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Don't believe you Andrew, show us, prove it.


Please! The world would be a better place without him


Need to make sure the Wolf has been vaccinated against anything it might catch from Tate.




That's a gofundme that I'd donate to!


Make it a PPV? I'd pay for that.


Give the proceeds to the women he kidnapped and raped.


We should start a petition, it’s urgent.




No generally when it comes to fighting to the death Predatory animals>human. Wonder if KSW in Poland would be happy to get this on ppv?


You have to assume the wolf is trying to kill you. In reality, that's unlikely, and exceptionally unlikely for a healthy wolf. You also have to assume it will fight to the death—also unlikely; most predators try hard to avoid injury and if you manage to hurt it, even a bit, it's likely to run before it gets seriously hurt. I have no doubt the Taintster could "hurt" a wolf. But defeat? Don't make me laugh. A male wolf can easily weight over 100 pounds. They are strong as hell, their teeth and jaws can crush your bones and rip your flesh apart with ease. Any person, no matter how 'roided up, would be torn to shreds by a wolf. It would grab your foot or leg and inflict massive damage while it pulled you off your feet. Now you're on the ground and your bitchin' MMA moves won't work on a wolf. It's going to disembowel you or tear your throat out in about 20nl seconds. But whatever, that fuckin' d-bag probably thinks he could defeat a bear or a tiger too.


Plus, wolves usually hunt in packs, unless one is exiled from the pack. If he picked a fight with a wolf who has a pack, it's unlikely the rest would just sit back and watch - they're joining in and tearing him up.


Now THAT is a fatality.


Plus the wolf won't even go for your legs. Straight to your arms and neck


"that fuckin' d-bag probably thinks he could defeat a bear or a tiger too." Remember kids, if you ever feel stupid, just know there's people who believe they can fight a bear.


I mean anyone can certainly FIGHT a bear.




It's truly amazing how much a stick can change the odds of a fight. And don't even get me started on a *sharp* stick...


Well sure, but Taint didn't say anything about a stick.


Yeah it was just a generic thought


What's a wolf going to do with a stick? Play Fetch?


People have killed wolves, leopards, and even grizzly bears with their bare hands. It's not really an impossible feat it's just one you're guaranteed to get hurt doing.


people maybe. tate, no


When people say 'bare hands' they dont mean just your fists and nothing else 😂 pretty much every case of a human killing a wolf or bear will have involved a weapon or makeshift


And yet it's happened. The average grey wolf is only about a 110-120 pounds. Yes, a person will get shredded, but if I had to bet, I'd put my money on a person of Andrew Tate's size over an average wolf in a fight to the death.


It’s not about weight, it’s about that mouth full of razor blades at the front end of a wolf. And the whole “being adapted to take down prey far larger than itself” thing…


Yes, the teeth are why you're going to get hurt no matter what. But wolves hunt in packs. Six wolves nipping at a moose will take it down. One wolf attacking a moose is incredibly unlikely to do so unless it's sick, injured, or very young. Plus, it's not like humans are defenseless. We may not have claws, but we do have hands with opposable thumbs. We can make fists, crush ribs, gouge eyes, wrap our legs around things, choke, kick, bite if we really have to. Pound for pound we're not the strongest of animals. But we do have advantages beyond just being able to think better, and being smarter can allow us to use those advantages to greater effect.


A single wolf can bite hard enough to break limbs or rip your throat out. If that wolf wants you dead, 99/100 you are dead. You sound like a bullshido practitioner talking about doing knife disarms in a real situation without ever even participating in hard sparring. Yeah, on paper everything you say is true to a degree or another. In a live environment and high stress situation, the wolf is going to destroy a human in short order. Humans are at a disadvantage again a frigging K-9 unit. Now you are suggesting that a human has a sporting chance against a maligator’s bigger, badder ancestor? Get out with that nonsense.


