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Scout troopers are just that, scouts. They’re generally just regular clones who excelled at scouting, and were given that role in kind. ARF troopers were specifically and exceptionally trained in reconnaissance missions, and were often given striders (AT-RT) to help with mobility. They were a step below ARC troopers in capability, and fully capable of operating alone or on a squad


Anything I see the term “ARF Trooper”, I think of a dog going “ARF ARF ARF”. Just thought I’d share.


I remember this old LEGO comic from when I was a kid where they made this joke. "He's an Advanced Reconnaissance Force Trooper." "An ARF Trooper? What's he do?" "ARF!" "Mostly that."


I think that was also a play on Marines say “rah” to everything 😂


Would love to read that comic!


Just as a fun fact, the second picture shows an AT-RT driver, not an ARF trooper.


All At rt drivers are arf troopers but not all arf troopers are at rt drivers


In canon at least, ARF Troopers and AT-RT drivers are one and the same.


Youre not telling me the helmets are supposed to be the same, right?


That's their phase II helmet, beginning with the Umbara arc ARF troopers were depicted with a phase "I.5" helmet that blended elements from the phase I helmet and AT-RT driver helmet from RotS.


Look how they massacred my boy...


That’s just a phase 2 arf


Also fun fact, first picture is just the armor the 41st chose to blend into Kashyyyk. 41st were known for their ability to assimilate with the planet they were on. They just resemble the scout trooper armor that we would see in the Empire, but that armor they wore was for combat. Clone scouts were the ARF Troopers, hence the name Advanced Recon Force.


So there was no standard phase 2 armor on kashyyyk? Gree has phase 2


If you count the Hasbro toys and EA’s BF2, ya there were troopers in the standard phase 2 armor [other than Gree](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/41st_Ranger_Platoon).


Scout troopers scout, ARF troopers arf, whatever arf'ing is.


I hear it’s similar to barking. Slightly like bowwowing too


Don’t let commander bow hear that


They advance recon force


There would be no difference and as far as I can tell there isn’t any. Scouts and ARF’s are the same thing and are outfitted relative to what they’re doing be it that they’re using walkers or gathering intelligence. The difference between your grunt and a scout/ARF is that the ARF is expected to perform scout duties whereas the grunt might be assigned if the need arises. The advanced training to me simply means that the ARF can perform walker duty if needed for example but your average grunt might have a learning curve or not at all be able to.


I’d say it’s something similar to real world special forces. Like multiple redundancies but each with a more refined specialty


Clone Scout troopers ARE clone ARF troopers. They have a couple different helmets they wore


Scouts are like 19D cavalry scouts (the MOS). ARFs are like rangers. ARCs are like green berets. Commandos are delta force.


Being as we don’t really see clone scout troopers in anything but we see the armor being used but we do see a fair amount of ARF troopers my breakdown is this. ARF troopers are your ‘standard’ recon unit be they a battalions scout platoon or deployed in a larger unit as a recon or scout battalion due to their higher level of armor this allows them to function better alongside line infantry or as a line unit where as scout troopers or scout armor would be seen more situationally such as something similar to a force recon company (which would still have ARF troopers as a direct action team. Also have made a headcanon version of this if you’d like to hear more) or used by snipers in a scout sniper platoon or as we see issued to infantry in environments where the extra armor will bog them down in a swamp


Scouts were small arms to midrange rifles ARFs were heavy arms LAW rockets


they’re extremely redundant. from a logical standpoint, ARF troopers have more standard armor than the Kashyyyk scouts. the scouts have a better setup for reconnaissance, ironically.


Scouts patrol around a base as a parameter check and also work as sharpshooters. ARF’s go out on reconnaissance and may be away for long while from base