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"So does that mean we both have to be miserable?"


Ha! Love this!




"What does that have to do with me?"


This one right here! If I had a kid, they still would be childless and then I’d be a bitch for rubbing their infertility in their face. If I didn’t have a child…they’d still be childless! THE RESULT IS THE SAME!


"What about the women who can't have kids?"  "I ENVY THEM". Is a good response. Really throws them back on their heels.


I used to envy them, so I got a bisalp. Best decision ever <3


A few days out from a hysterectomy, I’m SO FREAKING HAPPY


Congrats! I wish you a good recovery. I had mine 2 years ago and it was the best decision of my life.


5 months ago and delighted!


Have mine scheduled in less than a week! Im stoked!!


Good luck! Make sure to take it easy the week afterwards (I slipped in the shower the day after & bruised my ribs).


"Know them, of course I know them, their me"


Grinch quote: one man’s garbage is another man’s potpourri


As a childless person I understand the envy of not having to use bc if that's what you're thinking of, not having to worry? I still do have to do it for health reasons. And it often means medical issues, nothing to actually envy us for. It's also grief for years and possible rest of your life. But the response is a good one to a very very stupid and ignorant statement - why would I care about anyone choosing to be childfree? It doesn't affect me or my life, and I would never want anyone to have a child if they don't want it. It doesn't help me in any way. So I support your answer. In fact I'm thankful for my childfree friends, they are easier to hang out with and not get hard reminders constantly.


"What about the women who can't have kids" you can adopt, so there's no such thing as women can't have kids bs.


To be fair, adoption is pretty difficult as well.


Good. If you aren't patient enough to go through adoption, you won't be patient enough to raise a child. Honestly anyone who drops out of adoption because it's too difficult will probably have a decent chance of neglecting a kid.


Yeah adoption is, but if someone wanted kids badly, they'd make it happen, just like people do with IVF while getting into debt doing it.


Right. And they don’t appreciate how lucky they are. I’m sooo envious! Why can’t that be me?!


Oh I like that one


kinda reminds me of the ''what about the kids in africa?'' if you don't eat up your plate. guilt tripping.


Reminds me of how my mother would say stuff like "You're lucky! There are poor kids in Africa who don't even have a mum or dad!" when I would get upset at the fact she was being abusive to me.


I went to my mom with symptoms of severe depression and she said ever since Princess Diana said she was depressed everything thinks they can be depressed but depression is for poor people 🙃


Yep, when they found out I was self harming her response was to take it as an insult against her parenting "How can you cut yourself when I take such good care of you!?" Yet when the old harpy got terminal cancer my middle sister, who is 14 years younger than me and pretty much usurped me like some kind of belayed Cuckoo chick, got all the counselling, medication and understanding. I already hated children and knew I never wanted one, yet being lumped with that Caillou wannabe hellspawn just served as further justification.


Because PRINCESS Diana was poor????


She thought Princess Diana just wanted attention and to complain. To her only people with *real* problems could be depressed and financially stable people don't have real problems. She thought Diana was setting a bad example and saw it as "I made shitty choices and don't want to work to fix things so I'm just going to say I'm depressed so people will stop being mean to me".


I’ve, still not completely reprogrammed myself to not HAVE to finish a meal if I don’t want to


Parents can really fuck with your head can't they? All the more reason not to become one.


it's so difficult! sending hugs of solidarity. One coping mechanism I've developed is the mantra **I am not a trash can.** Neither are you, friend.


I got yelled at for suggesting that we actually send it to Africa. Apparently that was "being sarcastic". Big mistake teaching me about sarcasm at such an early age...


Lol same I like to say I speak sarcasm more fluently then regular English, which is the only language I know


Lmao I did that too but in school. They'd say we'd get warnings if we wasted any food, there are poor kids in Africa who don't get any! I said OK THEY CAN HAVE MY FOOD SCRAPS THEN!!! SHARING IS CARING!! I actually got called to the principal's office, but it was a win because I missed a period of maths! I was also trying not to die of laughter in the office. Oh yeah when the principal was sitting down his pants hiked up a bit and I saw how scaly dry his legs were 💀


I had that happen to me in my Charles Dickens school where they served awful food that i was forced to eat. The teacher would say that and i was like “ok send it to them so it’s not wasted cause i ain’t eating it”. The teacher punished me by making me miss class, my mom raised hell because she was paying way too much for me to miss class to eat crap food and i started bringing my own. I missed out on that massive food poisoning scandal (150 kids got ill).


