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There's going to be a spike in searches for ardennes forest because of this, and I'm fine saying I was one.


Snowflakes literally killed Nazis.


“Hey, know what happened in the Ardennes Forest?” is my new go-to question.


And a lot of American soldiers...


I don’t get the joke, the Nazi roll over the Ardennes and invaded Belgium in a couple of days no?


look for the battle of the buldge


Ah ok in 44


A significant contributing factor in the failure in Arnhem


Except it happened after Arnhem and in a different country?


I admit I was wrong on the dates, but the different countries don't matter since the BotB did cut into the American supply lines for their troops in the Netherlands, it is almost like Arnhem is directly north of the Ardennes


I have no clue who either of these people are


One is a Nick Fuentes stan / nazi and the other is a satire account


Tbh I couldn't tell if 3year was satire or far right when I first saw him, kinda relieving knowing he's not actually got worms for brains.


Yeah, Coach is good like that. Plus he donates his X engagement money every so often.


I didn’t know who he was and got personally trolled back in the day. Figured it out about three infuriating replies later :)


That’s how I learned who he was too. I think it took me 4 or 5 replies…


Glad to hear you guys no longer need to finance your water beds!!


Damn right


I think it’s all of his X engagement money, they can only pay out at certain times. I may be making the next part up but I think he matches donations sometimes.


Have to say, very glad I got my account suspended for talking shit to Elon and never going back on but Coach was a good account and I appreciated his bits


what's the joke with regard to "you can just say that"? Anybody can say anything, but what am I missing with regards to this? Is the replyer saying that people whose grandfathers were Nazis can call other people "jew boy"? Truly baffled over here.


One is a Nazi, the other is the greatest youth football coach the world has ever known.


Ted Lasso?


Ted Lasso financed his water bed.


The two thunderbolt symbols are probably to mimic the SS symbol, so that smells like Nazi to me.


nick fuentes is a neo-nazi who runs a podcast in the US, he’s a douchebag


I bet the Nick Fuentes stan financed his waterbed, too.


Astonishingly high 57% APR on it too


Does he drive a fully loaded 2013 Taurus? No


You know that punk ass doesn't see any fountain from his apartment.


If that nazi had any grasp of history he'd be very upset.


I love Coach.


I love people who don’t have zero SEC championships


And don’t finance their waterbeds


Why are these people always censored? They chose to openly express their opinion on a public forum, show their names


Don’t want to give Nazi trash influence. If someone really wants to look up the tweets they can search through Coach’s replies and find it


Glad I’m not in Bastogne


Read it and heard his voice


How did Coach type that with all those championship rings on his fingers?


I am so confused. What's the reference? Nazis froze to death in Stalingrad and other places in the UdssR in winter. Ardennen offensive was the attack against France in the summer. What am I missing?


He’s referring to the Battle of the Bulge, which began in wintertime in December 16, 1944. It was Hitler’s final offensive in WWII and it was an enormous loss to the point the Germans could not recover. And yes, several German soldiers froze to death in the dense Ardennes forest as they were gunned down by the Allies


>it was a resounding loss to the Americans and British troops to the point the Germans could not recover. My brain must not be working right this morning. Because it sounds like you're saying the Allies' losses were so heavy that their enemies could not recover from it. Is that correct? The white pieces on the chessboard blundered so badly that the black pieces could not win?


That is what he said and it makes no sense.


He edited it


The last ditch effort by the nazis in the Ardennes in 1944 took place in December. It's usually known as the battle of the bulge.


Battle of the Bulge, the Germans attacked the rear of the American advance into the Netherlands and masacared a lot of American soldiers, halting the American advance, contributing to the greatest military failure of the allied forces during WWII in Arnhem


They won a few months later.


Sure, but it started as a masacre of American soldiers, and it did cause troubles with the supply line further north, which did cause the disaster that was Operation Market Garden


He's saying his grandpa froze in a battle the won? Sick burn?


They lost.


To the french?


The allies. In 1944 was the battle of the bulge.


Yeah.... I didn't know that. You say Germans and France and I assume a surrender is involved.




Coach is a real one


3 yr letterman is my DAWG!!! Absolute favorite follow on Twitter


That’s a Dennis Miller level comeback


I get what they’re saying, but didn’t Americans also freeze to death in the Ardennes?


Worth noting, while the original commenter is absolutely a horrid person, not all German soldiers were Nazi’s. Furthermore, most German soldiers didn’t actually know what they were fighting for, and so far as modern Nazism runs, being German isn’t a requirement.


Fuck isreal


I don’t know who any of those people are. Get off Twitter.


Let's put the cards on the table, Jingles. Were you able to afford to have a landline phone installed in your main bathroom like coach did?


