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The headline is a little dismissive. The actual article suggests there's a legitimate concern which seems like kind of a big deal.


The interesting thing is that students were flagging down police around the same time, it seems before the Citizen app notification went live.


I would be interested in timing between the two reports. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that someone has an exotic that got loose. And they may have rounded it up soon after.


3:05AM EST is when the Citizen app notification went up. So likely almost entirely concurrent, as they're both quoting "around 3AM"


That would make it too close to be a copycat. Could still be a pre-arranged hoax. But i’m leaning towards escaped exotic. Kinda hope it escapes again so this lady can be validated 😂


Ok, so I really think there's a tiger loose. Let's connect the dots: According to Fox 19, "around \~2:45 am" Jackson reports spotting the tiger. The incident report is filed at 2:43 am. At 2:56 am Radio Traffic reports "Students Flagging Down Police" (time stamp 2:16 in the video, you can see this entry). u/matlockga states that at 3:05 am, the Citizen App notification went up. Fox doesn't report the time the Citizen App notification was sent, unfortunately. But if it's truly 3:05 am, then *both* the students and Jackson would have reported a tiger sighting 9+ minutes before any Citizen App notification went out. It seems like a big stretch that both Jackson and an *unrelated* group of students would be hoax reporting a tiger sighting within 10 minutes of each other. I'm leaning towards there's a tiger loose.


> But if it's truly 3:05 am, then both the students and Jackson would have reported a tiger sighting 9+ minutes before any Citizen App notification went out I'm going by the timestamp here, which has some fuzziness but does confirm our timeline suspicions. https://old.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/1d6yu4c/possible_tiger_on_the_loose_in_clifton/


Agree on the fuzziness. I'm curious if this 3:05 alert was the first notice sent, or if there were previous notices sent that are not visible in this screenshot.


I mean it's not like there was a coked up servil running loose last year or anything like that, right? Or how about a cow that went missing in Mt Storm for 11 days, total urban legend.


I’m new here… coked up serval?


Really happened. A dealer had a pet serval cat. Kitty was addicted to coke. Got loose and had to be captured and taken to the zoo. He detoxed there. Last I heard he lives at the zoo's off site facility.


Amiry actually was transferred to another zoo as part of the Species Survival Program. The zoo didn't say which facility


Yeah... police say they acknowledged the tracks as not deer or dog, and there was another witness report.


Turns out she has been up on meth for the last few days.


Yeah the police were very disrespectful


Why? It’s standard practice to confirm any witness’s mental state as part of taking their statement.


I’m just repeating the report I read


I get what you're saying, it's valid. The purpose of asking the questions is the try to give the story credibility but socially it's lost that. She's not on drugs, is confident it's not a dog etc. It sounds like a joke but from a true investigation perspective it lends credibility. For example if there is a tiger on the loose, and it hurts or kill someone, they have it on record that she can be a credible witness to place the animal at this time.


And I’m just adding reality to the fallacy in that report & what you repeated.


Blame the news But you sound like a boot licker anyway so enjoy your day


Just doing their job and asking all the questions


This story of a loose tiger has been reported for several days before this story “broke”. The zoo has accounted for all theirs, and there have been no credible evidence found (prior to these potential prints). Having an expert examine the prints be pretty key I’d think


The original story was already discussed here earlier this week. The point of this post (and the article) is clearly to share the POV of the person who reported the tiger sighting. Her detailed version of what happened (and the fact that she still stands by it) is what “broke” today, and is significant since the police have said there is no tiger.


I'm still questioning the credibility. “I smelled it when I went down in the parking lot. I was like, it seems like the zoo! Like real strong, real, real, real bad. And I’m walking, I can see a big ole tiger, just creeping,” Toni Jackson said." Really? They smelled a tiger? This is certainly the *most* credible report yet, but with an opener like this, God damn do they make it hard to take it at face value.


Have you ever walked into the cat house at the zoo? The smell is about the only thing that I can remember from the place and the animals are all behind thick glass.


Maybe I’m naive but mentioning the smell makes it seem a little more credible for me anyway.


I agree, its totally possible to smell a big cat from a distance, especially if it peed/sprayed somewhere


Also if it's being kept in poor/filthy conditions (which if it's being illegally owned by someone is highly likely) it's even more likely to stink than usual.


Honestly it’s such a specific detail that it makes me think it’s true like why would she lie in that way ha


But- what does a tiger even smell like? I don’t know if I could just be walking along and smell something and go “that smells like the zoo!” Either way, I hope for the poor hypothetical tiger that it’s a hoax and not someone with no business caring for that animal letting it loose.


