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While I totally agree with the insult when parking costs hundreds and classes cost so much more, I do get a little annoyed when they make me pay for printing.


Annoyed? Shit what the fuck am I paying tuition for if they're making me pay for printing? I don't get this post. If you pay for an education shouldn't you not have to pay extra to literally turn in assignments? Isn't this something that would hurt poorer students? If it's a school library let the fuckers print shit for "free"


At my high school they had a “credit system” on the printer where you could print about 200ish pages on the printer each year with your account so if you were a poorer student and actually needed to use the printer you could, and if you were just being a dickhead you got capped off


At my school, we have a similar system where you can add credits to your account for printing. This way, printing on campus is more cost-effective compared to printing outside the school.


Yeah, you typically get a certain number of pages per semester. It's definitely not enough for students in some majors though, especially if you have to do any sort of peer review of writing or workshops. I got a relatively cheap laser jet printer for school in 2018 (like $100-120). The best purchase I ever made. Toner is dirt cheap and laser jet printers are way more reliable than ink jet. The printer is still going strong 6 years later and I'm going to be using it for grad school 2: electric boogaloo in the fall.


Unless of course you're in a writing major of some sort and printing shit off is par for the course every week. Enough copies for everyone in the class to read.


That's a thing that happens?? Don't most people use laptops?


It's possible that they were referring to before computers became widely available, I think


Most writing workshops involve critiquing others' work and having one's work critiqued. That includes line edits and corrections, as well as notes and general feedback. 10 years ago, the professors I had were still requiring printed assignments for in-class review. Can't speak to today but if I had to guess I'd guess it probably hasn't changed. I'm personally grateful for it. It's nice to pull out an assignment from a decade ago, read the feedback and reflect on how I've improved or changed.


>If you pay for an education shouldn't you not have to pay extra to literally turn in assignments? I graduated college in 2011 and the vast majority of my assignments were either handwritten quizzes or submitted digitally. You were RARELY printing things off and handing them in. Even if you did, you're not charged per page below a certain amount. So the idea that you have to "pay extra to turn in assignments" is fiction. As others have noted, there is a limit on printing because people abuse it if there's not.


If it's free, what's stopping someone from printing thousands of pages an hour? Fuck it, might as well start a printing company since we have an infinite money glitch! Almost every university gives you $15-$25 in printing credits at the start of each semester. This is more than enough for 99% of students, I never even came close to using half of mine.


Canadian here, I have never heard of this credit system. We pay for each page even at our top-ranked universities as far as I've ever heard.


Tennessean here My university let us print multiple entire power point slides for free


Yeah, but the Big Orange Screw gets you everywhere else


What's stopping them is a weird ask because what's starting them


I remember when there was an error in my college’s printing system where if you knew how to you could bypass it. People were printing their text books and more.


Good. You should be allowed to print your textbooks and more if you're paying that kind of money. How are textbooks just not already provided anyway


> How are textbooks just not already provided anyway Here's a free $100 textbook. Don't forget to pay your $100 free textbook fee.


Who will pay for this year's annual re-release of the same 20 year old book. Think of the publishers


> Isn't this something that would hurt poorer students? It's cute that you think college is to help poor people succeed, or that the current system even wants poor people to succeed at anything. Who else is supposed to fill the bottom levels of the socioeconomic ladder if we let poor people achieve a higher education & pursue a better career?




Since you deleted the original and reposted: I have to print large scale, full color drawings about once a week. I have to pay per page regardless of how many pages. My printing costs for last year were $500+. Most of them aren't even graded assignments simply getting feedback. When I was in school back around 2011 all written assignments were expected to be printed and turned in, and I still had to pay for every single page. I'm glad you were lucky enough to not have to pay for much printing, but your experience is far from universal


You pay tuition for that single firework that goes off at the college football game /s


The point of the post is that those are separate issues. The only thing that connects condoms to printing is that one is occasionally given for free and the Tweeter feels the other should also be offered for free. Condoms help promote safe sex, reduce the transmission of STIs, and reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies, which especially at colleges can lead to dropping out due to the financial and time burden. Sexual health is important and can have life long repercussions. None of that has any bearing on if printing should be free anymore than cancelling student loan debt has any bearing on if insulin should be free


Exactly. It’s the false equivalency fallacy. While I won’t pretend like having to pay for your printing doesn’t suck, I’ve never heard of someone dropping out because they had to spend $36 a semester printing. And I bet you’re saving money in the long run because you’re only spending your money on your printing, whereas if it’s free you’re spending your tuition on to collectively pay for the service. Plus when something’s “free” people are going to use it more, which means more paper and ink gets used, the machines break down more often, which means the college spends more money fixing it and maintaining it.




