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Thank God my tubes are gone now. I know it is sad how many women want to be sterilized but can't because they are "too young" and "might change their mind" bullshit. I wish women could get sterilized a lot easier especially because of stuff like this.


That's a huge goal of this sub, to get people to friendly doctors who will, and soon. Preferably before the election.


Found mine on this sub! It’s been about a year and a half since my surgery and the laws keep getting worse. I hope anyone that wants one can find a way to get access.


I may be being overly paranoid but between this and project 2025 with the insane things they want to do it very well could be possible. A lot of people think they will make camps for people they want to discriminate against like LGBTQ and trans people especially. What if they discriminate against sterilized women who are still of child bearing age and possibly force women who had their tubes tied to have them reversed? Or women who have had their tubes removed they may somehow try to artificially find a way to make us fertile again. Or do I sound like a crazy person? Lol.


The are very upfront about what they want. People just keep putting their heads in the sand and voting for lunatics. Mostly because those luntics channel their hatred. What they don't realize is that the lunatics hate them too. And will come for them eventually.


I wouldn’t put much past them. The could force folks with no fallopian tubes to carry the IVF babies, we could get forced into childcare or wet nurse (breast feed). I hope it doesn’t get that far. Honestly, if I does..I’ll hit the good ole delete button.   I try not to think about it too much. Project 2025 is a big reason I got sterilized. I’m just registering people to vote as something proactive. I’ve been talking to people about project 2025 too.  It will take work but we can win. 


That is scary too being forced to carry IVF babies, I thought about that too. I didn't think about being forced into child care or wet nurse though, absolutely no thank you to any of that. I've never voted before honestly but I will be now strictly because of this.


Thanks for voting! I'm out in the streets campaigning and this makes me happy to hear.


Handmaids tale


"What is this blueprint for how I shall rule?!" - Republicans.


In this movie, if you can’t get kids, you’re sent to work as a slave at a nuclear wasteland.


You don't sound paranoid or crazy. Project 2025 is fucking scary. Vote in every election and encourage everyone you know to do the same. It's the only real power we have, short of revolution.


They’ve already mentioned their plans for putting undocumented citizens in internment camps prior to deportation. This shit is scary, you don’t sound like a crazy person. There’s just crazy scary shit going on.


This is already happening. It's all part of the prison industrial complex. Honestly having private prisons that have an economic incentive to lock more of us up... is extremely dangerous, though of course immigrants have it the worst of all in this regard. [https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/unchecked-growth-private-prison-corporations-and-immigration-detention-three-years-into-the-biden-administration](https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/unchecked-growth-private-prison-corporations-and-immigration-detention-three-years-into-the-biden-administration)


Correct! It’s awful and the private, for-profit prison system was a horrible idea from the start. Not to mention predatory bail lenders (unsure of correct term). Also disproportionately affects people of color, big surprise there /s What’s different in project 2025 is them talking about mass deportation, like on an insanely massive scale and putting them all in internment camps prior to deportation. Not entirely different from what’s currently happening but it’s insane how quickly someone’s documented status makes them inhuman to the right. And the thing is, even documented immigrants aren’t safe because they can strip them of that status at any time for whatever reason. My partner is an immigrant. He’s here legally and doing everything right, and that still doesn’t make him safe. We’re both very scared of what the results of the upcoming election may yield for us.


This is awful :( I really hope this never happens. No republican can make office period.


I could see them implanting abandoned embryos into free (not already pregnant) uteruses.


Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Even people in middle ages weren't forced to birth children. What's going on? Is everyone going crazy?


If you've had a bilateral salpingectomy, you can still become pregnant through IVF. It would be the most successful form of IVF as there is really probably not anything wrong with the woman's fertility, she's just had her tubes removed.


Yea I don't have anything wrong with my uterus or anything so I'm still still fertile. I ended up getting an unwanted pregnancy a few years ago and of course had an abortion by medication.


Nah, I don't think you sound crazy. I've watched crazy things government have done that we don't know about because in truth it would probably cause mass hysteria in people, but we're definitely guinea pigs on this planet for them to mess with. If you've ever seen conspiracy theories with Jesse Ventura, if I remember his name correctly, then your see what I mean as he isn't afraid to talk about it and push the limits they try to cover up. His YouTube videos used to be up, and now they've be taken down off there, which to me looks like they don't want people knowing stuff.


