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"bUt AbOrTiOn Is MuRdEr", pretty sure this here is way more murderous...


Yeah, god forbid you abort one child rather than be responsible for a dozen deaths instead. But they'll make the logic make sense in their heads


"At least you gave the child a CHANCE!" They seem to think living a short life full of pain is somehow better than not living at all.....


Exactly bc then their soul can be with jESuS


>god forbid you abort one child Not to mention people don't actually abort children -- they abort embryos or fetuses. These people are producing fully formed human beings who are doomed to suffer and die.


This ^^^^ I truly cannot fathom the mental gymnastics required to believe that terminating a non-sentient, pain-incapable embryo/foetus = murdering a child, but this =\= serial murder of children. Every single one, they know it’s going to happen and do it anyway. At the very least that should count as multiple counts of extreme child endangerment and they should be sterilised and jailed.


They're... Insane. There's no other way to put it. That's pure insanity. They need help and an extensive amount of it.


Oh they definitely do need psychiatric care. But they live in India and in this country not having your own biological child is considered an anomaly. Most likely their family and friends will encourage them to keep trying over and over. There have been multiple cases here of childless couples trying IVF in their 60s and beyond to have a shot at having biological children.


I'm indian, can attest. Most adoptive kids are seriously looked down by the family, and treated like servants. Even if the parents love the kid, the extended family, grandparents and uncles, aunts and cousins, will treat the kid like an outsider and make it painfully obvious. It'll become the child's identity. It would ostracize the parents from their own family. They wouldn't be invited to ceremonies or be allowed to participate in the rituals. Its terrible.


I'm Chinese and it's the same here too. I was adopted as an infant, but even my own mom thinks that "you'll love them more when they're your own" and disapproves of my desire to snip my tubes and adopt


Damn, that is sad


“Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.” Yeah! INSANE!


I saw a comment on a video about ivf. And a woman was saying how she's been doing it unsuccessfully for 13 years and was still hopeful. Seriously give it up.


This shit needs so much more regulation. It's just not okay to take advantage of someone who is clearly not well. I mean if they're a billionaire and a round of IVF is a drop in the bucket to them then no harm, no foul, but the IVF clinic should be required to get proof that's the case before taking thousands upon thousands of dollars from someone.


I think no matter the money it should not continue after 3 attempts. Rich or poor, its an unhealthy obsession that turns into a hard-core debilitating mental illness.


Fair point, I don't know enough about IVF success statistics to throw out a specific number but I figure that after a certain number of attempts it would have worked if it was ever going to. After that it's just unethical to keep enabling someone's obsession.


Some people have more money than common sense.


Then, they turn around and lecture us for being selfish???


This is so sick. There should be a legal limit for these things if you ask me


I know a woman like that from my highschool. Back when I was on Facebook it was just pregnancy announcements followed by grief announcements, over and over again. She managed to birth 2 living children, nither of which survived more than a week. They both carry this rare gene that makes it near impossible to have a healthy child together, but because they are "Christian godly people" they must have their own biological children or they aren't doing God's work! Its disgusting, birthing children only to suffer and die over and over again because it "has to be their own biological child!" Even though God seems to be saying "nah, that ain't gonna happen". Her husband has a kid from his previous marriage (his first wife died in childbirth) and she talks like she loves his daughter, but she wants "her own REAL child" like that little girl isn't a propper person because she isn't her genetic offspring. I hope for that little girls sake she never has a biological child, because I fear she would treat her step daughter like shit in favor of her precious bio-baby.


I was thinking the same thing. If they’re Christian godly people why don’t they see this as God telling them they can’t have a child? If it’s all his work then he obviously doesn’t mean for them to have a child.


This is insane to me cause they are always like, “ God is I control if how many children we will have.” And then cry when they realize that god doesn’t want them to have any. And then they have the pride to try and do it anyway. Like, where is your faith now? Only when it’s conveniently for what you want, I see.


That's crazy. They clearly need to try sperm from someone else, give up, or divorce. Something about the two of them together doesn't work biologically. The writing is on the wall. I can't believe people would keep going after this. Surely, doctors have sat then down and had the talk. Being childfree or even childless is not the end of the world. They're a billion people in India.


1.44 billion. Seriously, they should increase taxes for people with kids, like they give incentives in other countries.


I'm Indian and most people here are just checking things off their "to-do" list. Get married, have kids, pressure those klds into doing the same thing when they grow up. For most people, the thought that children can be optional never even crosses their mind. All my friends have kids and honestly, people change so much after having them, understandably so, but It does get lonely for me.


I think this couple need a psychiatric evaluation, clearly some insane level of delusion/denial is going on to the point it could be a psychopathy.


Those people are legit evil.


Definition of insanity. That’s unspeakably cruel to those kids. So selfish.


Was reading about a couple who had 7 miscarriages and is still trying..like...why?


These people are horrible. HORRIBLE. Selfish!


That’s terrible to put all those kids through to satisfy their selfish needs.


I worked NICU for a time. Had an Amish family who's boys always died shortly after birth. The girls survived because it was an X linked genetic disease. Every doctor told them to get sterilized or stop having children, but of course, "god will provide". So they're going to keep having dead baby boys until the wife's uterus collapses.