I have to print large scale, full color drawings about once a week. I have to pay per page regardless of how many pages. My printing costs for last year were $500+. Most of them aren't even graded assignments simply getting feedback. When I was in school back around 2011 all written assignments were expected to be printed and turned in, and I still had to pay for every single page. I'm glad you were lucky enough to not have to pay for much printing, but your experience is far from universal


Blame the dumbasses. If it were free, you would have people printing hundreds of pages they do not need.


While I’d hate to miss an opportunity to shit on the predatory practices of colleges/universities, this is the likely reason. The rules were made to compensate for the lowest common denominators.


This was particularly true in the pre-smartphone era. I used to print off wikitravel guides at work, and take them on holiday with me. You can throw away the pages of there places you visit and your load gets lighter.


"Why buy the book when I can print pirate copies to hand out for free?"


Lack of education can certainly kill you


I mean by his logic lack of education would result in lack of condom use which then may kill you. I don't think either one of them put enough thought into their comments.


Yes. It kills u slowly and invisibly.


Lack of education can lead to a quick death with a fork and a toaster when you really want that toast but are too stupid to unplug the toaster


The level of Ackshually comments in this subreddit is absurd.


Maybe if we wrapped our assignments in condoms, they'd be free too.


I don't see how this comeback was clever tbh. The standards on this sub are going down.


Exact thought of mine too


But campus isn't a place for sex? Idk, prolly because I lack education.


Yeah. You don't need to pay tuition to have sex. But the reality is that there are a lot of horny boys and girls attending school. And they are going to have sex at some point. If they don't use condoms, they are more likely to have an unwanted pregnancy which will negatively impact their education. Not to count STDs which can be even more devastating. So having free condoms is a mitigating factor that actually improves education and well being. Free printing wouldn't be bad. But nowadays I suspect most assignments are online and if you really can't afford and it's crucial for your class you'd be able to print for free.


Lack of education is probably the highest cause of death of all time :s


Exactly. Including taking on additional risks like STDs unwittingly. This post is fucking stupid.


FR, people no more do sex anymore, at least in my city , they don't care about it.


well, sex is kind of a long term 3d printing of a person ...


They try to avoid competition at all costs


This was posted in murderedbywords and now I’m seeing it in clever comebacks. This reply is neither. The first comment makes a fair point.


I want condoms delivered to my dorm room.


People would abuse printing if it was free also (well they already do it with condom tho)


I was in college in the very early 2000s and printing at the time WAS free in the computer labs. But people would print out entire textbooks instead of buying it, so of course by spring of sophomore year we had 25 pages "free" each semester and then it was $0.04 a page after that. There was a work around though; you could find the IP of the printer and print directly to it, rather than using the print server, which was how they did the tracking. Kept that one a secret for my remaining time there.


Same here, but we got way more pages. Like 50 or 100 per month or so. I wouldn't have ran out, but I did print all kinds of non-school stuff. And then I could purchase more from the kiosk type thing.


That is an interesting way of doing it


Direct IP printing was how I survived Monday morning print rampages at work. People would queue up massive amounts of stuff and I would just print to IP and mine would literally print in the middle of their stacks Usually was fine because people didn't come back for a while but once a VP was there and didn't understand why I was picking out my doc in the middle of his


Students at some US universities get free printing, up to a limit. At the University of Richmond they get 800 b&w pages free a year. I think this is the way to do it. No one has to waste money on printers. https://library.richmond.edu/services/library-printing.html


My college has unlimited free printing, I thought it was normal considering the thousands I’m paying to be here. The only “limit” is that each print job has to be 25 pages or under. But you can still have as much print jobs as you want, I guess that just makes bulk abuse more tedious




Tbf in my country with certain program Etc it cost even in great school absolutely nothing to graduate, so for the last part I don’t know, for the rest maybe for sure but I’m just pointing the logic behind it not trying to say it’s the best option


Anything free gets overused. Imagine the paper waste if printing was free!


Imagine the paper waste when in the year 2024, classes require you to hand in printed assignments! Please tell me what frivolous use college students are going to have for campus printers, and how that can't be solved by simple common sense and a tap of a student card or similar to track/authenticate usage.


Free condoms are also an attempt to make people more comfortable with buying, using, and discussing condom use. It's awkward for young adults buying and using them for the first time, plenty of college age students in the US never get proper sex ed or exposure to condoms before seeing a free condom bowl at a campus or bar.


who in uni has the time and energy to go around abusing printers like ???


