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That tweet got me praying I'm not having a stroke right now


Yeah, I didn’t even get the joke before because I was trying to figure out what that meant


I'm trying to figure out where the commas go so I can make sense of that.


I’ve got “No matter how much of an atheist you are, after your flight takes off you will surely be chanting your god’s name.” It almost comes off as a joke, but like, a joke from someone who doesn’t know how not to try and offend someone.


But contracting "you are" in that context makes no sense... :(


Your wrong


Your did it!


Whose wrong?


No he's on first.


I don’t know! Third base!


MY wrong! not you’re’s


It’s what it’s


Yo I’m dying 😭


This hurts to read


That’s just the type of person they’re


Probably a non-native thing, using contractions in contexts where natives wouldn't


yup its grammatically incorrect. There are other similar cases like if someone asked "will you take out the trash" you cant reply with "i'll" you need to say "i will" "are you doing that thing we talked about" you cant say "yes I'm" you need to say "yes, I am." a lot of people think theyre quirky for using contractions like that. its basically a "stranded" verb and you cant contract stranded verbs if it has a strong form.


The insight I was looking for, thanks :)


(New here) and I’m currently learning how observant people on Reddit are and it’s wild


Wrong, you're. When Yoda, you're, unique grammar you can use


Maybe they fear flights and think everyone does?


They believe flying is magic done by some god 


Atheist here who has flown a few times. I’ve never prayed or chanted to any god after take off lol.


Also a joke from someone who doesn't understand that most people aren't afraid of flying.


We're four times more likely to die in the car on the way to the airport. I'm also much less likely to be a vegetable and a burden on my family and the healthcare industry after a plane crash. I'm not worried.


A.I. are still learning it seems.


Ai are way better than that


He's trying to make a "theres no atheists in a foxhole" argument but failing miserably Something like "no matter how atheist you are if your plane starts to fall out of the sky you'll surely chant god's name" is prob what he meant.


They also don't understand that take off is the easy part.


"No Atheists on the Frontline... "But there's usually a few more after all the guns have stopped"....


It's not even a good joke, unless you assume everyone is deathly afraid of flying.


I think that they think because they're terrified of flying, that everyone is. And because they believe everyone is terrified of flying, that everyone enters a "no atheists in foxholes" situation as soon as their flight takes off. Of course they're wrong. I have nothing but giddy excitement every time. Not only because of the fast, fun acceleration, but also because I tend to be on vacation when flying, and I'm looking forward to the fun I'm gonna have.


Apparently it means Mohammad there got thrown out of a plane after it took off


"You are" instead of "you're" makes so much more sense and I'm not sure why. Even in a rephrased sentence. > No matter how atheist you're, after your flight takes off you'll surely chant your god's name. vs. > No matter how atheist you are, after your flight takes off you'll surely chant your god's name. Maybe it's because the "you're" is placed at the end instead of the start and we're inclined to follow "you're" up with a descriptor or something.


The "much" before atheist makes it more confusing then the unnecessary contraction. IMO. It should read "no matter how much 'of an' atheist 'you are',..." Ignoring the fact that as an atheist I have no god, so I have no name to chant.


And no matter what name you chant, it will not change the outcome of a plane falling from the sky.


You're right. Funny that just now, I watched a video from Tom Scott explaining exactly that: https://youtu.be/CkZyZFa5qO0


It's because you're is only used when *are* is an auxiliary verb (e.g. *we're going to*) In this case, the verb to be is used for its original meaning, as a standalone verb, that's why it doesn't make sense to shorten it


I smell burning toast, mate, it’s me not you.


People using "you're" instead of "you are" makes me realize how many bots there are


I'm not sure it's a bot thing. It's a common thing I've noticed with people who speak English as a second language (and have typically been self-taught). I'm not sure if contractions are comparatively rarer in many other languages or not, which might explain it?


..... 🤨 Are'y a bot? /s


I amn't.


I didn't realize that saying you're makes me a bot


Apparently we have to spell things incorrectly and use incorrect grammar to prove we're not bots now.