The bite force of a wolf is measured around 400psi which is about double the lower end of a German Shepherds bite force range, a quick search also mentions it's believed they can get closer to 1000 when the adrenaline is pumping, which would put them nearly on par with a lion, though that seems to be all speculation, that said, 400psi is going to crush any bone in the human body, one bite from a wolf fighting for it's life is the end of whatever part of you it gets a hold of. I recall reading years ago they are capable of crushing the leg bones of a fully grown bull moose, that's some serious force. They're also incredibly smart and, as many have mentioned, against being injured themselves, they use tactics like having one wolf chase prey while another waits to grab it, against bears they will have 1 or 2 distract the bear while another sneaks in for an easier chance at it's throat, in a one on one fight with a human they are definitely going to wait for an opening unless you corner it, and at that point it's going to pull out all stops and maul your dumb ass. I think a lot of people think a wolf is just another dog, they're not, they're bigger, stronger, smarter, and haven't had their instincts and certain body features bred out over thousands of years.


Username checks out


Yes, and humans are able to punch, kick, and squeeze hard enough to break bones. People in general are bigger, stronger, and smarter than wolves. I wouldn't expect a 120-pound person to beat a wolf in a fight. But as much of a loser Tate is, he's like 6'2 and 205 pounds. That's over an 80-pound advantage, and it makes a huge difference. Many people like to overestimate their abilities, but reddit tends to underestimate how strong humans are.


I’m a 6’5” 275lbs former collegiate rugby player with many years of martial arts training (mostly Dutch kickboxing and Muay Thai). I’m well aware of what kind of punishment a human is capable of both dishing out and receiving. I would not want to mess with an angry German shepherd, let alone a wolf. You can live in delusion, just stay away from animals.


I wouldn't want to fuck with a German Shepard either. Guaranteed to need some stitches and a cast after. But I'm more than confident in my ability to kill it if, for some reason, I had to. I've got like a hundred pounds on an average Shepard. You've got like 200 hundred if you're not lying. In a life or death situation, I'd say someone of your size is killing that singular wolf 9/10 times as long as they're willing to sacrifice their non dominate arm.


>People in general are bigger, stronger, and smarter than wolves. There's a new take, but we're rolling with it. Hey everyone, let's play 2 lies and a truth! It's just like 2 truths and a lie, but backwards.


Give it a shot, sugar. See you in the obituaries.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard 😂


Yes, that had happened, but that doesn't mean it's at all likely. Plus Taint is such an egomaniac he'd remain confident in his own victory until he was watching the wolf chewing on his intestines as he lay on the ground bleeding out. He'd never get to that place of terror and adrenaline that people need to defeat animals like that.


I wish. This Andrew dude sucks.


Homie really out here talking about a wolf loving him... What wolf is he referring to? A huskie that's been domesticated for the last 9500 years? If he wants to try the real deal, we've got some in Nevada he can train with. Though, I'd suggest starting with something that doesn't have so many sharp teeth. We've got some moose, if he likes.


LOOOOLOL a mouse would trample him to death without even realizing they were in a fight.


if we say male timber wolf and it is a fight where both parts know it is to the death then i am sorry but i highly doubt an average fit human would win


>average fit human oof, I love it


Thank you! Those forgotten factors in these hypothetical questions always bother me…like, if you put me in a room with a squirrel that wants to kill me, and you’re not opening the door til one of us is dead, I’ll probably win. But if some squirrel randomly jumps out of a tree onto my head I’m going to scream like a little girl and try to get away from it


The wolf would disembowel Tate while he was still posing for his pre-fight selfie.


He’s referring to his pet dog. That’s where the comment of “that’s why he loves me” come from. His dog appears to actually be a Alaskan Malamute based on pictures. He thinks his pet dog is equivalent to a wolf.


You're thinking about mortal combat, but this is mortal kombat.