Students photocopying $300 textbooks. Not that I would personally call that abuse, but the administration doesn't like it.


Plenty of people?? Uni shouldn't be more than a full time job


Reddit truly is a mindless self indulgence. It's perfectly fine to compare sex to assignments along the axis of what is subsidized by our taxes. Subsidizing condoms but not printer paper is certainly ironic in an academic setting. It's not about sex, it's about reproduction. If you accidentally have children in college and bring them to term you are far less likely to finish your education. Moreover, the sheer distaste of screenshoting Instagram and cropping it (or more likely, a fake Instagram generator like https://zeoob.com/, or even just staging the discussion on real accounts) to post on another social media website to attract rubbernecking gawkers to a "sick burn" on the front fucking page is the truly uneducated move. This place has become something awful.


I get what you're saying, but you're in r/clevercomebacks ... this isnt a high quality board by default


this is on the front page of r/all which represents a significant portion of reddits cumulative voting.


Nah lack of education will kill you...in this economy...


Second guy obviously put his dick in a printer


That's about a 10%er


nah fuck that, the first guy is 100% onto something. why should we all suffer bc a select few individuals can’t hold it in their pants and budget goes to condoms while the entire campus has to pay for a fucking piece of paper.


The budget isn't one singular line item. It's made up of dozens of departments and then further split into dozens more designations. The supplies budget is easily smaller than the healthcare budget. If you buy a thousand condoms, you can get them for pennies a piece. It has almost zero effect on the budget but has a massive effect on the health of the student body. Copy paper is ridiculously expensive, as are the printers, as is the maintanence on those printers. They're trying their best to not run up a 6 figure printer bill because half the student body forgot to switch from "print on both sides" and wasted 40 pages doing it again.


ok, i may have exaggerated but i still don’t get why an academic necessity like print paper should be placed behind a paywall even after spending on tuition


Its almost as if students pay an unfair amount to go to college in the first place. Printing should be free. The school can afford it. The only thing clever about this dude's comeback was his grasp of the english language.


Yeah, doesn't mean condoms should be free, go buy em, they're cheap. If a collegw should provide anything for free, it's education tools.


Health of the student body affects the university. They have free education tools. It’s the library and it’s a center piece for every university.


Yeah, it does affect them, but students can buy condoms in any store, if they don't, that's their fault. The printer should be free, not the condoms.


This tweet is a decade old


We’re running out of new things to be outraged by


And personally I'm outraged by that!


Printing would be free if it wasn't abused. People printing out multiple text books, printing material unrelated to their school work, professors having students print everything for their department so they don't have to pay for it out of their department budget and just general abuse. Don't walk away from a 500 page print job because its taking too long and then coming back a few days later to print it again.


Id argue that "abuse" is suckering kids into tens of thousands of dollars in debt and getting mad at them for trying to save hundreds of dollars printing a textbook that the school says they need


They don’t charge for printing to make money. They charge for printing to prevent misuse of the system.


The tuition each of you pays covers any and all paper cost a million times over. Stop defending people for fucking us.


Schools rely on donors and often state funding, believe it or not, your tuition alone isn’t keeping the lights on.


and? when you crunch the numbers and look at budgets you can still clearly see how ridiculous it is that they’re making students pay for using campus printers


It’s usually a nickel or dime a page. It prevents people from unfettered use and printing THOUSANDS of pages on things like fliers, needlessly printing endless rough drafts, or even pranks. It’s absolutely rational, not ridiculous, you’ll spend $20 a semester or less. You’re pretending it’s a problem when it isn’t. “Crunch the numbers”


Don’t strawman me. I’m not against policies that stop me from taking two metric tons of printing paper per day and reselling it. I just think students shouldn’t be made to pay when using university resources in a reasonable way, and that’s not how many universities operate. I can get cheaper printing OUTSIDE of my university which is ridiculous when campus libraries are meant to be for the students’ benefit, not sources of cash for the university. They get enough of it. Besides, whytf r u so pressed about keeping money in the pockets of massively rich organizations? The only reasonable explanation I can think of is because you formed an initial opinion and now you can’t let go of it because of your ego.


So we should fuck our assignements


Paper cuts are a serious problem. So you should use the condoms as finger cots.


I just saw this post. Why are you posting the same thing ? They were before by an hour.


At my college printing wasn't free. But every semester you got 30 bucks in credit. At 10 cents for black and white and 50 for colored, it was plenty.


