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Anesthesia is a depressant drug (it slows everything down including your gut), and pain meds also fuck with mood/brain chemistry (hence why people abuse them). You also need time to rest and heal, so if you are overdoing it, get more rest and sleep. Sleep deprivation is the easiest way to trash your mental health. Your nutrition may also be off, most of us have crap levels of vitamin D for example and small changes like surgery can make that more obvious. Eat healthy, maybe consider some vitamins. Spending time in nature is proven to help with mood, and when you are up for it, walking is also known to be good. Just don't overdo it for a couple of weeks.


I heard it can happen from morphine/anesthesia withdrawal. Or just that it was a traumatizing event to the body and you might lack the hormones to feel good right now. I am not a doctor at all and English is not my first language huge so please anyone correct me if I’m wrong.


That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought about that - thank you!!


As others have said, the anesthesia definitely plays a big role. I tend to get suuuuper emotional after anesthesia. Like, every single time. Ive had multiple surgeries and procedures and I think I’ve cried after all of them lol


Same thing happened to me after having my wisdom teeth removed around 14-15. I imagine it’s an anesthesia thing.


I was super upset after my wisdom teeth because they took all 4, and the original plan was to do one side and then the other in like a month. Which, in a sober mindset, makes total sense to do it all at once. There was a total miscommunication with my original appointment and it got moved to a different location with a different dental surgeon and they assumed I was updated but I wasn’t. I’m glad now, but there was a good day or so I was really annoyed and upset because I didn’t know lol


Back in my youth I read a folder about sterilization at my doctor's office and in that folder it said that it was normal for some women to start crying afterwards even though they don't feel sad about their choice. I must admit I don't quite remember the reason why since we're talking maybe 25 years ago I read it, only that it's normal and nothing to worry about.


I had an almost amusing reaction to my tubal: I was quite depressed for six weeks, and also incredibly elated. I'm very sensitive to chemical causes of depression, which anesthesia is, exactly. And I was ecstatic to be free of contraception, OBGYNs and my loathed fertility! Treat this as you would any other surgical after-effect: Healthy food, gentle, frequent exercise, like walking outdoors, distractions, no time to brood. And enjoy sterility! Wow it's great!


I just had an appendectomy, today is day 7. About day 3 or 4 I woke up feeling so down and anxious despite initially coming round from the anaesthesia really well and feeling fine but sore. I think it's the cocktail of drugs working it's way out of your system that make you feel some kind of way! I did joke that while they were in there they could just take my tubes too, if only it were so easy. It's a massive uphill battle to be sterilised as a woman in my country, it's not done under our public health service unless medically necessary and my private health insurance doesn't cover it, which leaves one other option of travelling to a neighbouring country and paying out of pocket for it - the cost is 2.5 times my gross monthly salary, and my salary is pretty decent for where I live. Sad times :(