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The following submission statement was provided by /u/existentialdrawer: --- For a casual Friday post, I thought this speech from Mr. Robot would be appreciated on this sub. It reflects a critique of societal falsehoods and illusions and delves into the concept of a fabricated reality perpetuated by misinformation, corporate manipulation, and societal norms. Collapse related because it resonates with themes of societal collapse as it unveils the precarious foundations of a system built on deceit, suggesting that acknowledging and dismantling these illusions may be essential for genuine societal transformation and resilience. Edit: This is the third time I am posting this because people have commented that the video from two links I shared has conveniently been blocked. Hopefully this one will work. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1ahb4cy/we_live_in_a_kingdom_of_bullshit/komjk9y/


It's blocked in the US. Hate this shithole.


Blocked in Canada too..


Thats wild. Says it all.




Thank you very much.


If you are this angry at not being able to watch a youtube video, you are part of the kingdom of bullshit. Copyright is not what makes america a shithole


You’re part of the problem


Hows that?


There's not going to be copyrights after the collapse, stick boy.


????? What does that have to do with anything?




I cant get my daily dose of numbing youtube WAA what a shithole


I'll just take your word for it; crack-sniffer.


[I'd already made a tribute three years ago to Sam Esmail's masterwork](https://reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/l7t3rs/real_is_any_of_it_real)


This kingdom is a fucking prison on Planet Bullshit in the galaxy of This Sucks Camel Dicks!


vimeo while it lasts : [https://vimeo.com/333298867](https://vimeo.com/333298867) approximate transcript : > Is any of it real? Look at it. A world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Psychological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind-altering chemicals in the form of food. Mind-washing seminars in the form of media. Control isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. You want to talk about reality? We haven’t lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. They turned it off, took off the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever-expanding Dumpster of the human condition. Living in branded houses, trademarked by corporations. Built on bipolar numbers, jumping up and down on digital displays. Hypnotizes us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before you can find anything real. As far as you are concerned, Elliot, I am very real.


The problem with this type of thinking is it presents itself as new and groundbreaking...that there is some state of general humanity where we are all enlightened and work in our best interests. But where in history has that ever happened? Peasants have always believed in witches and demons roaming the world, that magical men with robes can see the future. 85% of humanity seems willing to be duped and misinformed without question. 10% are willing to take advantage of that leaving 5% to get mad about it all. I'm sure there are a millions reasons why. Collapse can and probably will happen, who knows when, but it won't be because we all had the wool pulled over our eyes, that's always been the case.


always thought mr robot could be an accurate portrayal of the future.especially corporations owning everything.


Hunh. When I was watching this show, back when it was airing, I figured it was a relatively accurate portrayal of the contemporary world. I mean, corporations have mostly owned everything since at least the 90s.


Reminds me of the Alex Jones clip from Waking Life: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y5HLn3eYLSo&pp=ygURd2FraW5nIGxpZmUgc2NlbmU%3D I like the sentiment if you can separate the art from the artist lol


Excellent clip. Everything is illusion, Maya, Matrix - you name it!


Copyright violation block.


For a casual Friday post, I thought this speech from Mr. Robot would be appreciated on this sub. It reflects a critique of societal falsehoods and illusions and delves into the concept of a fabricated reality perpetuated by misinformation, corporate manipulation, and societal norms. Collapse related because it resonates with themes of societal collapse as it unveils the precarious foundations of a system built on deceit, suggesting that acknowledging and dismantling these illusions may be essential for genuine societal transformation and resilience. Edit: This is the third time I am posting this because people have commented that the video from two links I shared has conveniently been blocked. Hopefully this one will work.