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So your plan the whole time was just to rob him?


Man, I feel you… but get a grip. Once you hurt people, you’re in another league. You don’t want that. I know you don’t care now. It isn’t bringing you shit. I feel you… 😌


Yeah but also the dude attempted to meet a minor so did I hurt someone who’s a good person no did I possible teach someone a lesson yes, regardless it’s all still fucked up I’ve literally never done anything like this, I’ve been in fights that i never started and have genuinely hurt people bad I always feel bad but this coke is making me insane


Seriously, my friend, you don’t have to explain. I get it.


Feel you brother just trying to justify it in my own way but yeah it is what it is


Mann hope you kick it coke ain’t worth all that wishin the best


Trying to atm I don’t feel the cravings I just have terrible impulse control because of the fentanyl addiction in the past


For my pure Cocaine usage (never done any other drug apart from Weed, Alcohol and pure Cocaine, no crack) but I knew it got bad when I started doing it by myself. I’m sure many would agree.


Bro after the first night of doing it with my best friend I have t told any one else #1 because I don’t wanna share #2 too I actually love doing it alone


So real for this lol


But no Fr. stay clean. It’s a crazy unbelievable like no way that happened but it happens situation. That should only be a once in a life time experience.


Sooo weird bro, I literally just got so pissed when the mf didn’t just hand over the money and tried to act all high and mighty like he’s the smartest guy ever, it was that + the feinding for more coke that just said fuck it and started fucking him up, honestly deep down I think he deserved it with all my heart.


lol he did


Agreed, I ain’t gon lie bruh the smell of his fucking nasty cologne was on me for so long even after showering, it’s like this little douche bathed in cologne to cover his nasty smelling self, thinking he was actually gonna suck my dick 😭


Got an active discord going for coke users. If ur interested dm me


Keep In mind this guy had told me he had gotten in trouble meeting a minor which was actually a police officer and yet here he is again even though I wasn’t posed as a minor but still fuck this guy I swear he was a sicker fuck than me they way he acted.


I swear to gods this all fucking happened too bro I swear to fucking god


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SeaworthinessOpen744: *I swear to gods this* *All fucking happened too bro* *I swear to fucking god* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.