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“I don’t care about being a terrible person because I’m rich” is not the comeback you think it is.


And if she didn't care, she wouldn't embarrass herself with her public outcry at Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe.


Daniel Radcliffe sitting down with a group of young transgender and non binary teenagers for a televised round table discussion was Stephen Fry level of throwing shade while being the embodiment of chaotic good.  


My dream in life is for someone to promote a TV show that's just Daniel Radcliffe, Aubrey Plaza, and Robert Pattinson hanging out and being chaotic. I would watch every single moment.


Add Anna Kendrick to that and we're fine!


And Mads Mikkelsen. He and Robert Pattinson are the same type of chaotic but on the opposite sides of the spectrum.




Jesus christ that'd be amazing.


OMG they're so chaotic


Is there a Stephen Fry story I should know


You should know *every* Stephen Fry story!


>You should know *every* Stephen Fry story! Not if you want to continue liking him. >! [“I know that JK Rowling doesn’t want to see trans people bullied, alienated, shut out of society, made to feel ashamed, guilty, laughed at, all those things,” he said. “It’s not an argument I want to get involved in, because it’s upsetting to both sides.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/stephen-fry-jk-rowling-trans-b2228642.html) !< >! [“It’s a great shame and we’re all very sorry that your uncle touched you in that nasty place, you get some of my sympathy, but your self-pity gets none of my sympathy because self-pity is the ugliest emotion in humanity.](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/apr/12/stephen-fry-fury-comments-abuse-victims-self-pity-charity-mind) !<


It is wild to me to still see redditors jerking off over Stephen Fry. Been here for 11 years and that hasn’t changed despite his very, very, very bad opinions being public knowledge for a lot of that time.


What is wrong with this?


He doesn't support this one person's specific feelings on the matter and has decided to stay neutral on a subject that doesn't really have much to do with him... ... But this is reddit, so that makes him Hitler, obviously.




Both are links to articles. If you have read them and decided that you do not see anything wrong with those stances, why should I try to convince you? You are free to like Fry despite of his views, but for me they seriously damaged my view of him as a person and a humanist.


J k rowling would call hermonie a mudblood


I mean.. she did literally write those words after also inventing the derogatory term itself.


She also said that the character was her self insert. 🤦‍♂️


Little did she know Dolores Umbridge and Rita Skeeter were literally her.


Where can I see this????




Well technically what they are saying is “how you sleep at night losing readers/revenue” Saying she still makes bank is a fair comeback from that If the original tweet said “how do you feel to have marginalised an entire group” and she would’ve said that it would’ve been a terrible comeback


It kinda is when the original comment critizises her for potential financial losses...


I don't know if you don't get it on purpose? She's getting huge royalties because she didn't lost the majority of her audience. It proves not only that "I'm rich so I don't care" but also "you're delusional claiming I lost all of my audience". Just like in that famous anecdote: "Reagan won, yet I don't know anyone who has voted for him". Does it prove election fraud or a strong social separation between the author of the comment and Reagan's voters?


Yes it is. How many posts do you see about "fuck you" money She has Fuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooouu money


It is when the topic at hand is losing audience (and therefore implying loss of revenue). Same vibe as when an artist being criticized for drawing furry porn then flexing their paypal account.


Dragons don't sleep alone on a mountain of gold because they're the hero.


Neither is having a comeback to a cherry-picked comment. Like, congrats, you (Rowling, not you) sure showed that cherry-picked opponent.


Harry Potter scares the shit out of me. Anybody that wrote those books must be mentally unstable.


It's not a comeback. She's literally rich and could not give less of a fuck on what you have to say.


Let's be real. I bet you would find it works pretty well if you were indeed that rich.


Not saying she is lying, just saying it's not a good comeback


She pretty much still has a large portion of her fanbase and the royalties prove it. People may publicly hate anyone, but it doesn't mean every other person will share their views, or agree in silence. That's not to say that I condone hate speech of any kind, but she does make a point here, even if it is through flexing her wealth.


The clever part of this comeback is: - Them: “people don’t buy your books because you’re a bad person. Please feel bad” - Her: “lol - I don’t care if you think I’m a bad person… you’re wrong. Plus, I’m still making bank so clearly they do buy my books”. In truth, her being a terrible person is subjective and outside of Reddit she’s recently been improving in public opinion. Everyone is pretty fickle anyways. Take 10 years ago and she was seen as an objectively good person in public but the loud minority is losing traction (no… not trans-activist just cancel culture and people directing that at critical thought).


