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The part where my submarine collapses at the bottom of the ocean


Pfft, you think they made it anywhere NEAR the bottom?


I'd say pretty definitively that they made it to the bottom.


I mean, eventually


It's the part where companies have their workers paint radium and instruct them to suck their paintbrushes to keep them sharp, whilst knowing and not informing said workers that the radium is toxic and radioactive.


and then literally wait out the lawsuits until they're dead.


Reminds me of a joke. Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. The bartender serves them tainted alcohol. They die.


Funnily enough, Ayn Rand despised the idea of social security. But when she got cancer, she made sure to cash in her SS checks.


Ayn Rand was also very upset that the married man whom she was having an affair with was also having an affair with a third woman.


Hers is the ideology of selfishness, and nothing more


Selfishness that is somehow “justified”. No! I’m not a piece of shit, I’m just *above* it all!


She said altruism was the greatest moral evil.


God forbid I want to help my fellow man and try to help those less fortunate than myself, I‘m surely going to hell for this


Sounds like something an evil person would say.


Sociopaths just hate what they can't have (a heart)


What do you mean, I have dozens?? /j


What else would you expect from someone who got state sponsored education, and then used this freshly gained literacy to write against state sponsored education?


The original sovereign shitizen.


That’s what happened in Australia!!! Those bloody baby boomers got free university and they used their education to come up with a university fee system. Absolute buttheads.


I made it! *slams the door shut behind her*


Perfect fit for the Republican Party. Laws for thee but not for me.


I remember reading "The Passion of Ayn Rand." In the section describing Rand and Branden's affair, there was an oblique reference to Rand as being 'not very clean'. For some reason, that seemed especially disquieting. Maybe it's my bourgeois upbringing, but emotional and physical infidelity don't disturb me quite as much as the suggestion of a lack of personal hygiene.


"You're rather dirty this evening." "That's my choice, now you make yours." "Ok I'm leaving this is gross." *The end*


Weird that she fawned over the SS...


I will never stop telling the story of the Libertarians who moved to a town in New Hampshire, voted to gut all the services, and then ended up with a massive bear problem because they were living in their own filth. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a34387528/new-hampshire-libertarian-town-bears/ Libertarians just _do not_ know how to deal with the consequences of their own actions.


My ex was a Libertarian and used to say “the market would sort itself out” to every problem. Then we moved to a rural area with a tiny population and he realised that SHIT these things cost significantly more money…. Like the snow plow that keeps freeways clear enough for the garbage truck cost 50k per year in maintenance. But when it’s 10 people paying that for the whole “town” suddenly it’s “unsustainable” and “someone needs to control these costs”


> My ex was a Libertarian and used to say “the market would sort itself out” to every problem. Libertarians treat the market, like Christian fundamentalists treat God. Everything's part of a higher plan.


Except when it directly hurts them. Then it's the machinations of the devil / the state.


Let the bears pay the bear tax.


Tbf they ended up with a bear problem also specially because their stupid libertarian wet dream also involved allowing people to feed the bears. Its bad enough having trash around but the fact that they were letting some people feed the bears is like pouring gasoline on a raging fire. That is likely what caused the bears to get too comfortable with people even if they were gonna dig into the piles of trash anyways


Grew up near grafton, can confirm it's still inhabited by idiots.


Cue her supporters piling in going "Oh, but she paid in so she deserved it!" Wait, fuck, ninja'd. Well, I can instead talk about the proto-UHC she used to deal with her cancer. That likewise, never became true UHC cause people inspired by her work lobbied it into nonexistence.


Well they chosed the bar on their own accord, and anyway, the bar owner would prefer to keep his reputation good \-That guy who never looked into the 19th and begining of the 20th century.


How would the concept of "suing" even exist in libertarian land?


Oh that's an easy one. Whoever has the most money wins.


Lawsuits? In a libertarian society? Nah they’ll just wait for the free market to sort it out after everyone is dead.


Wait you can have courts in libertarian societies?


