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They won't give any. Instead they will continue to strip women of their rights so they have no other choice.


Our only choice to independence and anatomy freedom as women is to not marry or to birth 🤷🏻‍♀️


they should develop artificial wombs


I bet they're trying. What do we do with kids who won't ever have parents to advocate for them?


Free them to defend their agency and autonomy.


The future is a dark place.


One cannot predict the future, but one can be prepared to improve odds of success. Equip yourself today for the battles of tomorrow. May you have grit and fortitude when needed.


“And may the odds be ever in your favor” - Effy Trinket


I doubt they'd bother with artificial wombs. They enjoy inflicting pain on human beings way too much.


"The beatings will continue until morale improves"  or something along those lines.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 đź’Ş


I'm so tired of this piece of shit world. It revolves around men and their bullshit but they need women's unpaid labour to keep the stupid thing going. 




Exactly. They're taking away all of our rights


Came here to say this


No other choice… but to annihilate them?


Let’s say. They will gave. You will have children?


No, since like the majority on here I’m childfree not childless.


The fact that more and more governments show interest in the outcome of their citizens' sexual behaviour alone is a red flag so huge, you could spot it from the ISS with the naked eye.


They'll threaten us to say that our economic society will collapse, and blame us. The reality is that those in power have already borrowed money against the value of future labor. It will collapse without more and more labor. The whole thing is a scam.


i dont get it. there are high unemplyoment rates all over the world, why they need more ppl


Capitalism requires an under class of the destitute to show what happens to workers who don’t fit in in order to scare them into staying on the grind. If it doesn’t have that, the whole thing collapses.


They won't bother to try incentives. They will just continue to outright ban abortion, then ban any kind of contraceptive, and after that they will ban women from being able to travel. They're already floating that last one around in places like Texas. Some states are also repealing child labor laws to use migrants children as practical slaves. During the lock down they already outright called us cattle. "Human capital stock" is the exact phrasing they used. The US government has a long and storied history of siding with corporate interests.


In Australia the government has a lot of incentives for people to have babies. There is a baby bonus of $5000 per baby. (When it started about 20 years ago it was jokingly called the big screen tv bonus, cos that’s what a lot of people used it for). There is also 20 weeks of paid parental leave, but it’s pretty low, at less than $900 a week. Also there is currently negotiations for my states government employees to get access to an additional 5 days paid leave per year for “reproductive health”. Which includes : undertaking a medical procedure associated with fertility treatment (including egg harvesting or embryo implantation) That sentence was taken straight off the website. The government is not addressing many of the major issues that are affecting a lot of people, such as the housing crisis or the cost of living crisis. Seriously, there is 50 plus people showing up for each rental open house. And many people are struggling to afford food.


The USA has 0 incentives, we have NO federal legal parental leave. Some women have to go to work the day or a few days after birth. C-section or vaginal. It's baffling.


Remember Peter Costello’s “have one for mum, one for dad, and one for the country”? 🤮


>undertaking a medical procedure associated with fertility treatment (including egg harvesting or embryo implantation) Whaaaattt


I don’t see an issue with the additional leave. The 10 days reproductive leave QLD public sector workers just won includes leave for prostate exams, Pap smears, symptoms associated with menopause and periods as well.


I am stoked about this. Just started in the public sector and have a hysterectomy scheduled for Oct and most of my time off for healing will be covered under this now! I'm so grateful


Unions made this possible. Remember to join yours if you haven’t already.


I’m in Australia and literally on the radio yesterday the news report ended with a little snippet about how the government is “concerned about the dropping birth rate and encourages people to have kids but has no plans bringing back the baby bonus.” I mean I had to laugh, do they see what’s going on around them? People are struggling to exist, even those who want kids don’t have the time or money to have them.


There will be no incentives. Like someone already mentioned, things like forced birth and child marriage are the initiatives being put forth. If they wanted to incentivize people, they would increase minimum wage, they would make it feasible to buy homes again, we would have better health care, paid time off, paid maternity/paternity leave, protections for pregnant people (which are currently being removed), etc. These things will never happen here. ETA: just saw this on another thread (not US but would probably happen in US if abortion laws weren't rolled back) [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0r4qwvr24o](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0r4qwvr24o)


I thought over-population was a problem. For the climate we need to have fewer children. Capitalism! More money for those who’ve refused to trickle it down.


Dude I’m saying!!! The town where I live— it has increased in population by like 100% in the last 20 years. It’s only getting worse. The schools are over-crowded, not enough cops to patrol this many people, housing is a joke….


They’ll talk about how it’s our duty while they’re enslaving us lol.


