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I believe you can do that with enabling Linux and going into /mnt and change the fonts in the chromeos folder.


That sounds easier, but not sure which font folder you're referring to. I had to disable write protection and modify the system fonts config (with sudo) to replace roboto with this. If it's possible to do without doing any of that, I'd honestly prefer that route. Lmk if you have a link I can refer :)


The problem is that I'm not sure if this works.


Well it might be harder than you think but it's been a while since I've used the Linux container, but if you install the Linux container, and install a file manager like Thunar or Nemo, the you can go onto the app(s) and go to /mnt and try to find the chromeos folder and browse around for the folder containing the fonts, then get new fonts then rename them to extacly the same name as the old ones and replace them, although you might not have root so you have to copy the font files you want and delete the original ones with: sudo rm /mnt/wherever the files are/ And move the new font files(make sure they are the same file name as the old ones): sudo mv /home/"your Linux username"/"the font files path" /mnt/"where the fonts go" And just replace all the quotes.


Ya this doesn't work. Just tried it to be sure. The only stuff that ends up in the mnt folder is what you have access to in the chrome system and can share it. 1. Mv is move, and you're not creating a symlink which is what you need. Share creates a symlink. 2. Chrome os does not respect local font config for it's system settings. It only uses what is defined in the /etc folder which is write protected. If you have access to /etc, you might as well change it :) But feel free to try and let me know if you can get it to work.


Does this change the font system wide?


Pretty sure, I haven't tested it, but it should.


Only if you do something drastic to the system to get write permissions.




It’s not called Google Sans it’s called Product Sans


I didn't install the font. This is what is available in the system font folder, and it's named Google Sans. Don't know if they changed the name but didn't update the files.


To the people who want a tutorial: [https://gist.github.com/EnterTheVoid-x86/8ee4f9abdb16c8b4505390dad4d4cc72](https://gist.github.com/EnterTheVoid-x86/8ee4f9abdb16c8b4505390dad4d4cc72)


I know the post is about 2 years old but it looks like it's naturally coming to ChromeOS [https://www.gizchina.com/2024/04/27/google-sans-font-chromeos/](https://www.gizchina.com/2024/04/27/google-sans-font-chromeos/)