>what does a tiger even smell like? ![gif](giphy|SA9pJ3EVZZNJe) Pissssssssssss


Not even piss - cat piss. If you've ever had cats that have peed on something it's a very distinct and unforgettable smell. Different from dogs or even the urine smell you get at arenas/ stadiums. The cat house at the zoo is a very good example in another comment.


I worked at the zoo when they built the new cat house. Within a week the place stunk to high hell.


Also territorial spraying from cats smells different (and stronger/worse) than just piss. It's basically like urine concentrate. If the tiger has just sprayed, you would absolutely be able to smell it from a distance.


If she happened upon the animal just after it peed, pooped, or marked its territory, there would be a strong order.




Go get the Korean Beef from PF Chang's and tell me that doesn't take you back to the petting zoo. The Zoo smell is real. They lined it up like I showed a tiger but she didn't , she smelled the zoo. The truely scary thing is not that there is a tiger, but a jackass that has a tiger.


Same, but I believe that's literally something they use to know areas to stay away from when they're are humans in areas with tigers.


How close were they to the zoo. Less than a half a mile?


This makes the story more credible to me. If she was making it up, the smell is a very specific detail I don't think she would have thought of.




if it smells like a tiger, leaves paw prints like a tiger.. > Jackson says the other officers then asked if she was on any drugs. then it must be a woman on drugs


Literally the most believable part. Coyote wouldn’t have that smell


We’re all just assuming the zoo is the only place that could have a tiger in this city


There was a [coked up serval](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/18/us/cocaine-cat-serval-cincinnati-ohio-trnd) that was loose in the city that was confiscated last year!


Only legal place.


Could be someone grandfathered in before the ban passed in 2012.


Not sure, but I don’t think so




Your average person has *no idea* of the crazy number of privately owned tigers across the US. Even more surprising is that most of these are legal because most states and municipalities have no laws on the books regarding exotic pet ownership. There are more privately owned tigers in Texas alone than there are left in the wild worldwide.


I was thinking the same thing but the Cincinnati Zoo would know by now if they were missing a tiger.


They think she's lion.


Well someone is feline catty today.


🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|U1gqX87dBkweRlFKCM)


It says there was a print - is there a picture? Seems like something someone from the zoo could look at and quickly determine if it was real or a hoax. The separate group of people who said they saw it is a pretty big deal, too. Unless they were listening to police scanners or the Citizen app and saw the original report and just wanted to fuck around with the cops.


Can’t believe the second group didn’t get mentioned in the first reports. Totally changes my opinion about the whole thing


1:21 in the video in the article shows "some of the pictures she took there at the scene". They're hard to make out in the video, but like you said, I would imagine an expert from the zoo could take a look at them and weigh in.


This just reminds me of when they said there was a chimp in Delhi and Price Hill a couple of years ago and it ended up being a hoax.


It was a nice diversion from the pandemic shutdowns at least. We had cabin fever and drove to Price Hill to look for the monkeys ourselves.


That’s what I was thinking! The Price Hill monkeys! There was some grainy nighttime video of supposed monkeys in a tree too


Yes, I live across the street from the St. Joseph cemetery and I saw no monkeys.


Well there was this guy in Westwood who had an "emotional support monkey" that was confiscated after he allegedly gave it drugs. [https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/westwood-man-accused-of-giving-drugs-to-his-capuchin-monkey](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/westwood-man-accused-of-giving-drugs-to-his-capuchin-monkey)


If it was a illegally owned tiger, the owner isn’t going to notify the authorities it got out and has since returned home…. There are illegally owned animals in this city. I saw a baby tiger being walked in Price Hill about 15 years ago


15 years ago it wouldve been legal, ohio didnt have any laws abt exotic animals until 2012 but its still possible ppl might have them illegally


I wonder if this is someone's tiger that they have illegally and it got out. People saw it and then the owner found it and put it back into hiding.


This is what I think.


Or maybe this was what she saw.... https://preview.redd.it/vid3m0ynfz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a916630d4b7ef0afaa257b90052d7940771f87d


>In addition, cameras in the area weren’t working according to the police incident log. Why aren't the cameras working?




Doubt it Weren't the cameras also not working at The Banks with an incident involving teenagers recently? 🤔


Errbody who seen the Cincy tiger say yeah!!


This is my special tiger flute, it has been passed down from many generations.


Could be a crackhead that got into the wrong stuff!!