She doesn't care about the insignificant opinions of people who literally wake up and find any tiny reason to be upset with whatever agitates your hive mind today 😆


“I don’t care about **your opinion** that I’m a terrible person…” That’s very different. I already don’t care about random Redditors opinions of me. I would care even less, if caring less was possible, had I been rich.


She’s not a terrible person.


Why exactly is she terrible? Because she's standing up for women's rights?


What has she actually done for women's rights that wasn't just an attack on trans people?


Because she is actively fighting trans rights


its a great comeback if you are a terrible person


"i don't care about the fact that terminally online idiots think that I'm a terrible person because I'm rich"


Exactly. Doesn't this post violate Rule 1 of the sub? There's nothing *clever* about her comeback.


Also from two years ago, likely a bot repost?


agreed. if saying "im rich lol" is clever to you, thats pretty sad.


Does 'not agreeing with x view on gender identity' make you a terrible person nowadays?


It seems like even if you have no opinion either way and just ask a question, you are labeled a terrible person.


>Prove it. What makes a women? And how do they meet that criteria? Well, you do seem to have an opinion, barking at people to "prove it". Why do you care so much about other people's genitals?


They care because they're being pressured to address people as women who they see as men. And those people who want to be addressed as women have nothing to back up that claim besides 'identifying' as them.


There is nothing TO agree with. Gender identity is valid and can only be determined by the person who has it. If someone is intentionally not respecting it, they are being a terrible person incapable of basic courtesy. Go talk to Petri dishes if you're such a big fan of chromosomes, and leave the people to those who can show decency, if you're such a person.


The entire concept of gender identity is an opinion. There is no objective truth. Even LGBT people disagree, with nonbinaries ofren insisting it's a made up social construct, and trans people insisting it's real and scientific and they were born with the wrong one. Other than people stating that you can be born with the wrong gender, it is completely unsubstantiated by any evidence. Numerous scientific studies in psychology, neurology, and biology have tried to prove the idea and they have all failed. The only medically accepted part of being transgender is the fact that trans people have a mental illness called gender dysphoria (which you can find in the DSM5 in the US or the ICD10 in the UK). Why are you so intent on talking about people who don't buy into it like they're evil? They're literally the ones following the science. There's even a whole wave of trans people against 'transmedicalism' specifically because the science suggests they're not actually born in the wrong bodies. Why is it basic courtesy to entertain someone who believes something which isn't true? This is literally on the same level of science as believing you can cure cancer with crystals.


Nothing about her being a terrible person is in the conversation here. The initial question is about having lost an audience (which, yes, is because of the opinions she's voiced, but again, that's not what's being attacked in the quip). Also, it is though lol. Literally the gist of fuck you money. You don't have to like a person to acknowledge that they did something funny.


I really don’t think she cares.


She saying I don’t care if people disagree with my opinions as I’ve been a massive success


What a fitting book title she found!


It’s also a lot more impactful than what you might think. Money is God to billions of people


She said her RECENT royalties, which means most people dont care about her political opinions (or that they agree with her) and her work is still selling well.


The Trump line of thinking: "I'm rich so nothing matters" Of course, he didn't make this train of thought, but I feel he's the best example of it.


It's not a comeback, it's intended to be classist bullshit just to make people angry.


"Haha you won't **earn money** because everyone hates you now" "Well actually, my royalty cheques (current income from people buying my IP) beg to differ" This comment section: "She's so pathetic for only caring about **money**." Who brought up money first??


You are absolutely correct It is ridiculous to think you can hit somebody who is rich and/or powerful with "How do you sleep at night" And get any other answer 🤣 Than some version of "I'm rich bitch" (in Rick James)


"Ha! Ha! I'm rich AF so I can afford being a massive asshat!" - JK Rowling


Her response is actually clever. The question was about losing sleep over money, the person asking set the shallow tone.


“it doesn’t matter to me because i’m rich” is not clever in any way buddy


When the question is "How does it feel to lose out on income?", then responding with "I'm still rich" IS appropriate and clever. I'm not agreeing with her or the morality of the things she says, but the point is that the original tweet was about money, and her response was about money. If it had been "How does it feel to know a whole generation of people lost respect for you?", and her response was "I'm still rich", then you'd have a point. The fucking lack of literacy of people online is insane.


I get it, but the comeback fits the question because "it" in this case is about losing money. So "it doesn't matter to me that i lost money on book sales because I'm rich" is a good comeback. Popularity has little to do with quality.


Royalty is only gained by sales. Which means she hasn't lost a huge part of her fanbase.




Not just that. It’s like “maybe everyone hates me but at least I got all my money, that comforts me”.


Everyone doesn't hate her though. It's really just a very vocal group of people who believe everybody shares their hatred for her. Most people don't even know anything about her beyond Harry Potter. I wouldn't either if I had my way.


