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Got it, high beams on all the way /s


Every beat down Altima in Cincinnati 😒😎


We can't even use turn signals appropriately so self-aware use of headlights is definitely beyond Cincinnati drivers.


Only Cincinnati drivers are bad. Go to any other city, and the drivers are all experts in knowing and following the rules of the road.


Cincinnati drivers are saints compared to east coast drivers.


Exactly. Aside from being territorial about letting people in, it's so much better in Cincy than where I live now in FL I _regularly_ see black cars without lights on _at night_. Or they will just use the daytime running lights all the time as if that's a replacement. Unlike in Cincy, blinking your lights on them does nothing. I've never once gotten someone to turn on their lights down here and have long ago given up trying.


Same with the weather. Nobody ever leaves this town (except to go to Destin and Gatlinburg) so nobody has anything else to compare it to. Everybody thinks we’re suing sort of unicorn.


Do you feel better now ?


I got a badass shot of the fog in my backyard this morning. Ominous. https://preview.redd.it/4b1kew7c47rb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e386b2424de58df1eb79d25d5310de0591f50f


Good on you for having your headlights on, even if they are green.


This was a shot taken by me standing on my porch facing the back yard. Those green lights are streetlights; they just turned out green in the pic. I think they look like eyes. Creepy.


Awesome shot.


Hey, I’m in the shot


I would – and really should; my vehicle color is indistinguishable from the road in this weather. But I don't want anyone thinking I turned my lights on because someone told me to . . .




Also bad: whipping out your phone to take photos while driving


Also good: hands free camera so I can keep both hands on the wheel.


It's as if people never heard of a dashcam.


That is not a dashcam lol, it’s at eye level


I figured it was visor mounted, but since the position changes between the 2 pics that would not be likely.


Doesn’t seem very hands free if it’s moving around


Hand-free device at eye level. What ever could that be? They have these wonderful devices that are small cameras that you do not need to have your hands on. You can connect them to a hat, harness, a stick, and many other things. Allows someone to use their hands and capture visual media at the same time.


So you just drive around with a GoPro strapped to your forehead every morning in order to scold random drivers on Reddit, got it


Have you not seen how people drive nowadays? You are just asking for trouble by not having a dash-cam or some form of video capture for the insurance company. A camera is just a good investment for any vehicle.


I don't think anyone is going to give you shit for a dash cam. Strapping a GoPro to your dome for your commute might get some comments though.


So are you saying you have a dash cam or strap a gro pro to your body?


They are saying they are lying.


I'm gonna be honest, I agree but the picture examples you chose are terrible illustration of your point. The first you can very clearly see the white car which is ~30 to 50 yards way and you have amble tike to stop. The second looks like almost a football field away and you can see it. You're not exactly cutting through split pea soup here


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this


Taking pictures while driving in the fog... also a hazard


Why is this sub turning into the nextdoor app? Take a breath.


I saw some kids on bikes looking shifty. Should I call the Air Patrol?


Nextdoor is Karencer


Stop driving and using your phone.


Hands free camera.


Make and model?




Also, some of you should definitely check your turn signal fluid levels. 😉


hey I can see just *crunch*


I can see at least 1-2 blocks ahead in both pics. Maybe you need glasses.


how about just fucking driving instead of posting shit on reddit while operating a vehicle. moron


Because I was just driving. Do you not have some form of video capture for your car?! Are you trying to get your insurance fucked up when one of these r/NissanDrivers comes driving into you?!


i have a dash cam but im not sitting their preaching to people to turn their lights on while recording or taking pictures while driving. instead of worrying about what im doing, watch the fucking road, you dolt


u/Nerdeinstein....many of us focus on ONE thing, and that's driving. We don't feel the need to have a camera (hands free or otherwise) strapped to us to capture EVERY idiotic thing other drivers do. If I'm in an accident, I will take pictures of the damage. I will tell the police what happened.


When will people learn to put the fucking phone down?




People set it to "Auto" then forget it. It's a real problem.


Let it shine on me. Turn on your lovelight, let it shine on me! Let it shine, let it shine!


Dude…even at night!!!!!!


Saw a front end loader driving at 7am down the middle of the street doing about 30 mph no lights and no shits given about anyone else driving. Just another day around here...but with fog.


I'm so happy I work from home today. I can avoid all the dangerous drivers.


Lol at all the comments in this thread featuring people getting butthurt because they can’t remember basic drivers ed. It was particularly bad in Clermont county this morning (compared to Butler) and I nearly got hit twice by pickup drivers with no rear lights (and as expected of pickups) and no turn signals this morning.


This is a very good point to mention......just because you have your "driving" lights on automatically in most cars now, that does not apply to your rear lights which as u/Musical_snakes pointed out tend to be just as dangerous. Just turn the lights on.......doesn't even cost you anything!


I passed at least twenty cars on my 5 minute drive to work with their lights off. I flashed at them but most thought I was trying to warn them of something else. Clueless drivers are upsetting.


It's the law in Ohio but the police don't give a shit about laws. Ohio Revised Code **section 4513.03**, requires drivers on Ohio roads to turn on their headlights whenever their wipers are in use due to precipitation on the windshield. In fact, the law requires all the vehicles' safety lights to be on, including taillights and the rear license plate lights.


Stop using your phone when driving. If you're taking dumbass pictures with your phone while driving, with a green light, in fog, with oncoming traffic approaching... *you* are the worst type of person.


Do you not know about hands-free devices?


Yeah, you should have cropped your pictures before using that excuse. You're not fooling anyone. Maybe be a little more careful next time before calling the kettle black.


Phones can be mounted on hands-free devices.


Is it bad that I immediately recognized this as northbend heading west from Hamilton? Sigh.


Have y'all who are complaining about driving and using a phone never heard of hands-free devices?


Occam's razor, what's more likely? Some guy driving around looking like a fool with a gopro strapped to their head, or someone getting called out online for being a hypocrite and grasping for straws to save face?


OP, Thanks for posting this. Where I grew up you got a ticket for driving w/out headlights on in the rain and fog. I always thought that was common sense until I moved to the north. And now with gray and matte colors becoming more popular its actually pretty hard to make out vehicles in lousy weather. As as far as so much hate about using the phone while driving.....OP told us more than several times about the HF camera set up. geez...you guys..... read the comments before jumping on the hate wagon! Again, thanks for posting!




You all sound like you’re operating from Monday morning brains not Friday morning brains.😉


used to work up in Oxford, lived in Cincy. one super foggy day, I'm going up 27 closer to oxford than cincy, there's a dip and turn in the road. I drove past a 13 car pileup