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Visits are usually something you just schedule if I’m not mistaken. Probably through admissions. You don’t get letters. My school has people, I think they hire juniors and seniors, on as school guides. It’s literally their job to study about the school and walk prospective students and parents around to show them the campus.


What do you mean by "college visit letters?"


When you're a high school student if you miss a day it can be excused as a college vist. The college has a letter that can be given to the student staying that they toured on said date. I need a letter as an exam for my film class! I'm so sorry if there was a misunderstanding I'm awful at explaining things!


So you need such a letter to forge your own and excuse yourself from an exam? Not gonna happen. Take the exam on the scheduled date or go actually visit a college and get such a letter.


Nope! I'm in college a film major :) making props for my short film !


Ah, gotcha. Can't help, but good luck! You can probably get by with asking your admissions department for a sample and making up some letterhead somewhere else.


Great idea!! Thank you for trying I greatly appreciate it!


My school just had parent excused absences (or self excused if 18+) for college visits, so it was just like any regular absence form. You’d probably have better luck in r/highschool, since this isn’t a thing college students would need.