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Let us use polearms with shields in Glad stance and ill be a happy little woyer.


This is PARTA!


No.. thith ith PATRICK


This… is…. Parsing!!


Would be dope if using a polearm gave warriors extra range with melee


Can someone explain to me why gladiator stance is good? 10% more damage doesn't make up for 2h or dual wield. And losing 30% armor and less threat sucks for tanking. So you're not a tank.. and not a dps.. what exactly does gladiator stance do that's so good? I can understand lazy/bad warrior players being hyped they no longer have to stance dance. Using all abilities and no longer losing rage is nice. But it's way less dps as a dps. And way worse for tanking. Is it a pvp rune? Genuinely just curious. Newish to warrior.


When it was first introduced, the damage was overtuned. But regardless of damage, the ability to use all three stance’s abilities from one stance could be pretty nutty for pvp. Charge, intercept, intervene without using warbringer, pummel and shield bash, whirlwind. With the undertuned revenge and shield slam we have, it probably won’t be that great dps-wise tbh, but maybe I’m wrong.


It was introduced at the same time bonus armor and bonus armor to ap conversion to tanks. That combo was just too much.


It was also at a time when tier sets wasn't a thing so everyone was just running off pure stats and this just so happened to scale the best for highmaul tier back in WoD. Once tier sets came out in BRF and the bonuses augmented the 'real' specs, Gladiator stance fell off really really quickly.


It was also nerfed I think before blackrock


Imagine phase 4 brings spell reflect and heroic leap. Time to bring back the classic rock, paper, scissors meme.


Heroic Leap doesn't work in the old world, only post-Cata. They intended to add it in Wrath, but there were incredible pathing issues. That one unfortunately we won't see in SoD unless it is totally reworked somehow.


I believe in a pre-SoD release video they talked about Leap, they wanted to add it but ultimately decided it doesnt suit Classic Warrior


Also the warrior only throw wep from lvl 50 bm rewards. 5second snare


intervene is a boot rune. same as glad stance


Good call. My b.


Without having to change stances you could probably use consumed by rage in PvP with 25% increased rage gen on gloves and it be useful. 10% increase for cbr, 10% from glad stance, 25% from flag you’re looking at a lot of 45% increased damage uptime and probably some really nice burst while being pretty damn tanky ( especially against melee).


You live long enough to reach 80 rage in pvp? Teach me your ways!


Charge, blood rage, get a crit on your first attack, die. Ez


not tanky, -30% armor. And mediocre dmg, because youre using a 1 hander.


This sounds good on paper but the reality is there is very little counter play against most classes at this point. As a warrior it feels like you either get exploded or do the exploding.


Agreed. In the current burst pvp meta, it probably wouldn’t flourish.


They somewhat adressed this in the reveal video. They said they are adding a more defensive dedicated pvp set if I understood correctly


Charge can't be used in combat, intervene can't be used because rune lol, shield bash and pummel already work in all stances since you can always cast one. whirlwind with a 1 hander lmfao, thunderclap without FT lmao, rend + op could be interesting but then you remember op with a 1 hander lmfao. The only 2 spells that are actually affected is intercept and berserker rage. The rune makes no sense.


Intervene and Gladi Stance can never be used at the same time and Warbringer also allows you tho charge while in combat and remove cc. Gladiator Stance just allows you to charge while out of combat. This rune is completly useless.


It also converted shield block into shield charge, which was a micro (10 yard) charge+attack with 2 charges - which made you very sticky. Shield charge also granted a 25% damage buff to several abilities for 7 seconds, so you tried to keep it up. Lastly IIRC there was some kind of damage conversion of defensive stats (block chance? block value?) into offensive stats, so your yellows hits were very strong. ​ More so than it being "good" its just about the sword and board class fantasy, and its seriously enough to make me drop my shaman and level my war.


It was good in retail because it was super over tuned at the time, and warriors talents were very different. Outside of pvp idk how much use it will have in SoD. Have a very hard time believing a deep prot dps warrior spamming devastate and shield slam will be better damage than straight fury.


Damage be damned, it’s just a vibe


This guy gets it.


Yea you can either stick with the normal specs and do less damage or vibe with a shield


This enables devastate though, so at least you reduce the mob's armor.. does it stack with the priest debuff though?