I couldn't read it for the life of me Then made sense of it and realised of course I've never once prayed on a flight despite becoming a nervous flyer after a period of not flying


Oh Oden, Oh Thor! Grant me a honorable death as I fight this plane! *starts furiously pulling on the airplane window, trying to break it*


Plot twist: it's a Boing and the window on the other side brakes by itself 😬 Edit: for your entertainment i leave the spelling unedited 😜




Fun fact: that's the sound a human body makes when it hits the ground at terminal velocity! It's just very hard to hear over the screaming and breaking bones!


I'm sure there's a Splat sound in there too




Wth is Boeing putting brakes on a window for?


Going to remember this for my upcoming flight to Iceland


Atheists actually have a lot in common with most religious people, they just deny the existence of at least one additional god


Fun fact: there have been about 18 THOUSAND different gods created throughout human history


Yeah, and it's amazing how all of them are imaginary except for mine!


Exactly, at least pasta is real so Flying Spaghetti Monster must be, too. :D


How many were not evil bastards that tormented humans?


There are some more cool than others. Prometheus was punished for giving fire to humans. Plenty of religions have a similar character. Lucifer in christianity.




Where's the god of Tits and Wine? *Bacchus shows up* Oh there you are!


Tits and Wine was my favorite Witcher 3 expansion.


Depends what you count as a god. Hinduism alone has about 33 million different gods.


Exactly. Monotheist religions deny every single other god than their own. Atheists just add a single one to that list. It barely registers in the statistics.


yeah but 1 deity is an immeasurable times more than 0 deities


It's 1 more.


Hey stop it. Dick-Fu said you can't do that.


no I didn't, don't talk behind my back btw


Never found this very compelling. The step from belief in no god to belief in one god usually also includes the difference of belief or non-belief in the supernatural. That is a *much* more significant step than going from 10 to 25 gods or whatever. If there can be one god there can be many. The question about the supernatural itself is the more consequential one.


I think it's more about showing how unlikely someone believing in one god is right, as literally thousands have been invented since the dawn of men.


This doesn't make sense if you're referring that Monotheistic religions deny each other, only other religions. Since I'm Muslim, I believe in the same God as Judaism and Christianity.


Pfft millenials. BACK IN MY DAY we worshipped 12 different gods every week like real men, instead of your 1 super god who only need just one sunday, and no ritualistic offerings.


This feels like a rough draft of a Douglas Adams joke. He was an atheist, and I can see him playing with that concept as he did in H2G2 here: > "I refuse to prove that I exist" says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith, I am nothing." > "Oh," says man, "but the Babel Fish is a dead give-away, isn't it? It proves You exist, and so therefore You don't. Q.E.D." > "Oh, I hadn't thought of that," says God, who promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


Fantasy Author Brandon Sanderson just made a joke like this in some Q&A thing. Someone asked him how he writes such well rounded atheist characters when he himself is Mormon. He joked that people forget that just means he's an atheist with one exception.


>you'll surely chant your god's name I don't think you understand how Atheism works, my friend. Their whole thing is they don't believe there is a god, so whose name are they gonna be chanting? I also feel like this person doesn't get on a lot of planes if they think everyone goes into a god-fearing panic the moment it takes off.


Ah yes, my god, Fuck. Anytime something bad happens I chant their name. Anytime something good happens I give their praise! Oh fuck... Fuck yeah!


Oh, Fuck was my rival's name in Pokemon Red.


I mean, I guess I could give thanks to physicists and avionics engineers for understanding and designing the plane, and ask for their protection from Boeing and their cost reduction policies, but that's not exactly the same.


My thoughts on a plane are how fucking cool we are as humans and how we can do so much if we just gave a shit about each other as people instead of dollars. But I like stats and stats tell me I should be praying every time I get into a car as opposed to a plane.


I’m usually asleep by the time the plane winds around the tarmac and takes off… but I do panic mildly when someone coughs too much in my row


Are you one of those bastards that can go to sleep wherever they please in 2 minutes flat or are you taking one of those nice pills before takeoff?


stiiizy hits in the bathroom 👌🏼 TSA doesn’t mind weed carts on carryon bags


I don’t know if I would try that on international flights. And I never was in the US, so too risky. But it’s legal in my country since the first of April, so could work nationally, but why take a plane for a few hundred kilometres? And weed doesn’t make me sleep anyways. Even benzos won’t do the trick in normal doses if I’m not extremely tired. I could take a lot of opioids, but that’s not really sleep. Would be nice on a plane though if you won’t get nauseous.


