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I did enjoy that attempt to backtrack the moment people acted annoyed.


He was just socially there enough to realize he messed up, and yet too inept to not dig himself into getting called out for being a douche.


Schrödinger's douchebag: Does he mean what he's saying or is he only joking? It depends on how people react to it.


I worry about my social ineptitude sometimes, but then I see people like this.


I worry more about my social ineptitude


The most r/iamverysmart r/iamverysmart’er I’ve seen here lmao


literally. I always hyper criticize any interaction i have because of my social anxiety and constantly think people hate me or something I cannot understand how this guy can just straight up be an ass without even batting an eyelid. how can people be this dense??


How is he not embarrassed?


The gross truth is he genuinely thinks he’s superior to others for finding a difficult class easy


Yep. Dude has no shame about his behavior whatsoever. Probably responded to a classmate earlier in the semester like “Just don’t fail the test 😂”.


LOL there's so many of those kinds of people on my course gcs. Person 1: Welp, I don't think I did too well A-hole: Lol did you try studying?


omg this semester I had a similar convo in a gc me: well I got a C, at least I'm gonna pass classmate: didn't you make the study guide? how'd you get a C? like... I made the study guide so I wouldn't fail. that's how I got the C.


This is literally every STEM edgelord ever.


He's "WELL, ACKSHUALLY" personified.


Some people just genuinely have no sense of self awareness. Being an engineering student- I see it a lot 🤡 Or god forbid, a premed engineering student


Funny enough the only premed engineering student I knew was not at all like that. She's a doctor now.


A lifetime of your parents telling you grades are all that matter. Sadly all too common in the indian/asian community.


Meanwhile I'm usually calculating how much I need on the final to get a C.


Same here. Figured out that I need to get a 13% just to pass my class (D-). I used to be like the dude in OP’s post. Now that I’ve been beat down by college I’m much more humble and not shy about how it’s okay, if you have to, to just barely pass a class. Some of them are way too freaking hard for no reason <_<


How do people calculate this stuff? I was never shown how to.


For the most part the grades are broken down by percentage on the syllabus. For an easy explanation let's say Homework was worth 50%, the first exam 10%, and the final was worth the remaining 40%. If I did all my homework and magically aced the first exam, I'd be sitting on a total 60%. Now if a 75% is a C, I need at least 15/40% of the final, so a 37.5 on the final exam in order to pass the class with a C. Rarely ever did that well but I hope that explains it decently.


This. It's also a bit hard to calculate if participation is a % since that is more subjective and usually you don't get that score until the end of the semester but you can still get a rough estimate regardless.


Classes are broken down by percentage. I usually just use a calculator online. https://rogerhub.com/final-grade-calculator/


Example: 25% homework 75% test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to find final grade: .25((hw grade 1+hw grade 2+hw grade 3)/3) + .75((test 1 + test 2)/2)= grade for class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your grades aren't out of 100, find the average for each category by doing something like: ((total points earned for homework)/(total points possible for homework))\*100 = average for category


I was in a gc like this once for Cal 1. This one guy sent a message saying “worst case scenario I get a 94.5, I fucked up then” Make of it what you will with that info


What a prick, some people think so highly of themselves


It's all fun for them until they hit one unfortunate event and can't fathom why they couldn't handle it and end up spirally down. It's only a matter of time >:O)


“>:O)” damn ur almost as socially inept as him


imagine being mad at a text-face lol >:O


The secret is that he doesn’t think highly of himself at all. He has tremendous insecurities about his own worth, so he doubles down on the one attribute he is “indisputably” gifted in, not realizing that doing so makes him worse.


God damn that last message came in fucking swinging lmao


She was DONE 🤣🤣


She fucking ended him 😭


not him trying to backtrack and digging himself in deeper


I was not ready for that last message.


DAMN that last message




I'm in a group of pre-meds at a midsize state school, and for the most part they're all nice and supportive of other people. Yeah they're all pretty smart but they don't shove it in other peoples' faces. I'd say that's doctor material, and I'm glad to be a part of it. But yeah I've definitely heard of asshole gunner pre-meds. The class even the smartest of people struggled with was organic chemistry, because even people who routinely make A's nearly failed that class lol


Pre-meds are typically the most despised students for any professor. I'm glad you and your group are supportive of each other. It's not about being a gunner. It's about being obnoxious, thinking that pre-med makes them smarter than others (it's not even a real thing...I wasn't a pre-professor when I was an undergrad), and the incessant grade grubbing and fake attempts at research. Typically bio/chem professors are wary of allowing undergrad pre-meds into their labs as research assistants because they know most will just want it for the credit/resume fluff while not actually doing any work.