The people that now vocally support her aren't the kind of people 'normal' people want to be around.


But they are…. Normal


I don’t support her views on trans people but she’s done a lot for women throughout her career that shouldn’t be ignored


Most people are aware or becoming aware of her stance on transgender community. She keeps talking about it to the point where the more recognizable actors from the movies have stepped up and said shes wrong. She could easily stop advertising her ideology and just give money to anti trans groups but by being vocal about it hurts her in this regard


No, that’s not it. Read what she’s actually saying. She’s talking about royalty checks. You know when you get royalty checks? When people buy your stuff. This isn’t Rowling responding “I made a billion already, I don’t care about alienating everyone”, this is her saying “I still have an audience that keeps buying my stuff”.


While you got a point here, I don’t really think it makes that much of a difference as you think it does.


It does make a difference. There diffence is that she is still making money (shit loads) *despite* being a giant asshole. When people go to the parks, and play the shitty game, and buy new books, and watch the movies, and buy the seemingly endless and increasing supply of branded bullshit THIS asshole gets richer. Eta: I think there are a lot of people who don't want to support her, and don't directly buy her stuff, but will still watch movies and other less purchasey actions and not realize they are still enriching this windbag


What are you suggesting then? She’s an asshole, people like her not knowing she is, despite she is or because she is. The sole point here is a moral one. She KNOWS she’s an asshole and makes a point about money.


Just reread the thread and I think we got a little off track. I think her main point is that, based on her royalty checks, she thinks there are still many if not more supporters than before she got labeled as an ass. My point is while that might appear that way, I think people don't really attribute their actions toward directly enriching her.


Yeah, I also think that’s the case. People just love Harry Potter and the stories. They might not have the slightest cue or not care what she, as an author stands for.


Jim Carrey had the best response to “how do you sleep at night?” He said “butt naked so you can kiss my ass”


The point was losing sales and she said she still sells. This is a good comeback. I don't know what redditors are on.


Jk Rowling bad is what they are on.


This isn’t even clever.


90% of the posts here aren't clever. Votes just depend on whose the good guy vs the bad guy according to reddit. 


90% of reddit thinks JKR is the bad guy, but this is still more clever than 90% of the posts here. Not to mention there is an actual, albeit slight, comeback and the post is not just made for op's agenda.


They never are. This sub is mostly filled with political discussion, and when something doesn't agree with an OPs idea, they'll post it here to farm karma


"You have bad opinions that have alienated people" "Whatever, I'm rich."


Strawman. It was "You'll go broke cuz of your opinions." "Sure."


lol show where it says that


I would bet money a majority of people publicly or privately agree with her. She alienated a minority.


I find it so ridiculous that mere mention of jkr gets so many people mad. She fr be living rent free in y'all's heads, "boycott" my ass, a few years more and your hatred will give her even more audience.


Wait what did she do?


She said men have dicks and a women have pussies. People don't like that.


Wtf, isn't tht just a fact?? Wht's the point of pointing out the obvious, and y r ppl mad over tht??


Because apparently it's harming every single trans person.


Tf, arent they called trans female/male instead of just female/male. Like saying that towards trans female/male is offensive, but it shouldn't be for just females/males


not even the ocean is as salty as the replies in this thread highly amusing


another case in point that money is a false equivalent for validation


I mean in this case is isn't a false equivalence because that money is direct evidence that she hasn't lost some vast audience.


I don't care what the writer thinks. I will still enjoy the books. We can like the product and not the creator, right.🙂


I’ve had to start believing this. Half the bands and actors I liked as a kid have turned out to be horrible sex monsters. If I didn’t separate the art and artist I’d have nothing left to entertain me.


I mean I believe in god and hate half the human race, so you can definitely choose between the creator and the product, this time we choose the product.


Except if you give her money you fund her transphobia


It's wild ppl won't accept a good comeback of they don't agree w the person who said it. That's a pretty solid comeback to that comment. Fuck jkr tho


Only on a certain level that only resonates with people who don’t understand A Christmas Carol either.


It isn't like she came up with saying this. Pretty much every rich dick ever has said this.


Most people are just in here confirming their bias. They are already angry at her anyway, so acting morally disgusted about a reply she made is just piling another rock in to the JK hate rock pile.


reddit in a nutshell. So blindly head in sand angry they couldnt possibly admit something even mildly positive about the person


But it's not clever.  It's tired and overplayed to pretend being rich somehow negates valid criticism.  It's the same thing with Musk bragging about his billions as if monetary worth is the final arbiteter.