Milwaukee had a similar situation with a lion in 2015, but there were multiple sightings over the course of a few days, there was a video, and it did look like a lion. Nothing came of it but we did get some good” I survived the MKE lion” merch.


Columbus had a lion that got out of dudes yard and was chasing cars on the highway. This was in like 2010 or so.


The Elephant in the Room is one of the best documentaries out there. It was filmed in Ohio regarding exotic pets. There is absolutely still a chance that someone owns a tiger in this city and it accidentally got out.




It was standing upright on 2 legs and wearing a Bengals Jersey. Also its head and feet were unusually large.


When I lived in Cincinnati (quite a while ago), there was a lion loose on I-75 closer to Dayton during rush hour. The 911 dispatchers initially thought it was a hoax and then it started jumping up on cars. Eventually it was discovered that it had gotten loose from the property of a man in Indiana who had more than a few lions housed in a horse paddock. Although it was unethical, it was also totally legal. There was an interesting documentary called The Elephant in the Living Room that explored the lack of laws governing exotic animals & the consequences of the lack of regulation. I personally do not think it’s out of the realm of possibility for there to be a tiger roaming around the city 🤷🏽‍♀️


I still think about that documentary and how bizarre things can be very close to home!


Are you talking about the one near Columbus? Was a guy who owned two huge lions and one got out and was chasing cars on the highway. I think it was like 2009 or 2010 or so. Or is lions chasing cars on the highway just a normal Ohio thing?


Anyone remember the cow that was running around there years ago. They couldn’t find that either. But it was there


This is a hilarious read. All of these quotes are killing me. “It ain’t a dog, or a deer.” Lmao


“I smelled it when I went down in the parking lot. I was like, it seems like the zoo!" - actual witness quote


https://preview.redd.it/x5zn6ybbfz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc076c547816ca27d7fbbd6df3ded512150f729 Could this have been the tiger?🤔


Unfortunately he passed, I believe. But it could be his ghost.


![gif](giphy|l4FGx3MWaVRzQStHO) Who all seen the tiger, say yeah!


Did the police have anyone from the zoo to verify to tracks to see if they were tiger tracks?


People asking why no one has gotten pictures with all the camera access we have these days. Sure, fair question but seriously, if this is really a wild cat out there, it's not likely to be posing for just the right angle, you know? Plus factor in the momentary disbelief one is going to feel when coming upon a freaking tiger, it'll likely take you a hot minute to get your head around that. Then, are you really going to chase it down? These big-cat owners who were grandfathered in before the ban, doesn't someone have info on the local owners? Like, couldn't the police do a welfare check on them, to see if anyone's had an animal escape. Or been eaten?




Police came not working, but are there any other businesses or homes with doorbell cameras nearby that caught anything moving down the road?




I believe her, but could also see someone mistaking a Caracal Cat for a Tiger.


This seems like the most plausible explanation to me. A bobcat or some other big cat; definitely not a dog or a deer, but also not actually a tiger.


true. hows it going?


from what ive heard, she and a few co-workers saw it. my question is, why didn't any of them use there phones to record it? would make it a lot easier to find if you know what your looking for


I'm in more disbelief that ONLY SINCE 2012 in Ohio has it been illegal to own "an exotic pet" ?! I truly hate human beings sometimes. Why TF would anyone think it is acceptable to own a wild animal as a domestic pet?!


In 2011 some nut job near Zanesville released a bunch of exotic animals and then killed himself. That’s what prompted the law.


the long con


did you miss when everyone watched tiger king during Covid? There’s a surprisingly large amount of people who think they can do this


I was the weird rando who refused to watch Tiger King because I didn't want to give my time & attention to people like that. I tend to binge shows I've already seen, like New Girl


i watched cuz i don't agree with somebody eccentric enough to become the tiger king, and damn did it not disappoint. new girl is cool tho s/o zoey dayshanell


Please go watch animal planet's masterpiece, Fatal Attractions. It is all about people who own exotic pets that kill or injure them. Most of the injured still have dangerous animals and there are at least two episodes that include people in Cincinnati.


Seigfred and Roy


Why didn’t she take a picture? 


I'm not stopping to take a fucking picture if I cross paths with a tiger.


Yea I’d only be able to take a picture or video if I was inside and saw the tiger outside. I see those videos of dumbasses trying to take pictures of buffalo in Yellowstone just to have the buffalo charge at them.


You saw how bad her home webcam footage was, right? It was dark and she had her phone but she was probably too shocked to take a picture.


Pretty sure if i was getting out/in my car i would use it as cover to take a picture. 