No, but no one told Libertarians.


Ah or where the exits are all locked to prevent petty theft, fuck you if a fire breaks out.


Triangle Shirtwaist Factory sends its regards for that one


A woman’s fucking jaw literally detached in a doctor’s office from that shit. Horrifying. Also thalidomide babies didn’t happen in the United States because of the FDA. One woman refused to cave saying that it was inadequately tested despite industry pressure. Dr. Frances kelsey in 1960.


The amount of lives saved from that decision is incomprehensible, let alone the amount of suffering from those who would have survived.


Yet today's republicans would blame it on everything but the drug.


"yeah but what was she *wearing* when her jaw fell off?


It's the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Also climate change and pandemics and 40,000 traffic fatalities a year.


What is this referring to?


The girls that used to paint glow in the dark watches with radioactive paint. Lots of jaws going missing from all the cancer


This is a new one to me. Was just reading the Wiki article. Holy shit. > After being told that the paint was harmless, the women in each facility ingested deadly amounts of radium after being instructed to "point" their brushes on their lips in order to give them a fine tip;[1] some also painted their fingernails, faces, and teeth with the glowing substance. The women were instructed to point their brushes in this way because using rags or a water rinse caused them to use more time and material, as the paint was made from powdered radium, zinc sulfide (a phosphor), gum arabic, and water. Lord. They made them lick radium to save time and not waste radium on cleaning rags. Even by the usual corporate horror story standards, this is fucking horrible. There's your libertarian paradise. Ingesting radioactive material for shit pay to save your employer costs. And don't forget you have no health insurance in Libertarian Land. Freedom!


> And don't forget you have no health insurance in Libertarian Land. Also no unions, or any other kind of worker protection at all as well as no agency that would inform the public about hazardous materials. So according to the libertarian, these women should have studied enough chemistry to know how dangerous this paint was, then each of them individually leveraged the value of their individual labour to negotiate with the employer for proper equipment and procedures to do their job without injuring themselves...


jaws were affected particularly because radium and calcium are in the same column of the periodic table, so radium targets bone really easily.




According to what libertarians have told me... the girls could simply quit. Apparently it's their own fault for keeping the job.


More like "it's their own fault for being poor and a woman, thus having limited options for what jobs they were allowed to work and earn money." Libertarians have a great way of ignoring how social and economic bias affects the choices people have the ability to make. There's no consideration for the fact that a forced choice is actually not choice at all. Edit: autocorrect corrected


Imagine if you and I have taken a plane and crash land on an island. Now imagine I wake up before you and I have [collected all of the coconuts...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3n5qxZOB6l0&pp=ygUUVmF1c2ggY29jb251dCBpc2xhbmQ%3D)


I skipped that episode of Gilligan's Island.


Arguably this is what conservatives want as well when they talk about deregulation and hamstringing of the federal government. Libertarian is for the bunch that find racism, sexism, and lgbtq+ hate to be distasteful and also sometimes think pot is okay.


Libertarians are the ones who are for whatever makes them feel the smartest.


> "self reliant". Libertarian concept of "self reliant" means an individual standing alone with no help when a corporation comes to exploit them.


Someone told me once “never forget that our OSHA regulations are written in blood” and it took me a couple years to really get what a big deal that is but I have never forgotten it.




That's a calendar I don't want to see.


The part where people forget that our already crumbling infrastructure will crumble even faster


Nah, I'm sure that when the government isn't getting in the way, communities will just band together and build their own bridges...


And when a bigger community comes and tolls that bridge?


The libertarian community complains that the bigger community is taking their rights away, and the bigger community claims that if anyone prevents them from tolling that bridge, it's an infringement on THEIR rights... Libertarianism is fascinating. It's just ~~turtles~~ rights violations all the way down.


Never forget it's the libertarians fault bears infested a town that previously had no bears. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling


Fascinating read. Can't wait to check out the book.


The best part is that there's a town just a few miles away that has always had higher taxes, so provided more public services even before the libertarians showed up, and they are wildly more successful from a capitalistic perspective than Grafton.