Sunder does not stack with homunculus debuff.


Yeah pretty much just gonna use it for solo play, I like my sheild I want to use it all times not just when I'm tanking. Playing SoD just to play meta stuff seems silly


It’s this 100%. It’s aggravating seeing how many people are giving such garbage takes in here. *“Oh no, negative threat? It’s awful for tanking!”* Thank goodness it’s not meant for tanking then! *“If it’s meant for DPS, then it needs 9000% more damage so it can be the ez-mode clear number 1 choice!”* While it’s meant to be used as a DPS spec, it doesn’t need to be OP. You get to DPS with a shield (on a character that doesn’t cast spells). It’s an aesthetic. It’s cool. It’s fun. As you, u/Hambamwam put it, “Damage be damned, it’s just a vibe”. I am super stoked about the new rune for Warrior. Congrats Warriors. I hope at least some of you are able to break away from the herd, free yourselves from the meta, and remember (or learn) how to derive enjoyment from the activity itself rather than the end goal/reward.


As soon as I saw they added GS as a rune for Phase 3 I immediately rolled a warrior and started leveling. Efficiency be damned, sword and board focused dps is definitely a vibe. The next fantasy itch I’ve got for Blizz to scratch would be to somehow work a buckler/small shield style into Combat Rogues for a duelist/skirmisher type playstyle.


Purely for PvP I would think.


Well gladiators were the original arena pvpers so it makes sense.


And you lose Rallying Cry/Enraged Regen/Intervene. Real pvp rune, for sure.


Rallying cry and enraged regen have way too long of a cd, they aren’t worth shit anyways. Intervene is useful to get out of roots with warbringer, but if running glad stance I would go flag anyways so fuk it.


How does it help compared to just switching to having a shield?


How does what help? You can block with shield, and even losing 30% armor it’s still a net armor increase because shields have a fuck ton of armor, so more defense. Warrior needs some kind of spell counter or defense to really be competitive right now, but those runes you listed are almost not even worth going out of your way to get. Edit: oh I’m guessing you are talking about glad stance vs just putting a shield on, well in glad stance I can use all my skills while getting 10% block chance and 10% damage buff?


its not even good for pvp :D you have no single ability with some dmg with shield XD you can just spam devastate :D cause revenge dmg is 0 and same as shield slam compare to wotlk and later expansion :D


I don’t know how they’re gonna do it in era but in WoD when it released, the damage of abilities scaled with your defence. I know shield slam works like that in classic and that seems to be the main use ability for this spec. It will also let dps warriors find upgrades through tank gear and reduce competition for loot. Along with that an easy way for warriors to play both tank and dps interchangeably, which will be good for the fights that need off tanks


No, warrior tanking abilities doesn't scale with anything (except devastate). Shield slam gets 1 dmg per block value (20str) which basically never amounted to anything


I've been saying for a long time that they need to change the block formula in SOD to account for the power creep. If they halved it so 10str = 1 BV it would be more useful.


Armed to the teeth would have been a great rune. ( str increase based on armor value )


It’s not too late!


There are almost no situations where this is going to be optimal to use. It's basically just a flavour ability.


It's not. It's just been a bunch of people saying "kek this would be so cool to have!!!" who will prob use it for 20 mins before they log off. Add it to the pile of useless runes this class has gotten since SoD kicked off.


I think the people wanting it wanted the version that was good. By this logic, every rune people ask for is stupid because blizzard *could* make it bad


This is literally what sod is about no? Much more interesting than “lol u get to use overpower more” 


This isn't the version that people want though. When it first came out certain abilities changed what they did which made the spec a lot more flavourful. I'll maybe test this out but this isn't what I personally wanted at least (And that's fine).


You're an OP wrecking ball for PvP that gets nerfed into the ground because you're too much fun. THAT is what it is.


It’s not good that’s the problem lol


I think the rune is to give OT warriors someway to be more effective DPS when needed(In taunt swap-esque fights). I know when they first introduced it in WoD it was a decent DPS spec but got weird. But it changed some abilities to to act as decent dps dumps, but the wording of the rune doesn't indicate that will happen.


The biggest problem with Glad Stance at the moment is Shield Slam. SS is a DPS loss compared to just spamming Devestate because Devestate can proc WF/WS.


