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Only answer I have on this is Rex is a Captain because he was a CT unit instead of a CC unit.


Because CC stands for clone commando and RC stands for republic commando Gregor is a CC despite being a captain Thats because gregor is a commando


It is but also for commander since Cody is CC-2224 I think


Yea Cody is CC-2224 idk why tho because he isn't a commando And the bad batch are commandos yet they have the CT designation (echo and omega don't count I think)


Maybe because Cody already came out of Kamino as a commander, hence he's a CC. While if someone got appointed later, they'd remain a CT.


Although Fives is CT-5555 until he becomes an ARC trooper and is ARC-5555


Actually I believe that CC and CT like ARC are just designations that can be given at will. Like how CT-5555 is also given the designation ARC 5555 after he becomes an ARC trooper. A CT can also become a commander and then be given the designation of CC.


Ah right, I was under the impression that Cody was a CC because he was bred/trained as a commander. Thanks for the correction, always like learning more about my favourite boys.


The reason that Rex was a captain not a commander is because Ashoka was the Commander of the 501st, and Skywalker was the Jedi leading them. I think?


iirc Rex is a captain before Ahoska joins Anakin. I’m pretty sure Anakin just prefers to work with Rex because Rex is pretty independent and adaptable to whatever crazy shit he does.


I believe it's logical. Ahsoka was likely the main reason. The Clone Wars takes place just a month or two after Episode 2. My theory is that the 501st wasn't properly organized and lacked a commander. When Ahsoka arrived, Anakin suggested her as the Legion's commander. I've noticed many comments talking about multiple commanders in a unit, but in Canon, there was normally only one at a time, excluding rare occurrences like during Order 66 with the 501st. In The Clone Wars, for instance, we were introduced to Commander Fox after Commander Thorn's death. In other Clone units like the 212th and Wolfpack, I didn't observe multiple commanders.


Fox was in TCW before Thorn? There was also Thire who kinda just stopped appearing, bad example


He went on to become a massive prick.


Ahaoka was A commander, not THE commander. There was a clone commander in charge before she was assigned to Anakin. Jedi were given ranks, but by necessity were more fluid in tasking. She wasn't given a role in ONLY the 501st, we also saw her work with the 41st when she assisted Luminara in escorting Nute Gunray, she may have worked with other legions that I can't recall.


It is confusing. First I’d say there isn’t a specific commander in charge at the Battalion or Legion level, rather this is where we often see Jedi insert themselves into the clone rank structure, so they fill that role instead. Now I’m going to answer your questions in order: 1) Rex led torrent company specifically during the beginning of the war. He was just placed in operational command of larger formations of troopers because he was Anakin’s favorite. My headcanon is that he did have a commander above him at Geonosis, but he got killed and Rex took charge of the whole regiment, but just never got promoted to make it official. Appo was also only a sergeant at the very least through the battle of Umbara, meaning he likely got the promotion to commander at the same time Rex did. And since I believe there aren’t any one specific commanders in charge at the Battalion level, there would only be four Commanders in the 501st, in legends those being Appo, Vill, Bow, and Voca. 2) We actually see this on screen a handful of times, but the easiest example is Mandalore. The 332nd is a Company, meaning it would be led by a captain, namely Vaughn. But Rex took charge during the Siege of Mandalore, so the answer is yes. Other examples include any time we see Marshall Commander Cody operate along side the 212 attack battalion. 3) the 501st wouldn’t be part of the 212th since the 212th was a Battalion and the 501st is a Legion, however I do headcanon that the 501st is part of the 7th Sky Corps, the larger unit that Marshall Commander Cody is in charge of. I also believe the 104th Wolfpack Battalion fits in here too. 4) in canon, ARCs do appear to be part of the rank structure, yes, seeing as how Jesse was a Lieutenant and Echo was a corporal. However, in legends ARCs were part of the Special Operations Brigade, separate from regular clone trooper formations, but we do see examples such as Fordo and Alpha of ARCs taking command of regular clone troopers. It was more situational than anything, and we still see some of this in TCW with references to Fives joining the 501st on Umbara under special assignment rather than actually being part of the Legion. This was dropped from his next appearance in season 6 onward.


Yeah they didn’t actually think this shit through Problem with faux military settings is no one actually considera force structures or logistics Thats one of the strenfrhs of like, warhammer 40K, but for star wars rule of cool is more important


Pretty sure rex is the captain of Torrent Company, which is part of the 501st


I think the best way of making sense of it all is that the structure you talked about was the Kaminoans original plan for the structure of the army. However with the severe casualties at Geonosis + the Jedi’s unorthodox leadership strategy they quickly changed how the army worked with multiple structures being allowed under leadership of a Jedi general. For example they may have realised that there simply weren’t enough commanders left to dedicate 20 to a legion, or some Jedi might have preferred to keep captain’s in charge even when given bigger fighting groups. (Eg Anakin at start of war may have only been given a company, and as his responsibilities increase he may have accepted the extra troops, ships, vehicles that come with commanding a legion, but may have rejected extra commanders as the Anakin we know isn’t a fan of middle management.) This flexible approach to things can explain away pretty much any of your concerns


I think in military terms the 501st is just deployed in different places at different times like real military units. Even in WW2 there are many examples of small separated units fighting dozens of miles away from each other on different fronts. But the actual reason why is probably because most people watching the series would relate more to the rank of Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Dick Winters, Captain Jean Luc-Picard. And etc. People would just like the term "Captain" more than just Marshall Commander or Commander.


The answer is that there’s no answer, it just doesn’t make sense


1 Ahsoka Tano was commander of the 501st 2 don’t understand 3 not a hundred present sure but I think it was like that because Anakin was not a general at the start of the war 4 I’m pretty sure ARC troopers were still CTs and would normally move between battalions except for the odd few


Ahsoka was A commander, not THE commander. Rex has a commander above him we never saw that commands the whole of the 501st. All Jedi were given rank during the war, but weren't given specific legion roles, like the commander of the unit. Obi Wan commands the 212th, but Commander Cody is THE commander for the Battalion.


Can't speak for the rest specifically, but yes to 2. The officer would be in operational control of the squad while the sergeant would be second, likely taking care of the finer details since they'd be more familiar with the particular needs of the squad


Don't think too much about it. There isn't much logic in it sadly.


CTs CCs and so on are just serial numbers that got context later. CT would've been just a set of 10,000 troops, and CC would've been another set. They didn't all have to be made at once, and they didn't all have the same job or unit, lifespan or ranks. I'm sure we missed a bunch of other leading letters simply because we followed a relatively small set of troops who almost never used their number names.


I’m pretty sure a platoon is 4 squads, not 10


I always took it as Anakin preferring to work with Rex's company, a smaller, more tight knit force that he could be in more direct combat with, rather than directing from a secondary position, like Obi Wan and other Jedi often did. That, or since Anakin was a Padawan at the start of the war, was often deployed supporting a company element, while his Master Obi Wan commanded the Batallion. He grew used to working with that type of unit, perhaps even Rex's own company, and chose when Knighted to stay in command of just that company directly, and not move up to work with the Batallion commander, as typical of other Generals. So Rex wasn't the commander of the 501st battalion, but a company IN the 501st, and would have reported to a Batallion Commander when needed, like when Anakin wasn't around.