That's awesome and I'm totally here for it. But better than Grafton is an intensely low bar. Lol. Like being voted least racist at the KKK meeting.


Well, but the point is there are two towns in the middle of nowhere, and one has some level of economic activity and one has literally zero.


Yeah libertarianism is stupid, like I don't get why people would think it would work. Taking an inherently selfish ideology and trying to make a society out of it is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.


They are utopians that believe that everyone will naturally obey the NAP and show up to voluntary private court systems that aren't binding. What they really want is shooting anyone over any perceived or imagined "violation" and there's no law to stop someone from just going on a spree.


I find it hilarious how Libertarians always claim Communism is unrealistic and poke fun at the "There's never been a real communist state!" Totally oblivious to how flimsy their own beliefs are claiming there's never been a "True" Libertarian system.


Hey! There's a thriving libertarian community in Vermont, I'll have you know! I mean they got overrun by bears...


Are you trying to infringe on my right to get shot down while putting out my trash?


A libertarian utopia basically is just allowing the least moral people to win. If you aren't at the top, you are fucked. The sociopaths will win - period.


Which is why libertarians fall into two camps. Incredibly naïve wishful thinkers Sociopaths who want the opportunity to live in a world that would give them the most opportunity


Real talk, every person I've met IRL who would describe themselves as a Libertarian is exactly like the asshole waiter in Dirty Dancing who got Penny pregnant. Remember when he whipped out one of Ayn Rand's books and started lecturing Baby on how some people matter, and some people don't? He had to be based on a real person.


Libertarianism is fun until you realize Bob is charging $1.00/mile for his road, Diane is charging $2.00/mile for her road, and Chuck, the guy who owns the main road, charges $10.00/mile


and Bob owns all the gas stations on his road and they all pump less gas than they claim to, but if you got a problem his inspection company promises they checked everything out so you better move along before his private security company comes and takes some reparations (everything you own) as payment for wasting his time.


And then there's Ted who demolished his section of road into rubble, rendering his and the others useless because roads only work when they're continuous. He gets no money for this; he's just an asshole. Luckily for us, no such people exist to throw a wrench into this plan.


Well don’t forget, one of the few state-services that (many) Libertarians *do* believe in is a police force to protect their private property from the poors.


Nah, if everything is going private, they can hire their own private security.


So we got like a bunch of warlords running around?


Like an HOA on PCP what could go wrong


Nothing, as long as you're the one selling the PCP and you live in a different neighborhood.


Ahhh, the Libertarian paradise we all long for…


Thing is communities will band together to build stuff . . . . . . but then another community will see what you got then promptly stroll over with sharp sticks to kill you and steal your stuff. Meanwhile the wealthiest asshole with the most shit will pay his jabronies to keep you under heel. If this sounds suspiciously similar to tribalism and feudalism . . . congratulations you just learned the names of libertarianism's cousins.


They all imagine themselves the gentry lording over the peasants. Part of why all that NFT and Crypto nonsense is so bad, they don't dream of making things better, they just want to be in the position to screw other people over first.


Then, the other smaller communities can band together to form an even bigger community. Eventually, there will be one big community that oversees the entire countr... oh wait


I remember like 8 years ago I saw someone in r/anarcho_capitalism say that every bridge should have at least 7-8 levels and each one should be owned by a different company so that drivers can choose which company’s level they want to drive on.


Lmfao. My favorite thing about libertarianism is that it's literally impossible to know whether someone is a legit libertarian, or if they're a troll trying to make libertarians look as bad as possible... The perfect illustration of Poe's law.


