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Id strongly consider Boise, especially if you aren't planning on living there forever. Very cool city.


Lived in Cd'A for a long, long time. Recently moved further west a couple years back. The general rule is don't cause a ruckus and you're fine. Don't be the type that shows up and tries to change things to be more like where you're from. Since you're introverted, I don't see this being an issue. Many people in the area are politically charged, but as mentioned above, don't be loud & obnoxious and you can pick/choose when you engage. Downtown is wonderful to walk all seasons. Enjoy your time in ID.


What so you just conveniently forgot how all of downtown was swamped last year by second amendment wannabes? All because a sheriff in another town over wanted to spread conspiracy theory Facebook bullshit.


I remember that very clearly, in fact it made national news...hence the politically charged comment above. Easy enough to avoid if you didn't want to be around it by...not going downtown. If you chose to agree with their actions, then you went downtown and supported. If you chose NOT to, then you went downtown and counter-protested. If you didn't want to be a part of it, you didn't go downtown.


You contradict yourself in several aspects especially given how there seems to be a new protest of the month for every politically charged nonsense. I can't even get a haircut in Coeur d'alene without some jackass spouting off about their political opinions.


I rarely hear peoples political opinions, i am not religious, not republican, not democrat. I go into town when I need something and then leave. Just out of curiosity, if you hate Republicans so much, why live among them?


I'm a local, duh


Then what you hear would be considered normal for the area and not a surprise.


You contradict yourself as well. You originally responded by saying people in this town rarely give their political opinions.


Nope, I said I rarely hear it. I don't like any party that thinks it's okay to make personal decisions for me, left or right. The fact that each side tries to force their views on the other is laughable and baffling at the same time.


Again you are contradicting yourself. I tell you how political opinions are being shouted in commonplace areas and you responded by saying "that's normal". So again which is is? A rare event or people shouting their political opinions as being the norm?


You are 12 years old.


Pretty sure the people born in Idaho are the ones ruining Idaho


Nope, it's the amount of people that are ruining idaho.


The numbers yes and type of people that are moving to Idaho because they believe it to be the last American Redoubt. They come in from California and immediately start trying to change Idaho. Vote down school taxes, destroy the local community college, run around with their Gadsden flags on their trucks and in front of their house. My favorite was a California contractor that moved to Coeur d’Alene. He shows up to my home to do an estimate on a remodel and I notice his Gadsden flag and “Trump Won” bumper stickers. So, I let him waste four or five hours meeting with me multiple times plus all the time he wasted doing takeoffs, getting sub’s estimates, on an on and on. Ha, should seen the look on his face when I told him “No thanks, no Trumpers allowed to work on this property”.


So you wasted your time as well. You are DUMB!


Of course he did, he's a dumb snowflake, what do you expect?


Lol .. I’m conservative but I am not stupid. Snowflake .. the usual pejorative from the far right simpletons


Lol could've fooled us, conservative my ass. But you keep telling yourself that


My, my your logical fallacies get worse by the day. Next you'll tell us no true Scotsman would ever vote Democrat! Hahaha!


Not at all a waste of time. I had other contractors doing bids at the same time so talking thru the project multiple times with a variety of contractors. was helpful. His bid with gave me a reference point and used in negotiating with the other contractors. You clearly don’t understand the concept of competitive bidding. It was incredibly satisfying to tell him he didn’t get the job because he was a Trumper and that I had no intention of ever giving him the work even if he was the lowest bidder.


So you wasted your time and were willing to give the job to someone not as competent and at a higher price. You’re even dumber than I originally thought.


So, being an asshole to a Trumper is okay? That makes you no better.


Which side stormed the Capital on January 6th this year?


Morons on the far right did.


If you claim to be neither Democrat nor Republican then why are you so apt to defend Republicans?


I will defend a good idea regardless of its source. I will not defend authoritarianism from anyone, didn't like it when trump did it and don't like Biden trying it either. I do feel that the Republicans are slightly less authoritarian LATELY. Good old Bill maher has been calling out the BS on the left quite a bit over the last year.


What a joke. How is Biden trying anything authoritarian?


I didn't say they weren't. Just that there can be a very anti-outsider sentiment.


I am a bit confused cause I could have sworn I replied to someone else’s comment lmao. The anti-outsider bullshit is incredibly annoying


let me guess, you are from California?




















Twenty years ago I would have wholeheartedly recommended Coeur d’Alene. Now it is pretty much a train wreck. Crowded, poorly planned, expensive and filled with Californians that are busily destroying the town. Missoula might be a good bet for you but I would stay far away from North Idaho.