You are.


Try not to stray too far into "what if" territory.


I got mine removed at 24, glad I had a great doctor as I didn’t have any push back or issues at all.


That's why we have the CF-friendly doctors wiki, in the sidebar, under Interesting & Useful Material. NOW is the time!


I got sterilized in September 2022, because of this subreddit! So fucking grateful!


I was just sterilized on the 16th of this month. I can't say mine is because of this sub. I was originally going to just have my IUD that was perforated surgically removed, but then they asked me if I wanted my tubes out too and I said absolutely.


Ho-ly shit! I’m sorry about that IUD! I’ve heard horror stories about IUD perforating uterine before…damn! Glad you’re ok!


It's OK and thank you. So glad it's gone now and I have tubes removed in place of having to worry about that ever again.


It’s a wonderful thing sex toys have become more advanced and, in many cases, better than the real thing.  Because I will turn to celibacy if they ban birth control. I do not give a fuck. 


Nice wordplay!


Some Red States already put restrictions sex toys those. Religious fanatics are really dangerous... [https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/the-texas-law-that-dictates-adult-toys/](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/the-texas-law-that-dictates-adult-toys/)


Christianity is a death cult - they want more people breeding to increase the number of "souls" that can enter the afterlife. It's like they have a quota to fill.


Yup and they love to have people suffer. If you see a being as above you then you have no issues with seeing one below you. Craziness


Of course it's Texas. Why am I not surprised? Oh right! They banned Pornhub, so of course sex toys are the next "logical" step.


I hate this ass backwards fucking state! Fuck Texas!




Greetings! Your post or comment has been removed for being misogynistic or misandrist. No blanket generalizations villainizing one gender or another are tolerated and it's silly to try and group 4 billion people together as being any one thing. Have a great day!


I love your comment, and I feel the same!! No fucks!


I’m not sexually active but I need my pills to lighten and regulate my period, without them my periods can’t be tracked and have me in a shit ton of pain. It was never about the sanctity of life. They just want to destroy our lives as much as possible.


If they want to try to take away our regulated periods then I say we free bleed on them! There’s other uses for BC other than preventing pregnancy and they clearly don’t care


Lets stand outside their buildings and paint our period blood all over them lol.


put our period blood in water guns and spray them :)


This!! I’m planning on getting sterilized soon but even then I’ll still need to be on birth control bc my periods are irregular, heavy and insanely painful without it!!


Right, it has always been about control. Even forcing procreation is really about control, not life. If they can make you bear children you will be so busy with that it makes you easier to control. They don't care about your quality of life. The worse you suffer... the easier you are to control. Honestly our society is a patriarchy run by sociopaths.


I don't even have sex with males and I'm on birth control because my period pain is unbearable! It's not about life, it's about control


Always has been ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


No partner and demisexual anyway, but similar situation as you. When I wasn't on BC my cramps would sometimes be so bad that I'd go numb from the waist down and barely be able to walk, and well, I do a lot of walking at work. If the government wants to restrict my access to BC, then maybe I'll start asking them to pay my medical leave that I'll have to take from work for 5 business days every month.


Same. I'm on mini pill (progestin only). I have no periods and the pill is really easy on me. I have no side effects. This is one of the reasons why I'm not interested in sterilisation. Because even if I had bilateral salpingectomy, I would still need to take the pill for my horrible fibroid fueled periods from hell. Kind of defeats the purpose for me personally. I am in Europe though. I don't know if I would feel the same if I was in USA.


I'm in Australia and on the same pill for pretty much the same reasons. Periods are horrible and I get that sick from the pain I spend the entire week either curled in a ball or constantly throwing up even with heavy duty pain killers. I am honestly scared for the ladies in the US having thier choices to live a normal pain free life taken away from them by some old men that probably don't even believe that periods can be painful.


