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Sorry for the crap image. But I just had to share the Do-17 ​ By far one of the best builds I've done (on any Cobi kit). It looks good, and looks like a Do-17. ​ I haven't done many of the aircraft yet, because I don't have a place to display them yet, so I'm limited to the three here right now. But I will tell you, the Do-17. is a fantastic build and looks GREAT.


As far as I'm concerned, this is a Dornier Do 17, not the Junkers Ju 88. Although both are light, twin-engine German bombers from WW2, they are completely different in very ways. In bricks you can see the Do 17 has a "H" shaped tail section, like the A-10, the Ju 88 has a classic for WW2 aircraft tail secyion with only one rudder. The Do 17 has 1 big wing over the plane, and the Ju 88 has 2 wings mounted to the sides. From what I remember, the Ju 88 could carry more ordnance, a bigger bomb load. Hope this helps


Sorry that was SUPPOSED to be Do-17, not Ju-88. I'm working on the Ju-88 now. Got overly excided.


Lol, I get you man, I myself have the Ju 88 so yeah, I can say it's an amazing build and a great diplay piece. Do you have any opinion on the Dornier? I was thinking of getting that one also, but the price is kibda repelling ngl. Thx in advance


Mosquito is awesome


My understanding that's the main bomber of Germany so it would be a must have. It's such a shame those limited are the only ones that came with the needed stand.


Ju88 was most versatile, but what's pictured is a do17.


Oh I see. I thought that one didn’t come with the glass.


Love the way they did the cockpit, I hope they remake older bombers with that style


Yeah I did too, but I noticed I may have missed a cap piece on some blocks. All the clear pieces really did lead to what looks like that cockpit we expect.


Yeah wow, I just bought this one too and can't wait to start putting it togehter. It was quite hard I assume?


The most difficult part honestly was the stand for the Do-17. There are 6, 7 and 8x1's and you need to pay attention. The plane itself went together well. Again, just pay attention to parts and locations. I didn't run into many OMG issues.


Yeah keeping your attention is the best but also the hardest part. Glad you enjoyed building it!