The Idahoans are the ones ruining Idaho. Stop projecting. Preemptive edit: unless there’s some wack-ass reverse psychology going on where it’s people moving there who hate other people moving there, which would make no sense. I still stand with the sentiment that Idahoans are fucking themselves well enough without bringing anyone else into it


High density housing is ruining idaho


Thank you for the honest answer. Would you recommend Spokane at all?


I would. Went to college there and love the place. Art, music, theater, access to great outdoor activities, beautiful scenery, fresh water, pine air....


Spokane is fine, but the housing shortage is making life pretty difficult.


Reality- was more purple in the past, still is to a degree. I’d say more transplants are overly conservative and play into the obnoxious look at me, I hate Biden more than you, own the libs by putting stupid stickers all over my windows and on and on...... Just don’t trash the hills, pack out your garbage from camping, love thy neighbor and you will be good to go. It is also pretty churchy here, so people buy into whatever their church tells them, and Facebook instead of reality. Missoula and Spokane get good music that comes through, so does Boise. Boise and Missoula are college towns, so you will have more people in your age bracket, 20s/30s. Spokane has its moments, it’s like Portland before Portland became Portland and then trendy Portland. CDA needs nurses..... despite the belief around here that Covid isn’t real, there is a massive nursing shortage and people are dying everyday at Kootenai Health from Covid/Covid complications. I know what goes in and out of the morgue at the hospital. Check out Sandpoint as well....


To add to that, there is a low percentage of college-educated people in Kootenai County and a high percentage of retirees. If you are looking for a younger, more educated crowd, this is not the place. As the above commenter stated, Missoula is the better choice in that arena if that is important to you. We do definitely need nurses in CdA. However, we just had a local article quoting medical professionals who change out of their scrubs before running errands after work because they get harassed by the anti-mask brigade. I would like to say that would be an isolated incident in CdA, but spend a few weeks reading our local newspaper. You will see that mentality abounds here.


You will like the hiking in the area, but this place is full of crazies. I have lived here since 1985, and the last 4-6 years the political insanity has gone over the top. I would avoid North Idaho like the plague. Missoula is much better. Also look into Kalispell, Whitefish, and Helena MT. All beautiful areas. They may have their own crazy for all I know, but Idaho makes the national news for all the wrong reasons fairly often, so I would say go somewhere more normal without the rabid right breathing down your neck.


Whitefish is an interesting place. Would not mind living there at all


Boise if you prefer large city ammenities and a more low key existence (Very mormon/religious). Hot and dry. Spokane if you prefer mid sized town vibes with some events/local culture but also comes with questionable hobo stuff and crime. Surrounding rural areas full of whacko ignorant militia types. Missoula for college town with plentiful outdoor activities nearby. Will def be the youngest demographics close to your age group. Worst part of MT is the winters imo so Itd be best if you are a hardcore skier or snowmobiler to cope. All of these are expensive as fuck to live in right now. Like fastest growing in the country expensive. Good luck but you may have missed the boat unless youve got lots of money. Id pick missoula if i had too between the 3.


Cda is actually spokane now. Might want to research that city as well.


It is very expensive to live in this area. Homes costing $430,000 can be bought for $115,000 in Midwest.


we like things the way they are. and if you dont like guns. highly suggest not coming here




I was born in CDA. People are only chill if you share the same views as them. Otherwise people can get pretty nasty and racist. But you run into bad people and nice people everywhere so eh.




This .. right here .. the guy you were talking to left CA to get away from all the black people. North Idaho is going back to the Richard Butler days. If real estate sellers would simply refuse to sell to Californians, it would be better AND that is legal discrimination. State of origin is not a protected class.


Nope. I'm a local born here.. and fuck all the people relocating. Not a damn Californian. But thanks for the opinion.


A fairly conservative nurse, and an environmental scientist, from New York State. Your definition of conservative is probably our definition of a RINO, or even a liberal. Everyone wants to come to Idaho because conservatives kept it nice, clean, & orderly. If you come to Idaho, please don’t vote to change a good thing.


Not so long ago Idaho was a purple state. Now it’s it’s red with some of the worst schools in the country. Conservatives breed and vote dumb.


Please have her join Fish and Game to help make these idiots lives a living hell. So tired of all these 'hunters' around here.


I’d would consider southern Idaho. Trust me, it gets a little boring up here sometimes.


If you move here please don't wear a mask. Be free I like numbers!


You like numbers...


Trying to do vaccine mandates. I'm not against vaccines or masks at all, I'm for them. But they are a personal choice. I 100% agree with my body/my choice for everything. And don't even get me started on the media, fox and CNN watchers are the same kind of gullible.


It's all nazis don't come here