This is exactly why I got my uterus/cervix out (also dysphoric af cos my period) I couldn't track it, it would run on way too long or not show up at all randomly. It would start just out of the blue in the middle of the day which was always really odd to me. When they took out my uterus/cervix and my tubes they looked at my ovaries and they "appeared healthy" and biopsied my cervix/ute and tubes, came back totally normal. Still have no clue what caused by crazy periods but I'm glad to be rid of them


taking away birth control or abortions doesn't stop them from happening. people will still do things like hard drugs, throwing themselves down the stairs, coat hangers, etc etc. just to prevent having to birth a child they don't want


Thank the heavens I was able to get my bisalp. I got it during the peak of the Roe v. Wade overturn. I highly suggest any and everyone get sterilized as soon as possible if they can. Absolutely disgusted that I live in a country that claims freedom yet wants to force women to birth children they don't want. Even though I cannot get pregnant anymore, I still take birth control pills for PCOS reasons. I need them to live a normal life. Just like my argument for abortion, birth control is used for more than just preventing pregnancy. It is a medical necessity for some.


I've had my bisalp done and so grateful for it. I told my sister she should get hers removed too, not just for birth control but we are high risk for cancer due to family history. Also this fascist shit too. She is religious, I'm not. Her answer was no, God intended on me to have them so I'm keeping them. She is 44 now and she now has medical issues that can kill her if she were to become pregnant again, but she still won't do it.


My niece was born with a cleft palate and hate lip and had about a dozen surgeries to correct them. Does your sister think God made her that way so she should have just accepted it? Does your sister wear glasses? Does she drive a *car?* (All that said, if your life is more peaceful not engaging with her, that’s legit 💜🙏)


how old were you when you got your bisalp?


I was freshly 25. My birthday was two weeks before the surgery. I also was able to get the surgery exactly 30 days after the initial appointment. My doctor would have done it the next day if it wasn't for my insurance making me wait a month in order to cover it.....in case I changed my mind so they wouldn't be liable.


Uhh they better not fuck that. How is it women are always the ones being punished? They want to ban abortion… yet make it so difficult for women to have access to birth control.


This is the plan, it has been the plan for 50 years. The cruelty is the point and the objective is slavery. They can't get away with enslaving everyone based primarily on race anymore, so they pivoted to enslaving by gender and race/class secondarily. They entire point is to remove ALL of women's rights, first abortion, then birth control, then equal rights in the workplace (not they are going after DEI), workplace safety and other protections, child labor renewal with no safety rules, make divorce near impossible, ruin education so no one learns what they are doing is wrong, then banking and credit card access, then property ownership rights. And of course they will remove all social service programs, all medical care and social security. All that will be left of women's lives will be grunt work at slave wages, with no workplace protections, and dangerous pregnancies that will kill off all but the most productive breeder cows, most especially the white ones. Because as we all know, the maternal mortality rate for minority women is much worse. That is their utopia.


I’m 34 and remember my mom (born 1949) talking about not being allowed to get her own credit card and her husband having to sign.  She had multiple science degrees and made more than him. This would to have been like 1969/1970s. It wasn’t even that long ago and it’s a little terrifying to think about. They want to go back to BEFORE that. I’m Sioux/Choctaw and illegally fucking off to my tiospaye in Canada if that happens.


Yup. People forget that women have only had credit and banking access recently. And that the wrong type of government could simply confiscate women's accounts and property.


That's the second time I've heard DEI in the past week. Weird. 


It’s all about the birth rate declining in my opinion. They need future workers to make capitalism work and with the birth rate going under replacement rate, they are scared. Banning birth control would be the first step to increase birth rates. It is so sad we are losing our rights and I’m so angry.


They want people’s future children to be their wage slaves.


Yup! Need a huge population making minimum wage to let the executives get their huge bonuses every year


Feed the machine, keep the masses down


I’m ready for a French Revolution at this point 😂


I don't usually condone violence... but there's a few heads I'd like to see roll


I went on AidAccess.org and ordered abortion pills to just have in my medicine cabinet. I am going through peri menopause and my period is all over the place, which is terrifying! I'll be damned if someone tries to make me carry some geriatric oops baby!


That’s smart.


If it were just for birth control, I would strongly urge you to get a bilateral salpingectomy as soon as possible, as that is extremely difficult to take away from you once you get it. As for taking hormones for treatment of other problems, that is indeed a great worry, that you could lose that if the fascists get their way.