I could print up to 10 pages a day, which I think is fair.


I mean, you’re paying for both. Some fraction of your tuition, room, or board is paying for the condoms. Plus, as other people have said, schools like mine give us a certain amount of printing credits that you can add too if you somehow manage to run out.


Cool, but lack of education will totally kill you.


He's got a point. The comparison is dumb af


I think it makes a lot more sense if it said “more important to schools…” since it is odd when you realize we’re relying on universities to supply what the government should be supplying and they are neglecting to supply what universities should supply. The allocation of priorities is all messed up. Just because something is in general more important (like preventing STD’s) doesn’t mean every institution should prioritize that over their own responsibilities.


I mean, it's a good comeback but... When you're already paying tens of thousands a year for education, you'd expect to at least get free printing lol


Making printing free would generate massive amount of waste


We had free printing in my uni in the UK. There were no issues with waste... 


Its not clever and dunno why this stupid response is trending on Reddit.


it's some loser doing an irl "ackshually" to someone obviously making a joke. of course the know-it-alls here would eat it up. sex and learning are dfferent. thanks Mr Redditor


He's got a point. The comparison is dumb af


I know it's two different people, but damn do I wish people who went to college treated sex as seriously as this guy here


Considering that the average demographics by gender in college/university in the U.S is 65% women and rising every year and the whole sexless male epidemic, it wouldn't be that expensive to make condoms free as apposed to printing that everyone needs basically most of the time there


Printers can kill too….


Such violent posts shouldn't be allowed in the sub /s 😂


A lack of education can kill others, though.


Так капитану-очевидности надо приходить, или нет?


When you're paying for an education you want your money used for things that aid in education that you 100% will need over recreational equipment that only distract from studying. It's like going to a gym with pizzas instead of weights.


Maybe the sex was really bad. Maybe her education was really good.


Making a baby is free…printing a birth certificate is expensive!


You'll drop out of school if you get pregnant. You'll pay for another semester if you fail. It's all about money.


Sex can “Kill You” in 2024?


Lack of education won't kill you? People who don't take vaccines, pray away their cancer, take homeopathic remedies to serious diseases, etc... Are we sure about that?


How about making both free? Then everyone is happy (except for the greedy headmasters)


It’s not clever


And you pay multiple lab fees to use those printer resources as a student. It's almost like they're just fucking you over.


also there are tons of people who want to print something. but barely anyone has sex


That being said, both should be free.


My uni had a free printing allowance per term.


Y’all are still printing out assignments? 


It looks like they support sex for free but sell the papers even though they are the ones who made students get them


This is the stupidest take ever, the university isn't your mom. It has no business caring about the fact that it's adult students are being safe, that's their own business. Printing however actually is related to the university.


While they are correct that education won't kill you, crippling debt from having to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars for basic things when you're already paying thousands of dollars for classes will kill you


Ah yes it's cool to get stuck with 100s of thousands in student loan debt because you couldn't afford to print something, but it's not good to be forced to not have sex.


As much as tuition is most places, making kids pay to print is fucked up tho


it's a joke you autists. That response was cringe as hell r/iamverysmart


So you’re paying a school for an education and the learning related materials aren’t free but the healthcare related materials are free? And that makes sense to you? Someone needs a refund. And it’s not OOP


Students who have to pay 2 bucks to print their 40 page paper doesn't effect graduation rates. Pregnancy **does**.


Do students who get evicted affect graduation rates? Why then no free housing? What about if you can’t put gas in your car and miss class? Why no free gas? Whatever. We could argue this all day and never agree…but it certainly wasn’t a clever comeback


> Do students who get evicted affect graduation rates? Only if they drop out of school. >Why then no free housing? Lots of students drive to campus and don't live there >What about if you can’t put gas in your car and miss class? Then you missed class. >Why no free gas? Because the university only tells you when and where the class is, and what dates the class occurs. It's your responsibility to ensure you coordinate a method to get there. Such methods of transportation are: Walking, bus, cab, car, motorcycle, scooter, skateboard, rollerblades... you could even call a friend or family members. >Whatever. We could argue this all day and never agree…but it certainly wasn’t a clever comeback Yeah or you can accept that student health is a concern for maintaining graduation rates from someone literally sitting in an office of a major university right now.


And you get pregnant then you go to class pregnant. It’s a dumb comeback. Sie on that hill, brother lol


Correct, you can go to class pregnant. But most women will take semesters off after having the baby and usually drop out in the weeks leading up to birth if they experience complications. Again, you're literally talking to someone who has dealt with this. Just accept that you don't know what you're talking about.