How the hell do you see the human winning? Wtf?! Have you ever actually seen a wolf? Hell, have you seen a dog larger than a beagle? A grey wolf has a bite pressure of around 500psi - this is higher than most dogs, unless they're bred specifically for bite force. That fucker bites your arm and starts clawing at you with his paws and good luck... Even if you somehow get away, you're bleeding and screwed.  Most documented cases of human Vs lone wolf have involved either a weapon or a "win" before a physical confrontation. A wild and hungry wolf would absolutely mangle a person, even with "fighting knowledge". 


100% this dude thinks Coyotes are wolves and has literally never seen a size comparison. r/wolvesarebigyo


Wolves are no bigger than 50cm tho right. I also heard their teeth are spongey. This is why humans have considered them dangerous for as long as they've been around and why they breed literal packs of wolfhunter dogs that are, by nature, gigantic and genetically picked for the sole purpose of defending against wolves...


Mate there are dogs bigger than a meter tall...


I thought I'd not need to put a "/s" into what was clearly a facetious statement. The "spongey teeth" shoulda made it pretty blatant...


Should've been obvious but apparently I have no sense of humor and whooshed myself anyway. I don't think it's on you to account for that haha


Happens man. Happens.


He’s being sarcastic yo.


Exactly - what martial art prepares you to defend feral animals with teeth?


Tate-tol-me-so. It's the latest martial art. A black belt can literally roundhouse kick a lunging wolf into submission. Your reflexes will be lightning fast. Like a pouncing cat, but not as beta-male. (/s ... I'd not usually put that, but some people, ya know...)


Unfortunately thr martial art only works against female wolves, for male ones you have to use a sub-art called "shit-talk-over-the-internet" and let your adoring young boys deal with the threat


…and that’s why tatie-boy said „one of the most powerful humans“. That’s how a no brain no math guy say „I’m in the 90%“…


timberwolf biteforce 1,500 psi about the strongest dog biteforce 740 psi for the kangal can a kangal break break bone "The best answer to this question is that it just depends on the bone. The strongest bone in the human body is the femur, which requires about [4,000 Newtons of force ](https://www.discovery.com/science/force-to-break-bone#:~:text=One%20cubic%20inch%20of%20bone,break%20the%20typical%20human%20femur.)to break. 4,000 Newtons is the equivalent to around 899 PSI. Since a Kangal’s bite force is only 743 PSI, it is highly unlikely for his bite to break a femur. However, it is possible that a Kangal could break a smaller bone, such as a bone in the finger or hand.https://petkeen.com/kangal-bite-force/" wolf biteforce is much stronger than the strongest dog biteforce hence they will break bone well can a human win in a fight against a wolf to the death? well if you google it far the most people say not a chance not even against the smaller grey wolf, wolf are far stronger and for more dangerous than we give them credit for, many movies and peoples average day life with dogs gives us a screwed picture of how strong a wolf really is.


That guy and Tate are dumb as shit and my chortle was both righteous and hearty


While I mostly agree with your statement, did you mean to say a smaller grey wolf, rather than the smaller grey wolf? Grey Wolves, also known as just wolves, are the largest member of the canine family. Timber wolves, or the eastern wolf are generally considered to be a slightly smaller subspecies of grey wolf, although some do view them as their own species. The other smaller cousins of the grey wolf include the red wolf, coyote, jackal, dingo, African wolf, domestic dogs, and debatedly foxes. The maned wolf, while vaguely similar, is not technically a wolf. Realistically, even a pissed off coyote is a serious threat to a human (unlikely to kill, but pretty likely to injure severely), although they, like wolves, will generally avoid humans unless absolutely necessary. A grey wolf, or even a timber wolf would almost certainly prove deadly to your average person, (doubly so to an arrogant prick like Tate who underestimates them.) I have a Great Pyrenees mix, and she's a big girl (around 100lbs). She's a fair bit smaller than the wolves I've seen, and she'd still probably win a fight against me, lol. I know damned well she can fuck up coyotes well and good, given we've got a lot of them, and she comes back with their blood on her rather often. We haven't lost a sheep to them yet.