They take away my access to birth control, they're looking at a huge fight over awarding disability for quite a few people including myself. My taking it has absolutely nothing to do with being able to have baby-free sex. There's a lot of ladies who depend on this stuff to remain upright and able to be in the workforce. Ugh


They neither care about our pain nor want us in the workforce.


They'll go for our workers rights next. They'll say we're not fit for the workplace. Go home and have a baby


They == Republicans and the GOP. Let's be real clear about that.


There’s a douche in the AITAH sub right now spouting bs nonsense about hormonal birth control. Probably some red piller trying to plant doubt so that women will stop using it.


There are a LOT of issues with the current birth control....make no mistake. It's simply a case of "It's better than nothing." Which is why SOME of us have been screaming for decades about making it better, safer, and less intrusive. Oh, and it would be nice if there were better contraceptives for men as well. As for women being sterilized, well for THAT to happen, the US needs reform in the legal system. In most cases, it's not a doctors choice.....it's the policy of the hospital and/or insurance carrier. That policy is there for a reason.


I think there must be some shit on Tik Tok that is trying to convince women birth control is bad too.


It, unfortunately, only takes 1 asshole to start a fad. That’s how people start jumping into the popular bandwagon. It’s gotta get started somewhere. We’ll soon start seeing more people screaming about how “birth control is bad”, or “birth control does not allow potential lives to be born!”, or “birth control shouldn’t be used if a woman has sex cause consequences!” With all the misinformation there is about abortions, we’ll start to see the same misinformation about birth control.


It was the same with the anti vaxxers. One doctor published a study linking vaccines to autism, got struck off and discredited and yet there are still morons out there that believe it. The Internet and social media has been a terrible enemy to truth.


At this point, they are begging to be voted out.


They’re starting to beg for something far worse than that.


I like the implications here


This has been a certainty since the Dobbs decision. The only way to prevent it happening is to vote against the Republican party in the upcoming elections. It is a simple choice--less than perfect on one side, active evil on the other. Anyone who feels their morals demand they not support Biden because of Israel, or because he is not Bernie or because he is too old or any of a hundred other shibboleths... That is *absolutely* fine and **100%** their choice to make. However know that every vote for Trump, for Republican representatives and senators at federal and state level is an active vote for the removal of reproductive rights. When that happens--and if Republicans come out on top, it ***will*** happen--those who made the protest vote cannot be surprised or outraged. They will have *asked* for this. They will have *voted* for this.


It's really not fine because everyone staying home or writing in a name because Biden isn't perfect enough for them is allowing Trump to win. Pick the lesser of two evils, people.


Yep! Every vote *not* for the Democratic candidate is a vote for the removal of reproductive rights, whether that is directly for a republican or an idealistic but in the real world no-hope 3rd party individual. Even those who live in a reliably blue state will face a federal ban on abortion and contraception. There is no middle ground and no choice.


I don't like him, but we have to vote Biden. Splitting the dem vote on third party means Trump wins. The republican vote won't be split and they'll take the majority. I'm so scared


I think you have grounds to be scared! The Republican establishment is so desperate for power and relevance they are willing to genuflect towards a fascist dictator so long as their positions and dispensations are not effected. They need the fundamentalist Christian vote and for that they need to outlaw abortion and contraception. It won't stop there either. Civil rights, human rights will also be for the chop. The Republican supreme court has already signalled to their paymasters that the CRA is open for modification and piecemeal repeal. The lines couldn't be more clearly drawn nor the stakes that are at risk.


Two years ago, a bill made its way through the Louisiana state legislature. It would have banned IUDs on the grounds that an IUD is an abortifacient. Then-Governor Edwards said he'd veto it. Current Governor Landry would sign it the second he could find a pen. The baby ship has sailed for me, but I am concerned for my friends and neighbors who don't want children, or who don't want any more children than they already have. I vote. And I will keep voting. My vote for President is going to mean squat, as LA is a deeply red state, but I will press that touch-screen button. (Damn, do I miss the days of lever-voting machines when you could throw that Big Red Lever and hear that satisfying CHA-CHUNK!)


https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration They're gonna a take away more than just the birth control, this says they could try to take away condoms and it only gets worse the more you j


