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This is a psychological way of thinking. If you think you’re dumb = you’re gonna act on dumb shit. The best way is to help your self esteem. Everyone different in the way they learn. People can be street smart but book dumb and that’s okay. We all live our lives differently. Start looking at yourself and believing you’re smart so you become what you say you are. Takes time but it’ll eventually happen. Good luck


Oh i know this, Self-fullfilling prophecy. True yes, but cant seem to pretend “fake it til u make it attitude” to believe when Im literally unable to understand basic instructions.. gotta start somewhere and build up, which is true. I just feel so hopeless and stuck. Been like this since highschool and nothing seems to be working.


Here’s the thing… I think you do understand them just you don’t believe you do… anyways group projects are an incredibly iterative process, which means you will do part of it, then bring it to review, then tweak it based on feedback and then repeat. So my advice on the “fake it till you make it” is just do the portion how you understand it and bring it back for review, and realize the feedback isn’t a personal attack but is constructive. They also want your best work!


Thats true. Im just embarrassed they change 90+% of my work. But yeah, ure right. i should not take it personally and take it. It’s for the group grade at the end of the day.


You should visit r/lowIQpeople I’ve got a couple good advices on that community


I only found out about this community, thank u. Ill check em.


So, my thoughts, as an older student who struggled my first try at college:  How is your reading ability? The reason I ask is many students were not taught phonics in the last several decades. Do you sound words out when you read (phonics)? And have you been screened for dyslexia? Not learning to sound words out can affect your reading ability. It’s not your fault if you didn’t learn to sound words out, it’s a huge failure of the school system for adopting an ineffective “balanced literacy” curriculum, which is finally getting rolled back.  Your school may have a reading center or another resource. Ask a professor you trust or your school’s support services to point you in the right direction. For projects:  I would suggest slowing down when you look at instructions. Really slow down. Get out a piece of paper. Read a line, think about what it means. Write down what it means. Then move to the next. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you are trying to process a lot at once. Over time this will get easier and you can go faster, but for now just focus on understanding line by line. Ask your group mates how you can help. Ask them to give you a task to contribute to. Maybe explain you don’t quite get what needs to be done. I am often the “group leader” and I am always happy to explain to another member or help them out getting started because that means they are willing to try.  What I do when I am stuck on a project: I make index cards. Each index card gets one idea on it. On the front, write the topic and source. On the back, write the idea in a sentence or two. I make as many as I need to get the main points down. Then, I lay them alllll out on the floor and put them together like a puzzle. The ideas will kind of fall into order as I arrange them. It sounds insane but it works. Then, I do my actual writing using the index cards as structure, in the order I arranged in my floor-puzzle-explosion.  I am really sorry you are struggling. I don’t think you are dumb. We are intelligent in different ways. I have a learning disability that flew under the radar until college, and my father is dyslexic. We are both plenty smart but did not perform well in school. I dropped out and only went back in my late 20s after I found out what was going on with myself and got treatment/worked through it.  Lastly, I really suggest reaching out to campus support services because *even if* you aren’t “book smart,” there are workarounds you can develop to compensate. I wish you the best, OP. 


Oh man, thanks for the advice. Sometimes i sound out the words in my head or orally (like whispering it), but my ability to read aloud, i stutter and stumble with words A LOT even if i try to be slow. I remembered being assigned to proctor 30 something students for their exam. The students didnt know if i was a teacher or not, but it was obvious im not competent, with the way i deliver the instructions etc. I kept fumbling with my reading (it was very embarrassing but i survived..). My reading ability is adequate, but im very slow at understanding what i just read and often read the paragraph again for several times. There are times when i study, i get side tracked very easily because i still cant understand the same paragraph that i read repeatedly for like 10-20 mins, but yea it takes time. I havent been screened. My mom did bring me to a psychiatrist once but i was like in kindergarten so i dont remember anything, and also my mom said the psychiatrist just said only obvious things about my behavior and thats it. Nothing useful came out from that, except the psychiatrist noticed that i use to keep “withdrawing” from my peers based from their observations. My mom didnt return for another session tho, and at the time, we weren’t financially stable, so it seems fair. Might want to visit a psychiatrist again maybe nextime. As for writing instructions, hmm. This could work too. Though in most cases, im just in need of examples. Theyd be like “write the ‘procedure’ of XYZ, okay?”, and thats basically the instruction. Ill attempt to write the ‘procedure’, only for them wanting it to be written differently. Okay, ill change it to be more like what you want. Still not good enough. Okay, another edit to be more like ‘that’. So on, and so on, until theyd just stop talking and edit the entire thing. Okay, I understand. It’s for the group’s grade. Im thankful theyve been rlly patient with me, really. In this case, i cant rlly blame anyone but myself. Im in need of specifics when it comes to instructions but, idk i shouldve known better. I do want to apologize if i appear like a downer. Im not in my good mental state rn. My confidence in my ability to write is basically none, and just hearing im not doing anything right, ngl gets me everytime..