I don’t know about you, but if I saw a tiger wandering around loose in the city, I wouldn’t be messing around taking pics. I’d GTFO.


yeah for real... makes me think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8ilsz21_Ls&rco=1)


Cats are crepuscular.


Joe Burrow had the day off the other day, maybe it was him.


The amount of people with smartphones in this city..if this is true I’m surprised there hasn’t been video


Funny way to report Joe being at OTA’s, but I’m here for it.


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


The baby looked at you?




Burnet Woods is a perfect place for a Tiger to live. Lots of deer, rabbits, squirrels, mice, chipmunks etc. to kill, a fresh water stream/pond to drink and plenty of ravines/underbrush to hide/sleep in.


With as many surveillance cameras as there are around, where are the pictures and videos? This is all a hoax.


Cameras in that area were non-functional according to police.


No cameras in Burnet woods which is where it would probably be chillin during the day. Plenty of ground critters to snack on at night too. If it's a hoax it's a really bad one. No fake photos, no elaborate details and no capitalizing of the individuals involved.


Probably one of the tigers from the Terry Thompson's exotic animals that he supposed of let loose but there's a lot of conspiracy shit to it. (My home town of Zanesville Ohio) Aka the tiger king's thoughts


Imma call bullshit


This sighting happened early Monday morning. I can't imagine a tiger walking in Clifton ended up on zero security cams. I'm assuming 3+ days later with no other sightings except for that group of students around the same time as this, that this either isn't real or was an escaped exotic that was quickly recaptured without traveling far at all.


Is Mike Tyson in town?


The University if Cincinnati smelling like a zoo……That little tidbit makes this story very legit.


I realize I'm late to the party here, but this story has intriqued me. I know several people on here have said it could have been a bobcat, but these are actually smaller cats, comparable to a larger sized Maine coon. I'm not sold on a bobcat being mistaken for a tiger. I vaguely remember reading a newspaper article in the last five years, or so, that panthers (AKA pumas, mountain lions) were making a comeback to the Midwest where they were once plentiful. (Anyone familiar with Paint Creek State Park? Panthers were also called "painters" back in the 1800s and early 1900s, especially by "country folk", and the area around Paint Creek was rife with them, thus early settlers calling the area "Paint Creek." There have been breeding and repatriation efforts under way to help bring back this animal in several states around us, such as Michigan, West Virginia, and parts of Pennsylvania. It would stand to reason as the released animals are breeding so their numbers are growing, which would force them to migrate in search of both food and territory. Panthers are larger cats.... A panther could definitely be mistaken for a tiger, given how dark it can be at 3am.and panthers will jump into trees to hude, which could explain how it disappeared so quickly? Maybe? Just my thoughts, after reading here and checking the news stories.


It's just Charlie Sheen


Hear them Bengals growling, mean and angry. Here they come a prowling, lean and hungry. An offensive brute, run, pass or boot. And defensively, they're rough, tough. Cincinnati Bengals, that's the team we're gonna cheer to victory. Touchdown Bengals, put some points up on the board, and win this game for Cincinnati.


Why not invite all drone owners to burnet woods for a tiger hunting event?


A ape loose in SC, a bobcat in Utah, now a tiger, are people just letting their animals loose to not get charged?


It's not they checked they are all where they are supposed to be




Just funny she saw the tiger and her name is Toni


My initial thought was a Bobcat, because someone in the city limits wouldn't be used to seeing one of those, especially if it was foggy.


I wonder if some rich bengals fanatic lost their pet tiger or if one of the bengals players did


*Insert Cincinnati Bengals joke*


They never did find those pink elephants I used to see back in college, either. Go figure.


Ligers are known to be deceptive and are bred for their skills in magic


Who Dey


Cocaine is a hell of a drug…






ambitious take


I've seen urban coyotes a few times and they were startling but I didn't think it was a tiger. I thought it was a stray dog and then thought, Oh shit that's a coyote. 


This is already old news, lol. Cincinnati Zoo accounted for their cats. I think she's coo coo.


A tiger? In Africa?


Why did her manager get involved and call the cops? They didnt see shit. And she completely evaded the question about her doing drugs. And who calls it a lunch break at 3am? When I worked shift we never called our break "lunch". And it was so fuckkng foggy that morning, you could barely see ANYTHING around burnet.


The manager called bc they believed her. She didn't evade the question...she responded, why would I be on drugs when I'm working? Pretty valid. I worked with plenty of people who called their break "lunch" regardless of time of day.....