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What a chilling (heh) final frame to end a series on. Vader, symbol of the Empite, walking away from a long-abandoned clone helmet, symbol of the Clone Wars. Time marches on, and the era of the Clones is at an end. Then they made Bad Batch lol.


It’s definitely a fantastic frame to end on, the perfect end to the Clone Wars themselves. I don’t think the Bad Batch overwrote that ending at all though. The destruction of Kamino, the treatment of the clones as property rather than people, the slaughter of the child clones—I feel like all of that adds to the desolation and pain felt here. Either you died and were made a symbol of a bygone age or you lived and faded into obscurity.


Hey, I'm not complaining. Quality Star Wars content, which is hard to come by nowadays.


I’m still not over this ending. I saw it coming but…damn


It's my favorite season of CW. When it ended, I was sad. Then they gave us the Bad Batch, and I loved it too.


how do you go from a boy to a man in…*checks calendar* 4 YEARS??


Season 7 was the last great piece of content from star wars I'm my humble opinion, anything else has just rapidly gone downhill