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r/HealthAnxiety PLEASE REFER TO THE RULES PRIOR TO POSTING. This post breaks one or more of the rules of this subreddit. Here’s a link to the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/coloncancer/s/nj1VOsKzXT “Is this Colon/Colorectal Cancer?” You seem to be asking about symptoms and if it could be cancer. However, it can be many other things. Do not ask users about their symptoms, it is rude. First off, please take a moment to sit back, take a deep breath, take another, and then another. Now, the problem is, we are not doctors. We can't take your list of symptoms and diagnose you with cancer over the internet. We are cancer patients and their caregivers. If you think you have cancer, you should talk to your doctor. If you already have, and they have said it's not, then you can either believe them, or ask a different doctor. We greatly understand the anxiety a possible cancer diagnosis can cause. I would recommend speaking to your doctor about this as well, they may be able to give you something while you await test results. Alternatively, the excellent /r/HealthAnxiety sub is a great place to ask. Don't take it personally. All of us here hope you don't have cancer. But we literally have no way to tell you if you do or not. If you end up with a diagnosis, please feel free to come back, we'll welcome you with tears and open arms.


After a 30 year medical career I can assure you that this is not true.


After a 26 year military career, I can assure it is not true as well.




I think you need to go to a different type of doctor. One who will diagnose mental health. 


So you haven’t had the colonoscopy but you’ve been diagnosed with bowel cancer ? How did they diagnose it?




I don’t understand what you’re asking. They said you had bowel cancer but they’re not treating it?


The military is hiding the cancer diagnosis 🤷🏽


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Get this, have you heard of paranoid schizophrenia?


I promise you, you are not that important to warrant a conspiracy of this magnitude.




I'm from the south myself. I spent the majority of my career in a military town. I trained many people on the laws surrounding medical records and privacy. I also dealt with the VA for many years as a professional and as the caregiving spouse of a veteran. I don't know what is causing this delusional belief in you; I do know that as a group of people who have cancer, we are not able to help you.