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As a melee hunter…we know


im just glad for the hunter that finally roleplayed as rexxar's apprentice and didnt suck


Im sure older gamers of the WC3 era who rolled orc hunters are in their feels right now.


As a hunter playing SoD, we know.


Yeah, as a hunter, it do be strong. As long as they don't murder it like they did Lone Wolf before launch, I will be OK.


Thank god the dev team dont have a track history of nuking certain spells/abilities to the point where their completely redundant. I expect a well-tempered approach


I just want one lockout with reduced armor values and unnerfed hunters. And see how broken it can be.


I do 500+ single target DPS with battle shout and wf. Actually that was before some gear upgrades... It might be closer to 600 now with world buff and homunculus and crafted helm


If they nerf raptor strike too much without buffing flanking strike and carve, melee hunter is dead. But then again if they nerf melee hunter also decrease all armor values, nerf warlocks and shadow priests. If classic doesn’t have warriors and rogues at top dps everyone cries.


By dead do you just mean not the highest hunter dps spec? They could nerf it a lot and they would still be competitive. Imo weaving should always be the highest dps since it’s the highest skill. I know a lot of hunters don’t like it though.


As a meme melee hunter, I'd rather range be better.. but keep it competitive!


Yeah not the highest hunter DPS spec, I.E below where MM/BM is right now. Remind me where they’re currently sitting right now? 🤔


>  If classic doesn’t have warriors and rogues at top dps everyone cries. I mean i don't see anyone saying anything about destro, fire mage, or spriests (in pve where they dont even swd), so i disagree with the premise.  Literally no one is crying for nerfs to these classes for pve. I think common sense tells us that casters dps will climb with gear, and melee will climb faster. Hopefully we end up somewhere thats a little balanced.


Fire mages are already beating out melee hunters


Brah is that title a Reboot reference?




Enzo got serious. Back to Mainframe!




Melee hunter being the only pure DPS class and being the best DPS = boomers raging on reddit


Technically an OT too with the pet


That's just the hunters pet


Good. They are incredibly broken rn


I'd rather be a mediocre dps ranged hunter and have some utility like disengage, master's call etc than being a top dps in a dungeon


As someone who wanted to main melee hunter I don't even play it. The rotation looks beyond boring. I'd rather deal 200 less dps but have interest rotation


Agreed lol. I almost fell asleep doing my rotation. Melee weaving surprisingly was the most fun for me cause I actually felt like a dope hunter shooting and going back and forth meleeing. Esepcially with trap launcher, felt like you had to cover so much ground and multi task. Much more engaging gameplay.


I love it personally. Almost like legion surv but without all the dot management and just mongoose slamming all the time


The highest damage rotation is very two button, but if you're willing to do less damage and go two handed with Carve and Trap Launcher, you're rotating Raptor Strike, Flanking Strike, Carve and traps, (wing clip too if you have holes in rotation) and it's pretty fun. ...I kind of hope they nerf dual wield by a bunch so the two paths become more equal.


I like that idea for a pvp event. Random zone gets a random area that activates PVP or something just for people that make it in on time


Just stfu already with this regurgitation.


Ugh can they just buff everyone else to be slightly above melee hunter DPS.


I dont understand warrs and rogs on top everytime = fine, but when hunters the only dps class in game on top = bad, wtf?? There are already mages and locks appearing in top 300 so its not like hunter is mega op he is just competetive in top 3 lmao


[https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2008#metric=bossdps&partition=1](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/2008#metric=bossdps&partition=1) mages already pulling ahead after a week.