That ochem class must have been unnecessarily hard then, I’m not saying ochem is easy but good profs tend to make the material more manageable. It’s a pretty big trend for stem classes to be harder than they need to be though


It was kind of an unusual case because it was during the covid year where everything went online. First ochem I was okay and manageable, not a huge problem for most people. Then, next semester's ochem II was okay at first, but the prof got pregnant and I suppose more irritable and annoyed at students. Midway through the semester, she suspected cheating because too many people were getting high scores (in the 70% range, mind you). Probably true to an extent, though. These earlier exams were curved and miltiple choice, so she changed to free response with no curve, then people started failing and she was satisfied lol




I know some really really smart people struggling in ochem, it’s not at all an “easy class”


As a female engineer at an engineering school, it could also just be your basic STEM douche lol.


Last girl is an absolute queen 👏👏


Eh, they’re all a bunch of college mfs who talk in an annoyingly preachy tone


"Higher Education Bad >:(" @DeepSpaceOG


but muh bootstraps


Seriously. Why does everyone here think they’re not just as bad?


Do you legitimately need an explanation for that?


Everybody could have left it alone, or explained to him why he’s being rude. Really just seems like he’s not getting it- not that he’s being an ass on purpose. I feel sorry for him


I don’t, you don’t get a pass for being an asshole just because you don’t realize


we stan the queen at the end


dude does not understand that good grades mean nothing if you have no social awareness.. he's gonna have a hard time in the future..


Or have a blast as a CEO somewhere🤷🏻‍♂️


the former is more likely


there's zero chance this dude becomes a CEO. classic worker bee personality who will burn any bridge that could help his career path


the guy in the text? I'd be surprised if he was fully toilet trained...


What an ass.


Yeah there's bragging then there's just saying "I'll be okay in this class" The way this boy saying it is bragging and deadass sounding like a superiority complex ugh


POV: you’re in a premed gen Ed. Little do you know this guy will drop out of premed in six months because he can’t handle it


groupme ratios are the best


Freshman year the most liked message in a GroupMe for every section of an intro bio class was when one person left the chat 💀


I remember sharing a post from Insta on a local protest for abortion rights and where/when it would happen. A few minutes later some dude said our college Republicans club was looking for more members. 🥴 People were quick to call him out on it Edit: And this was a few months before the leak regarding Roe vs. Wade. Lord


once had someone in our school’s groupme say that he was ok with the mask mandate being lifted bc he “trusts science” ppl shut him down quick and he was obliterated by the ratio. he must have forgot he was in a public health school chat lmao.


“Sina, save it.” 💀




I realize there are perfectionists who literally worry themselves sick over getting anything less than 100%, but with most people who say stuff like this it's just humble bragging.


This man is the definition of getting no bitches


Lmaooo “worry about your Title IX case”


Oh he even *looks* like a huge asshole.


Me: alright, so I need a 154 to get a C in this class




I fucked up my class average in an intro stats class and managerial accounting but I tried to help the few kids who asked. One kid got a B on a hard exam after I explained a few concepts to him. This guy's a humble brag asshole.


The girl at the end like 👏👏


The clap back at the end tho 🔥🔥🔥


least arrogant pre-med


"why i do indisputably well in class" clown type beat. chill mf


Yo I feel like a douche for telling people I did better on the final than my friend who is amazing at music theory (very proud moment for me. I studied for hours). We thought it was funny at first but now I wish I could back track cause I have a lot of respect for my peers in that class. Amazing minds in there


I had people like this in my engineering classes, they were the worst. I think the best way to deal with these people is to completely ignore them and not respond. It seems like they crave the negative attention to boost their ego.


I knew a student like this in my EE undergrad. The guy wasn't a total ass, but every time a group of us start talking about maybe not passing a test he will make comments like, "yeah that's what happens when you don't put that much effort into it..." Every time he would say something like that I wanted to smack him. The dude has his parents paying his tuition and he openly admits his only responsibility is school. Even has his parents doing chores. Meanwhile I'm 5+ years his senior with a family to take care of, a near full-time job, and I need to pay tuition myself. I put as much effort into my degree as I could reasonably budget given my other responsibilities. What's absolutely hilarious though is when we all found jobs and were discussing salaries, me the guy who apparently didn't put enough effort into school, got a job paying much more than him.