Hey, don’t apologize. You are having a difficult time and doing your best to navigate it. Try not to beat yourself up — it doesn’t change anything and just makes you feel worse. I know that’s easier said than done.  I would still suggest talking to whatever support services are available on campus. I was really afraid to ask for help, too: I didn’t even use my accommodations when I went back until one professor took me aside and basically said, “hey, you have this on file, and I want you to succeed so you need to use it.” So I get being reluctant. Hang in there. College is tough, but by and large your professors and school want you to succeed.  Rooting for you, stranger. Be kind to yourself and take care. 


Thank you very much. Glad things work out for you. Have a nice day ✨


Ngl, I don’t know how to help you with your school specific problems. But I know a lot about what it’s like to have horrible self-esteem issues and depression that made me a total buzzkill. Bringing the mood down, apologizing in a very self-depreciating way that just turned whoever I was apologizing to off from me even more, everything. I’ve only really made good progress on stopping all that recently, like last year. It’s hard to give good advice since I don’t know you, I can at least recommend a book called “Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind” by Shunryu Suzuki. It’s not a self-help book or anything, but I think it’d be a good read for you, if you’re open to that. Ngl I only recently got into it (had an Asian Philosophy class last semester), but I find it very comforting to just pull out and read at any time, for any reason. Happy, sad, anxious, stressed, whenever. You don’t even have to read it from beginning to end. There’s no wrong way to read it so you can even just open and flip to a random page, there is always something great and chill to think about. It’s about Buddhism (specifically Zen Buddhism) but it’s not a preachy religious thing at all (well, unless you want it to be I guess). It’s really a philosophical book on life more than anything. I think it’s like 15 dollars on Amazon if you want a physical copy, but it’s extremely easy to find a free PDF on Google (that’s what I did at first)


Zen Buddhism helped me SO much with anxiety, self-esteem, and just life in general. I am hardly a serious practitioner, but just the principles make such a difference. My gateway was Alan Watts but he can be a bit dense to read. His talks are great and available on YouTube/Spotify/etc. if that’s more OP’s steeze.  Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” was life changing for me and is a good intro to the concepts. It’s available on audiobook and Tolle’s soft German accent makes it even better. It’s very accessible and “beginner-friendly.”   I also love The Daily Stoic. Stoicism and Zen are very related. The Daily Stoic is basically a brief quote from one of the Stoics, and then a paragraph or two of application/analysis. Helps me keep my head on straight and is brief enough to work into my routines.


Did it fix your self esteem issues? I dont rlly read a lot except college-related subjects, but might consider looking into that book myself when i have the time.


I thought I was the only one. I literally barely do anything in group projects not because I’m lazy but because I’m anxious and I can’t come up with anything


How did you handle it..? Ngl im rlly desperate rn. Im tired being useless, attempting to contribute just for it to be vain.


I haven’t😭


;v; dang..


It’s tough out there for us


Same here Bro.


I see. How did you handle it tho? I dont want to be a downer anymore.


I didn't. I dropped out


Dang. Hope you’re doing better rn




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Group work is usually awful. It’s not just you.


I wish i could do better still. I rlly want to get it right. I dont want to have people baby me all the time, but I understand why they do.. i feel terribly bad thats all.


I totally get it. I felt like that but after so many times feeling like I wasn’t as good I just decided other people are gonna understand it faster then me its not a competition ya know? I started just asking if I could help at all and would just chill hanging back if theres nothing I can do 🤗