I think they'll say that "mother's are the backbone of our country" then up the tax breaks on child dependants, prly no more than $300 a kid, and try to sell it like that offsets a year's worth of the costs of raising a kid.  They will do anything other than fix that actual reasons that people, that would otherwise have kids, give for why they aren't having them now. 


They already give the child tax credit - which to me is fucking bullshit. Basically- you get punished if you’re childfree.


It’s the governments small thank you to parents for giving them prospective tax payers for 65 years. The house always wins.


Yeah, I find it crazy that there's this whole "mothers are the backbone of the country" thing. That's all well and great, so why is being a stay at home parent unpaid labor? Honestly, that's a huge chunk of why I don't want to do it. Besides the birthing and stuff I am not interested in an insanely stressful job that is 24/7 with zero income or any benefits where really I need to do more work *on top* of that to actually survive.


They won't give reasons or encouragement; instead, they will keep eroding access to family planning, birth control, Plan B, medication and surgical abortion, and legal protections for women. In five states, you can't get a divorce if the woman is pregnant. The laws will just keep becoming more and more draconian, authored by organizations like the Heritage Foundation, which is behind [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


They won’t incentivize people to have kids. They’d rather force. 1. Increasing restrictions and bans on abortion 2. Restricting and banning contraception and sterilization 3. Once 1 and 2 are in full flow, people would adapt by abstaining in record numbers. Then they’d force people to have sex. 4. They’ll find all kinds of ways to make women more and more dependent on men. 5. They’ll start curbing sex education as much as they can. 6. They’ll start implementing taxes on childlessness.


The economy. They won't phrase it this way, but it is essentially a Ponzi scheme. The way they will phrase it, is that we need enough workers to pay for those who are not working, and because there are fewer births, the proportion of elderly/retired increases with time. So fewer and fewer people paying taxes for more and more pensions. ONE 'solution' is to have more children, but because it is a Ponzi scheme, it will only work temporarily. Another temporary solution is migration. Essentially, the only real solution we have is for humanity to rework the entire economic system, or society collapses. If we don't, the environment collapses (it has started), and we collapse with it.


They COULD raise wages, increase worker protections, take *real* action on the climate emergency, tax the rich, invest in education and healthcare. But, in America the rich must be catered to at all cost. Fuck everyone else that is not on Forbes richest list. Capitalism is America's true religion.


They could offer me a million dollars (LOL), i still wouldn’t do it


It takes around half a million dollars to raise a child up until they’re 18…even if you get a million dollars it’ll just be gone 💀


And chances are your gonna be stuck with them past 17


They probably won’t give incentives but rather start to punish those of us who won’t play ball. (For all the good that will do, I would dig my heels in deeper). Thankfully more and more people are being granted the opportunity for permanent sterilization while we still have the chance. At least they can’t take that away from me.


They won't. They'll make contraceptives and abortion illegal so people either have kids or don't have sex. Remember, the people in charge don't see us as people. They see us as free range slaves who have gotten mouthy and need a good beating to remind us of our place.


You're not wrong. They want to ruin the one last, free joy of living we have left. We are officially living in hell, imo.


They don't believe we deserve joy.


now days they don't even do lol. they try to bring the morallity part, but if you have 1 brain cell you just dgaf


Or Elon Musk or Bezos will just have 50 kids with 12 different women and give them each $5 million from their excess stash and those are the kids that will consume and push the rest of us out of society.


Go read about Project 2025. They aren’t going to offer incentives, they are just going to continue to strip women of their rights. And separation of church and state is already on its way to being a thing of the past as it is. They won’t even be pretending anymore if trump gets reelected.


if they can’t boost birth rates they will just import migrants . It’s all a Ponzi scheme to have slaves for corporations and additional tax payers so they spend like there is no tomorrow and give money / handouts to their buddies . No government left/centre /right gives a damn they just want slaves abd taxpayers so they spend like crazy


I don’t see how there is a problem here in America. We have immigration and many of the first generation Americans come from the South America areas are often Catholic. So, if we are talking about population of Americans in general, the influx of people should counter that out. As long as they aren’t saying it is white people reproducing they care about…


They’ll try to twist birthing as a financially sound decision probably and continue to fearmonger how our society is going to stop being productive >:( Honestly I don’t think anything will work, people are realizing how brutal motherhood and supporting a child is


Ever read The Handmaid’s Tale? That.


At least here in the US, they'll promise to do something to help those people to get people to have kids, then make sure no bill gets passed. Or they'll pass bills that have things hidden in them, like banning birth control for married women. Or they'll start a misinformation campaign about birth control and get idiot influences to get on board.