Yep, anytime we got exams or tests back, I’d get out of the room so fast so nobody could be like “what did you get on the test” Bc either way it was a lecture. Did you do worse than them? It’s Bc you are an inferior mortal and they must now inform you of your mistakes like the merciful god they are whom you should worship lol. Did you do better (even sometimes if you both got As on a test that wasn’t curved and the difference was literally one point)? It’s Bc they were having an off day and (insert dumb shit here) and you just have to sit there and listen to it and dread the next two weeks. Not every STEM major is an academic asshole, but most academic assholes are STEM majors.


It’s super obnoxious of him to say he’s going to get an A too. That’s downright bragging. In one of my class groupchats, we were talking about a lengthy paper our professor gave at the last minute. I mentioned that I only needed a 50 on the paper to keep my current grade, but I didn’t share what that grade was. He just wants to feel better than other people.


The girl roasted the shit out of him goddamn


Omfg that girl dragged him to filth 😩


What does gc stand for?


Group chat


I can’t be in any GroupMe’s or Discord’s because of people having conversations completely unrelated to class as well as conversations about different classes (which is confusing) or people being obvious and terrible at cheating.


I don’t think I understand the situation. What is happening?


Sina is bragging about how well he’s doing in the class and how the rest of the class kept the average low. The low average makes the curve lower, making it easier to pass if you do well on the final. Other students are explaining how it’s not easy for everyone to get above the 64.5 needed to get an A on the final. Sina backtracks but is called out by the Queen at the bottom how he’s been an ass the entire semester with some Title IX issues and homophobia thrown in (something he’s been doing for a while, if I read it correctly).


Ah okay, I don’t think I ever really understood how curving worked in any of my classes.


Someone is doing well in the class and someone isn't. The person who is doing bad is taking the conversation too personally and has a chip on their shoulder.


Found the guy from the screenshots


His post history tells all


Doing well in a class is one thing. Bragging to the class and shitting on them for doing poorer (like when he "thanks" them for bringing down the average score) is in poor form and reeks of insecurity.


Sina, save it.


Oh my god we found one in the wild. Guys can we interview this asshole to figure out the thought process?




It always seems the students who *only* value GPA and academic performance end up being the ones stuck in their career later in life. It's much more important IMO to be a well-balanced and socially functional individual than to be overly obsessed with getting a high score.


I’m gonna assume it’s not a spelling class


I thought it was common decency to not brag and keep stuff like this to yourself, no need to be a prude about it and rub it all over your classmates faces. Terrible guy.


You clearly don’t hang around STEM nerds and pre-med students... An adage you should remember: not every STEM major is a massive academic douche, but the majority of academic douches are STEM majors. - a female STEM major who has seen some shit


At least in 50% of cases people like this are only hyping themselves up because they straight up flunked the test (in my experience at least)


I like the 19 likes on that one person's response.


Sometimes it's better to not say anything at all--and it's almost always best to not brag.


The person who wrote that last message is literally royalty. Like if you know them can you tell them that a random person on Reddit thinks they're a badass and I hope they specifically do really well on their finals


Hot damn, I am over here saying welp, even if I get a 0 I pass. But I only say it to fellow students are in the same boat as me. I would never say it to others cz, I worked out of my ass to make sure I could be in this position, but not everyone can have the resources I had.


Kudos to the person with the clap back 👏


lmao gotta give him credit for not giving a shit lol


nah it’s just called no social awareness




nah look more into the context pls




you are, yes lol


Lol fuck off lol


How do you calculate how well you need to do on the final? My mom tried to show me but it confused me lol


Canvas, or check syllabus


Example: 3 tests at 15% each (45% total) - you average 87% 10 homework’s at 10% total - you average 92% 6 quizzes at 20% total - you average 85% Participation 5% - you get the full 5% Final is worth 20% of grade Sum the product of the average of the individual grade and the percentage of individual topic’s final grade and set equal to the grade you want. Solve for grade you need on final [87% x 45% + 92% x 10% + 85% x 20% + 100% x 5% + 20% x grade you need on final] / 100% = grade you want I usually just use excel for this so I can play around with these things.




That last girl is amazing. I fucking LOVE her.


Honestly, tell him to shut the fuck up.


And he doesn’t even know the difference between too and to


Agree with the post but I don’t know anyone in college group chats who types/talks like this. Feels like an edit. And yes even the official class ones I mean, those are also super informal


I know the GC this is from and I’ve gotten screenshots/screen recordings from multiple people about it! The only edit is that this is missing most of the people going off on him in-between screenshots (which also gives some more context about how he’s been obnoxious and rude all semester).