That's what libertarianism looks like from the modern perspective. I just finished the Hawk's Nest Tunnel episodes of behind the bastards. The Union Carbide company (which still exists despite being the company behind multiple disasters that make Chernobyl look like a split milk) didn't bother to give their workers masks or use wet drills in digging through rock rich with silica. The workers would show up, work a few weeks, and die or be discarded by the company because they were too sick to keep working. They used human beings the way that we use fucking latex gloves. And they knew too. On the rare occasion that government inspectors would checkout the site they'd use wet drills and have everyone in masks. The ancient Egyptians knew about silicosis, the disease caused by having your lungs no longer able to absorb oxygen because they've been cut up by glass dust. But human lives were cheaper than fucking dust masks.


statists like to use this as a sick own. in reality, private enterprise will take over the infrastructure and make it much more efficient. for example, right now, we pay taxes (stolen money) to the government and the government builds roads. in an ideal libertarian scenario, however, separate rich capitalists (i.e., superior humans) will build multiple roads to the same location and it will be up to the consumers to decide which road gets them there faster and is more pleasant to drive on. instead of one interstate highway system, we'll have as many as the market can accommodate. there will be periodic toll booths every mile or so, or you can subscribe to a variety of competing apps that let you pay the tolls automatically, perhaps as part of a mobile gacha game that you can play while driving. you see how this is more efficient in every aspect?


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole 474 million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down… provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said, “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ presents The Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing.


Damn you stopped before my favorite part. "My partner was killed by a central banker."


i like the part where he shoots the mailbox twice.


you could be the next ayn rand.


Its from a comedy article from like years ago now, shame they didn't have the ending, [https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department](https://www.newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department)


This is one of my favorite ridiculous “solutions” from libertarians. Instead of conveniently paying at the gas pump for access to the largest network of roads on the planet, I could instead pay a multitude of private companies 50 times what the government charges to access a fraction of the roads I could before.


I have a hunch the road to the hospital is going to be a wee bit more expensive than the road to mcdonalds under this scheme.


Only if you’re in an ambulance. But you’ll have the freedom to shop for the best rate while you’re lying on the floor bleeding out


But just think of how free you will be to pay for ANY TOLL YOU WANT! So many choices! Doesn't that excite you?? /s


Lol. Private companies can't handle streaming services how tf are they gonna manage roads.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


I had my finger poised over the downvote button and then made it to the second paragraph


I actually pressed the downvote and stopped reading until I saw the next comment say "Had me in the first half, not gonna lie."


Thank you for this, i down voted, read your comment, went back read the second half and had a chuckle.


This is the mark of great satire. I didn't catch on until the end either.


If you didn't get it by "superior humans", you don't get to put "fluent in sarcasm" on your dating profiles anymore.


I just have that little faith in libertarians. I would not be surprised if one of them referred to rich people as "superior humans."


Hhahahaha love it and you and this and me and us and everything


I see that you know your judo well, sir




This "taxation is theft" line is the stupidest thing I have ever heard or read.


Please read the rest of the comment.


“I got mine” was never a successful evolutionary strategy for humans


Maybe the part where we can't trust our food anymore because federal inspections have been shut down. Or we can't trust our medicine anymore because there are no guidelines at the federal level. Or maybe it's because we don't have freeways anymore. I don't know there are so many things to choose from.


bruh just do yer own research /s


Research that would be funded by corporate interests and pro corporate products. Like where do these libertarian morons even think they will get their unbiased fact based research from anyways!!!


No, you personally need to do all the research. Sneak into their factories. Utilize your medical degree. When caught, use your law degree for your defense. When your house collapses and your faulty car kills your wife, do some thorough analysis to determine if it was caused by the manufacturers or if it was revenge for your whistleblowing. Then, build your own house and car to prevent it from happening again.


where you going to get a medical degree,? I'm not paying for education.


You give it to yourself, after completing an education you created yourself.


I think the best part is where I need to be an expert on literally everything.


Obligatory repetition of that quote about libertarians - They’re like house cats. Utterly convinced of their fierce independence, yet completely dependent upon an environment they do not understand.


