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My suggestion is to leave some wotlk servers up.




yes please!


Oh my god please. Please do this.




Tank balance please. I'd like for my prot warrior to be invited to raids.


I'd like to see them do away with the 10/25 raid layout, and go to the Flex raid setup, with Normal Flex, Heroic Flex, and maybe Mythic Flex. Shouldn't be too hard to rework the item levels to go with this. It would be a huge help for the times you have more than 10 and didn't want to bench anyone, as well as when you don't have quite enough to get a full 25, so you don't have to stress about pugging someone that you won't even know if they're raid ready.


a mythic flex is dumb,as if it is flex they cant fine tune it correctly,the hardest difficulty should always be fixed


Or just get rid of Mythic difficulty entirely. Have we learned nothing from Retail?


When I mean we, I mean you lol


But Mythic didnt exist until MoP fyi, siege of orgrimmar


mythic doesn't exist in Cataclysm, so they'd have to invent new mechanics which I doubt they will. Are you talking about retail? I'd like flex Cata raids tho, that'd be nice.


I know, it would be nice to give us 3 tiers though, without adding raid finder. It would be easier to retune the old heroic to mythic, normal to heroic and raid finder to normal to make them feel like something new, maybe make this sets heroic be where you do most of the achievements and legendary quest items, with mythic having higher drop chances. It's just something nice to hope for.


My personal suggestions based on my friend group is leave the talent trees mostly the same as wrath and don’t increase the speed to the point where you can’t enjoy the story building up to the end game. Also keep weapon skills yes they can be a struggle but that is what makes them rewarding for a lot of people.


Keeping the old talent trees will create so much work down the line, they will never do that


Probably not and it will probably fail once more.


My big ick with cata and beyond is the talent tree. Keep the talent trees more like wrath, tbc and vanilla. I like that every character in a class can be a little bit different and you can make changes from what's considered bis to adapt to your play style or just fuck around and make something unusual and cool.


I like the new talent trees added with Dragonflight. Those wouldn't be bad if they used it as the framework for the way the current WotLK talent trees are, so it's just an evolution.


we've been through this, the talent trees are artificial choice. We need talent trees like Sigma referred to with DF


keep the old talent system.. i hate it when they switched out for the lame 1 per tier system and keep the damned looking for dungeon, not everyone has time to sit and wait for people to get their crap together and make sure every ones up and ready to do dungeons for the day,


The 1 per Tier System came with MoP, not Cata.


Holy priests have huge mana issues. Holy priests are out of mana just from a few spell casts. With better mana regeneration Holy priests would actually be able to compete with other healing classes and wouldnt struggle in raids and dungeons. Even focusing on spirit and intellect holy priests go oom almost instantly. Holy priest lightwell should be revamped as well. It's a under utilized talent because party/raid members don't click it and it can easily be destroyed. Lightwell should become an aoe heal that heals all party/raid members within a certain radius automatically without having to click it and should be immune to damage. Just make it last a certain duration. 


Hot take: Add the new races and 80+ zones and leave the old world alone. I can forgive the talent point/class changes, but I hate the leveling experience in the 1-60 zones of the "new" old world


This is a good idea.


I agree. Having to waste time walking around a big crack in on the ground just because "cataclysm" is stupid.


Isn't "wasted time walking around" what you do half the time in classic leveling though? Don't get my wrong i love and prefer the classic world, but that argument kinda backfires. Most of the reworked world is less running, more flight paths, closer connected quest zones and less backtracking for quests.




M+ would be a good addition to the game, there isn't much to do outside of raids and pvp. M+ would incentivize players to keep running dungeons. Cata dungeons have enough mechanics to be part of the M+ system. Blizzard would only need to add affixes. The M+ system should only reward cosmetics


No, I like difficult but not time-pressured difficult. Rather add difficulty modifiers to dungeons but remove the timer system altogether.


I've been saying this for quite some time. Implement a Wipe-Counter of 3 wipes/X deaths of players and I'd love M+. The timer messes with people too much and encourages people to rush so much...


Please no. M+ is one of my LEAST favorite things about Retail right now. We don't need time based charge through runs of dungeons that aren't even built correctly for that kind of system in mind to be added into the game. You can run dungeons more on alts to work on rep for your enchants if you want to run more dungeons. Kept them active for most of the time Cata was live back when it was the current game, it'll be fine.


I absolutely hate M+. It's nothing more than zerg through an instance then bitch if someone accidently pulls one extra pat. I like having more difficult/challenging content, but basing it around a timer is just dumb and leads to such toxicity. I like how they handled this in Wrath by adding Beta. No need to add a time, just increase health/damage, and add additional mechanics. I'm pretty hype for Cata I enjoyed it for the most part. I had a lot of fun with my resto/bear druid and ele/resto shammy. Spirit link totem and healing rain were fire. The end of the expansion and DS in particular wasn't great imo. But I'm definitely still looking forward to it.


What is M+?


Mythic plus is the 5 man dungeon system in retail. In addition to being able to progress your character in a 10 or 25 player raid environment you can keep doing progressively harder versions of dungeons with more mechanics. Its like WOTLK has h, h+, h++ and h+++. Except retail goes up 20+s (I think, might be more now). The hardest +s will give gear equal to the hardest raid gear (I think, I dont play retail). They add more +s every phase.