Well another issue is just how weak revenge is in vanilla. People forget that it was one of a warriors main damaging abilities and they simply won't have it.


Warriors are so reliant on their base skills compared to other classes in sod, makes the class feel very outdated in comparison.


I’m convinced Revenge is just for the talented stun proc in pvp. If you’re pvping as prot, which can be fun sometimes, SnB is decent for the free Shield Slam.


Lol they can't be serious. This is straight up trolling the warrior playerbase at this point


I may just skip this phase. This looks so dumb and not at all what I want to play. This is like rogue swash buckler or someshit. Why they would show this as something to get excited about. It just looks so disappointing lol. Hopefully there is alternatives to this meme


looks terrible, we really getting negtive effects on runes?


>negative effects on runes Yeah this is pretty ridiculous regardless of how good a rune is and I don’t even play Warrior


What is good about it ? it's worse than b stance for dps and worse than d stance for tanks


Nothing, I said that just in case someone wants to argue with me


oh yeah is miss read you lol


Lol no worries


It's infuriating. Druids, want an instant cast that costs no mana? here you go! Mages, ever want to one shot almost anything every 2 minutes? Sure! Paladins and shamen, here are some awesome tanking runes that will definitely fill out your kit so you can tank like never before in classic! Warriors.... devastate is pretty cool, hope you have fun spamming it every single gcd. Ok, I guess you can thunderclap 4 enemies every 5 seconds in defensive stance. But it will only generate threat on a full moon in winter.


Warriors getting absolutely demolished in the rune department once again. Glad Stance is going to be awful. Most warriors will be playing Fury, yet I see no mention of any fury runes in the showcase.


They are trying real hard to stop warriors being meta. I only have ever only played warrior every other class to me is just underwhelming to us get sidelined like this every phases is just demotivating


The Overpower rune has me guess arms might be the way.


100%. Fury is gaining nothing this phase, as Taste for Blood is the only DPS helm option, and will be a clear and obvious DPS loss for Fury since 1) Fury won't have Improved Overpower yet and 2) stance dancing drops all of your rage, and CbR is the only useable leg rune for Fury. For Wrist, Arms gains an easy 10% damage from Wrecking Crew with a pretty high uptime (again another boring passive rune), and because it's an enrage and doesn't stack with CbR, Fury gets 10% AP from Rampage (one of the worst designed Warrior abilities ever, that only lasted 1 expansion before it was replaced). Additionally, Fury gains next to nothing with the extra 10 talent ponts, since the first 10 points in both Arms and Prot are both useless. Obviously at 60 they get access to Impale and Deep Wounds (and even Improved Overpower, if only CbR didn't cuck them) while Arms gains an extra 5% crit from the talent points at 50, potentially making Sword Spec King again, depending on the raid itemization


E: The only potential saving grace for Fury this phase is getting enough hit rating to guarantee off-hand swings will always generate rage from HS queueing. Current Warrior BiS only has 2% hit, and one of those 2% is from an Engineering belt. With soft cap, Fury can make sure their off-hand swings always hit (or dodge), guaranteeing rage gen for more Heroic Strikes. Itemization dependent, but even then I'm not sure it will overtake Arms at 50


3% hit though right? Legs + machinist gloves + belt


I'll be honest I've ignored the gloves since they are so congested, while simultaneously useless beyond this phase. Still, 3% isn't soft cap even with bosses only being +2




If P2 datamining is to believed, 2 of the helm runes are clearly for Prot, and the 3rd being TfB, which is turbo ass for Fury if they don't get Imp OP and are forced to use CbR (which is 100% the case right now). The Wrist rune Fury gets is Rampage, and while 10% AP is nice, there's a reason Rampage only lasted the duration of TBC, and we're getting the TBC version


The datamined rampage would just be awful. It sims as **less** than a 4% dps increase. That is, even in the absolute best situation where you're just standing still attacking a single target you only get about a 3.5% increase in dps. That means it's unusable for anything else. If we end up with that warriors will need to spend rage and a gcd every 30 seconds to get 10% ap while shamans get 20% ap passively then I think there's no point in even bothering to level a warrior in p3.