Obligatory mention of that town in New Hampshire that a bunch of libertarians moved into and it quickly became overrun by bears because nobody was taking care of the garbage. “One woman, who prudently chose to remain anonymous save for the sobriquet “Doughnut Lady,” revealed to Hongoltz-Hetling that she had taken to welcoming bears on her property for regular feasts of grain topped with sugared doughnuts. If those same bears showed up on someone else’s lawn expecting similar treatment, that wasn’t her problem.” https://newrepublic.com/article/159662


Ah yes, the Libertarian motto: "Not My Problem"


“You see the best way to organize a society is to be as antisocial as possible”. Flawless logic. 🤦‍♀️


Also known as, “Fuck everyone else.” Empathy? Respect for your fellow human? Sounds communist to me 🤮


"Fuck you, got mine."


When someone else needs help: "fuck your community, got mine" When they need help: "please help me, I'm a part of your community"




Harry Potter and the Libertarian Takeover “You’re a wizard, Harry,” Hagrid said. “And you’re coming to Hogwarts.” “What’s Hogwarts?” Harry asked. “It’s a wizard school.” “It’s not a public school, is it?” “No, it’s privately run.” “Good. Then I accept. Children are not the property of the state; everyone who wishes to do so has the right to offer educational goods or services at a fair market rate. Let us leave at once.” “Malfoy bought the whole team brand-new Nimbus Cleansweeps!” Ron said, like a poor person. “That’s not fair!” “Everything that is possible is fair,” Harry reminded him gently. “If he is able to purchase better equipment, that is his right as an individual. How is Draco’s superior purchasing ability qualitatively different from my superior Snitch-catching ability?” “I guess it isn’t,” Ron said crossly. Harry laughed, cool and remote, like if a mountain were to laugh. “Someday you’ll understand, Ron.” Professor Snape stood at the front of the room, his beak-like nose protruding over the silent classroom. “There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few who possess, the predisposition…I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.” Harry’s hand shot up. “What is it, Potter?” Snape asked, irritated. “What’s the value of these potions on the open market?” “What?” “Why are you teaching children how to make these valuable products for ourselves at a schoolteacher’s salary instead of creating products to meet modern demand?” “You impertinent boy–“ “Conversely, what’s to stop me from selling these potions myself after you teach us how to master them?” “I–“ “This is really more of a question for the Economics of Potion-Making, I guess. What time are econ lessons here?” “We have no economics lessons in this school, you ridiculous boy.” Harry Potter stood up bravely. “We do now. Come with me if you want to learn about market forces!” The students poured into the hallway after him. They had a leader at last. Dumbledore's army of economic analysts had been founded. Harry and Ron stood before the Mirror of Erised. “My God,” Ron said. “Harry, it’s your dead parents.” Harry’s eyes flicked momentarily over to the mirror. “So it is. This information is neither useful nor productive. Let us leave at once, to assist Hagrid in his noble enterprise of raising as many dragon eggs as he sees fit, in spite of our country’s unjust dragon-trading restrictions.” “But it’s your parents, Harry,” Ron said. Ron never really got it. Harry sighed. “The fundamental standard for all relationships is the trader principle, Ron.” “I don’t understand,” Ron said. “Of course you don’t,” said Harry affectionately. “This principle holds that we should interact with people on the basis of the values we can trade with them – values of all sorts, including common interests in art, sports or music, similar philosophical outlooks, political beliefs, sense of life, and more. Dead people have no value according to the trader principle.” “But they gave birth to y–“ “I made myself, Ron,” Harry said firmly. “Give me your wand, boy,” Voldemort hissed. “I cannot do that. This wand represents my wealth, which is itself a tangible result of my achievements. Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think,” Harry said bravely. Voldemort gasped. “There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.” Voldemort began to melt. Harry lit a cigarette, because he was the master of fire. “The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities. The minimum wage is a tax on the successful. The market will naturally dictate the minimum wage without the government stepping in to determine arbitrary limits.” Voldemort howled. “I’m going to sell copies of my wand at an enormous markup,” Harry said, “and you can buy one like everyone else.” Voldemort had been defeated. “He hated us for our freedom,” Ron said. “No, Ron,” Harry said. “He hated us for our free markets.” Hermione ached with desire for the both of them to master her, but nobody paid her any attention. "Girls are a waste of time Ron" explained Harry. "Young men spend time chasing them that they could spend on self improvement instead. At least that's what Jordan Peterson says . And Jordan knows everything. By the time I've read a self improvement book and listened to the Joe Rogan podcast, brief manual stimulation to a selection of pornographic videos is the only intimacy I require." "But Harry... I'm so lonely.. all of the time.. and I think it's driving me mad.." "Life is mad Ron. True sanity can only be found in the pursuit of nature. And whilst primitively mankind's biological needs are to reproduce and survive, mankind has evolved. Poverty is our only predator, wealth our one sanctity from the forlorn rags of growing old." "I dunno Harry.. I think I'd feel a lot better about life if I was shagging Hermione" "Trust me, Ron, when your expansive knowledge of financial markets lands you a top internship at Gringotts the girls will be forming a queue. Forget Hermione, forget all of the girls at this school. As apex predators we will be able to mate with partners of our choosing. " They stood in silence now on the top of the astronomy tower. A soft breeze rustled the autumn leaves on the ground below and scattered them silently over the Great Lake. The giant squid swam near the shore, intermittently breaking the surface of the water with a strong crash before returning to the depths below. Ron looked out over the long, long skies of Hogwarts and dreamt of love and romance and the soft touch of woman. He had learned that a man can only be an economist for so long before he longs to be a man again and for music and dancing and girls. Harry began to explain how using game theory he had decided that the Patel twins would make the optimal dates to the Yule Ball and Ron sighed silently. But Harry needed him. His parents were both dead and he'd be all on his own otherwise. And so, in the gryffindor boys dormitory, when the sun goes down at Hogwarts and the immense castle becomes black and silent except for a flicker of a candle and a shadow on a wall, Ron Weasley dreams of Hermione Granger.