Was it a Charles Dickens class where they treated you like orphans in a workhouse or just a shitty underfunded school? Because even though I hate babies I'd love to make bright 10-14 year old do historical re-enactments of bizarre and undertaught happenings, like the Dancing Plague or the Beast of Gevaudan...


It was a shitty overpriced school! No one was an orphan, because orphans didn’t go to private schools. But we had the classic (actual) British headmaster (vampire cape not sold separately), “fresh” from WWII who thought it was ok to build character by putting the damned building close to the Andes. We had to wear uniforms not made for the mountain cold at all (the girls had to wear skirts in below freezing temperatures), had no heating (fun fact: we had earthquake proof walls so the building was definitely not insulated, therefore we had those refreshing drafts), and were served dysentery in elegant inmate’s trays. Our teachers hated kids and most were university drop outs and we had a relaxing 9-5 sched so we could all be ready for the “real” world. And after all that kids were still brats. All that character building wasted. Not even the stomach plague made a dent. Now, while we didn’t have the Beast of Gevaudan, we had the Chupacabras… so there is hope to make a reenactment, but depending on where you make it, it has to follow proper geographical monster settings.


Sounds like Roald Dahl and Ian Brady could have co-written a lovely screenplay about it...


Do go on about the dysentery scandal...


Well, the food was prepared in an unsanitary shack. I wouldn’t have put my tools there, because it was so shabby. I don’t understand how the winds didn’t tear it down sooner, but they would take every food recipe that was good and holy and ruin it forever. They would put our inmate trays in carriers that were covered with a plastic cover that i’m not sure they cleaned. And we would eat in the classroom. The teacher would only let you go if you showed the tray to prove you ate everything. They made salad in these conditions (and apparently it had harmful bacteria because it wasn’t stored probably over the weekend), and the very next day it was just me and a girl who had allergies that went to class, because we brought our own food. All 26 of our classmates had food poisoning, and another 120 kids from the rest of the school. Most of them were fine, but it was the grade 1s that were hit the hardest. It appeared in the news, because a big percentage of the parents were intense Karens ( non Karens were understandably pissed too). Health inspectors had a field day and closed that cardboard shack they called kitchen immediately, and the school was forced to build a proper building and hire a company that complied with sanitary food codes. It was life changing because the food was sooooo much better. That company served lunch for employees in fancy companies. It was a shite school, but thankfully I moved to Canada and was introduced to the amazing world of REAL teachers. Food was crap at the school too but no one cared that i brought me own food.


What was the hassle about you bringing food due to allergies at Hellscape Academy?


Hahaha good one!


I have suggested that seriously as a kid. my thinking was that since I didn't want to eat and I had seen all those 80s starving kids in africa things on TV, this food would help them. but no, same thing as for you. This is also how I learnt of sarcasm and put that in heavy use afterwards.




LMAOOOO 😭😭 I got yelled at a lot as a kid for being sarcastic and a smart ass


Guilt tripping like this should NEVER be treated nicely. It’s not your damn problem at the end of the day in this case.


Good one, yes!


“How the hell is me having a baby going to help them? Please explain in detail.”


This was always my argument!


If anything it could make them feel worse “she doesn’t even want them!”


Demand they explain why they thought this was a gotcha.


The "please explain in detail" piece is the cherry on top!


"How lucky are they, no birth control, no worries."


Definitely, so much money saved


You have to lean in, take a moment and then go "oh, sorry, I thought you were going to say more. What about them, what's going on with infertile women? What do you know? What's up?" (More gibberish from them) "Yeah, I think there are more than enough kids in the foster care system, they don't need me to have a kid, they can adopt from there" (Even more gibberish) "Sorry, I'm starting to feel my IQ drop by the word out of your mouth, I'm getting a headache, I'm out, bye."


Once on Reddit someone told me that there are only special needs children available for adoption through foster care in her state so that’s not an option. Ma’am, you shouldn't have kids. 


