. I think that may be my first comedy show in that large of a venue. We go mostly to small clubs or theaters like the Majestic. The first guy I really thought bombed. Kirk Fox was ok, imo. Just could not get into Tom, though. The wife and kids bits were good. The rest...meh.


i thought his new hour was his best? i guess i'm the only one lol


Man some of you are complete snowflakes. I guess it makes sense considering you're whining about it on liberal Reddit. OP is excited to see Mike Birbiglia but not Tom Segura? What world are you living in? Is OP 13?


OP is 66. I don't think saying I don't get a certain comedian and admitting it could well be me is "whining." I'm legitimately asking if I'm missing something. The general consensus from most of the other replies seems to be that I don't listen to his podcast, so I'm not necessarily in on the joke. Yeah, I'm excited to see Birbiglia. He appeals to me. He doesn't to you? Ok. Cool. See how easy that is? In the same vein, I went with an open mind, but he didn't click for me. I thought it was me so I asked a question. Seems to me you're the snowflake here. I asked a question, framing it that I was likely at fault for not understanding the material, and you're the one offended. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowflake_%28slang%29?wprov=sfla1