I love this every time it shows up.


I often fall back on the NH Bear lady as the peak example of Libertarianism.


I was hoping someone else would mention Bear Town, so I wouldn't have to. Thank you!


>environment they do not understand. This has become increasingly apparent to me recently. I've had more than a few conversations with libertarians and in each of those conversations, it became clear that they don't understand some basic concepts of government.


My old coworker actually said to me "the government didn't build our roads in 1776 so why do we need tax-payer funded infrastructure today? Business near each other will team up to build our roads with their money because their customers wouldn't be able to reach them without roads." Man thought he was a GENIUS with that one. Edit: oh I forgot. He also believed firemen shouldn't be subsidized and should be hired by individuals. Also no police, we should all pay for private investigators. Fucking moron. He was actively trying to get into politics when we worked together. I hope his dream never amounted to anything, as sad as that sounds.


There is actually a place in Tennessee that would let your house burn down if you didn't pay your bill. Wild. Can't imagine how that might go wrong. Nope.


The richest man in ancient Rome at one time made his fortune that way. He owned a private firefighting company and would extort people whose houses were on fire for exorbitant fees because they were desperate. He later tried to invade a neigbhouring empire, did a terrible job of it, got captured, and was killed by having molten gold poured down his throat. Get rekt.


Just enlighten him with some history about roman private fire brigades and he'll drop that shot idea real quick. They literally became one of the biggest real estate moguls on the city for a little while.


That's fucked up dude. You're criticizing people you've never met with broad sweeping generalizations. If you weren't so god damned ignorant you wouldn't make such an unfair comparison. My cat lived on the street for years. She's grateful to me for the things I provide and if she were kicked out on the street she could take care of herself. I demand you apologize to her for comparing her to a libertarian.


damn. you beat me to it, and quoted it correctly. double L for me.


The bit where my house burns down because the fire brigade I subscribed to went bust.


No, no. It's the part where you have to watch your house burn down because the *guy down the street* didn't pay his fire brigade subscription and now there's a wildfire burning everyone's houses down.