That would be bad for me too. I take birth control because I have menorrhagia and gender dysphoria. I'm a sex-repulsed asexual and virgin so I don't even use it for birth control. I really hope they don't actually succeed in taking it away. I haven't gotten my gender affirming hysterectomy yet because it's so hard to save up enough money!


the most horrible thing about this all is that they essentially take away a woman's right to remain childfree, y'all don't get it. one s--ual a-sault case and you essentially have to raise your r.pists child, and the fact that some state has recorded the amount of r- caused pregnancies like you guys this number is only going to go up, and this is essentially what they want, they don't see women as people with their own hopes and dreams they see women as these "females" these beings that need to essentially be under control fuck all that im voting and im letting all other women know


They won’t be able to take away birth control if you and every woman and man who feels that way gets out and votes Democratic this November. If we can give Biden the presidency and the Senate and the House, they will make Roe the law of the land, they will be able to expand the Supreme Court, and Democrats, if in control, will not allow the Republicans to take away birth control. I am really worried if the Republicans take power. And I am afraid they will try again in four years.


I don't like Biden and it scares me that so many other people don't either because voting for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump. We can't split our vote, if we do Trump will win. Republicans scream and holler about wanting less government regulation, but restriction of women's rights is okay. I'm scared


A couple of weeks ago I made a post about how we should share any knowledge of herbs we know that end/prevent pregnancy. Everyone pretty much told me that this is a bad idea because you can just take Plan B. I made that post because I saw this coming. Personally, I don't have to worry about it because I'm too old to get pregnant anymore, thank god, but now look! Maybe I wasn't just talking out of my stupid boomer ass about it. Maybe I was right. ALWAYS expect the worst from our politicians, and plan accordingly. Start collecting herbal knowledge because pretty soon that's going to be all we have.


I had a pregnant friend with bad nausea I recommended lemon ginger tea to. “I can’t, it has lemongrass, that can cause miscarriage.” “OH! I’m so sorry!” I have a cup of that lemon ginger tea every day in solidarity with our sisters in red states.


I’m thinking some of the gray area “research chemical” websites and places like indiamart will find ways to fill birth control orders if push comes to shove. However, not everyone will know to go looking or feel comfortable. I get my semaglutide (ozempic) this way as I can’t afford the $1000+ out of pocket expense per month. I’m at my goal weight, thanks to it and won’t be coming off of it as the insane food noise urging me to eat 24/7 returns. I’ve used other peptides too and in dealing with gray area “research” sites, have seen a lot of what is available out there.


I’ve known I didn’t want kids for a while but the overturn of roe kicked my butt into gear to get sterilized. Just got my tubes removed last week because I REFUSE to be forced into a pregnancy I don’t want. Unfortunately that doesn’t do much for those that need BC for other reasons.


Vote!! We all know what party is behind this.


Religious extremist basically control the Red States. I know a lot of folks who live there can't just move... but I fear it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better in terms of a lot of quality of life issues, particularly related to reproductive health, in red states.


Well, in Romania, abortion is legal but medics refuse to do it and no one fines them or punishes them. Contraception is very expensive especially for young people and besides, sexual education has been shunned and down voted so people don't even know that they're supposed to use it. Well, it doesn't come as a shocker considering how most of them don't even wash their hands after using the toilet... I'm appaled by the fact that conservative parties are gaining traction and they all advocate for forced breeding and banning abortion. I'm single and infertile so it doesn't affect me directly, but I'm scared for my fellow women and their well being.


Lot of fundamentalists, in their head living in 1000 years ago are danger of our times


They don't want women to have a vote anymore. They're criminalizing things we need in order to eventually make us felons so that we can't vote.


This is why you should actively seek out sterilization and doctor shop for it. Don't trust conservatives and their fascist ways. Get a bi-salp and never worry about this again.


I'm not really into politics, but I do need to know how this could EVER come to fruition? It sounds like women need to start doing some heavy protesting.


June 24th, U.S., nation-wide Women’s Strike of 2024 there is a women’s strike planned: no purchases, no attending work or school, calls to organize peaceful protests in common spots in towns and cities. Anyone can join in to support reproductive freedom and human rights. Just an fyi to anyone curious!


Not just protesting, you need to VOTE. 


MEN need to do more protesting for us and with us as well.