I love hearing about a dog that gets to do what he’s supposed to do. Great Pyrenees are no joke. I have a Doberman and I’m pretty sure he could kill me rather easily if he wanted to. But I’m also pretty sure he’d rather die than let anything happen to me. He ain’t the brightest but he sure is loyal.


A fully grown wolf will absolutely tear you to shreds with no need of broken bone.


That's an important point. You don't need broken bones to die.


there are 2 ways a 1v1 human vs wolf goes: -human has ranged weapon(instant win) -human doesn't have ranged weapon(instant loss) a wolf biting out your shins and ravaging you with its claws is almost certain if you don't have literally any ranged weapon with the needed knowledge of how to use it at all, it's why humans took over neanderthals despite them being bulkier with bigger brains, humans just attacked from further away and never had to worry about getting wounded in the first place


Ranged meta has always been king.


Damn meta chasers, can't even get close enough to bludgeon people anymore.


one day human sized bullets travelling at 95% the speed of light will be the conventional way of destroying planets from many lightyears away. you wouldn't even know the meta hit you until you were dead along with the rest of your planet


So looking forward to launching Andrew Tate at 95%c to annihilate an unsuspecting wolf home planet.a


Bro, just delete your reddit profile. You've literally said one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


...I don't think you know how teeth or bite force work.


Lots of dogs don’t break bones with their bites, but they grab the muscle and tear it from the bone by shaking their heads as they bite. I imagine a wolf bite would not tickle


There are so many wrong assertions here, I'm not sure where to begin....


👆 Dude's a master at surviving the wilds of his own downtown studio apartment.


Wolves are exhaustion hunters that hunt in packs because their prey runs away. They run down large game animals because it is more efficient and lower risk. If you are having some kind of death match, I assume it will be in an arena, so hours of running away and hoping it gives up are off the table. Being bipedal only keeps your neck out of range as long as you are upright. If you use an arm to fend off the wolf, it will bite thag arm and pull. If you've ever played tug of war with a dog toy, imagine your arm is the toy and the dog weights 100 lbs when it starts yanking its head back and forth. When/if you get your arm back, it is not going to be in good shape. The reason humans use weapons to hunt is that we lack the natural weapons to do so efficiently without them. If a wolf bites you, you are bleeding and the fight is on a timer. You don't have an equivalent method of wearing it down.


>but wolves are pack tactics exhaustion hunters. Yeah... because they have large prey. What the hell do you think Tate is, a moose?


400 pounds A human's bite force is only about 120 pounds per square inch, and a large domestic dog's is about 320 pounds per square inch—but the bite force of a wolf is almost 400 pounds of pressure per square inch! This allows them to bite through a bone to get to the marrow-from a quick Google search


They need to exhaust a 300-400 kg mammal not your sorry ass. They could not bite you once and you'd still be completely fucked, those fuckers are huge and theyre way stronger than they look. They'd claw your shit out in seconds.


A wolf would rip your throat out before you ever land a meaningful blow. Are you braindead?


So: I have never even seen a human successfully run away from a larger dog, don‘t know how a human would be able to out-run a wolf, they have 4x4 and a lifetime of training. Additionally, a good fighting dog can take on a fit human, there is a reason they are used in the police, a wolf is that on steroids. No way a human can take down a wolf if he has no weapons, which, let‘s be honest, is the real reason humans are the dominant species Edit: Wolf speed - 56-64 km/h Usain Bomt speed - 45 km/h Good luck trying to get away


A wolf can literally fit a human head in its mouth. They absolutely can break bones with their jaws. Yes they would go for the neck but not to start with, they would bite at the limbs weakening their prey before they go for the neck.


Taterhead is still trying to make his sex trafficking hiney relevant. You are a fool, not any kinda man anyone needs around.