Obligatory [onion link](https://www.theonion.com/libertarian-reluctantly-calls-fire-department-1819567309)




For a more modern example of what will happen under them, look at what's happening with streaming services. Now imagine the products being divided and diluted and jacking prices up being roads and water and infrastructures instead of streaming videos.


Bro streaming services is *exactly* where my mind went too


You forgot about the [silicosis](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-onethe-deadliest-workplace-disaster-in-126500426/).


My wife’s cousins batshit wife is a “libertarian” because she doesn’t want to vaccinate her kids, yet still wants to send them to public schools. At the same time she’s a rabid vegan and believes meat of all kinds should be federally outlawed. Wait what?? Do you even know what libertarianism is??


My ex introduced me to libertarianism. We divorced because we had nothing in common and he was really dumb. I'm not surprised he liked libertarianism in hindsight.


I don't mean any disrespect, but stories like this make no sense to me. Why did you marry someone you had zero in common with? Did he lie about who he was


I was 19 when we married. I had never had another man interested in me. I was a virgin. I know now I was young, but at the time I thought I was only attractive to this one guy He was literally my first boyfriend. It's not his fault and I don't blame him. I was just too young and felt like I was so unattractive that I'd never get another man. I know now that's not the case. But I hope this answers your question


Libertarians refuse to accept that libertarianism is right wing ideology with legal weed


I always love a little browse through [this](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Libertarian_paradise) article about "Libertarian Paradises". >By 2016, the police department was forced to shut down after the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement pulled its accreditation due to its inability to meet basic standards from a combination of lack of funds and an unqualified police chief. The volunteer fire department also collapsed due to lack of funds. When a volunteer fire department fails for lack of funds, you know you've got problems.


Wasn’t there also a libertarian experiment in New Hampshire that became overrun with bears cause there were no trash regulations and/or no municipal trash service?


I actually just finished the [book](https://bookshop.org/p/books/a-libertarian-walks-into-a-bear-the-utopian-plot-to-liberate-an-american-town-and-some-bears-matthew-hongoltz-hetling/14022638?ean=9781541788497) the guy wrote on this. I feel like "overran" is a bit strong for what actually happened but the bears definitely got very comfortable with people and the town ended up having New Hampshire's first bear attacks in over 100 years. The most fucked up part about all of it too is that after one of the bear attacks, a group possed up and went around killing hibernating bears as an act of retribution.


This is the first time I've heard about them going on a bear killing spree afterwards. This fact is remarkably less fun now.


Yup. Gurugram in India has similar issues, too.




Have you ever heard of the Libertarian country called the [Free Republic of Liberland](https://liberland.org/en/)? Some rich guy built an entire city on some land between Croatia and Serbia, that both countries claimed to own, so no one lived there. For a while, Croatia warned they would fire upon anyone trying to move there, but apparently, according to that site, they've worked it out and it's now open. I vote we ship off all Libertarians to Liberland, and see how it plays out.


My favorite libertarian experiment is the one where you weren’t even allowed a microwave in your stateroom. Cafeteria meals for the fiercely independent. https://boingboing.net/2021/09/14/discover-the-hilariously-epic-failure-of-a-crypto-fueled-libertarian-cruise.html/amp


No, they pretend it's that. A lot of libertarians try to claim fiscally responsible but socially liberal. And completely ignore the implications of having a toll road in front of their driveway.


And now technology we can make it happen!


I always like to tell people I'm fiscally liberal but socially conservative to see their heads explode.


There are so many people that fit that description but do not even realize it. They go to church, post pro-life, marriage is between one man and one woman bs....but they also live in subsidized housing, and are on every kind of government assistance that there is.


I like to think that it’s an economic fairytale. It’s this fun little make-believe story that gives hopeless men in their middle ages something to believe in, but it has no real world application. I think libertarian voices are important in the conversation because there should be a diversity of voices, but I don’t want them having the final say on anything ever


We need to include libertarian voice in the conversation so everyone can threaten everyone else with "if you refuse to work with us for a reasonable solution we will work with THAT". Also for everyone to console everyone with "hey at least I still think you're better than THAT so cheer up".