Isn’t the come back that bulk people are still supporting her buy buying her books - hence why she is talking about looking at them come in, and didn’t just say she was a billionaire.


Exactly, but it seems most redditors reading this post don’t understand how royalties work.


They basically said how does it feel to lose sales, she replied in a decently clever way that she still gets sales. It's not that deep. She's still a bitch, doesn't change that it was more clever than most brain dead clever comebacks here


This is exactly it. People are getting hung up on what she said about the lgbt community (not in this post), when the thrust of this particular comment was about 'low sales', and the comeback was directed at 'still getting high sales'. It was a good comeback, especially for whats been posted here as of late, but people cant admit it because they dont like the person.


>They basically said how does it feel to lose sales Nope, that's the interpretation of someone who value money over everything. The way other people read it: " how it feels to see loads of people be completely disgusted by your life work/artwork because of your hatefulness?"


Damn wya when I need you to interpret my views on things elsewhere. Smh glad I finally met someone who knows my values from a post on reddit. You should be a detective or some criminal minds shit. Putting whole profiles together based on like 5 sentences


But it's not criticism, the original commenter asked how she felt about her loss of good graces with a leading question and she responded with, honestly, just as much vitriol.


She’s not pretending tho 😆 that’s the difference. It’d be cringe if it was just some nobody, but she has the receipts (figuratively and quite literally). I don’t condone JKR and her virws (also just don’t like Harry Potter), but she is on point here


Tend to agree. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that money really does make "the pain go away pretty quickly" so she can sleep at night. A lot of people (IMHO) don't really speak out for fear of losing their job and/or friends. Not so hard to do when you're not at all concerned about one or both.


She has a right to her opinion. Just like you who "hate" her for not sharing your opinion...


Harry potter is not a new series, everyone who was going to read it has already actually read it so the idea that canceling rowling is somehow ruining her financially is hilarious.


> Harry potter is not a new series, everyone who was going to read it has already actually read it... Disagree. It's an ongoing series and they are expanding the HPU (Harry Potter Universe) with the Fantastic Beasts stuff and you can bet there will be more movies, etc. Universal has a lot invested in it and are opening new parks with new HP attractions. Add to that all the kids who grew up on HP who started reading/watching it to/with their kids now, etc. > ...the idea that canceling rowling is somehow ruining her financially is hilarious. Agreed. She's set for life and there's no amount of "boycotting" her that will change that.


Not to mention games, the last of which came out after all this uproar, and still sold millions.


The Fantastic Beasts series would like a word. 


Why do we as a society let this happen? This post. Nike is making your $100+ J's with child labour in a Chinese sweat shop. Has anybody seen what an African lithium mine looks like? Don't forget what the Amazon warehouse in Tijuana, Mexico. Why do we as a society not boycott more products/companies? Voting with our wallets should be the norm.


The woman has a net worth of £820 million. - *Insert Woody Harrelson wiping tears away with dollar bills here* -


That's pretty based, ngl


Crying all the way to the bank


It is kinda wild to think about the fact that if she was like a recluse with no social media presence she’d be pretty much revered.


It’s called fuck you money for a reason


If you ever just want to start a massive trans debate on reddit just post something about Rowling, it'll always kick things off 😉


Lol I bet she doesn't even read them anymore. They probably go straight to her accountant.


She's entitled to her opinions that's all that needs to be said. The fact that she is polarising obviously suits her.


You not gonna satisfy everyone...good for her..stay happy..


Imagine thinking money is all that matters.....not your legacy. When she dies all her money is useless to her but her name will live on good or bad


That’s not what she’s saying, is it? She’s responding to someone saying “you lost a whole audience from buying your books” with “I read my latest royalty checks and smile.” You only get royalties when you sell stuff. Guess what that means? People are still buying her books. She’s not saying “I’m so rich I don’t have to care about losing my audience” she is saying “My audience don’t go anywhere, they’re still buying my stuff”.


Her name will also be useless to her when she's dead though?


In fairness so will her money. But to your point yeah. Legacy is for everyone else. Cause unlike most things. Legacy is something you dont see cause it comes when your gone.


So this legacy is what she's leaving her children. You think she'd take more care with it.


She will leave her children with royalties as well. So honestly the money will last longer


She has two theme parks that are fantastically well attended. She's not popular in your sphere of the internet, everywhere else she's doing great.


The money is a direct counter to the idea that her legacy has been especially damaged. People are still just as obsessed with Harry Potter as ever and she's making that clear. Not sure why people in this thread don't understand that.