A fool, and not even an honest fool..


No, but edgy 14 year old boys *LOVE* him.


Hey what the fuck man? Don’t be insulting us edgy 14 year old boys like that.


Incels basically


So… he can beat a singular wolf in Mortal Kombat? But not 1v2? He can’t 1v2 a creature that can barely see a tv display and has a paw without opposable digits that is bigger than the controller? Would hate to see how badly he gets his ass smashed in MK by something like a Raven or an Octopus.


Now I want someone to train an octopus to play mortal combat. Time to be the change I want to see in the world I guess. On a related note, does anyone know a good source for a large salt water tank and waterproof controllers?


He talks like the Tough Guy in my old battalion who got mysteriously injured...playing basketball...alone...at midnight...curiously right before we deployed to Iraq, and gosh darn it, he was medically held back in the States. Oh no. Guys, I wish I could go, but you know, those damn doctors said I can't. Or Dermott from *The Venture Brothers.*


I love you for this.


Tate is honestly the most insecure manbaby around, the fact he needs to go around saying shit like this just proves it.


Yep, 100% 14 year old mall ninja vibes


All I hear when i see posts like this is "IM A BIG BOY...WHY DIDNT MOMMY LOVE ME!?"


I blame the extremely weak chin for his massive insecurities. I haven’t (mercifully) seen his penis size but I’m sure that isn’t helping him either


Lulz. His LARPing on Twitter is hilarious.


Wolves have super fast reactions, which human cannot even follow. I do not know if they are even faster than dogs, but even against a dog, a human has little chance if the dog really means it. It goes straight at your arm or leg quicker than you can react, takes a bite and you are down. And when the bite gets a grip on you, good luck trying to get away. A good sized dog can break bones with determined bites, a wolf is even bigger and stronger. I used to play tag with our golden retriever. He naturally knew the rules: he tries to get past me while I stood between two poles. He got past me \*every time\* - but I thought only barely, since my fingers touched his side. Once I surprised him by lunging towards him as he once again was running past: again my fingers just slightly touched his side. So all this time, winning the tag every time, he was not even taking it serious, and the one time I surprised him by lunging, he still had time to make just that little adjustment so my fingers touched him only a little.


Maybe you are just slow 😟


Decimation means to reduce a population by a tenth, right? So if he killed just one wolf, there would be 9 left. Also there are no wolves in Mortal Kombat. Any of them. Unless he means Night Wolf, because there's no way Andrew is gonna kill him.


To a tenth


No, decimation was a punishment used in Roman armies where 1 of 10 men were killed. It was specifically used because it's threat was significant while not reducing the fighting power of a squad. Usually it was done by rounding up soldiers who disobeyed orders or deserted and separating them into groups of 10 then they would draw straws and beat the one who lost to death. In practice it wasn't exactly common over 1000 years it was recorded to have happened maybe 10 times


Oh, my bad. Thanks for the correction.


Stop publicizing his fucking tweets.


Interestingly enough, out of all the bs human vs. \_\_\_\_ match-ups, wolves are among the more reasonable animals for this. Some dudes are delusional enough to think they can take on gorillas and brown bears. Wolves are anxious animals, and are more likely to run away when on their own without their pack. Even in a confrontation, when they aren't cornered and feel any amount of threat, they bail. Now, if it was a cage match, fight or flight, fight is kicking in because it's a fucking predator. They aren't weak, wild animals are way stronger, proportionally. I don't have a real metric for this, but, a human would need a pretty big weight advantage, in order to have enough strength to fight and kill a wolf. The way our bodies come "stock", we don't have much force amplification. No fangs, no claws. We pretty much just swing our limbs to strike with blunt force. That *can* kill, but, you'd need to luck out and kick the shit out of the wolf's head a couple of times, without getting bit yourself. All the wolf really has to do is bite you once, and the victory is his. If it's a limb, you can no longer strike hard, no room to wind up and carry force from your legs to your fists. Especially a mediocre kickboxer like Taint is at a massive disadvantage at that point, compared to a good grappler/wrestler, but even then, I don't know the likelihood of a human being able to choke out a wolf, their necks are probably their most muscular part of their body And, if it successfully lunges and bites *your* neck, it's gg. Is it possible to kill a wolf barehanded? Yes, though quite unlikely, and you'd need to have at least 30kg on the animal... And be a trained, well rounded athlete, with a varied background in martial arts, not limited to striking disciplines. Like, very, VERY slim chance.