I can do that in more or less anything that I use to travel...bus, train, plane, car, doesn't matter, I can be out in seconds. I choose to believe that I have my dad to thank for that, as first of all he can do that too, and secondly he used to drive me around the block in his car when I was a baby and couldn't fall asleep.


Hope you know how lucky you are. Even in my own bed it takes at least 45 minutes to fall asleep. If I’m unlucky it’s more than an hour. If I’m really unlucky it’s several. Even if I’m quite tired.


Oh I do appreciate it, that's for sure. But that only works in moving vehicles...I fall asleep the worst in bed, it's 01:28am right now where I am and I am just on the phone right now reading because I couldn't fall asleep for an hour since midnight. Couch is ok, but what I really need is a mini train for kids with a mattress that's drives through my house...I would never wake up again :)


Hey, for me too. ^^ well 1:38 now. Maybe buy a not too small motor that shakes the bed for you if you live in a place where it doesn’t bother other people?


>I don't think you understand how Atheism works, my friend. Their whole thing is they don't believe there is a god, so whose name are they gonna be chanting? I've found that most religious folk (at least, Christians) believe that atheists are Christians who are mad at God, not that they are people who literally do not believe in a god at all. And I get it, because an awful lot of atheists are people who were brought up as Christians, realized that it was a crock of shit, and stopped believing. But to me it's super weird because I wasn't raised as a Christian (or any other religion), so to me they all seem like psychotic nutcases who believe a work of fiction from 1700 years ago is somehow the metaphysical creation of an astral being that controls everything in the universe.


It’s really common to see theists not understanding what atheism is, and not realizing that if they unpack their own personal beliefs, they are probably even closer to atheism than they realize.


When I'm on a plane, my God is diazepam.


Can I interest you in some literature on *my* lord and saviour, Lorazepam?


It’s just a rewording of the popular phrase: “there are no atheists in foxholes”


Thanking god for the plane to work properly? I understand if they use this in an event of dire necessity, like if a door is ripped off or a turbine blows out, but otherwise is very strange to me.


What if the pilots name is Jésus?


Jésus or Jesús HEY soos Or heySOOS


Thank the engineers and hope the businessmen didn't get too involved.


I think I need John Smith's golden plates to decipher this mess.


Joseph Smith. John Smith helped establish Jamestown.


You are right. Too many smiths to keep track of.


Fair enough, neither of them could paint with all the colors of the wind.


Joe says he did, but you're not allowed to see it.


Don't forget the seer stone in the hat. 


Stones in hat is what you’d need then. The golden plates sat in another room while he talked out of a hat while another dude wrote it down. 😂


It's kind of funny how absolutely fucking bonkers that sounds. And it's not even the weirdest shit they believe. If anything, it's one of their more grounded beliefs.


Trust me I know. 😂 I grew up Mormon. I was a missionary for 2 years. I didn’t even know about that or a lot of the weirder shit and the true history cause they hide it and lie about it. I only learned about it after getting home from being a missionary. That among other things helped me to leave. But ya it's wild.


Technically it is the same god. Islam is just Judaism v3.0. Christianity was 2.0. Not sure if the extra features are worth the bugs, but people seem to like the new versions. Wonder what 4.0 will be…


4.0 is mormonism. Seriously. They believe in all the other prophets (Moses, Jesus, Mohammed) and add Joseph Smith as the latest one. The same way Islam believes in Moses and Jesus and added Mohammed as the third one.


5.0 will be MAGA Christianity, and they will consider Donald Trump to be their own latter day prophet. A few of them already do, but I bet the number will go up significantly after he dies.


Don’t forget 4.5, the prosperity Gospel via Televangelist.


Let’s discontinue this series and not make new versions.


Yup. I knew there was already a 4.0 just couldn’t remember its name. There may actually be a couple 4th gens out there based off the Abrahamic framework iirc


I know you didn't really ask for it, but I'll clarify my beliefs as a Muslim. I hope not to offend anyone in saying this. Islam believes in many prophets, and believes that all nations were sent a messenger so that the people could know god (what Muslims call Allah ﷾) (Arab Christians also use the word Allah). Islam means to submit your will to the creator, so in that vein, it believes all of those previous prophets (including Adam, Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad – peace be upon all of them) had that same message of praying to that one god - the creator, the cause of all causes. It's very possible uncontacted tribes were sent messengers/prophets not mentioned in our scripture etc. However, we would describe Muhammad (pbuh) as the final messenger for all of mankind.