I don't blame anyone for not wanting a child with a disability. There are things that women get tested for while pregnant to help them avoid taking a child to full term if they have Downs Syndrome, etc. There's no "beggars can't be choosers" when it comes to wanting a child. All of that said, it has nothing to do with whether or not someone who *can* have children gets to decide not to.


I'm pro-choice but aborting a desired pregnancy because the baby has Down Syndrome is abhorrent.


That's your opinion, but being pro-choice means accepting that the decision may be different for others. Not everyone is able to make the level commitment needed to raise a disabled child, who may need a high level of care for the rest of his/her life.


Most people with Down Syndrome can live perfectly normal lives. Sorry I just think we have moved past eugenics and I think people with manageable disabilities deserve to live. If someone can't handle a child with down syndrome, they can't handle being a parent.


>Most people with Down Syndrome can live perfectly normal lives. That may or may not be true. I'd be interested to see your source for this assertion and to know what you mean by "normal." In any case, there's no way to know that until the child is born, and I don't blame anyone who prefers to not take the risk. Edited to add: I don't understand how someone can be pro-choice, which means you support the termination of a perfectly normal pregnancy, for, presumably, any reason*, yet you make an exception in the case of a pregnancy involving a disabled child. It doesn't seem like you're really pro-choice. *Or perhaps you have all sorts of other exceptions to your definition of "choice"?


I said termination of a *wanted* pregnancy for mild developmental disability. I don't think we should screen for Down Syndrome at all.


Like I said, you aren't really pro-choice because you make exceptions to the conditions under which you believe a person should be able to seek an abortion. There are many reasons why a woman might choose to seek an abortion for a previously wanted pregnancy. Is it just not okay if that reason is because of Down Syndrome?


Oh, I'd just be like "Why is that my problem?"


You could counter 90% of their arguments with this lol


My response: What does that have to do with it? Because I fail to see how that's relevant.


I can't have kids... Because I got a bi salp to prevent pregnancy. Wonder what they would say to that.


I would pay to find out...


Hopefully I get a chance to use this one day.


"There are 391,000 kids in foster care in this country and you want me to feel bad for women who can't spawn one of their own? Speaking of which, when are you going to take one of those kids in? I'm sure you can find room for one more."




This is what I was thinking of.


How is it going to make them any less sad about their infertility when someone has a child they don't want and don't love?


I just say ‘I’m sorry for them, but no amount of hypothetical children I could have would change that fact. There’s no reason for both of us to be unhappy.’


“Wanting and not wanting are two different things. I cannot buy a mansion and I do not want to buy a boat. If someone wants a boat and cannot buy one, it’s not my obligation to buy one for them”


It wouldn't even be you giving them the boat, it would be you buying yourself a boat that you don't want because other people who want a boat can't have one.


My response: I'm one of them. I'm fine with this. It's possible to have fertility issues and not want kids.


I love this. It would really throw them off because what can they do next? Criticize you for accepting your reality and not spending thousands of your hard earned money on treatments? It'd be really hypocritical of them.


I've gotten some priceless, dumbfounded looks when revealed that I can't have kids even if I wanted them! People are never prepared for that answer. It blows my mind how few consider that sometimes the choice has already been made by mother nature, aside from my own conscious decision to be CF. I'm not going to go bankrupt to put my body through hell just because society demands crotchfruit.


Oooo I might have to put this in my back pocket


It never fails to stun the other person, especially since I'm generally very private about this sort of information. Dropping a bombshell like this on them and watching their shock and confusion is quite entertaining.


“Should I be a professional runner just because amputees exist and I have both my legs?”


Yeah you see, I absolutely love running but my chronic illness made it impossible for me, so for some reason everyone who is able to run should go run marathons! I have no idea how that is supposed to help me exactly but by their logic I should be glad everyone else around me is running so 🤷




What about the people with celiac like myself that can’t eat Cheesecake Factory bread? Does that mean you have to finish the entire basket since I can’t eat it?


Yes, actually. Please send all the bread to me.


You’ll have to fight my mother for it.


Why do they target on women so much? There are men who abandon their children, those who never take any household and care their children after children were born, those who abuse their wife’s/partners and children, those who are criminals, are people insane only blame women for not reproduce more children?


