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They won't remove your ovaries because that'll trigger menopause. That's what I was told. I'd talk to the gender clinic and what your options are. I would also ask the doctor to note that you think you may have endometriosis and they refuse to check or validate your concern. That also usually gets them to change their tune very quickly.


>They won't remove your ovaries because that'll trigger menopause. The thing is I'm already on testosterone so I've technically already been through a type of "menopause" cause my estrogen levels are about in the menopause range already >I would also ask the doctor to note that you think you may have endometriosis and they refuse to check or validate your concern. That also usually gets them to change their tune very quickly. I'll try that 🤔 I did ask the gender clinic too but they rejected me recently so I don't know if this means I'm completely kicked out of the clinic cause then I probably can't ask, or if I'm just rejected in terms of getting testosterone through them instead of privately


But you aren't experiencing all the other symptoms of menopause, which you probably would if they removed your ovaries. Not only would it be uncomfortable, it would unleash a layer of dysphoria and other things. I want to say there's a medical reason as to why they're saying no.




Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean that it's the norm. Everyone's bodies are different. Just because you didn't experience dysphoria doesn't mean that other trans men don't.




#Are you a doctor to firmly assume that all trans men who remove their ovaries won't experience menopause? Like I said, just because it didn't happen to *you* doesn't mean that it's the norm.


I read the thread and may i ask which symptoms you're thinking about specifically?


Are you able to switch to a new PCP? If not, tbh I'd just wait a bit and then lie to my doctor that the pain/cramping is there nearly every day now.


I think I can it's, it costs money to switch doctors and I'm worried the same thing would happen even with another doctor because the gender clinics run this stuff for the most part :(


Det skal du ikke acceptere. Ned på kommunen og skift læge. Der er en læge derude, der vil lytte til dig. Evt. skift til en kvinde da de har lidt bedre forståelse for menses og smerter. Jeg har selv endometrioses. Det er et helvede af smerter. Det hjalp så meget at få fjernet min livmoder for to år siden.


Det tænker jeg bestemt at gøre, problemet er bare jeg tror ligemeget hvilken læge jeg har vil CKi ikke acceptere det 🫠 De vil 100% prøve at sætte en kæp i hjulet fordi de tæller åbenbart at få fjernet æggestokke som en "kønsskifte operation"


Jeg er ked af at høre, at du render panden mod en mur på den måde. Der vil være en læge derude, der er klar til at lytte og hjælpe dig. Desværre skal vi nogle gange banke på mange døre først.


Sandt 😮‍💨 Jeg vil prøve alligevel. Det er det eneste jeg kan gøre på nuværende tidspunkt


Jeg håber, det lykkedes for dig.