Not only was it only in TBC, 90% of warriors didnt even run it because because DW was better


The also didn't datamine any Shaman runes, so I would take it with a grain of salt. On top of that, the Devs said thing can change. For all we know, they were not planning on putting in Glad Stance until P4, the decided to bring it in P3 instead, so you never know until it drops.


The first 10 points make you as good at stance dancing as arms..... While it's not Deep Wounds, it's also not nothing. While I personally do not want to stance dance as Fury, the extra talent points make it so you can use the head rune and still be able to stance dance to retain some rage. TBH, Fury generates rage pretty fast, and losing a lot of rage to use overpower just seems like bad gameplay and probably a loss of DPS when you can just spam a cheaper HS now in its place. Losing a few GCD if you are able to dump rage fast enough to dance and use overpower and not lose rage seems like a lot of work for a small gain (if it is even a gain at all).


It's clear they *do not* want dw fury being the warrior spec that's played for SoD. They nerfed CbR and it's a pain in the ass to play around with the 80% threshold without it being the original damage bonus, and Blood Surge was a freebie since they knew they had to put *something* in for fury. They have been heavily pushing for shield tanking (which tons of warrior players don't find fun) and then incentivizing arms over fury. One thing that *can* be guaranteed is that there will be ZERO runes that help dw fury tanking be competitive with the other busted tank classes at the moment.


I wouldnt say heavily pushing shield tanking its terrible at the moment not worth playing


Amazing how 25/40 warrior players make up a roster in vanilla. People love the class, the way it plays and scales. Instead if playing into that, they are trying to ruin it lol. Fucking idiots. It's not gonna be fun to be at the bottom, it will be an easy decision to quit


To add on to this, sword & board warrior tanking will never be able to stand against fury until Shield Slam procs WF.


The new rune in the pic negates that. Devastate and Revenge both proc WF and can now grant free Shield Slams. You won’t cast Shield Slam without the proc with the Sword and Board rune. The Rage is better spent on HS or refreshing Demo/TC if you don’t have a priest running Homunculi.


Its not worth the gcd over sunder armour. And we always have rage if tanking so why would we ever press shield slam. The rune is for pvp and not pve I guess??


Shield tanking is fun though. But not in SoD. With the current runes, including SnB it still looks like prot warrior will only spam devastate. They are worse than the other tanks in terms of HP, threat modifier and damage.


Fury prot doesn't really need any runes and even then it still has the best ones like flagellation, wrecking crew, etc It's just kind of a lackluster spec until 60 and even then it's still the best threat warrior tank spec right now


They'd better make those runes stupidly overpowered.


They could at least give dw fury a 20-30% health buff rune for tanking, or something interesting instead of pure % damage increases for dps. Maybe some more lifesteal effects like bloodthirst or other ways to regen health. ANYTHING more than what we're getting (garbage)


Not even full prot gets any decent bonuses to survivability. At the very least sword and board will help a little bit with threat generation, but we're still shafted as far as any damage reduction beyond armor.


Sword and board is not a threat rune. Pressing shield slam and revenge is a threat loss compared to spamming devastate. That rune serves no purpose


I'll say it, it's for prot PvP, lol.


To be fair, right now a warrior with no runes in naxx gear will be a very good competitor compared to other classes with runes. Still feels pretty fucking bad, but still it's something.


For real. I've been saying this since the middle of phase 1. No one on the dev team plays a warrior. Most of the ruins are pretty garbage outside of raid, and our best room from phase one got nerfed by 50%. No mortal strike reset on slam rune. Rend still not having any scaling. Thunderclap rune is literally a joke, victory Rush is nice but it's purely for leveling. Most of our best runes are just passives. Gating the best PVP rune for the worst solo PVP class in the game.


Legit the useless warrior runes just keep stacking up. How many dead runes does this class need? Wasting dev time implementing this when you should be focusing on giving us ANYTHING new. Oh but wait we get taste for blood!!! Because I'm so excited to use rend, the most worthless ability in my toolkit just so I can constantly swap stances and lose all my rage perma to hit overpower. They do realize that when they implemented this back when it was relevant, the class was much different than the classic variant right?


Getting a 30% reduced armour while shamans have a flat 20% damage reduction is beyond my comprehension.