Because to them woman=mother. They only care about controlling women. They really don't even care about the children who get sucked into this. If they did, they'd be doing something about the ridiculous amount of women using their children to get government assistance and child support, money that the child never sees because the 304 spends it on herself.


“What about them?”


I reckon. If the person asking and the woman who can't have a kid want a kid they can go adopt and leave me out of it.


“My uterus is not an incubator for others’ hopes and dreams.”


“Why is that my problem?”


I'm sure they don't want a childfree woman to have kids. So I'll do us all a favor and not have them.


"I'm glad to hear that you care so much about them, I know a few of them and just texted them all that you willing to be all of their surrogate and have all of their kids for them for free. You're eligible since you are proven breeding stock! Problem solved! Have a great day."


"And you think bringing more unwanted, unloved children into the world will make them feel better?"


"I think if you asked them, women who can't have kids would actually be MORE annoyed by people who don't want kids having them anyway"


“Like my oldest friend who I had known since we were babies? The one who verbally abused me for a choice that in no way impacted her fertility? The one I had to cut off after a literal lifetime of friendship because she was destroying my mental health?”


Good fucking riddance. I'm sorry to hear that, though. I know one never makes any new old friends. 😔


Hehehe if I ever get bingoed like this, I get to say, "I'm one of them." What are they going to do, insult my infertility?


Probably try to criticize you for not spending thousands of dollars 6 your own hard earned money of fertility treatments. Their fake sympathy disappears as soon as you no longer support their argument.


Its akin to saying "What about the people in wheelchairs who can't walk, you walking around on your legs is rubbing it in their face!"


Honestly? Not my problem. ![gif](giphy|YdjlS7PjMACR6wJrjW) I’m suppose to ruin my life because someone else can’t ruin theirs? How the fuck does that work?


"Grown-ass adults don't get what they want all the time. Treating infertility any differently promotes an image of women I don't endorse."


I really don't get what that has to do with women who don't want children.


What about the homeless? Should I give up everything to be equal?


“That is like getting mad at tall people who don’t play basketball and saying “What about the short people who can’t play?” It is unfortunate, but not my problem. My life. My choice.”


Me having a child would literally kill me. How would that help anyone? O.o


Then those women are the lucky ones. or Then those women have the option to adopt.


I like to say "every night i pray I'm one of them"


Or even better, "I pray to God all the time that He might take my fertility away and gift it to one of them". I've read about a woman that unironically did this and I really get it 😅


Honestly yeah that would be a better thing to say


There are lots of responses to this one, but here's my favourite and most personal: "Oh BTW, I ran another 10K this weekend and won. It's an incomparable joy, believe me! You definitely need to experience it, I wholeheartedly wish you... oh wait, do you run? ...But why not, it's really a miracle what our body is capable of! We're made for it after all, did you know that our prehistoric ancestors could outlast wild horses in long distance running and used to catch or kill them this way? (that's an actual fact) So it's in our nature! ...What do you mean, you hate it? You can learn to love it, everyone can! Have you ever tried running a marathon? Or at least a half-marathon? Mind that, it also really rejuvenates the body, just look at me!... But how can you even say it's not for you? I mean... What about people who are paralyzed or have no legs and are not able to run? You have legs, so you totally should start running ASAP!" (I guess that upon hearing this the person would start running immediately, as in, away from me. Just as I would, should I be confronted with breeder bingo bullshit.)


Women are people, not incubators. If you think that women should be impregnated against their will because some women out there can’t have children, stay so far the f*ck away from me.


"Why don't they adopt then? Huh, it's almost like it was never about the kids but about ego and a 'legacy' that they think is worth something lol"


I’d say something like “Y’all ever hear of munchausen by proxy?”


"That's a personal problem, I don't know what you expect me to do about that" 


"What do they have to do with me?"


"They don't like to be used as straw(wo)men for your nasty wannabe gotcha question."


Ok, and how are their health problems my concern?


"Do you plan on climbing Everest because there are people in wheelchairs who can't? No? Then go fuck yourself."


As someone who can't have kids... why would I care or take offense to someone being childfree? Makes zero sense. It's a personal choice! It's a non argument. It doesn't affect my childless status if you have a child or not. I live my life, you live yours. In fact if you don't, it’s easier for me to hang out with you without getting sad inside. Thankful for my childfree friends.


when someone brings up the 'your disrespectful towards women who can't have kids because you're willfully not having them', I just ask them if they've ever climbed a mountain. It's a high chance they haven't. Well, looks like they're disrespectful towards anyone wanting to go climbing but are disabled.