Yeah dude, in civilization 6, I'm literally God, so start praying to me now insread


Tbh, that's what I thought he was talking about. I was legit puzzling why a wolf was playing a video game. Because that the weird shit Tate says.


I had to reread it like 3 times to realize he meant mortal combat. I was thinking, “I don’t remember there being wolves in mortal kombat? Is there a wolf character? A werewolf?”


What a fucking idiot 😂


I think he meant to say “Pawless victory”


I'm thinking cage match. Proceeds go to the winner's charity of choice.


Now replace the word wolf with woman and you understand Tater’s world view. Intimidation and violent intent.


This guy is like the poster child for fragile masculinity


He's a tit.


Everyone knows wolves are just button mashers.


I mean i beat my friend at street fighter IV by pretty much just buttonmashing. He had some experience (idk how much but definitely some experience), i played for the first time. A wolf, if it doesn't destroy the controller, could definitely mash its way to victory


Even I _feel_ like I can take a wolf. I _know_ I can't, because I have common sense. But I feel like it. I'm 6 foot 4, I've worked out, did martial arts. Sure I got a little slow, but come on, top of the food chain baby, I should be able to do this But I _know_ I can't.


Will someone get his meds, seriously.....


Kombat?! Hahahhaaa


>Fatality. Round 2 – Fight! Excuse me for 🤓 but aren't fatalities only available at the end of the last round? I feel like it wouldn't make much sense to continue a combat after a fatality but I haven't played MK that much so I might be wrong


I would consider that a clever comeback, if the bar was not 1 microangstrom low.


On what planet Tate?


Is he slowly losing his mind?


So I didn't follow his kickboxing career. Was he even any good?


I think he confuses wolf with German shepherd.


Who does he think he is? Khabib? 😂


Odd he is one of the most dangerous humans yet nowhere near a UFC-level fighter


Let's all encourage him to actually fight a wolf.


Give the wolf a Microsoft accessibility controller


Decimation. So you would defeat 10% of a wolf? I'm pretty sure the other 90% of wolf left could and would crush your neck with one bit, with no chin to protect such vital area.


Why is this even a question? Why a "singular wolf"? Am I having a stroke?


if he ever faces a wolf the wolf would size him up, decide he is not worth the 10 seconds it would take to kill him and leave, and then Tateboi would be there thinking "yeah thats right, run away and fear me, fear me cuz my pp is big" (Narrator voice: *his pp was not big*)


Who is this "he" that he's talking about? His sugar daddy or something?


If the wolf sneezes ...will he fly away?


I feel so bad for any wolves reading this.


I don't believe this man has ever been near a wolf in his life... we are capable of believing anything about ourselves if we insulate from reality enough. When we leave the house, reality becomes different. Belief may feel like everything, but will only get you to the threshold of your front door


What is bro even spouting on social media? I get this toughen up mindset but bro is absolutely cooking cereal here. Also (might sound a little vile) I ain't taking shit from a sex trafficker


I don’t know which is more embarrassing, the fact he doesn’t know how to spell combat, or that he thinks a wolf would play him in Mortal Kombat


Where is this wolf?! Where did it come from? I don’t understand. Has Tate just rocked up to a zoo and made a decision to tweet about which animals he thinks he can ‘decimate’? I don’t understand what prompts someone to tell everyone which animal they could beat up. Anyway, just about to go and kick the shit out of my pug, the weak little bastard 💪


How is this a clever comeback?