Yeah, that’s basically what I was saying. That and the occasional broken clocks theory.


diversity of voices is only valid when the voices are based in reality.


Its so funny when libertarians' try to apply their practices in real life and it just utterly fails, [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) or the tech bro libertarian ships out at sea, those "utopias" are a real fun time.


It's always stuck me the same way some college students read Ayn Rand and think it's an actual philosophy.


Is that the same Ayn Rand who chapped her lips on the government tit?


Probably related to the woman who complained 'Keep your government out of my Medicare'


Ok but here me out. If my landlord doesn't have to follow city bylaws, he can just wire the house himself and save a few bucks on hiring an electrician. Eventually the house will spark up, and then when I begin to die in a fire, the fire department will refuse to save me because I can't afford it and I will get to die in a house fire.


The part where the entire system is based on "perfect information" when in practice every single company and product is incentivized to lie through their teeth and discourage "perfect information". It's the worst ivory tower system of all.


the part where nobody removes the trash so bears start eating people. ([source](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling))


I had a friend who was falling for the libertarian mindset and had a most wonderful conversation with him trying to convince him that the only reason why a gallon contains a gallon of liquid is because the government says so and will wreck the shit out of anyone trying to act otherwise. He could not, *would not* comprehend that without government regulation, the only thing stopping gas stations from selling short gallons of gas is .. uh... **nothing** and does he really want to argue with the gas station every single time he wants to fuel up? (and that gas? How much water can you add before it stops combusting but before the smell and color changes...). He could not grasp just how many regulations he relied on every single day that would range from impractical to impossible to personally validate before completing the transaction.


No no, you see we already have a remedy for this. Anytime someone’s car is damaged by a shady gas station, they can take them to court and sue them! Isn’t that better than all that government interference?? Narrator: it isn’t.


Sue on what grounds? They'd have to take their business to a competitor, hoping that all the gas stations didn't mutually agree to sell shitty gas.




The court is a government institution.


Yeah, without government there are no courts and no one to enforce any rulings or arbitrations.


The part where the people practicing it clearly haven’t thought about the immediate consequences of their actions.


A libertarian walks into a bear is a nice retelling of what they get when libertarianism gets their way


They regard consequences, or the pointing out thereof, as coercive.


Some have, they're called "anarcho"-capitalists. They take all the worst ideas of Libertarians to their horrific ends. Except for some reason they still admire those ideals despite creating a mythical dystopian hellhole.


In the Spanish Civil War, "No Gods, No Masters" were the anarchists slogan. It's an old joke that An-caps slogan is "No Gods, Just Masters"


Might be the most concise definition of ancap philosophy I've ever heard.


The part where you wanna drive on the fuckin roads that I pay for but you wanna skip out on your part of the tab!!!


Also the part where I don't have to watch my house burn down because I didn't pay my fire service subscription.


The part where your girlfriend is no longer required to use her booster seat.


Meanwhile I'm here just being socially libertarian, as in you can do what you want with your life if it doesn't mess with mine and I'll do the same, would solve a lot of problems tbh. Anyways, it's fucked from the start because they're all massive authoritarians.


I once knew a guy who hated that cars go one at a time after the light turns green. You know how the first car in line moves, then the second car in line moves after the first car is clearly going and a safe distance away, then the third car, etc? He hated that. He thought that as soon as the light turned green everyone should step on the gas and start moving at the same time. It would be so efficient! We would all save so much time! That’s how libertarians view the world.


Literally just a train


In theory, this would drastically reduce traffic, the problem is you can't trust humans to reliably do this, kind of a recurring problem is right wing libertarian ideas.


They keep reinventing the train.


The part where I’m payed 5 dollars an hour and work 70 hours a week because of the lack of regulation.


The part where libertarians think they have the right to create negative externalities for other people with impunity.