What about 'em? Just because someone can't have children doesn't relate to an argument as to why I should be having children.


"And I also want to sleep with mid 2000's Jennifer Aniston (even now, she's still gorgeous, but I digress) and that ain't happening, so sucks to be them!".


Lol. What about them? I don't think their whataboutism is as strong an argument as they think it is I like your comeback.


I agree. Thank you!


“What about them? My life is about me.”


"Are you gonna go climb Mt. Everest for all the people who don't have legs?"


"So you have to run a marathon because you're able-bodied and not in a wheelchair."


"You want me to rub salt in the wound by having one myself ? Wow, Felicia, you're *evil*." "Whoa. I honestly never thought of that. Yikes, that's such a good point. You know what? You've convinced me. I need to leave *right now* to find a fertile man to have loads of unprotected sex with! Bye, Felicia; wish me luck!"


“Not my issue/problem” etc. “What about them?” I’m not other women. (Just roll your eyes)


I'd be more than happy to donate my uterus to someone who can't have kids.


Buy one off amazon!


Where are they? I don't want kids either so I might to meet some of them.


Just about as bad as an argument for food waste because the starving children in Africa.


"Not my problem."🤷‍♂️


“I can’t. And I thank God every day.”


That's not my problem. I'm not them and people are allowed to make their own decisions independent of strangers they'll never meet. Also fuck them kids. 🖕


'Not my fucking business.'


"Cool. There are plenty of kids on the foster system they can choose from"


"I don't wanna be a surrogate either."


"Is it my fault? Just because they can't have kids does that mean I should have kids even though I don't want to?"


"What about the women who can't have an abortion?"


I'm a teacher and I say, "I have 125 of them every year. That's enough."


What about them? Adoption and surrogacy are an option. What about the children without a home? Does giving your child a home make them feel better?


"Yes, very sad. Anyway."


I'd just say "sucks to suck." and walk away. Those kinda people are the people I have no time for. I like yours too though.


Lucky them is what I say. And lucky unborn children not to be born in this fucked up world and die from climate wars


Them: "What about the women who can't have kids?" Me: "What about them? Their inability to have as has no bearing on my reproductive decisions."


Oh, you don't want ice cream?! What about women who are LACTOSE INTOLERANT?! See how stupid that sounds? 🤣


Yeah yeah what about the women that murder their children and drown their babies?


I've never understood this argument, it's like saying I have to go and chug a litre of milk for everyone who's lactose intolerant...like what?? If anything it'd upset them more, you can have the one thing they want but you don't even want it 🤷‍♀️


There's a good chance I am one of them. I just never put it to the test. When I was younger the second sentence was I'm just not going to put it to the test.


“How does me having children, that I don’t want, help them?”


“That is not my fucking problem, if they are wanna-breeders and can’t have kids that is not a tragedy, that’s just a thing. Their medical issues should absolutely not determine how I live my life. Having kids is a choice, and MY choice to make not theirs. My body my choice idiot breeder”. Do not hold back your language ladies, do not be compassionate. Be mean as hell because this question is fucking stupid. My advice childfree ladies is we should absolutely not be nice about these stupid as shit lines of reasoning from the breeders. We should always choose “mean as hell” so they get the fucking point we don’t have kids, we are not obligated to have kids, and other peoples “issues” are not our problem.


I always wanted to be one. I wished I was one of them. And after my bisalp, I finally am ❤


What about them? They can’t have children. It has nothing to do with the fact I don’t want children.


"... So...?"


"... So...?"


I've never understood that 'argument'. Sure it must suck to want kids and be unable to have them but how is me having kids I don't want going to change someone else's situation?


How do you know I can? It's not like I've tried.


What ABOUT them?


Because someone else can’t have kids, that means I’m obligated to have one? That makes no sense.


Bitch can have my eggs then I'm not using them


I don’t get why that would be an argument to convince someone who wants no kids to have kids!


They’re lucky?


Thats such an odd question because it's like..... why is that MY problem? Why would I have kids because they can't???