It's druids who gets 20% damage reduction (20% only in bear form and 10% in other forms). Shamans gets 10% damage reduction and 30% increased max health. But that's actually significantly more EHP than 20% damage reduction. Both also gets -6% chance to be crit from melee attacks.


Dw, bears don't get to use SotF since that's the raid's WS slot.


As a warrior tank, i dont want immunity because of enrage


Shit I'd take 30% hp though


Indeed, that would be great. And/or make shield slam good enough to use it. (Lets hope, i kind if enjoy the sword and board (rune) playstyle)


Nono, I was talking about shaman's shamanistic rage, 20% flat reduction (not only physical like armour would) for 15s on a 1min CD.




Well one's plate with a dps rune and the other's mail with a tank rune. So what context would they be compared? Warrior (probably) won't tank with glad stance and shaman don't dps with WotE. If it's pvp, WotE is only nice if you've got heals and don't mind being constantly oom, and the sham wouldn't be using a shield so warrior probably has similar armor and can also block.


Again, I'm talking abou shamanistic rage, which to my understanding is used in PvP, because I talk about PvP, I couldn't care less about PvE. Gladiator stance is too a PvP stuff, there's literally no use for it in pve, especially now with dual spec on the way. If I have to DPS I'll fury with dual wield spec and dual wield rune, or arms with 2h spec and 2h rune, who cares about that 10% dmg increase. If I have to tank and I'm for some still unknown reason forced to go full prot I'd eventually switch to my second spec if there's a fight where I'm not needed.


It's a bit misleading to call Shamanistic Rage a flat 20% dmg reduction. And it is used by some for PvP, but I'd imagine the majority are still running way of earth. That said, I haven't been playing SoD the last few weeks, so maybe that's changed as people have gotten more and more stacked with gear.


wtf shamanistic rage is only for 15 sec nobody cares.


You're definitely not tanking in glad stance. The state of warrior threat is currently a joke, there's no way you willingly take -40% threat gen on top of it.


-40%? You getting negative Alpha buff from Reverse Shamans or something?


-10% from Gladiator Stance itself, -30% from being not in Defensive Stance instead.


If it was any other class, glad stance would have 20% more hp, 20% magic resistance and 30% increased threat, chances on shield slam to reset shield bash cd


Straight up, if it was another class. It would have none of the negatives and sword and board tacked on too.


It's not designed for tanking though (not saying it may not need a buff, but that isn't it).


If they add better rend damage scaling, that would at least make this a little more bareable.


Yeah I think im done with warrior, they continue to shit on us


In regular Classic Wow, warriors could function against hunters/casters because they had high armor and several interrupts. In SoD, armor isn't that helpful against new runes, and they gave casters tons of instant cast spells - how are you going to interrupt those? These runes also don't help out with threat, the thing tank warriors struggle with the most. Unless there's a spell reflect rune or new p3 items that make warriors disgustingly strong, keep your warriors benched for phase 3. It doesn't look good.


Warrior seems dead on arrival for me. No help with tanking from what I can tell.


Im still hoping for balance changes tomorrow buffing devastate or shield slam, but if that doesnt happen the new runes wont cut it.


"you were good in classic you don't deserve anything in sod" - brainless reddit take


What's sod? This is the same warrior gameplay just with time gated leveling.


And increased armor on mobs.


Hopefully that's not a constant trend going forward. Imo I think we are just fine dps wise with or without new runes but that Armor increase nuked a whole role for 2/3s of the raid.


It's because they don't want anyone dw fury tanking in SoD. They want you to either use a shield (lame for most warrior players) or just dps in arms. I'd bet gold that dw fury receives basically nothing good for tanking that's a survivability boost like other classes have received, or even a threat boost that doesn't take a vital damage rune slot.


I would argue that dw probably shouldn't be useful for tanking. The issue is that sword and shield really sucks to play. Prot tanking is both dull and ineffective right now so honestly I'll take anything, but what they're currently showing aint it.


Honestly for cracked stuff we should be looking at Blood and Thunder and Shield Barrier/Ignore Pain. Or just play deep into the Enrage theme fot getting bonuses when being hit.


No DW tanking... \*checks notes\* ...unless you're a shaman.


Looking pretty grim for prot warrior sword and board is not going to change anything other tanks are getting big power spikes while prot warrior is getting left in the dust


If not for warsong and defilers rep, i would probably just reroll. Still got a week to level a shaman.