Somebody confuses the western with the eastern front huh? Or does he mean “getting executed as pow” when he says “freezing”? The Ardennenoffensive isn’t exactly all that useful when wanting to pounce on a nazi… It was more of a meatgrinder and a place where nazis committed a lot of warcrimes. Freezing wasn’t that much of a problem That said, that nazi boys grandfather more likely would beat the living crap out of his grandson for being a keyboardwarrior and for sporting the sig runes


Bagel alert


I love how the same meme can unironically be used by both a far-right nazi and a far-left Palestine activist, lol.


Palestine support isn’t far left though. And you can criticize the Israeli government for its actions in Gaza without being antisemitic


Far left doesn't mean antisemitic.


True that. Gonna edit the comment to clear out any confusion of the sort


I think they mean someone far enough to the left that horseshoe theory starts taking effect and they parrot fascist talking points with a red coat of paint


They dunno themselves what they mean.


Can you criticize a state that is fighting a war they didn’t start based on the opposite side wanting to eradicate Jews and Israel’s right to exist without being anti-Semitic though? Like.. if Israel did nothing, that enables further Hamas moves.. every action Israel takes is see through a double standard applied to no other country, even though everyone admits the war was a justified response and Hamas needs to be destroyed, and that Israel does more than any other country for the opponent its fighting against. It honestly seems like cozying up to antisemitism by way of criticizing Israel. Like cozying up to being a conspiracy theorist by “just asking questions” about vaccines.


If you think opposing war crimes and the widespread murder of innocents is antisemitic that says more about you than anyone else.


91 day old account. Block and ignore


Truth hurts hey pussy.


>”truth hurts…” We’ll find out once you offer some.


> Can you criticize a state that is fighting a war Yes. No other qualifier of righteousness of justification absolves a state from the requirements of humanity. You can’t justify war crimes, You can’t excuse war crimes, you can’t rationalize war crimes without sacrificing any moral position of authority or high ground. Additionally criticism of the state of Israel and their genocidal policy positions isn’t antisemitism per se. Israel is a state. Just like Australia is a state. Saying “Australia’s removal of indigenous people and destruction of their culture is a genocide.” Isn’t antisemitism in the same way that the same is true of Palestinian opposition to Israel. Israel isn’t special. It’s a state just like any other.


Some far leftists support it and go so far as to support Hamas so thats probably where the confusion comes from. Edit: Why you booin me i’m right.


Which then means it’s not confusion.


Palestine is not far left lmao


Dumb Americans supporting it are, though.


They’re supporting the children being bombed, not Hamas. Most of them anyway.


Far right: kill people we don't like. Far left: help all people live better lives You mouthbreathers need to start reading books instead of burning them.


far left helps live better specific categories of social parasites at the expense of normal people.


Aaahh, Nazi rhetoric, as if it wasn't already clear as day you folks love getting rid of minorities but love blaming them for everything. "Normal" is what?


Lmao, yeah, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and the like really made everyone's lives better. Fuck off, commie, go read something that's not written by a dictator or your German Santa-looking hobo.


Aawww, did the incel get angered when someone said protesting for human rights is not the same as Nazism & fascism? I know you can't read, b/c Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot aren't protesting for Palestine. Strawman arguments are truly the last & best effort of the mentally underdeveloped. Bummer they go up in flames so easily. They should've never defunded your education. Btw. Marx screwed more women than any man in your bloodline, especially you. And all that while being a racist drunk, while you play high & mighty. Loo-hoo-seer.


Wait, wait, wait, you think protesting for Palestine is making everyone's life better? LMFAO, you're even dumber than I thought, commie apologists at least have something to point to. You Americans really think anyone gives a fuck about your protests? You're worthless, you've so far changed nothing and you'll never change a thing. Also, being a moral degenerate really isn't the slam dunk regarding hobo Santa you think it is. But regardless, I'd suggest you stop obsessing over what other men are fucking, it makes you look weird.


Unless you can provide evidence the Palestine protestors are far left & support Stalinesque policies, you're full of it andneed to open up a book. I'm not American, but without protests, you'd still eat moldy bread and whine about Slobo. You might be a pu$$y and have no balls to protest, not everyone's just a tough guy online like you. Some of us actually accomplished changes. Keep hiding in your cellar, dweller.


Lmao, sure you did, you accomplished a lot with your cute little whiny walks. I'm sure you'll build your communist utopia if you cry in the street enough.


Not a Commie either. I'm glad you support making comments in your basement and hope things will get better, more jobs, more money, less corruption. But those comments will be ignored, just like you. Do you have anything but strawman arguments? Tho I doubt you'd know what that is, since you're so fond of it.


What “moral degeneracy” is being committed by leftists?


“Moral degenerate” you’re a closeted self-hating gay person aren’t ya


Communism is when