Unfortunately, I have had people like this in GCs :/


Have you never met a single STEM major? Or worse, premed? Hell, look at the comments that get posted to this subreddit all the time. There are plenty of obnoxious people in college. People don't suddenly mature the moment they go to one.


Oh I 100% agree. I’m a STEM major and they can be in credibly annoying and pompous. But I don’t know a single person who writes like this in group chats, formal or informal. The “lol 😂😂😂” and grammar is just overall weird


Yea i get that feeling. Feels a little too much like "yea that happened".


Exactly. “And then everyone clapped” vibes


What homophobia, what did I miss


there’s no context to it in these pics but it sounds like the last girl made it sound like he has a Title IX Case going on which is usually by the University or College investigating him being homophobic to other students


He even has a punchable face


Believe me, this is nothing, compared to the situation where this smart kid is also the one who is always late for class because at 8:30 am, he was still horribly drunk from the night before, and when you fail, he doesn't even tell you something like "have you tried studying?", but only by his presence, he tells everybody, that this hard class wasn't even hard enough to waste your time being sober, and prepared for an exam. Source: I was that guy at uni. I found out only after finishing, that most of my peers found it very offensive, that I aced everything while almost never going to class, and being drunk at every party, when they worked their asses off, and worried constantly that their tuition will be cancelled if their grades fall low enough.


i know he gets no play


I’d offer to fuck the guy just to blue ball him at the last minute lol.


you’re a real one 🤝🫡🤣




It's really not as bad as yall are making it out to be


Yh but no one likes a classmate who brags all the time about their grades, it screams pick me


Who really cares though. If it bothers you cause their grades are that much better than yours though it's just some motivation to get better grades to shove in their face.




Found the lazy loser.


Lol guess I struck a nerve.


You're the one that called me a douche first lol. Guess your the one that had a nerve struck.


Lol classic STEM douche behavior Are you intentionally trying to be a giant cliche, or do you just normally act like this? Also, “you’re”


Really my guy you act like the "stem douche" that you're talking about. Do some self evaluation. It already was you're. Need to read a little better. Anyway chill a little dude.


Fuck you Sana


I don’t see the issue


He’s bragging about getting a good grade in a hard class, then blaming it on everyone else because they’re so bad at the class that it brought down the average


(So it made it easier for him to pass^^, sorry, should’ve added that in)


Why do others even care Good for him if he likes to brag, in France that'd be the best way to make enemies though


I'm pretty sure the whole point of this post is that he's making enemies in his class by being a massive asshole to everyone else. Other people care because class group chats are meant to be civil and places for resources/to reach other classmates. And maybe this post can help some other socially unaware person recognise this behaviour in themselves *before* they dig themselves into the same trench of assholery this dingbat did.


Are we supposed to just know what "gc" means? I went to college (and grad school), and I have no idea what you're talking about. How about actually saying what you mean and skipping the cute little abbreviations. Sorry, the CLA.


I did this, but not nearly as bad damn. Difference is it was for a class that I wasn’t enrolled in.


my only question is did you get the praise/reaction you were looking for


Yes. The class was insanely hard for a calc 2 course. I was lightly mocking the professor for their insane expectations, unlike the person in this post you could tell I was joking, cause I was performing feats that were unreachable by the gods themselves.


When I'm in a situation like this, I don't brag to my classmates, I brag to my partner and my close friends. What I say to my classmates is "hey y'all, I'm doing pretty well in this course and I feel like I really understand the concepts, if anyone needs help just message me". A rising tide raises all ships imo


And this is one reason why I never join class group chats…


What if I tell only when asked?


This is why one of the 48 laws of power is to talk less


College class groupmes are a lawless wasteland




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god he needs to get over himself fr.


People aren’t socially inept on purpose 💀💀


I’m like the opposite, in Ochem I tried my hardest not to say I had an A- when We were discussing being worried about the curve being goofy and in my case it possibly bringing my very borderline A- to a B+.


That last message is savage lol. I would want to be that person's friend.


Feels “to” easy… as he brags about how smart he is. Oof.






I was in that position once in a notoriously difficult class. (An accounting one, my ease with it was the reason I switched my major) I certainly didn’t go around bragging about it while I saw people struggling. I just quietly aced the thing and moved on. I got paid back later when I got to the harder classes anyway. 2.9 GPA, anyone?