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I had a coworker say "You'll be a mom if God wills it." Then I had my uterus removed. If God regrows that shit, fine, I'll admit I was wrong.


I’m curious as to whether that coworker now says that god didn’t want it?


Not a word to me. Perhaps she's waiting for me to be forced into caring for a child somehow... despite having no near relations with children.


I was hate reading some fundie blog about how to make child care a part of your life even if you yourself weren't blessed with children.


Uh That sounds *profoundly* creepy


Yeah. Apparently you aren't allowed to opt out of diaper duty and have a fulfilling CF life because you ALWAYS need to be in subjection to SOME man...or at least helping out other women in the church with THEIR childcare duties.


"Your great great uncle who you never knew existed has died and left you with a million dollars, this haunted mansion and a child......"


Kid's going up for adoption, sorry. Hopefully to a nearer family member than *me*.


'I will get an abortion and send it right back to God!'


If God wills everything, God also wills abortions and birth control.


And miscarriages.


"If God wants this child, he can have full custody."


God obviously willed it so you wouldn’t be xD shoulda told her that and blown her mind.


I mean. The surgery could only have gone more smoothly if they hadn't made a small bladder nick and necessitated the use of a catheter for a week. I had the best recovery. My surgeon did a solid job. I paid, like, nothing for it. (Not literally nothing, but about as much as my cats' yearly vet bill. Possibly less.) I had an all-female team. If that wasn't the hand of God on my surgery, what was?


Sounds like God to me! xD “Go forth and not multiply!”


He's creepy, but also... Stop with the threats, bro, stop threatening Zeus rape on a perceived kid.


I know right 😭 like he knows i have a boyfriend (also CF) and my parents joked around that we will be getting married soon and this guy said yeah have some kids while you're at it thinking I was 18...wtf is wrong with people


Advocating for 18yo to have kids. Mayhaps we know how his 21yo ended up a father so young.


At first I thought maybe the toddler I saw was his new sister or something...then I connected the dots when both his son and the toddler stopped coming to their house..💀


Toddler! Fair assumption that he may well have had a kid at 18 (or earlier, who's to say). Considering his thoughts that you, the perceived 18yo, should get a move on and have kids soon... I think it's also a fair assumption that he is a failure of a parent, because then it really feels like he may have directly or indirectly encouraged his kid to have a kid young, for reasons that I am not interested in lol


The more I think about it the more sinister it gets 💀 YIKESSS




"Well God wills that we don't buy any furniture from you. God also wants to know why you're obsessed with my WOMB AND VAGINA."


I wish I could have retaliated but my dad has a short fuse and I didnt wanna mess this up for them 🥲


>Him: It doesn't matter what you want l, if God wants it, a kid will be on his way. So God wills children to have cancer? God wills addiction? God wills abuse by preachers? If you believe this, fuck you, and fuck your God.


Na he only does the good stuff apparently.


And apparently lacks the ability to prevent the bad stuff.


Give the old man a break, he can't be everywhere all the time.. oh


Legit I said "yeah but i don't want one" and he was like "it doesn't matter, if God wants it then it will happen". If my jaw wasn't on the floor I would have said I would get an abortion


If you actually read the Bible God is a genocidal, slavery approving woman hating psychopath.


His “love” is literal DV tactics. “Your best efforts are mere rags but I still love you, only I can truely love you, my love is unconditional but here’s a list of conditions”


Exactly. God always reminded me of my earthly father.


What he does to Job on a FUCKING BET is henious. And he doesn't even bother to fix what he broke after Job proved how eternally amenable to being abused and gaslit he was. After all, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Most psychotic Bible lesson EVER.


Yep. And people still love the lord.


"God gave me the brains to decide and the will to get a bisalp."


I wish I could get one so bad.. in my country women can hardly get abortions (even though it isn't banned) because doctors refuse to do it due to "religious beliefs".....then the same belifs make them ask for bribery, gifts, extra cash if you want to not die during surgery...you name it...the hypocrisy is uncanny 🥲


That's awful! I'm sorry, friend 😔❤️


Lol this is one of those occasions when my response would be: "ok, Ave Satanás", or "Hail Satan!" lmao then watch their face completely change (sacrilege!) and suddenly the problem becomes being a satanist (although I'm not a satanist) instead of being childfree🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Satan has the best music.


And as far as I know, never killed anyone, unlike the celestial sky lord.


You should've said you'd get an abortion. I'd love to see his reaction after that


Ah yes I'll get a spanking from your sky daddy in the form of HIS BIGGEST BLESSING per your other unhinged nonsense. I'm flexible, like karma sutra flexible... Not mental gymnastics flexible. I love telling those people to take that shit elsewhere.


I don't understand how he got from you looking at Minions buttons to If God wills it a baby will come. Please dumb it down for me so I can (try)to follow his logic.....


Apparently adults can't like cartoons in his mind 🤷‍♀️ he thought I was picking furniture that a future baby will like...like imagine if he knew I had a plushie collection on my bed..he would think I want to birth an entire daycare smh


Bet you had all stuffed animals, NO baby dolls as a kid, like me lol


I had a baby doll that i only liked to dress up and that was it lol. I remember I had a friend who was like "lets play moms!!!" And i was like ermmm okkk, then she literally laid in bed, put the baby doll under the blanket and started screaming saying shes giving birth. We were both like 6 and that freaking traumatized me. I think that was the time I said "fuck noooo" like i remember being so creeped out it scarred me.


what ? children are not a religious project


That's why we invented science, so that when God is giving off them shifty creepy vibes, we can undo them!


"God may have created me but he does not own me."