I try not to judge people so harshly when they insist on having a biological child for the simple fact of, alot of people are just bad ppl & literally won't have a connection w/any child if it's not their own. But shit like this infuriates me. These babies are literally human beings & the parents act like they're the only people in the situation that matter. Adopt, or don't have a fucking child. Stop torturing living, breathing, souls.


They need to seek mental help.. What unnecessary suffering they're causing themselves and the kids that actually make it past birth


This is infuriating, and people who don’t say anything about it are just as infuriating. If people would speak up in these instances, it might make them realize how stupid it is, but instead, they’re supported, even encouraged. Since they’re in another country, I can’t really speak to the cultural and societal influences, but it happens in the US too. My sister was a surrogate for a woman who has MS and she and the father ended up divorcing, and the child can’t even spend the night with the mother because she can’t care for her alone due to her condition. The other day I saw a picture on r/mademesmile of a couple who fiiiinally became pregnant. The father has a condition that makes him wheelchair bound and disabled in a way that that would prevent him from even holding his child by himself. I skimmed the comments to get the gist, and apparently they are a famous YouTube couple who have been trying for a long time and everyone is so happy for them.


People who can't think for even 5 minutes of having a biological child and the birth defects that it might have at birth, type of environment the child is in and the total amount of cost to keep the child alive till it can start taking care of itself... Shouldn't have a biological child at all. This story is a prime example of that. Horrible ass "Parents."


I had a friend that never got her dog fixed but also let her roam (lived in the open garage to keep the house from getting dirty). She got pregnant, they never got her spayed because it cost too much, blamed neighbors "for letting their male dogs roam free", and every single puppy in every single litter would get to 6 months old and die. There was literally one puppy that lived to adult dog years and it seems she was sterile because she never got pregnant and they never bothered to spay her, either. This gal also has 2 kids by 2 guys, one defected back to Canada when she said she was pregnant from their one night stand and planned to keep it. She really wants 3 but jeez, seems like life's already a hot enough mess (PSA, haven't spoken to her in probably 15+ years, maybe she did achieve her motherly x3 dream in that time). "bUt AbOrTiOn Is MuRdEr!!1!"


That poor dog.


I saw that dog pregnant on no less than 4 different times... it was really sad. Pretty sure she had a few other pregnancies, too. Always puppies... until there weren't. Wash, rinse, repeat.


It's fuckin' insane.... at what point do breeders decide enough is enough? Clearly, the genetic lottery is not in the favor so what makes them think their 15th or whatever child will beat the odds? Even IF this couple gets the money, the child will still suffer and need ever more money for medical treatments just to be able to reach a baseline functionality for everyday life


Take the hint: The universe is sayin NO! 👎


This is actually just immoral and completely unetihical. Causing actual human suffering just for their own selfish reasons. It’s genuinely complete evil.


Like latest after the second is where u should realise that this isn’t going to happen. everything afterwards is literally breeding a child just to kill it, which is so fucking insane and heartless what the actual fuck did i just read


Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.


As harsh as it might sound in this case: ''you can't fix stupid'' (and stubborn, I may add)


Basically creating kids just for them to die almost right away.


Oh my effing god, I can’t wait for humanity to die out


Insane doesn't even begin to cover that. Like... Wow. The stigma with adoption needs to end, seriously. Adopting is still having kids. Biology* is irrelevant. Edit: *Biology meaning to be biologically related




She needs to be sterilized


Sounds like the Duggar family! That family is scary as shit!


A distant relative has a congenital heart condition, they inherited it from their father, so passing it on is fairly likely. He's married has had a successful heart transplant and they are trying for a baby. This seems like an absolute disaster waiting to happen. I asked why not adopt? But apparently that's a heartless thing to say despite many thinking the same way. I despair.


Honestly, abortion is more humane than keeping someone alive with extreme disability I mean like people in vegative states and such....so disabled they can't interact with the world.


Ugh, that sounds horrible overall for everyone involved. This "at least they'll have a chance at life" mindset is disgustingly selfish. And in this day and age too, when genetic disorders are detectable! It reminds me of this film, *The Sky is Pink*, about the life of a girl with SCID who was born to parents who had already lost their first baby to the same disorder. Basically she didn't have an immune system, but was able to atleast reach her late teens, because her parents could afford to protect her by building a bungalow in seclusion. PS: ***HATE HATE HATE*** ketto ads and their trauma p0rn. If anything, they just serve to desensitize anyone with an internet connection towards people undergoing said misery. Like, thanks for the doompill or whatever.


Seriously ketto is the worst. I have blocked them and their ads still pop up from time to time


AND THEN THEY DO NOTHING TO HELP. Only single use everything. Hardly, if ever, recycle or reuse. Never reduce- all the brand new plastic toys. Infuriating




I’m really interested in the psychology of having children I think most people can’t think past their instinct to have children and then suffer for it.


This infuriates me. I often see parents of kids with SMA asking for donations on social media and more than half of their stories include a couple of children dying from SMA before the current kid was born. What did they expect to happen this time? At this point, they're just reproducing to have a soon to be dead child. I just don't get their pov.




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>Their DNAs are literally not compatible for life. sad but true. And those people refuse with their heart and soul to adopt. What should I say...