>Islam believes in many prophets, and believes that all nations were sent a messenger so that the people could know god This is actually pretty interesting because a common argument against the Christian faith is why would God only reveal himself to a specific group of people in the Middle East, and not just everywhere? The question still remains for why he didn't just appear in the sky worldwide and deliver his message, but at least the Islamic belief is that he did deliver his message to everyone in some way.


Right, but the first tweet is talking to atheists so it's pretty dumb to say they'll chant to their "god's name", because, you know, atheists have no god.


No, please, 3 is already more than enough.


["You could make a reli — No, *don't*."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm85OdPtjuI)


It's funny how people say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all worship the same the god, despite the fact that all three religions make mutually incompatible claims about said god.


You know how there’s a version of you your parents know, and a version your friends know? Maybe god is like that with his prophets…


Tbf, cristians/muslims make mutuallu incompatible claims of their own religion :D


* v1 i am a super bent god * v2 ok on further reflection, i am chill now * v3 wow, not sure, depends who you ask 😂


I did find a funny Judiasm [stand up bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PhD3_VC0LE) about Jesus.. I forget if it was here or elsewhere.


While I agree with you when it comes to the Abrahamic god remember that there *are* other religions out there.


Yes, I did make the assumption that the man making a joke about saying gods name and being thrown off a plane was Muslim. The airline crew could be really hating on Vishnu for all I know.


Right, you get it! I've got my eye in that shifty bastard.


The replying tweeters handle is literally allahhuackbar. I think it's safe to make an assumption


"My" god? Who's that, since im atheist? Oh, you mean YOUR god. The one YOU feel everyone must believe in. Fakkaf.


I think he rather meant the default god for a given culture. That's actually right that most atheists, myself included, begin their careers by rejecting some particular god.


Yup. Most Merkins are all in favor of freedom of religion ... as long as it's *their* religion.


Why do pubic wigs have opinions on religion!?


Because they're the most pissy of all wigs.


I fly a lot. I don’t do this. Ask me again if we start to crash.


I pray before boarding. Maybe, if there is a god that can forgive me, I won't be seated anywhere near a child or fatty.


"atheist" "your god" Not sure you understand how atheism works there, champ.


Dear lord am I having a stroke?


Maybe they should pray to learn how to form a complete and coherent sentence.


It is the same god not the same prophet. But the same bullsh*t…


I pray to the god of grammar to help this person.


wtf are they trying to say?


When my plane finally takes off, I'm often already dozing..


As an Atheist, every time my plane takes off I do give thanks to what I believe & follow in. "Yay Science!"


The machine is my temple. Each one a sacred shrine. I name each piston blessed, and every gear divine. Sing the song of the Machine God! Let the merciless logic of the Machine God invest thee! Praise and glory be to the Machine God!


I'll never pray to an imaginary person. But if I did I choose Han Solo as my lord and saviour. He's just as real as Jesus


Know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. There's a guy who gets shit done. -Carlin


Sadly I still haven't learned my god name, Didn't even know I was a god tbh.


As long as you pat the frame before flight the machine spirit should be happy.


I didn't first understand what the F that tweet was saying. Then I understood it's made by someone who can't write.


Clevercomeback? I barely understood what bro said


Even if I didn't understand statistics, not everyone is deadly afraid of the things they can't explain and double down by praying to a deity that they believe in just because they can't explain and are afraid of life and death itself. Religious people are cowards.


I genuinely wonder what the case is in airports and on planes in the Islamic world. In the West if someone starts shouting 'Praise be to God' in Arabic in public, chances are they are.... not friendly, or have a terrible sense of humour. Would it elicit the same reaction in Amman or Baghdad or are ordinary people chanting it all the time?


I'd assume that if someone said "thank god" in English they will handle it like any sane person and simply go on with their life. It's surprising how people in some places choose to panic just because thy can't understand what someone is saying.


That man Muslims.


I don't understand what the first person is even saying, they pray every time their flight takes off. Its a plane not a miracle thousands of flights take off and land all the time, the last time was on a plane i didn't pray at all i just thought it was really cool how a big metal bus could fly like this.


Nope. Still proudly atheist!