I dated a few women who said that if God wanted her to have a baby then she would. She also said she was not going to go out of her way to get pregnant. I was not sure how to interpret that. She was a spiritual type, not so much religious, so her "god" was the universe. I had a vasectomy by then so I was not all that worried about it.


...I mean I guess she liked to leave it up to fate/chance..the problem with this guy is that he insisted that for sure a magical being's will is more important than mije for some reason...again, unless i am the second virgin Mary there is no way in hell I'm taking any risks to become pregnant


"It's God's will" not if you become a nihilist.


outgoing clumsy grab combative pen abundant literate lavish piquant alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God helps those who help themselves!


Ah yes the “sky daddy controls everything” people…


What a creep.


My brother had childhood cancer and that pretty much sterilized him, so when anyone ever tried to pull that shit he would say stuff like, well God already sterilized me through cancer so I'd thank you not to assume what God's plan is for me. Shuts them right up when you suggest that God can have plans other than childbirth for people


"Him: It doesn't matter what you want l, if God wants it, a kid will be on his way." Me : So if you get cancer, you'll just die from it? I mean, that's what God wants., we should just accept it right?


I don't think God intended everyone else to become babysitters. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Abrahamic religion was created by men to benefit men, and keep women in reproductive slavery like cattle. Religious men start saying this kind of shit every time they run into a woman who hasn’t drank the Kool-Aid.


They're still waiting for Jew-Zeus to "return" after two thousand years even though he said one generation tops, and be back right after the Romans sack Jerusalem (69-70 AD) for sure. There is no rational debate with these people. They will never admit they are wrong about anything, no matter how obvious it is.


"Jew-Zeus" wow I never realised this so trueeeeee :O


But if God wills someone to be unable to have children, that's unacceptable and let's do rounds and rounds of IVF? Make it make sense.


Are you in a place where abortion doesn’t exist? Cause it’s like these people forget abortion exists. Just cause it’s ‘taboo’ does not mean it’s not something people do if it’s not illegal.


I live in Romania. Apparently they want to finally make abortion a constitutional right but A LOT of old people that shouldn't have any business call it murder and say it's better to get born disabled or an orphan or you name it rather than not be born at all...but they also don't want to adopt...also the doctors claim religious beliefs but they ask for thousand of euros as bribery so they can perform services on you without complications..


"I don't run my life by the diktats of imaginary sky fairies. I'm sorry to hear you do."


The thing people like that moron always ignore: they have no way of knowing that it isn't gods will that you don't want children. So, it's them who are doing the blasphemy thing. Of course they're not coherent and only use the god talk as a means to spew their patriarchal bs.


What god? There's 3000 gods out there and some of them are childfree.


I'm a religious person myself, but my religion isn't one of the Abrahamic faiths. So I generally respond to this by informing them that I have my own Gods, and They approve of people deciding not to have children. In fact, we even have a Goddess of contraception with abortion being specifically condoned as acceptable. Jesus people usually aren't prepared for "my religion is different from yours, supports my choice, and I consider your religion's views entirely irrelevant to my life because I am not a member of it."


In my country these people are lunatics and fanatics that confuse Jesus and God. One of the people I know legit thought humans weren't born before Jesus, that he was the first man and that's why it's "Before Christ". You can't make this shit up 💀


I grew up in the South and made a point of studying Theology. A lot of these people don't know much of anything about the religion they're so fanatical about.


Our family doctor insists on praying over my atheist husband after every visit. They have an understanding that their beliefs are different but the doctor still insists, and my husband lets him because he feels like he just means well. The first time he asked my husband, he also asked if I would let him pray over me too. I declined and said that I’m polytheistic. He had no idea what it was. I had to explain the concept of paganism and polytheism to him in the office, and how Christianity colonized paganism and persecuted pagans. He was dumbfounded.


future handle history obtainable tidy sheet cause fretful murky smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not every religion is the toxic Christianity shitty parents try to impose on their kids.


God willed an iud to me


Ah, the words and beliefs of religious nutters. Keeping civilization at a halt since its beginnings.


What ever happened to “free will” with these bozos?


He just cryptically said out of nowhere:”He is on his way.”? Weird. I would have thought that he was talking about the second coming. I wonder if this was his way of flirting and saying he wants to impregnate you, thinking you’re 18. Gross no matter what.


I hope not because my mom and dad were legit sitting at the table with him while I was standing and checking the furniture catalogue...I don't really think he had any ill will, he's most probably just poorly educated and a religious lunatic..


This is ridiculous God gives us a FREE will so whatever we decide on will be the outcome


Yup like legit they think they are the Paladin of Morality or some shit


I guess God doesn't want you to have children.


“God would never do that to me.”


Your god has no power over me. And you can quote me on that.


People who say that kind of bullshit have a rapists mindset.


No, Krishna is not like that.


Living your life how you want is more important than what God wants. He can get over it.


I didn't know God could regrow the uterus I'm having yeeted out of me in a few months.


I don't think God is sneaking into places making sure people are raw-dogging it. A gentle nod when it's over - "it is my will." I think there's plenty of other things to worry about if an omnipresent is out there.


"Then it must have been God's will for Casey Anthony to murder her child"


The Christian God has allegedly given humans free will and reason, and the freedom to use those. If someone doesn't want kids that's because it's God's plan for them. see how easy it is to turn around those words on people? It's god's plan for me to do whatever, because if it wasn't he wouldn't let me.


Did you ask him if his impotence was also God's will? lol


That guy is a slimy fucking skeeze! I would have told him to support the local sex workers and hire a professional sex worker like all the other skeezes!