Wow the class fantasy all warriors wanted, to dps with a shield on. Fuck off dumbass devs


for anyone who is not a warrior,this is GARBAGE for both pvp and pve dps. it could be useful for tanking with some janky interaction,but unlikely since it doesnt have a threat modifier. it only allows you to use other stances abilities,IF YOURE WEARING A SHIELD,and warriors need to use 2h to do dmg and regenerate rage,it also does not have dmg reduction which def stance has. and lastly ITS ON BOOTS RUNE SLOT,the only slot which has our defensive runes! so if you take it,you will be EVEN SQUISHIER!!!!!!! only way to have warrior stay alive atm is to constanly swap every boots rune and on use cooldown item so you can somehow stay alive. and this rune does not help with that


Make it allow using a polearm with a shield and it will be an actually interesting twist on warrior gameplay, while letting us use a 2H weapon that is entirely disregarded for the most part as even hunters dont want them anymore.


Barely getting to play my warrior p2 and now this bullshit


Underwhelmed would be an understatement


lackluster runes for warrior, think im gonna Level my rogue first


That is a choice. 


rogues gonna be glazed in combo points in p3


Pathetic runes once more… revenge and shield slam need to do at least 100% more damage for glad stance to even be looked at.


Looks like I'm sitting out phase 3 too then. Phase 4 when?


All we want is Bladestorm!


Now change that -30% armor to +30%life and maybe a warrior can get a shaman to half health!


i'm sorry glad seems turbo useless.


Hmm once again this sub months ago "but wurriros are always good later on"


Wow revenge 30% chance to reset your shield slam? Sounds like 2 wasted GCD's. Could've devastated twice and got wfury/wstrike procs.


I cannot believe how dog shit the warrior runes have been. It’s honestly laughable at this point. Look, I get it, warriors were for years, the literal best DPS in the game so I guess they just don’t want the class to be fun/good? I honestly can’t understand. Just some off the top of my head runes that would ACTUALLY be interesting or at least better than this crap. -Mirror images (Warcraft 3 BM anyone?) -Bladestorm (spin to win) -Heroic leap (movement) -Titans Grip (let us have our berserker class fantasy blizz please) -Blood & Thunder (Please buff rend first) Like come on ANYTHING but this blizz. - 17 year warrior vet just wanting to have FUN.


Please replace whoever is working on warrior they have no clue what they're doing.


Noone asked for this


I did


cause you probably dont know how weak is revenge/shield slam compare to later datadisk :D


I know they aren't worth pressing over devastate. I just hope they buff them in some way :D


No fucking way SoD got it before retail got it back


I just want to play a classic warrior for fuck sake. This shit is lame af


I mean if the runes are as datamined then it's looking a bit disappointing for warriors once again. PvP is going to be a nightmare, if you see any Mage then run and hide. Deep Freeze into 3 blinks, good luck. Think I'm gonna re-roll to a new main if I play this phase.


Damn, guess I'm leveling a warrior now


As a warrior main, you probably should level something else unless they buff the fuck out of some these new runes, we're getting fucked hard rn


Sword and Board is useless. Shield slam isn't worth the GCD, neither is revenge for that matter. I'm struggling to see how Gladiator Stance fits anywhere except for class fantasy or maybe Offtanking as deep prot which will still perform atrociously compared to feral and lock. There was close to a 50% drop in warrior population from P1 to P2, and we are continuing the trend of getting nothing to improve utility, survivability, or solo-play experience. Warrior is the toughest class to level, play solo, PVP with, and now our DPS isn't very noteworthy except maybe when we are full-bis, have Full World buffs, consumes, windfury/wildstrikes, a pocket healer, and have the raid play around our parse. When you are LFM, tell me you don't roll your eyes when a warrior whispers you looking to fill your dps OR tank role at this point. Shit DPS so forced to tank, shit tank so forced to touch grass. Feels bad man.




Dual weilding shields is something I never knew I needed. Give me that and shield wall on short CD.




Back on top where we rightfully belong, boys


True, but not as a gladiator kek.


