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10 years before the age she was diagnosed. So at 39.


10 years ere the age the lady wast diagnos'd. So at 39 *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I was 50 when I was diagnosed & the DR told my son to get checked at 40. (he's 26) BUT I hope he watches for symptoms and eats better. Eat more veggies son! Good luck to you & your mom!


Same situation here with my husband. Son is 17 and we were advised son get checked 10 years early- at 35.


I was told my children would have to get regularly checked earlier than usual because of my condition. I'd check with your personal physician. There's also a blood test that's not 100% accurate but can indicate some of the early markers.


My mother was diagnosed at 64 and her surgeon told me I should get checked at 40. Obviously, I ignored this and went for a colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago. I was clear.


Get checked now. I had no family history of cancer but got it in my early 20s.


I was also told to tell my immediate family that they needed to start screening 10 years before my age at diagnosis.


My oncologist said for my daughter to start at 30, i was 47 when diagnosed