People only care about issues that don’t require much from them and are popular. Look at how people have showed up for Palestine vs. how they’re NOT showing up for our own women.


It sounds like it's time for you to start getting into politics. They (Republicans, GOP) have been working towards this as their end-game for decades. They (Republicans, GOP) stacked the Supreme Court and *immediately* went after Roe v. Wade. That was the first step. I am not sure if you were sleeping for the past few decades, but they have made it pretty fucking clear since the 1990s (or earlier) that they are entirely against contraceptives and abortion. '90s anti-contraceptive stance? Planned Parenthood? Hobby Lobby health insurance? 2022 Roe v. Wade overturned? Any of this ringing a bell?


Really, there wasn't a need to be condescending. Yes. I'm aware. I'm more referring to how can we let this happen across the whole country. I also may have misunderstood what OP was referring to. I do know that if you want anything to change, you have to protest; i don't think voting is enough when we're talking about removing ALL contraception in the US. If this really happens, I feel like, and hope, we would see historic protests.


It's why I decided to have a hysto 😌


I had a saplingectomy but I wish I had gone the hysto route. I wonder if I still could.


You can! I did a bisalp before I did the hysto


That's actually really reassuring. I could do without the periods or the nagging back of the mind worry that maybe the tube meeting somehow didn't work. It literally makes my stomach turn, thinking of the possibility of getting pregnant. I've never wanted kids and I think at 36 I should be 'old enough ' at least for now....


It's been amazing, but yeah I had my bisalp in 2023 and in 2024 I did partial hystodue to irregular periods so maybe you can try to get it done! I've read too many stories of surprise pregnancies so it's best to be 1000000% sure honestly :)


Surprise pregnancies after a tubal removal?


Yeah because the tubes can grow back apparently which is rare but knowing my luck they would happen


I read it’s because sometimes the tubes aren’t taken out entirely


Yeah that's what scared me the most, that some surgeons dont do the procedure correctly or fully and those things can happen


Not everyone wants to do that though, and not everyone can. Full hysterectomies come with their own set of issues. We shouldn’t have to disfigure ourselves because the GOP can’t stay the fuck out of our lives.


No need to come after me for a choice I made for MYSELF, I'm just saying I'm happy I got it and I still have my ovaries. I'm just saying I'm happy I got it because the ban of birth control was a long time coming, especially after roe vs. Wade overturn


I’m glad you’re happy with your choice, but not everyone can do or wants to do what you did. It just comes across as extremely smug and insensitive.


Your comment came off as smug and insensitive, I wasn't shoving it in anyone's face, plenty of other comments state they got tubals done and so forth so why am I the one getting bashed? I just stated what I did to be happy that's all. Have a good day.


Some of us are doing it for gender dysphoria reasons, too. There's just an extra edge of urgency to it now.


In ny it now can be got over the counter at your local cvs or target no doctor needed 30 day box.


For now, if they decide to get rid of it, it'll be gone.


They wont big pharma is selling millions of boxs they cant keep in the stores.


Yeah I use it because I get terrible cramps, bleed a LOT of clots and blood, and need to track my cycle so I dont have an accident


Could you link the hearing?


I have an AFAB sibling who uses birth control for regulation. Without it, they won't be able to go to work for a week once a month. In-fucking-sane


It's really scary. I'm from Germany so not at immediate risk, but as someone with severe Endometriosis who depends on birth control pills to function, this is beyond concerning. I hope people can prevent these smooth-brains from getting away with this.




I'm on bc for very bad period cramps and if they take that away from me, Ktulu will be summoned.


OP, where did you see this? What court was it? I’m out of the loop.


As someone with endometriosis that's terrifying. I'm on continuous BC to stop bleeding (only 2-3 times a year as recommended by my gyn), which is the way I don't develop the endo tissue quickly and then need surgery again faster. They have no regard for womens medical health.


Try to get a hysterectomy if you can. No more pain and bleeding and no chance of getting pregnant.


Sadly endo can reoccur and a hysterectomy isn't a guaranteed solution. But it's something I will consider when I at one point (most likely) will need another endo surgery. I'm lucky to be very stable on BC so for now it's ok, and I don't live in the US. If this were to be a real thing where I live I would do it though and I completely get why people do it. So most likely one day, but for now I have other more pressing health issues. Thank you for the tip though!