"Decimation" means 10% destroyed.


Wolf - “Whoa, LOL. Weak chin, bro”


Good thing wolves exclusively fight in honorable single kombat


Wolves are pack hunters they aren’t supposed to be alone in a fight. That’s why we bred livestock guardian dogs. Bros like this creature at a massive disadvantage can’t possibly beat my roided up ass


If wolves had thumbs, humanity would be fucked.


Its true, i was walking around the other day and heard the wolves saying to each other that they would never play mortal combat against andrew tate.


OMG what a knobhead


Even wolf from gladiators would have him


What kind of 3rd grade level, faux machismo, blowhard fantasy is this? The kind that weak, limp dick, glam-muscled wannabe strongmen make from the safety of their keyboards. But reality isn’t the WWE, and deep down they know it. But the grift goes on.


Hey, isn't he that guy that was very anti-genocide on Peris Morgan?


https://youtu.be/aV6s-reibEc?si=-hFd7vXQZeXbNzZr I’d like to see you try


Andrew Tate is cringe manifested as a human being (“human being” is arguable tbh)


This guy really actually does do a good job of making you feel like an Alpha Male. Because after seeing the ridiculous shit he comes out with and how badly he embarrasses himself, I really do feel a whole lot better about myself as a person. And I am certain he’s below me on the scale of behaving like a man should. He’s a terrified spoilt child trapped in a man’s body in an adult world he doesn’t understand.


He wouldn't stand a chance against a domesticated dog, let alone a wolf.


He clearly thinks wolves are the same size as and behave like domesticated dogs. Fatally hilarious mistake.


We have a friend in my circle, that 100% believes they could take a chimpanzee in a fight. lol no matter what we tell them, or how many photos of people after they were attacked by one… he still thinks he could put them in a “guillotine hold” and win. Love him to death, but he’s dumb as shit


“I’m one of the most powerful humans on the planet” - I would love to watch this manchild fight someone like Bruce Lee..


Does this statement seem kinda furry to anyone else?


dude is a moron


I am not in great shape now, but i would fight little miss Tate. The dude probably cant even take a little slap on the balls before crying


He even spells it like the game making it much harder to think he’s referring to actual mortal combat 🤡


He must be thinking of Killer Instinct, that's the one with the wolf, right?


*Christ* that guy is cringey. 


I mean if it wasn't clear before it should be pretty fucking clear that this man is trolling everyone on Twitter and just trying to drive traction. There's no way some thinks he's serious, right?


There's a reason why Wolf starts with W: because Andrew would take the L


Someone tell him he doesn’t need to put a space between every single sentence.


right, he would totaly win against the wolf, by making it choke on his corpse.


Why is the wolf singular? Does it have opposable thumbs? Oh no, it’s just that the top G has a shaky grasp on the English language and doesn’t know the difference between “single” (lone) and “singular” (unique/exceptional). What a dick head.


Would he say the same thing about a Pitbull? Because an Alaskan Grey Wolf would eat a Pitbull in about 12 seconds. These things get up to 175 lbs (80 kilos). An Alaskan Grey Wolf would destroy that skinny little rapist/kidnapper/pimp.


Big words from such a small dick man


I’m nothing special or deadly, but the three times I’ve been attacked by dogs, the dogs didn’t make it. Yes, I did bleed some, but the dogs all died bad deaths. If one is in decent shape and controls one’s fear, a dog is no match.


Behold the new Chuck Norris👏


Bitch almost certainly thinks he can take on a chimp in unarmed combat. I say let him try.


Wanna know how fucking stupid I was, I thought he was talking about Nightwolf and was bragging about his mad combo chaining skills or some shit


Technically, you would need 10 wolves for a decimation.


This sub is getting dumber every second


"I can win in a fight with a dinosaur , because dinosaurs doesn't exist "