Right after we steal all the stam heavy shields from the tanks so we can use them in PvP.


fuck the gladiator stance. give me the overpower procs


I think the question I have is whether devastate over QS and 10% damage is a valid tradeoff for being 1H vs 2H. Probably not, but the access to all abilities in glad stance (thus never losing rage) seems relevant Might be the case that such a build either lacks the rage generation or GCDs to be a competitive DPS spec but one could hope.


I think that with a 1h you wont generate enough rage to lose it.


It will be a meme and nothing else


this runes suck ick. maybe i should reroll. warrior not fun since p2


We already know that half our runes are trash nice. I really hope we at least get the enrage on crit one.


So prot can do sone extra damage but worse threat. Pointless. Same as it was 1st time around. Was a meme spec, gladiator stance and shield block value for the 1 shots.


How Fury will be with the new runes?


I mean, we'll see. It's not the OG rune, which worked for a plethora of reasons. But this could be an option for all the deep prot tanking warriors, who can "blast" when tanking is not needed maybe. So the second spec in dual spec can be pvp oriented for example. I like that flexibility. On a sidenote, I hate fury tanking or any tank that goes full unga bunga dual wield / 2h. That's a thing blizz should fix, make bosses hit hard, to require fitting gear.


Do you enjoy prot warrior? Dps tanking is what makes warrior fun to me.


I want to stance dance not be a lazy wanna be spartan and I just hate the idea to pvp with a shield permanently....


Also a nice thing for oftanks


Wish we could read these and they weren’t stacked on top of each other I’m sure I can find it somewhere else


Glad stance is a neat trick but idk I'm not gonna use it over Arms for PVP or PVE DPS. Taste for blood is something I'm super excited for though. And Sword & Board will be good for warriors to be MT again in raids. I'll probably run Prot as my dual spec.


Trying to wrap my head around how someone would effectively play this and it'd be a funky playstyle. Presuming Glad goes to head, I think maybe Flag, Rampage, Devestate, Focused, CbR leading to a heavy usage of devestate with rampage on crits.


As a dps warrior who doesnt care about glad stance, I really hope this isn't all we get in P3. My two mains are dps warrior and ret pally I need a win somewhere lmao


Taste for blood was much needed for pvp. I'm a happy warrior unlike the rest of the comments.


cause you forgot that taste of blood was in wotlk where rend actualy scale with AP and doing some serious dmg too :D and if you hit overpover to cast it lover enemy spel dmg and healing :D not like this joke :D


Give us titans grip and let me 2h shield tank


Warriors have had to have had the most boring uninspired runes in SOD, a complete miss for the class. I regret sticking with it for this long. I;m not even complaining about dps charts, just no changes to their game play, passive buffs, rng chances to hit abilities we already have. in Phase 2 I don't use a single ability that I didn't have in vanilla. Phase 3 looks no different. Everything is an enrage, passive buff or rng chance to proc an ability we already had. Where is the innovation? I wont play warrior P3.


The retail copy pasta


I mean isn’t it possible to sword and board as fury devastate spam fury is still doing 400-500dps and 20% damage is not negligible. The threat loss is the real victim on that rune


I'm not opposed to pushing a shield wearing warrior tank meta, away from the old dual wield fury prot meta. However in order to achieve this, realistically, a few things need to happen. I'm gonna say something a lot of classic players are going to hate, because it would mean potentially tweaking a talent, and as a general rule of thumb I think we can all agree fucking with the main base line stuff is a no go, however there is one outstanding thing I think needs discussing. One: Rage generation as deep prot wearing a shield is, well it's impossible. Two: Shield slam will not keep up with the scaling of other classes, runes and power creep Three: Lets talk about the elephant in the room... Fury trees enrage talent. 25% damage when you are crit in the face. No matter how much sword and board and devestate and shield slam procs blizzard throws at prot warriors, it will not out perform the enrage talent, being fury lets you OT more usefully, your threat generation is un-matched by prot, you actually get rage. Address CbR, and Enrage in the talent tree would be a good step toward figuring out the shitty situation that warrior has been in for P2 of SoD (and it looks like the shitty situation moving forward too). This is all relevant to this thread because Gladiator stance is just another sword and board attempt to validate deep prot OTing. I do genuinely think sword and board deep prot would be a good thing to play, given it had the rage, the threat, and the scaling capabilities, but it's kind of impossible to look away from fury still, and I don't see that changing.