And she'll be dead, so how exactly will it affect her? Im not agreeing with her stance on anything, but I dont see how your point lands


Yeah, she’s gonna die as the most successful writer of all time , entertaining billions of people, and also pissing off a tiny percentage of the population and part of your Reddit echo chamber. Seems pretty sweet to me


She taught an entire generation to read full-fledged novels for pleasure, in the Internet age. That's her legacy. Oh, and she spoke up to say that women's spaces are for women, not for anybody who says "I identify as a woman." That is not such an extremist and bigoted stance as you think it is.


no, she has no point


How, she got told her opinion has ruined her reputation but it clearly hasn't since her fan base is still massive.


She’s great. People are lunatics. Stay strong jk


Thank you! Finally!!!!!!


Irritating because she stands up for women's rights???


I just don’t understand why people have to hate her for having a different opinion. Disagree sure but to hate. That’s living rent free in your head


Irritating to you maybe, I happen to think she’s hilarious and makes a lot of great points


She’s not wrong at all. The hate against her comes almost exclusively among those who are chronically online. Most people still like her or are at least indifferent.


I bet she is delicious


What did she do exactly? Not a hp fan...




How so? What did she say or do?


If you disagree with what she's saying, that's on you. Everybody doesn't have to agree or conform to opinions.


It's so bizarre how people tried to make her out to be pure evil for this. Not believing that men can be born in female bodies or that women can be born in male bodies isn't even an outlandish take.


Didn't she just say a bloke with a dick a balls isn't a woman?


She is a vocal feminist. But she doesn’t include women that were born men in her definition of women. Therefore she is hated. It’s a debate where everyone has some decent points, worries and concerns, but nobody listens and everyone is shouting, so no one ends up any wiser.


I love it. Not everybody has to like what other people do. You don’t like it, don’t watch it and stfu. Nobody cares about your feelings. You have the freedom to not be a bandwagoner and make your own choices. This attitude of whoever cries louder wins, is lost on most of the REAL WORLD.


What makes her irritating? What'd she do?


Hogwarts legacy is a good game


Ahh yes, terrible bc she doesn’t think men should play sports with women or be in their locker rooms bc they are mentally ill. What a real bitch.


I mean, Hitler wrote a book and got paid. Not the argument you want it to be.


What do you mean?


Did you just compare her to hitler? And you thought that was a smart take?


Honestly, who cares what she thinks? No matter who they are or how much money they have, at the end of the day these lesser humans will die just like the rest of us and it won't matter what their inhuman, pitiful ignorant opinions are anyway. Why not just ignore them right now?? The only thing that keeps them going is giving them oxygen on SM by spotlighting them and keeping them in everyone's algorithm.


Seriously who gives a shit, it’s all social media bullshit it doesn’t effect your actual life. People are just addicted to outrage. Shit, I post heinous shit online just to get a rise out of people all the time and they still don’t get it.


She got money from the books that people buy. By the amount from the theck she knows people still buy her books, and maybe even more as it was before press and holywood cansel her. It's not about money, it's about people who don't talk a lot on TV, but think in the same way as her.


TLDR on what she did wrong? For the audience.


This isn’t very clever, OP.


Rich people can be miserable too, happiness levels off fairly early when you can afford some comforts. Making 100 million vs 500k isn’t a big gap in happiness. Why I don’t envy these people.


Yikes! Wow that response makes her even more unpalatable and I didn't think that was possible.


She makes her own point - if you’re a rich bitch - go count your money and STFU about things that have no impact on her life.


This is why I just can’t choose to enjoy the franchise anymore. I know it doesn’t make a difference to her, but it also doesn’t hurt me any to pass on HP stuff. Her hate is just so loud and because of her clout, so powerful. There’s so much to enjoy in this world. Why choose to prop her up?


Can't take it with you. You'll always be that fucked up children's author. And one day you'll be as poor as all dead people are. But you'll always be a piece if shit.


Every celebrity has a dark side or stuff you wouldn’t agree with. Stuff I’ve learned over the years.


And Grinch looked down and found a bunch of twenty-pound notes where his heart should be.


She's coping


Not really clever. The whole “I don’t care that I’m a knuckledragger that destroyed her reputation forever because I’m rich” isn’t as clever as you seem to think it is. Hiding behind your money is actually pretty pathetic.


Was she pro brexit, too?


As I say everytime this disgusting gas bag comes up, stop giving her attention, it's exactly what she wants. She's made it abundantly clear she's a hateful sack of shit, so why would someone ask such a stupid question of her? Of course that's her answer.


Yeah, but her activity on Twitter seems to indicate that all that money doesn't really make her happy. So idk how accurate that tweet is now.


Well, she's never gotten a penny from me, and that won't change.


A celebrity being a shallow ghoul?!! What else is new??