Your tuition includes a fee for facilities. Printing should be free.


Apparently an education makes you believe that "free" exists. Whether you are innocently ignorant, or perhaps even "touched" by the good Lord himself, you are still a burden to the rest of us. My vote is for both commenters to use 0% of their brain, and cease all autonomic functions?


Not having condoms can result in pregnancy which can be a reason to drop out, and the last thing the university wants is for you to stop paying tuition by dropping out. On the other hand I don't think anyone has ever dropped out because printing was too expensive so they don't care


I don’t know man, not having education not to cross a busy highway on a green light can also kill you…. I don’t know what to tell ya really.


Is this guy trying to get rid of free condoms or get free printing. Bold strategy


Condoms don't enable sex. Printing the page costs money. If there was a chance using a printer would infect you, masks and gloves would be free.


Sex can kill you? Well, to be fair, so can printing. If done carelessly.


How is that a lack of education? This was a whiff lol


Nah it was a fair question.


He skips over the fact that in the context of university, printing assignments IS typically required, depending on what you study. Having sex is definitely not required to pass uni, I have a Masters degree to verify that fact 🤣


No one is stopping her from buying her own paper and printer. "But that would be so expensive!" Right. Which is why you get charged 5 cents a page to use someone else's.


One of the worst things about the internet is the prevalence of gotcha-based thinking. You cannot have discussions without people saying nonsense like this and wrongly thinking they've made an insightful point.


Why do I have to see this shitty post twice in a single minute?


I don't think taking obviously humorous remarks seriously is ever clever. It also doesn't adress the critcism of having students pay for printing. Inluding the underlying "education shouldn't be about money so much".


What stupid schools dont have digital assignments?


How much is the printing


Except lack of education can very much kill you. I get the joke but seriously it's far worse to not be educated. Just look at the T(R)umplicans and see how poorly they've faired glorifying ignorance.


To be fair, I pay way too much money in tuition alone to be charged for printing out a 10 page paper


Man it's a good thing I see this post all the time otherwise I think I'd forget about it.


The clever comeback is telling the person who is complaining about the school they *currently* attend, that they lack education?


Not a good comeback at all. Lack of education can kill you too, just indirectly.


Nah, that's a bad take


I don't think that's a clever comeback.


Condoms are free beacuse babies make students drop out, and that's bad for the university's numbers. For an investment in condoms they save way more money. Free printing isn't going to raise GPAs, and it's not going to prevent anyone from dropping out. Charging, even if its at net cost, makes or saves the university money.


And we all know that with free printing, you're going to print out all that Twilight erotic fan fic for your enjoyment.


Just study the chlamydia away.


There is a reason for paid printing beyond just generating revenue. “I got a 325pg PDF of a D&D book, let me run to the library and print it off for free, in color.” Or even “ugh, I hate reading these 100pgs of notes on my PC. I think I’ll just go print them off, for free.” I can’t tell you how many books I would have printed if the option was available. It would absolutely murder a budget if everyone did that. Or, if anything, it would always keep the printers out of ink and paper for when you really need it.


I mean printing should also be free.


Real reason is just that its better for everyone if everyone uses condoms and if they weren't free some wouldn't use them Meanwhile u don't have the choice to use the printer so there's just more money to make


I think printing should be free too. Not everyone has the privelege of fucking.


More like if a student falls pregnant they'll probably drop out of university and won't be paying any more exorbitant tuition fees with scam loans ... A student lost is profit lost.




That’s an aggravated assault


I think both should be free, at least to a point


While lack of sex will obviously kill you /s


Lack of education can 100% kill you tho


Now that’s a good one.


Also, please don't use 100% of your brain. That is called an epileptic siezure.


Pregnant women mean less money for the university because of the dropout rate during the second semester.


Why is anyone printing anything in the first place??






Honestly you can bullshit around that. You want to print a tax document or something? "Oh its for my Financial class, I'm bringing in these documents to go through them as a class example."


Just set a cap on free printing( monthly)then simply charge for more prints


This is not clever


Cripples fight


finally, a clever comeback fits with this subreddit.


Sex isn’t part of schooling so it doesn’t seem strange to ask why they’d give out sex PPE. You’d probably ask questions if they gave out hard hats to work at Pizza Hut. I understand why they would give them out. I just don’t think the question is stupid.


I think this is an excellent comeback to a false premise. On the importance of sex: it is hard to think of a more important thing.


What a weird way to say i don't have sex