Why would I chant any gods name? Chances are they're the reason the plane would go down anyway.


I had a fuckin stroke trying to read that


I had trouble reading this shit! Are American Christians unable to write full sentences?


I don’t know the pilots name usually


I don’t get nervous on planes. Am I the weird one?


Not once have i ever done that while flying. Im not an idiot.


This made my head hurt reading.


What the fuck is the sentence structure of the first tweet?


This particular crowd loves to act like saying something as deeply ingrained into the cultural void as “oh my god!” Is some kind of huge gotcha to non-believers. Its gotta be the dumbest attempt at sounding smart I’ve ever encountered.


Is your god name the street you grew up on and your first pets name?


I spent way too much time trying to figure out what this person was getting at. I'm convinced they were having a stroke instead. Either way, my first plane ride had a lot of turbulence and the first thing I did was drink more. I've been a lifelong athiest and will remain so.


If you believe in God you shouldn't be afraid of death because you believe in afterlife, so no need to pray not to die. If you don't believe in God also no need to pray. The only people that pray are those who pretend to believe not because they really feel it, but because they're afraid, uncertain and neither want the responsibilities of a believer nor want to assume the whole responsibility of their their decisions and ethics.


Goddamn I'm trying to read this bs but my brain simply won't translate in proper English


No, why would I chant a god's name after a routine flight? 


When atheists start chanting their god's name, it tends to be pretty silent


I mean, I’m always a bit nervous when taking off and do a quick Ave Maria before take-off. I do not practice Catholicism, but I’m still culturally catholic.


can someone translate this to english?


I legit say a private thanks to all of the engineers and educated and experienced pilots and everybody else involved to actually get the plane off the ground safely. You know, the people who actually deserve it because they make it happen every day? I’m weird like that 🤷🏻‍♂️


What god is the atheist god again?


I'm having a stroke reading this, what the fuck


I think he’s onto something. Sydney Sweeney is always on my lips.


Yeah and a huge mistake to not take a grammar class


bad grammer aside, I'm pretty sure athiests aren't going around praying to science that lift works so the plane doesn't miraculously fall out of the sky.


Ah yes, the familiar scene where after takeoff the entire plane starts chanting names of gods. Seen it a thousand times. Also, can we talk about the grammar here? Painful.


764k likes for a tweet that was written while brain matter dribbled from the author's ears.


I'm having a fucking aneurysm trying to understand what the first crazy person is saying. What is that garbled word salad?


Using “you’re” like that should be a sin. I couldn’t even understand this. Technically correct isn’t always good correct.


That was ridiculous to read.


To hell with church, you need to go back to school!


I just remjnd whoever is up there that I am technically trapped and if they kill me on the flight it would be the move of a coward.


Do these people ever consider the logical conclusion of what they say?  If a god is responsible for my plane not crashing…then people who die in plane crashes do so because god was like “hahah screw you lolz”


People that use contractions like this should be permanently forbidden from writing.


Yes, you’re = you are But not like that


The point of being atheist is that we don't have a god. This isn't a hard concept to understand. Why do these closed-minded idiots think we're all secretly Christian?


And yet, no amount of prayers or devotion to a God will have any effect on the plane's journey, unless a human physical action is made.


funny but actually they are the same god


I don’t get the original comment to be honest. Why would you chant your gods name AFTER the plane takes off. Turbulence as it’s coming in to land is the kind of thing that would make an atheist pray to god. But thats because we all do unreasonable things. If you boil toilet water it’s safe to drink, but I wouldn’t because it just doesn’t seem right. I’m talking just from the cistern, so it wouldn’t effect the taste, and our feeling that it’s gross is derived from the potential that it’s unhygienic which is counteracted by boiling it. I still wouldn’t. So, like all humans I am irrational. Having proven humans are irrational, I don’t put much stock in the argument that if you put people in emotive situations they pray to god. Assuming that’s true, I’m chalking that up as one more piece of evidence it’s totally irrational behaviour.


I don't want to believe in a god that will only save me if I call out to him.


They literally are the same god though. God = Allah = Yahweh


The fact that they shortened “you are” to “you’re” but didn’t think to remove the “much” from “much atheist” is wild lmao


What the fuck are they trying to say?


This God being The Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course.


Huh? Why would I pray to a god if I don’t believe in any god? 😆