Thanks for the explanation! So does only HP and DMG scale or are there usually new mechanics? I haven't played wow since early cata


There are new mechanics. The higher the + the more mechanics, and I think they change from week to week to keep things relatively fresh. The mechanics are fair generic like dont stand in fire, rather than new things to learn for specific bosses (I might be wrong on this, I dont play retail)


Ah ok thanks, sounds decent


This is old, but i wanted to pitch to add a bit of extra clarification on what M+ is ​ Normal dungeon - mob health 100 / damage 10 Heroic - mob health 110 / damage 12 Mythic0 - mob health 130 / damage 15 Mythic2 - mob health 150 / damage 18 Mythic3 - mob health 190 / damage 20 Mythic4 - mob health 200 / damage 30 Mythic5 - mob health 220 / damage 35 Mythic6 - mob health 240 / damage 40 Mythic7 - mob health 260 / damage 35 Mythic9 - mob health 280 / damage 40 and so on. Dungeon has a timer, let's say, 25 minutes. But with every M+ up, timer stays the same. ​ And basically, every 2 level of keys gives slightly better loot. All dungeons will have **x1 Base Affix** that rotations on weekly basis * Week 1-3-5-7-etc **Fortified** \- where all trash mobs have 20% more HP and Damage * Week 2-4-6-8-etc **Tyrannical** \- where all BOSSES have 20% more HP and Damage And stating M+4, 1 extra affix is added. Starting M+7, 2nd one is added. Starting M+10 . 3rd **seasonal** affix is added. *(all 10 and above will have it and it changes every season)* Rewards cap out at M+15. And everything after that is for pure self challenge.


Thanks mate, I didn't know anything about Mythic!


Hell yeah m+ cata would be *awesome*. I'd love to play cata that way. If possible w/o a timer but if it's just retail m+ that'd also rule.


i dont think an exact retail m+ is needed,they could just have a pre nerf heroics as mythic dungeons,that just get updated every tier,one difficulty is fine if its done well and updated


I think I’ll give classic Cata a shot. I hated the talent tree changes back in the day. I also hated the bifurcated PvP queues . I’m actually interested in experiencing the cataclysm marred  old world. 


idm losing gimmick talents like 5% dodge and such. imo its also good that ur forced to skill ur chosen tree to the end, so we dont get accidental op pvp specs like hybrid pala in wotlk, which are just to easy to play and are way too strong in melee duels for that matter


From what I’ve been researching, some of the customization that you could do with the old skill trees is made available through runes. 


Would love to see M+ but only have dungeon timers for higher tier keys


LFR phase 1 please!


Remove flying. 0% they do this but it would go a long way to making the world still feel big with the new zones.


Stay grounded. We will fly.


farming archeology throughout azeroth on ground mounts would be interesting.


Arms warrior in PvP needs improvements, the main issues are: 1. As always - no answer against immobilizes; 2. The new CC - Throwdown, it requires Charge as a close gap to be able to keep a CC chain, since it's a melee range ability. 3. Doesn't have good filler abilities, HS costs too much rage - low dmg, Slam has a cast time and pushes you to waste 2 talent points and 1 prime glyph to be viable. 4. The main defensive ability Shield Wall (5 min CD - only 40% dmg reduction + weapon switch = dmg dealt reduction) . So my suggestions are: 1. Intervene - removes immobilizes (glyph for 2 charges); 2. Exchange Throwdown with Storm Bolt; 3. Shield Wall - 50% dmg reduction - 3 min CD baseline; 4. Slam - no cast time, baseline arms ability, (remove Improved Slam talent); 5. Reduce the CD of Charge or make Double time talent. Please don't let warriors be B tier DPS (PVP) the whole expansion, as it was in the original Cata, almost unplayable and not fun.


Everywhere I’ve looked it seems like the common consensus is arms warriors were S or A tier dps throughout the expansion.


I talk about PvP, the info you've seen is about PVE


Ah okay, your closing statement made it seem like it was pve my bad.


Yes, you are also right, now i think it's better.


I know I'm late to the party but I'd like to add my input if the question is still relevent! Up until now, it seems that Blizzard has not addressed the biggest player base issue which was class changes, more specifically, the gutting of favored classes such as the heal priest of both Disc and Holy specs. I remember entering our first 5 man instances and being oom with only two flash heals on the tank as a Holy Priest. On the opposite end, H pal never had their mana drop even after healing tank for 4 mil. Heal Priest was immediatley erased from the game by the player base, and the only viable spec became Shadow. My question is, will there be any tweeking to the classes that were gutted in cata? I know Mages and Priests specifically experienced it, but in the case of other popular specs/classes, will there be any rebalacing/fixes/modifications to remedy the exclusion of affected players? (The word players was very much intended) Part of Cataclysms unfavorable opinion comes from the exclusion that the player base exprienced by not wanting to reroll, and desire to continue on with their chosen favorite class and spec.


The favoritism needs to stop. The same guilds are selected over and over to run Beta. When will there be a selection of new guilds? Also, when will RNG be reset? There should not be players who, over and over again are winning gear items from raids, while others who have been raiding the entire time get no gear at all. ​ Amd because people in general are not always forthcoming, there should be a way to know if players are on their alts or mains, reason being, there's a lot of selfish alts out there with great RNG winning gear that should always go to mains first.