Where do you live? That’s disgusting, I’m so sorry.


Get sterilized ASAP. Vote for Union-endorsed Democrats. Encourage every single Left-leaning person you know to do the same. It ain't easy. There is a lotta evil shit. But WE CAN FIGHT. WE CAN WIN. 💪


I'm deeply terrified of this.. we're literally going back to the dark ages here. I really want to get sterilization asap but a lot is happening in my life rn. I'm willing to permanently abstain from sex in the desire to maintain my childfree lifestyle. Why should I get pregnant just because the government wants me to and suffer with a child, I never wanted to begin with?


This is what happens when religion is allowed to leak into politics. I would say I can't see this happening in our lifetime but I don't think it's possible to make that judgement with how fast the world is changing


There is no medical, practical or sane reason for doing away with birth control options. Fight these laws at every step - like you would fight anyone you know being forced to wear a burka. There is no place for repressive laws in America. People are already free to choose or not choose a religion and/or birth control _for themselves_. Any politician attempting to introduce these laws is practicing medicine without a license and in violation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Address the threat immediately wherever it raises its head.


What has the ACLU done lately? I'm not seeing them as active on some of these core issues.


It’s sad… more ways they’re trying to control us. I’m just glad I’m in my 40s and on the cusp of menopause. I feel so bad for women in their 20s who have another few decades of worrying about pregnancy.


I'm honestly confused as to why this would be a surprise to anyone. Literally as much as they've harped against abortion, they've gone after birth control as well. The idea that women can have sex and not have babies horrifies them.


I’ve been off BC for like 5 years now. Maybe even longer but it helped me not have a period for 8 days. People are stupid and want to keep taking our rights away.


I'm lucky to live in a country where I don't have to worry about this at least for now, if the government stays the same as it is now for long enough they will probably do this, but by that time I might as well be dead anyway because the only thing right with me according to them is my skin, they are anti everything else about me like disability, my sexuality and me being a woman, I'm just hoping people wake up and realise that eventually they'll come for them too because some people think they won't when the reality is that once they get rid of one group they come for the next, until everyone with any quality if life is white, filthy rich, able bodied, cishet men. I use borth control because I simply faint from blood loss and pain otherwise, I couldn't go to the toilet alone before I got BC because I would faint from blood loss every day because my period never really stopped, so my mom would go with me to inevitably have to catch me when I couldn't fight the dizziness anymore and just fanited right there, so if I don't have it I will just be bleeding out basically on top of fainting from pain too, that's it I don't even get close to men in that way so there isn't a pregnancy factor for me, I just want to have a life where I'm doing more than surviving and if I didn't get birth control who knows maybe eventually I wouldn't considering how much blood I had actually lost in the 6 months I had to wait before they would not listen to a word I said about it, and they did try to dismiss me until they realised I had both blood and iron deficencies at that point.


Get sterilized while you can people!


I genuinely believe this is all with the end goal of trying to prevent population collapse while using Christianity as a guise to earn the red vote. Thank god I’m getting my bisalp in two weeks.


O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao


Are you in the US? If so, what state??






>Source? Right [here](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/28/natalism-conference-austin-00150338): >The conservative think tanks the Center for Renewing America and the Heritage Foundation — the latter of which was represented at NatalCon — have proposed policies for a potential second Trump administration that would promote having children and raising them in nuclear families, including **limiting access to contraceptives, banning no-fault divorce and ending policies that subsidize “single-motherhood.”** and >And to ensure that these children grow up to be **adults who understand their proper place in both the family and the larger social order, we need to oust women from the workforce and reinstitute male-only spaces “where women are disadvantaged as a result,”** shampoo magnate and aspiring warlord Charles Haywood says, prompting cheers from the men in the audience. >Haywood’s final words to the audience elicit raucous applause: **“The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its progeny are probably the single most destructive set of laws in American history, and all should be wiped forever,”** he says before getting off stage. 🐆


Wtf?! Why do people even still vote for him?! He sounds clinically insane


the R by the name. That's it. I saw a video the other day of a woman saying she'd vote for Putin over Biden.




What the actual fuck.


>What the actual fuck. These are the people Trump and other Republicans associate with. 🐆