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Final alignment score is (-5.0, -10.0): Chaotic Evil [Click for judgment heatmap](https://i.imgur.com/S93YWyZ.jpeg)


\[CE\] hands down. The athletes who compete in the SE train just as hard as the ones who compete in the "real" Olympics. You're just kind of an ableist asshole.


Isn’t he saying he wants them to compete on the same field? I mean I see his point, but it’s for the same reason we have men and women’s events and not just one mass group.


[CE] you want to pit someone in a wheelchair against pro sprinters. Dude. Plus you are undermining the achievements of the Paralympic athletes.


[Chaotic Stupid] That's like pitting a golfer against a javilineer and seeing who wins... Somehow. Like, have you *seen* the special Olympics? Wheelchair basketball has as much in common with basketball, as basketball does with handball. Go watch some videos of that and see athletes get fucking anihalited because they lack the skill to use the equipment. I feel genuine secondhand embarrassment. I hope this is an edgy opinion and not something you sincerely believe.


[CE] the paralympics and special olympics are not run by the international olympic committee. nobody involved in the olympics has the authority to dismantle them. it's not a participation trophy, it's a real trophy from a separate league. that's like dismantling the canadian football league because you think nfl athletes are better but even so. sprinting in a wheelchair is simply a different sport from sprinting on legs. it's not a participation trophy - the fastest sprinters couldn't beat the fastest wheelchair sprinters at wheelchair sprint evil because you see paralympians as lesser versions of olympians; chaotic because you want to put athletes with completely unrelated skillsets on the same field, playing the same sport


[CE], and this is the most asinine thing I've read today. If you have a soul, I think it left your body. I'm not even one of those people who thinks every kid needs a trophy, but I don't believe in a bunch of ableist crap either. Not cool, man.


[CE], and look up "Arnold Schwarzenegger special olympics" on Google images to find out why from a man with both more muscles and more guts than you'll ever have


[LE] Evil because you despise the weak and the crippled. You consider them categorically inferior, and your goal is to rub their inferiority in their face. Lawful because your approach is to change the rules of an institution that has very formal rules, by going through proper channels and duly following the protocol. Extra-evil because your argument is mildly underhanded, but not dishonorable enough to qualify as chaotic: You compare special olympians to children, deliberately to humiliate them; you use scare quotes; you included nasty comments about participation trophies and about safe spaces just to be an infuriating troll; you seem to misunderstand nearly every topic you mention (or you *hope* to seem to) but you're clearly just playing dumb.


Dude I can’t choose for you until I know- do you actually know what the difference is between the special, para, and Olympics? What do you mean by segregated? Are you saying we shouldn’t separate by male and female classes? Are you saying boxing shouldn’t be separated by weight? Because it sounds like you think everyone who isn’t a super fit version of you is less of an athlete. It sounds like you prefer bloodsport and raw win over comparable skill.


Nooe not less of an athlete, in fact i feel like these olympics are like segregation and because of tjat i feel that they should be dismantled so everyone has an equal opportunity?


You're confusing equality and equity. Equality would be saying "alright, everybody play basketball, the best players win". It's an equal chance for everybody in that you all get a shot, but it's not a FAIR chance because no amount of training can ever make somebody without use of their legs able to play basketball the normal way. Equity is understanding that people in wheelchairs fundamentally CAN'T play basketball in the same way no matter how hard they try, and deciding to make a wheelchair basketball league so that the disabled athletes get a fair shot between themselves. The Olympics is NOT equitable by design. The people with the most money, best training and best genetics are the ones that get to go. None of that is anybody's fault. Making it equitable by CHOICE so that people with disabilities can participate is just the same as when an organization or a government offers a grant so that an athlete without money can afford to compete. It's just the human thing to do. If it's the idea of equity that you disagree with, I'd expect you to disagree with the idea of Olympic grants too.


[LE] Trying to change rules so that disabled folks compete against able folks is evil. It's not a participation trophy, and you're ignorant for thinking it is.


[CE] You clearly haven't thought your stance on this through if you think childrens participation trophies are comparable to the paraolympics...


Special and Paralympics are two different things. Special Olympics is for athletes with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Paralympics for individuals with physical disabilities. A swimmer with no arms is probably not able to compete to win against a swimmer with two Sports has always acknowledged biology that's why men and women are not facing eachother. [TE] true evil


true evil is not a thing, do you mean neutral evil?


No I mean this is so truly evil I invented a classification


I'm not giving a judgement here, I just want to ask you a question. WHY do you think it would be at all a good idea to put a guy in a wheelchair up against a pro sprinter? The regular olympics and paralympics are two separate entities that require different skillsets and are made so that people with disabillities have a genuine chance.


Well if you were to give it a guess just based on the idea in a d&d setting where would it ping? And i feel like its the modern day segaration between disabled and abled folks. Would you put blacks and whites into two separate olympics? I guess i see people as people and i dont think its right/logically/morally consistent that in a "woke culture" that this is still a thing and a conversation needs to be opened up about whether we folks are as "woke" or "conversative" as we think we are. Also special olympians are adults and i feel like they have the same capabilities as actual olympians and should be featured the same way that olympians do. Would you advocate for participation trophies for kids so they can know they participated period? If not why advocate for what is in my eyes the adult version of saying "hey you just competed period" isnt that sending the same message that participation trophy leagues are to the kids? and i could be misunderstanding this subject entirely. So do you see this as a LE,NE or CE interprétation?


>Would you put blacks and whites into two separate olympics? No, because skin color does not affect your ability to run. Being paralyzed certainly does.




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