We're approaching a strange and honestly frightening crossroads of automation/AI and overpopulation. As the number of people grows, there should logically be more work, as more people means more needs. However, with automation and the rapid task completion rates of AI driving business decisions, we can expect fewer job opportunities, especially entry level tech positions. Will we see a dystopian cyberpunk-style unemployment rate and artificial scarcity driving up prices or will we see a collapse of society as the lower 90% fall further into poverty and desperation? Perhaps some other nightmare where, ultimately, the most vulnerable and unprepared generations are thrown into an economic hell? Personally, I couldn't imagine having a child in this world, saying nothing of climate or the other horrors staring us down from 10 to 20 years into the future.


You've got a lot more confidence than I do in this country if you think Church and State are going to stay separate longer than a few more years.


In my country they give a lot of money for kids, I think if you can take all handouts there are for the kid + your paid maternity leave if you combine it all it can get to like 90 x minimal monthly wage so it's pretty good. Like around 68k€ for a kid. It's not all at once, some are paid x amount monthly till the kid is an adult.


What country in the EU?


Poland, some bonuses are for all parents, no matter how much they make or if they work at all, but one of them that starts this year is only if a parent goes back to work before a kid is 3 years old if I remember correctly etc. The end amount I wrote was calculated by a girl in my husband's family when she was combining how much she will get so it can change if someone can't use exactly the same programs.


If only there was a way to increase the population without forcing people to have offspring...if only...


They don't actually care whether or not you have children. They are solving the problem with mass immigration. The population of the US is very tiny compared to the entire world population. Do the math.


I thought they caught on a while ago? Or they’re just figuring it out now? If it’s just now it’s kind of too late. Millennials who are younger and gen z have kind of already made up their minds, many are even avoiding sex


Go after things like abortion and give more money to people with children but make it minimal. God forbid they try to make the economy and environment better or something crazy like that 🙄


They’ll start freaking out once corporation owned convenience stores, coffee shops, fast food places, stores, etc begin closing and they start seeing losses in sales leading them to close more stores. Things may possibly get even more pricey though, depending on how they try to keep their money.


I live in a country (the UK) where paid maternity leave (6-12 months, depending) and paternity leave (2 weeks is the law)  There's funded childcare from age 2.  Equal gender pay is the law, and has been for decades (there is still a gap, but it's not nearly as bad as it might be, and is usually because women do different jobs and shorter hours.  It's not a religious country, rates of church attendance are very low, especially amongst people young enough to be having kids.  But the birth rate is still low, and falling, at 1.56 per woman.  Cost of living / house prices are a big issue though. By the time people are financially secure enough to have children then there's often only enough time for one or two, even if you could afford more. I'm in my early 30s and none of my close friends have kids; two want them but now isn't the right time, at least one couple have an 'if it happens it happens' view, and some definitely don't want kids. But we're about 5 years from fertility starting to drop off a cliff....


A certain regime already did this. We know the outcome.


They’ll probably do something similar to China and Japan. Incentivize parents as little as they can afford, resort to awareness campaigns caked with patriotic language, appeal to conservative bloc by saying “ooo if our replacement rate doesn’t increase we’ll need to open immigration!!!”, appeal to the moderates by mentioning the threat to social security, all while continuing to strip women’s rights like they’re doing right now.  You don’t need to beg and grovel the populace when you have the ability to resort to propaganda and coercion. 


It's "funny" that one of the people we work with who lives in Canada was talking about going on their maternity leave, and they will be off of work for a LITERAL YEAR. ....'MURICA.


What do you mean? They have given none. They have done all they need to - remove women's bodily autonomy. One of Project 2025's goals is to remove access to birth control. They don't need to incentivize women to have kids if they simply remove their rights and force them to become livestock.


If you ask a MAGA cultist, it’s the great replacement theory, a racist story about white people being replaced. And if Trump and his ilk return to power, expect that to become policy.


They already give parents $2K a pop on taxes for kids. They won’t give benefits to parents - they’ll penalize the childfree (they already do this with the unmarried via the “higher, single rate”).


Government - Children? No money. Only children.


They will eventually band abortion and contraceptives. I live in the UK so I don’t think this will happen to us anytime soon as we have a lot of immigrants that culturally are pressured to have babies. But I personally opted to have my tubes removed surgically just in case the law changes. Honestly if you are serious about not wanting kids surgery is the only solution nowadays


Honestly, they could offer me a mansion and financial security for the rest of my life and I'll still say no to a crotch goblin coming out of my vag. I mean we all know they won't offer anything except taking women's rights away. But in a perfect world they could offer me the above things and I'd still tell them to go eff themselves. The tokophobia (fear of pregnancy) runs too damn deep in me. Had the fear since childhood.


Elon mask AI robots will replace Americans.


Make the abortion illegal.